16 research outputs found

    Posição prona no manejo da Síndrome do Desconforto Respiratório Agudo em pacientes diagnosticados com COVID-19: uma revisão integrativa da literatura

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    Os pacientes diagnosticados com COVID-19 tendem a desenvolver diferentes aspectos clínicos, variando entre infecções assintomáticas, Síndrome Respiratória Aguda (SARS) e óbito. Esse fato exigiu aumento na demanda de estratégias para melhora da oferta do aporte de oxigênio para os pacientes, como a utilização da posição prona. descrever as evidências científicas disponíveis e atuais acerca da utilização da posição prona no manejo da Síndrome do Desconforto Respiratório Agudo em pacientes diagnosticados com COVID-19. Refere-se a uma Revisão Integrativa da Literatura. Foi empregado na base de dados PUBMED os Mesh: Prone position, COVID-19 e Respiratory Distress Syndrome. 12 trabalhos atenderam aos critérios de inclusão e foram considerados elegíveis para discussão. A posição prona pode ser utilizada em pacientes com respiração espontânea pois, o decúbito ventral induz o recrutamento pulmonar em regiões dorsais posteriores revertendo atelectasias. A posição prona é um método que pode ser considerado eficaz na oxigenação de pacientes com SDRA e COVID-19, promovendo melhoria na relação PaO2/FiO2, redução da tensão pulmão e ventilação homogênea nos tecidos pulmonares. É indicado que, a prona seja realizada o mais precocemente possível, nas primeiras 24 horas

    A importância do acompanhamento do cirurgião-dentista generalista nos primeiros mil dias de vida

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    Aim: To describe the importance of the general dentist follow-up in the first thousand days of life, in addition to presenting approaches that the professional should perform during this period. Literature review: The first thousand days of life span from conception to the end of the second year of life. Both pregnancy and the subsequent two years of a child's life are considered a key period for structuring healthy development with lifelong impacts. It is essential that the dentist who assists pregnant women, postpartum women and children integrates the care network, including oral health in the context of general health, encouraging and supporting breastfeeding and healthy eating, in addition to providing guidance on the correct maintenance of oral hygiene, the harmful effects of using teats and pacifiers, and all aspects that affect oral health and general health. Discussion: The dentist must work in the first thousand days of life from the dental prenatal period, during the puerperal period, at the time of the child's first dental appointment and also in periodic follow-ups. The accompaniment of a qualified professional allows an improvement in the quality of life of the pregnant woman and the child, coming to base the role of the professional not only in the treatment, but also in the application of preventive health measures. Conclusion: The dentist, along with other health professionals, must act with emphasis on the first thousand days of life, thus ensuring a healthy development and growth of the child.Objetivo: Descrever a importância do acompanhamento do cirurgião-dentista generalista nos primeiros mil dias de vida, além de apresentar abordagens que o profissional deve realizar nesse período. Revisão da literatura: Os primeiros mil dias de vida vão desde a concepção até o fim do segundo ano de vida. Tanto a gestação como os dois anos de vida subsequentes da criança são considerados um período-chave para a estruturação de um desenvolvimento saudável com impactos ao longo da vida. É fundamental que o cirurgião-dentista que atende gestantes, puérperas e crianças integre a rede de cuidados incluindo a saúde bucal no contexto de saúde geral, incentivando e apoiando o aleitamento materno e a alimentação saudável, além de orientar sobre a correta manutenção da higiene bucal, os malefícios do uso de bicos e chupeta, e todos os aspectos que repercutem na saúde bucal e saúde geral. Discussão: O cirurgião-dentista deve atuar nos primeiros mil dias de vida desde o pré-natal odontológico, durante o período puerperal, no momento da primeira consulta odontológica da criança e também nos acompanhamentos periódicos. O acompanhamento de um profissional qualificado possibilita uma melhora na qualidade de vida da gestante e da criança, vindo a fundamentar o papel do profissional não só no tratamento, mas também na aplicação de medidas preventivas de saúde. Conclusão: O cirurgião-dentista, juntamente com outros profissionais da saúde, deve atuar com ênfase nos primeiros mil dias de vida garantindo assim um desenvolvimento e um crescimento saudável da criança

    Evolution of Bacterial Cellulose in Cosmetic Applications: An Updated Systematic Review

