2,619 research outputs found

    A Critic Toward Modernism in Northern Light Novel by Philip Pullman

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    This thesis is a research about A Critic Toward Modernism in Northern Light Novel by Philip Pullman. The purpose of this research is to find out how is the critic toward modernism that expressed by Philip Pullman and find elements of Modernism. The source of data in this research is Philip Pullman Novel’s, which is published in 1995, republished in 2005 make new cover in 2007 and adopted to a film in 2007, and also the books reference to support this research. The data analysis technique in this research is descriptive method. In collecting the data, the writer used note taking as the instrument to get the data. The writer used Postmodernism theory toward Lyotard and his thought about Metanarrative to analyze Modernism and Critic the Modernism in that theory. In this research, the writer found that two elements of Modernism, those are Subjectivism and Rationalism. In the novel, there are two elements of modernism that are discussed by researcher and critic by postmodernism. The first is about Subjectivism that related with the speculative grand narrative and about Rationalism that related with grand narrative of emancipation. The implication of this thesis, the researcher critic modernism with postmodernism theory with Lyotard though about Mettanarative. There are Speculative grand narrative and Grand narrative of emancipation that found in Philip Pullman Novel’s and become critic toward Modernism in the Novel

    Affixation Category of Palembang Malay Language Reviewed From Perspective of Morphological Typology

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    This research is related to affixation category of Palembang Malay language, which is a regional part of the Sumatra region exactly South Sumatra. In particular, this study uses category of affixation in the form of prefixes and suffixes (suffiks) used by Dryer's (2013) in researching the Nualu language in Seram island which belongs to the Polynesian Malay ethnic. This research reveals that on Palembang Malay language affixation, the first affixation category was the form of 6 (six) categories of prefixes (awalan) in Palembang Malay language, among others; N-, di-, peN-, be-, te-, and se-.Second, there are found 5 (five) types of suffixes (akhiran) in Palembang Malay language, such as;  -ke, -la, -an, -nyo, and –i. The third is found 3 (three) simulfix (awalan-akhiran) which is the type of bound form of the prefix one with another prefix, such as: ke-.. . -an, pe-. . . -an, and be-. -an. Finally, there were found 3 (three) main categories of morphophonemic process prefixes in Palembang Malay language, such as;  a) there are four types of prefixesN-in Malay language Palembang has many allomorphs: m, n, ny, ng.  b) there are six types of prefixespeN- connected with words, so the prefix will change to: pem-, pen-, peny-, peng-, pel-, orpe-. c)there are four prefixesbe- that has allomorphs bel-, ber, and be- .The Grand theory approach used in this study has been  stated by Velupillai (2012) and Lieber (2009)

    Analisis Stres Kerja dan Kinerja Karyawan PT Garuda Timur Pacific Depo Sawangan Depok