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    In recent decades, there has been an increase in environmental problems caused by cosmetic products derived from toxic substances. Based on this issue, researchers and developers of new beauty cosmetics are looking for new natural alternatives that work well for the consumer and have biodegradable characteristics. This systematic review highlights the major publications of bacterial cellulose used strictly for cosmetics in the last 10 years. Bacterial cellulose is a natural product with great cosmetic properties and low cost that has shown excellent results. This study aimed at collecting rigorous information on bacterial cellulose in the cosmetic field in the last decade to produce a systematized review. A comprehensive search was conducted with selected descriptors involving the topic of “bacterial cellulose”, “cosmetics”, “clean beauty”, and “skin mask”. Seventy studies were found, which went through exclusion criteria that selected only those related to the topic that was searched. In the 12 remaining studies that met the criteria, bacterial cellulose showed conditions for use as a mask-forming product for facial care. The increase in the number of publications concerning bacterial cellulose in cosmetics in the last ten years is a strong indicator that this is a growing area for both research and the industry

    Bacterial Cellulose Membranes as Carriers for Nisin: Incorporation, Antimicrobial Activity, Cytotoxicity and Morphology

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    Based on the previous study, in which nisin and bacterial cellulose were utilized, this new experiment loads nisin into bacterial cellulose (N–BC) and evaluates the morphological characteristics, cytotoxicity, antimicrobial activity and stability of the developed system. The load efficiency of nisin in BC was evaluated by an agar diffusion assay, utilizing Lactobacillus sakei, and total proteins. After having found the ideal time and concentration for the loading process, the system stability was evaluated for 100 days at 4, 25 and 37 °C against Staphylococcus aureus and L. sakei. Thus, in this study, there is a system that proves to be efficient, once BC has enhanced the antimicrobial activity of nisin, acting as a selective barrier for other compounds present in the standard solution and protecting the peptide. After 4 h, with 45% of proteins, this activity was almost 2 log10 higher than that of the initial solution. Once the nisin solution was not pure, it is possible to suggest that the BC may have acted as a filter. This barrier enhanced the nisin activity and, as a consequence of the nisin loading, a stable N–BC system formed. The N–BC could create meaningful material for pharmaceutical and food applications

    Morpho-histological, histochemical, and molecular evidences related to cellular reprogramming during somatic embryogenesis of the model grass Brachypodium distachyon

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    The wild grass species Brachypodium distachyon (L.) has been proposed as a new model for temperate grasses. Among the biotechnological tools already developed for the species, an efficient induction protocol of somatic embryogenesis (SE) using immature zygotic embryos has provided the basis for genetic transformation studies. However, a systematic work to better understanding the basic cellular and molecular mechanisms that underlie the SE process of this grass species is still missing. Here, we present new insights at the morpho-histological, histochemical, and molecular aspects of B. distachyon SE pathway. Somatic embryos arose from embryogenic callus formed by cells derived from the protodermal-dividing cells of the scutellum. These protodermal cells showed typical meristematic features and high protein accumulation which were interpreted as the first observable steps towards the acquisition of a competent state. Starch content decreased along embryogenic callus differentiation supporting the idea that carbohydrate reserves are essential to morphogenetic processes. Interestingly, starch accumulation was also observed at late stages of SE process. Searches in databanks revealed three sequences available annotated as BdSERK, being two copies corresponding to SERK1 and one showing greater identity to SERK2. In silico analysis confirmed the presence of characteristic domains in a B. distachyon Somatic Embryogenesis Receptor Kinase genes candidates (BdSERKs), which suggests SERK functions are conserved in B. distachyon. In situ hybridization demonstrated the presence of transcripts of BdSERK1 in all development since globular until scutellar stages. The results reported in this study convey important information about the morphogenetic events in the embryogenic pathway which has been lacking in B. distachyon. This study also demonstrates that B. distachyon provides a useful model system for investigating the genetic regulation of SE in grass species

    Proposition de campagne à la mer, Flotte Océanographique Française, Appel d'offre 2018 : Multi-disciplinary investigation of fluid venting from gas hydrate system in the Nile deep-sea fan (SEAGAL)

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    Prioritaire 1 - voir rapport d'évaluation (https://www.flotteoceanographique.fr/content/download/29325/199063/file/CR-CNFH-novembre-2016-V12.pdf)La campagne SEAGAL est demandée sur la marge nilotique à bord du NO Marion Dufresne par l’UMR Géoazur en collaboration avec des partenaires français (Universités de Nice Sophia Antipolis, UPMC et Université Bordeaux1, Ifremer), Brésiliens (PUCRS-IPR), Allemands (Jacobs University Bremen), Italiens (OGS) et Egyptiens (Université d’Alexandrie). Elle est basée sur des résultats/hypothèses touchant aux interactions entre les glissements sous-marins à grande échelle et la circulation/échappement de fluides et gaz, dans le contexte de l'évolution de la stabilité des hydrates de gaz au cours des cycles climatiques glaciaires-interglaciaires. SEAGAL propose une étude pluridisciplinaire (géophysique, géologique, géochimique, géotechnique et géothermique) de zones d’intérêt de la Province Centrale du delta profond du Nil afin de :(1) Etudier la nature et l'origine des structures de cheminées gazeuses qui sont enracinées dans la zone de stabilité d’hydrates de gaz (GHSZ) et qui émettent du gaz vers les océans par le biais de pockmarks. En particuliers, il s’agira de tester les modèles proposés pour ces cheminées qui se formeraient soit par la remontée de fluides salés et tièdes et provoqueraient l’amincissement de la zone de stabilité des hydrates, soit par l’expulsion rapide du sel contenu dans les eaux interstitielles par un flux rapide de gaz et qui permettrait la formation d’hydrates. Ceci sera abordé par le prélèvement de longues carottes Calypso, de mesures Penfeld et de flux de chaleur le long de transects recoupant des pockmarks afin de caractériser la composition des fluides interstitiels, les flux verticaux et horizontaux de fluides en relation avec la distribution des hydrates de gaz. Cette approche permettra de tester les modèles existants de fonctionnement des conduits issus de la zone de stabilité des hydrates de gaz et de proposer éventuellement un modèle alternatif, applicable à d’autres zones géographiques.(2) Comprendre l’impact des circulations de fluides associées aux pockmarks sur la couverture sédimentaire superficielle et son fluage progressif. Il s’agira de quantifier l’état de stabilité de la pente continentale et de mieux contraindre l’interaction fluides-sédiments sur le déclenchement des instabilités sédimentaires en associant pour la première fois sur cette marge l’acquisition de données Penfeld et de carottes longues pour analyser le comportement rhéologique des matériaux dans les zones affectées par les fluides et la déformation et dans les zones non affectées.(3) Tester l’hypothèse selon laquelle la dissociation des hydrates de gaz serait responsable des glissements géants (10-1000 km3) sur les marges continentales, en particulier la série de MTDs identifiés à la limite entre les Provinces centrale et occidentale de la marge nilotique au cours des derniers 115 kyrs. La marge nilotique est en effet l’une des zones les plus favorables au monde pour contraindre l’impact de la dissociation des hydrates de gaz sur le déclenchement de glissements, car la Méditerranée a connu des augmentations de la température des eaux de fond qui ont dû réduire le domaine de stabilité des hydrates de gaz à l’échelle de bassin, provoquant alors une augmentation des pressions interstitielles sur de grandes zones. L’un des objectifs de SEAGAL est donc d’obtenir pour la première fois sur la marge nilotique une estimation des variations de la température des eaux de fond à partir d’analyses Ca/Mg réalisées sur des foraminifères benthiques afin de pouvoir modéliser les changements induits sur la zone de stabilité des hydrates au cours des derniers 115 kyrs et comparer les périodes de dissociation des hydrates avec les âges des MTDs.La demande de campagne SEAGAL s’appuie sur l’expérience des équipes scientifiques françaises en Méditerranée orientale, acquise depuis 1998 dans le cadre de programmes nationaux et européens. SEAGAL s’appuie sur le projet européen SEAGAS (2016-2019), une collaboration franco-brésilienne étudiant la dynamique des hydrates de gaz sur les marges du Nil et de l’Amazone.The SEAGAL campaign of the RV Marion Dufresne to the Nile deep-sea fan is proposed by UMR Geoazur in collaboration with partners from France (Universities of Nice Sophia Antipolis, UPMC and Bordeaux1, Ifremer), Brazil (IPR-PUCRS), Germany (Jacobs University Bremen), Italy (OGS) and Egypt (University of Alexandria). The campaign proposal builds on previous investigations of the interactions of large-scale sediment failure with fluid flow and gas venting, in the context of changing gas hydrate stability during glacial-interglacial cycles of climate. SEAGAL proposes a multidisciplinary study (geophysical, geological, geochemical geotechnical and geothermal) of targets in the central province of the Nile fan, to address three main objectives:(1) To investigate the nature and origin of chimney-like structures within the gas hydrate stability zone (GHSZ) that are venting gas to the oceans through seabed pockmarks, in particular to test proposed models in which they form by the rise of hot and/or saline fluids to thin the GHSZ, versus a mechanism of salt exclusion that links the basal phase boundary to seabed. This will be achieved through the acquisition along transects across selected features of measurements up to 40 m below seabed, including Calypso cores, penetrometer data and geothermal measurements, in order to identify composition of pore fluids and gases, and to characterise vertical and horizontal fluxes of fluids and heat in relation to the distribution of gas hydrates and carbonates. The results will be applied to modelling of gas hydrate stability to test proposed models for chimney formation, or to propose a new model. We will also acquire multibeam water column data to examine spatial and temporal variations in gas flux from pockmarks on the central Nile fan since the 2011 APINIL campaign.(2) To examine the relation of fluid circulation to processes of downslope creep of the sediment cover above buried mass transport deposits (MTDs). This will be achieved by the first ever acquisition of transects of penetrometer data and Calypso cores up to 40 m long from wave-like deformation features and subjacent MTDs, in order to characterise the mechanical properties of sediments and bounding faults in relation to the distribution of carbonates and flux of fluids. The results will be used as original input to geotechnical modelling of mass failure and post-failure processes, in order to constrain the triggering factors of failure and their potential consequences (e.g. tsunamis).(3) To test the relation between gas hydrate stability changes and large submarine landslides, in particular to a series of MTDs on the western edge of the central Nile province dated to the last 115 ka. The Nile fan is one of the best places in the world to test the hypothesis that gas hydrate dissociation can trigger sediment failures, due to basin-wide changes in Mediterranean bottom water temperatures (bwts) of up to 4 ̊ C that drove large changes in the GHSZ at all water depths below c. 1000 m. This will be done using Mg/ Ca paleotemperature data from benthic foraminifera in sediment cores to reconstruct the history of bwt changes, as input to modelling of GHSZ changes in response to both temperature and sea level variations over last 115 ka, allowing accurate comparison of periods of gas hydrate dissociation to the ages of 11 giant MTDs.The SEAGAL proposal builds on French-led international investigations of the eastern Mediterranean Sea since 1998, undertaken in the context of national and European projects. SEAGAL is linked to the EC-funded project SEAGAS (2016-2019), a French-Brazilian collaboration coordinated by Géoazur to investigate gashydrate dynamics on the Mediterranean and Brazilian margins, inspired by the 2011 APINIL campaign and intended to lead to future trans-Atlantic research projects