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    Destiyana, B., & Istiyani, N. (2022). PENGARUH FAKTOR-FAKTOR STRES KERJA TERHADAP KINERJA APOTEKER PADA RS X KOTA Dwiyana, D. (2020). PENGARUH MANAJEMEN TALENTA DAN BUDAYA ORGANISASI TERHADAP KINERJA KARYAWAN DENGAN KOMITMEN ORGANISASI SEBAGAI VARIABEL INTERVENING PADA KANTOR PERUSAHAAN AIR MINUM Emron, E., 2016. Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia, Alfabeta, Bandung. Hasibuan, M.S.P, 2016. Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia, Bumi Aksara, Jakarta. Hasibuan, Malayu S.P. 2016. Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia. Edisi Revisi. Jakarta: penerbit PT Bumi Aksara. Mangkunegara, Prabu Anwar. (2016). Evaluasi Kinerja SDM. Cetakan ke tujuh, PT RefikaAditama: Bandung Menurut Rivai (2015:2), manajemen adalah ilmu dan seni mengatur proses pendayagunaan sumber daya lainnya secara efisien, efektif, dan produktif merupakan hal yang paling penting untuk mencapai suatu tujuan”. Purba, E. Y. B. (2019). Analisis Stres Kerja Dan Produktivitas Kerja Karyawan Pada Pt. Pos Indonesia (Persero) Kantor Pos Kabanjahe (Doctoral dissertation, UNIVERSITAS QUALITY). Ratu, R., Koleangan, R., & Kojo, C. (2020). Pengaruh Pengalaman Kerja Dan Kompetensi Sumber Daya Manusia Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pada Rumah Makan Dabu-Dabu Lemong Di Manado. Jurnal EMBA: Jurnal Riset Ekonomi, Manajemen, Bisnis dan Akuntansi, 8(1). Sugiyono. 2014. Metode Penelitian Administrasi. Penerbit Alfabeta, Bandung. Umar. 2016. Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kinerja Pegawai Terhadap Penerimaan Pajak Dikantor Pelayanan Pak Banteng.Vol. 3, no 009 (2016) Umar. Sutrisno, E., 2016. Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia, Cetakan Ketiga Kencana Prenada Media Group, Jakarta. Sutrisno, H. Edy. (2016). Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia.Edisi Pertama. Jakarta: Cetakan Fajar Interpratama Mandiri, Penerbit Kencana. Tewal, et al., (2017:145), ada dua dampak dari stres kerja yaitu dampak positif dan dampak negatif Wardani, B. A. K. (2023). Pengaruh Lingkungan Kerja, Stres Kerja, Kompensasi, Dan Work-Life Balance Terhadap Loyalitas Karyawan Bank Jateng Cabang

    Sistem Kendali Kipas Angin Otomatis Berbasis NodeMCU ESP8266

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    Kipas angin merupakan perangkat elektronik konvensional yang gunakan sebagai pengatur sirkulasi udara  saat cuaca panas. Pengoperasian kipas angin manual yang pengendalian ON/OFF dan kecepatan putaran (fan speed) pada kipas angin kebanyakan dikendalikan secara manual dengan saklar atau remote control terasa kurang efisien. Oleh karena itu diperlukan suatu sistem untuk mengendalikan ON/OFF dan kecepatan putaran kipas angin secara otomatis dengan menyesuaikan suhu ruangan sehingga menghemat penggunaan energi listrik, waktu serta tenaga untuk mengatur kecepatan putaran kipas angin.Dengan memanfaatkan NodeMCU ESP8266 sebagai pengendali. Sensor DHT11 berfungsi mengukur suhu udara didalam ruangan. Modul Relay mengendalikan ON/OFF kipas angin sesuaidengansuhu ruangan dengan kecepatan kipas, untuk suhu diatas 32oC  alat dalam mode otomatis menghasilkan output kipas angin ON, apabila suhu udara dibawah 32oC maka kipas angin tersubut akan OFF walaupun ada orang yang duduk. Selain itu sistem ini dapat dikendalikan oleh aplikasi melalui smartphone untuk mengendalikan kecepatan putaran dan ON/OFF kipas angin secara manual atau otomatis, serta dapat memantau suhu udara pada ruangan. Dari hasil pengujian yang dilakukan sistem ini berkerja dengan baik, sehingga dengan dibuatnya sistem ini, pengendalian kipas angin lebih mudah karena sistem dapat mengendalikan kipas angin secara manual atau otomatis