    Brazilian Flora 2020: Leveraging the power of a collaborative scientific network

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    International audienceThe shortage of reliable primary taxonomic data limits the description of biological taxa and the understanding of biodiversity patterns and processes, complicating biogeographical, ecological, and evolutionary studies. This deficit creates a significant taxonomic impediment to biodiversity research and conservation planning. The taxonomic impediment and the biodiversity crisis are widely recognized, highlighting the urgent need for reliable taxonomic data. Over the past decade, numerous countries worldwide have devoted considerable effort to Target 1 of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC), which called for the preparation of a working list of all known plant species by 2010 and an online world Flora by 2020. Brazil is a megadiverse country, home to more of the world's known plant species than any other country. Despite that, Flora Brasiliensis, concluded in 1906, was the last comprehensive treatment of the Brazilian flora. The lack of accurate estimates of the number of species of algae, fungi, and plants occurring in Brazil contributes to the prevailing taxonomic impediment and delays progress towards the GSPC targets. Over the past 12 years, a legion of taxonomists motivated to meet Target 1 of the GSPC, worked together to gather and integrate knowledge on the algal, plant, and fungal diversity of Brazil. Overall, a team of about 980 taxonomists joined efforts in a highly collaborative project that used cybertaxonomy to prepare an updated Flora of Brazil, showing the power of scientific collaboration to reach ambitious goals. This paper presents an overview of the Brazilian Flora 2020 and provides taxonomic and spatial updates on the algae, fungi, and plants found in one of the world's most biodiverse countries. We further identify collection gaps and summarize future goals that extend beyond 2020. Our results show that Brazil is home to 46,975 native species of algae, fungi, and plants, of which 19,669 are endemic to the country. The data compiled to date suggests that the Atlantic Rainforest might be the most diverse Brazilian domain for all plant groups except gymnosperms, which are most diverse in the Amazon. However, scientific knowledge of Brazilian diversity is still unequally distributed, with the Atlantic Rainforest and the Cerrado being the most intensively sampled and studied biomes in the country. In times of “scientific reductionism”, with botanical and mycological sciences suffering pervasive depreciation in recent decades, the first online Flora of Brazil 2020 significantly enhanced the quality and quantity of taxonomic data available for algae, fungi, and plants from Brazil. This project also made all the information freely available online, providing a firm foundation for future research and for the management, conservation, and sustainable use of the Brazilian funga and flora