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    Tujuan kegiatan PPL (Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan) adalah sebagai wahana pembentukan calon guru atau tenaga kependidikan yang professional. Sedangkan misi dari kegiatan PPL adalah : 1) menyiapkan dan menghasilkan calon guru atau tenaga kependidikan yang memiliki nilai, sikap, pengetahuan dan keterampilan profesional; 2) mengintegrasikan dan mengimplementasikan ilmu yang telah di kuasainya kedalam praktik keguruan dan atau praktik kependidikan; memantapkan kemitraan UNY dan sekolah serta lembaga pendidikan; serta 4) mengkaji dan mengembangkan praktik keguruan dan praktik kependidikan. Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan di SMK N 3 MAGELANG dimulai sejak tanggal 10 Agustus 2015 sampai tanggal 12 September 2015 (tahun ajaran baru 2015/2016). Sebelum melakukan PPL, mahasiswa mengadakan observasi terhadap kegiatan pembelajaran yang ada di SMK N 3 MAGELANG. Observasi tersebut dilaksanakan pada tanggal 20 Februari 2015 sampai 26 Februari 2015. Selain mengadakan observasi terhadap pembelajaran di dalam kelas, mahasiswa juga berusaha mencari informasi dari guru mengenai kondisi dan potensi siswa, fasilitas pendukung dalam KBM, dan juga faktor penghambat yang sering di temui ketika KBM berlangsung. Dari hasil observasi tersebut, mahasiswa melakukan konsultasi terhadap dosen pembimbing mikro untuk kemudian ditindaklanjuti dengan membuat RPP dan program kerja yang sesuai dengan kondisi dan kebutuhan sekolah. Pada kegiatan PPL ini, praktikan mendapat tugas untuk mengajar kelas X Busana 2, XI Busana 1, dan XI Busana 2. Adapun program kerja yang dilakukan oleh praktikan untuk mendukung kegiatan pembelajaran adalah; 1) pengadaan media pembelajaran power point; 2) pembuatan RPP dan perangkat pembelajaran. Dari keseluruhan program, hampir semua terlaksana dengan baik. Dalam kegiatan PPL, praktikan telah melakukan praktik mengajar sebanyak 5 kali tatap muka di dalam kelas, dan dengan pembuatan program tahunan, program semester, dan Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) serta mempelajari materi yang akan diajarkan kepada peserta didik dalam proses pembelajaran. Selain melakukan kegiatan PPL, praktikan juga melakukan kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Boga dan Busana yang diselengarakan oleh sekolah


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    The aim of this research is to find out the extent of implementation process about  Educational Operating Cost (EOC) at Public Vocational  High School in North Jakarta  consists of; (1)rationality which underlying  Public Vocational High School in North Jakarta (2) stages (3)the main contents implementation of budget policy of Educational Operating Cost. (4) budget policy and (5) the impact of the implementation of Educational Operating Cost policy.This research uses qualitative methods with observation, interview and documentation. In this case the right approach and considered applicable is to use Countenance of Robert E. Stake because this model is considered to provide an overview in  the beginning of evaluation results to the evaluation criteria of policy implementation. Stake stressed that there is two basic activities in the evaluation of Description and Judgement which emphasizes three stages such as; Antecedents (Context), Transaction (Process), Outcomes (Output), as this model has more advantages than the other methods.The research carried out at Public Vocational High School in North Jakarta consisting of 8 (eight) schools. The impact of expected implementation policy evaluation is :  School can implement message contents of Government Rule Number. 34/2015 which generally aims to fund education operational activity in order to implement   compulsory education  12 years. to complement the needs of teaching and learning activities, to maintain educational facilities, and to improve the management of the school administration.   &nbsp

    Perancangan Sistem Deteksi Objek pada Robot Krsbi Berbasis Mini Pc Raspberry Pi 3

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    KRSBI Wheeled is One of the competitions on the Indonesian Robot Contest,.  It is a football match that plays 3 robot  full autonomous versus other teams. The robot uses a drive in the form of wheels that are controlled in such a way, to be able to do the work the robot uses a camera sensor mounted on the front of the robot, while  for movement in the paper author uses 3 omni wheel so the robot can move in all directions to make it easier  towards the ball object. For the purposes of image processing and input and output processing the author uses a Single Board Computer Raspberry PI 3 are programmed using the Python programming language with OpenCV image processing library,  to optimize the work of Single Board Computer(SBC) Raspberry PI 3 Mini PC assisted by the Microcontroller Arduino Mega 2560. Both devices are connected serially via the USB port. Raspberry PI will process the image data obtained  webcam camera input. Next, If the ball object can be detected the object\u27s position coordinates will be encoded in character and sent to the Microcontroller Arduino Mega 2560. Furthermore, Arduino mega 2560 will process data to drive the motors so that can move towards the position of the ball object. Based on the data from the maximum distance test results that can be read by the camera sensor to be able to detect a ball object is ±5 meters with a maximum viewing angle of 120 °

    Analisa Implementasi Strategi Pemasaran Untuk Meningkatkan Jumlah Pelanggan Di Waroeng Steak And Shake Cempaka Putih Jakarta Pusat

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    Waroeng Steak and Shake is a steakhouse that stands with the concept of simplicityand the principles of Halalan Thayyiban. However, in its business activities, the Waroeng Steakand Shake menu is considered to have gradually increased and there are no bookings forevents. The purpose of this study was to analyze the implementation of the marketing strategyto increase the customers at Waroeng Steak and Shake which was reviewed through theMarketing Mix along with its obstacles and solutions. This research was conducted using adescriptive qualitative approach with observation and interview techniques. The resultsshowed that Waroeng Steak and Shake experienced an increase in July to December but alsoa decrease in the following six months in 2020, January to June. This was due to the Covid-19 Pandemic that has caused a decline or even setback in business sectors. However, the7P Marketing Mix strategy carried out by Waroeng Steak and Shake Cempaka Putih CentralJakarta actually increased the number of customers. Started from May to June 2020 thenumber of customers was stable, which means moving forward from the decline in theprevious months, considering the new normal situation with the health protocol enforced bythe government

    Hubungan Antara Gaya Hidup Hedonis dan Perilaku Konsumtif pada Mahasiswa

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    This research is a correlation study which aims to determine whether there is a relationship between the hedonic lifestyle and the consumptive behavior of Parepare students. The research method uses a quantitative approach. The sample in this study were 31 students in Parepare aged 19-20 years. The data collection technique was carried out by distributing a hedonic lifestyle scale and an online consumptive behavior scale using a Likert scale. Data analysis was performed using the Pearson correlation technique with the help of SPSS version 22. The results of the study showed a relationship between the hedonic lifestyle and the consumptive behavior of Parepare students. When viewed from Pearson Correlations 0.671 with a Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000, which means less than 0.05, so it can be said that there is a significant correlation between the hedonic lifestyle and consumptive behavior. Hedonic lifestyle and consumptive behavior are related to each other, if the hedonic lifestyle is higher, the higher the consumptive behavior. So, when you have a hedonic lifestyle, you will behave consumptively.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian korelasi yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah ada hubungan antara gaya hidup hedonis dengan perilaku konsumtif mahasiswa Parepare. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Sampel dalam penelitian ini merupakan 31 mahasiswa di Parepare yang berusia 19-20 tahun. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan dengan menyebarkan skala gaya hidup hedonis dan skala perilaku konsumtif secara online menggunakan Skala Likert. Analisis data dilakukan menggunakan teknik korelasi Pearson dengan bantuan SPSS versi 22. Hasil dari penelitian terdapat hubungan antara gaya hidup hedonis dengan perilaku konsumtif mahasiswa Parepare. Jika dilihat dari Pearson Correlations 0,671 dengan nilai Sig. (2-tailed) 0,000  yang artinya lebih kecil dari 0,05 sehingga dapat dikatakaan bahwa adanya korelasi yang berarti bahwa signifikan antara gaya hidup hedonis dan perilaku konsumtif. Gaya hidup hedonis dan perilaku konsumtif saling berhubung jika gaya hidup hedonis semakin tinggi maka semakin tinggi pula perilaku konsumtifnya. Jadi, ketika mempunyai gaya hidup hedonis maka akan berperilaku konsumtif
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