3,431 research outputs found

    Mid - infrared interferometry of massive young stellar objects II Evidence for a circumstellar disk surrounding the Kleinmann - Wright object

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    The formation scenario for massive stars is still under discussion. To further constrain current theories, it is vital to spatially resolve the structures from which material accretes onto massive young stellar objects (MYSOs). Due to the small angular extent of MYSOs, one needs to overcome the limitations of conventional thermal infrared imaging, regarding spatial resolution, in order to get observational access to the inner structure of these objects.We employed mid - infrared interferometry, using the MIDI instrument on the ESO /VLTI, to investigate the Kleinmann - Wright Object, a massive young stellar object previously identified as a Herbig Be star precursor. Dispersed visibility curves in the N- band (8 - 13 {\mu}m) have been obtained at 5 interferometric baselines. We show that the mid - infrared emission region is resolved. A qualitative analysis of the data indicates a non - rotationally symmetric structure, e.g. the projection of an inclined disk. We employed extensive radiative transfer simulations based on spectral energy distribution fitting. Since SED - only fitting usually yields degenerate results, we first employed a statistical analysis of the parameters provided by the radiative transfer models. In addition, we compared the ten best - fitting self - consistent models to the interferometric observations. Our analysis of the Kleinmann - Wright Object suggests the existence of a circumstellar disk of 0.1M\odot at an intermediate inclination of 76\circ, while an additional dusty envelope is not necessary for fitting the data. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the combination of IR interferometry with radiative transfer simulations has the potential to resolve ambiguities arising from the analysis of spectral energy distributions alone.Comment: 12 pages, 22 figures accepted for publication in A&

    Maximum stellar mass versus cluster membership number revisited

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    We have made a new compilation of observations of maximum stellar mass versus cluster membership number from the literature, which we analyse for consistency with the predictions of a simple random drawing hypothesis for stellar mass selection in clusters. Previously, Weidner and Kroupa have suggested that the maximum stellar mass is lower, in low mass clusters, than would be expected on the basis of random drawing, and have pointed out that this could have important implications for steepening the integrated initial mass function of the Galaxy (the IGIMF) at high masses. Our compilation demonstrates how the observed distribution in the plane of maximum stellar mass versus membership number is affected by the method of target selection; in particular, rather low n clusters with large maximum stellar masses are abundant in observational datasets that specifically seek clusters in the environs of high mass stars. Although we do not consider our compilation to be either complete or unbiased, we discuss the method by which such data should be statistically analysed. Our very provisional conclusion is that the data is not indicating any striking deviation from the expectations of random drawing.Comment: 7 pages, 3 Figures; accepted by MNRAS; Reference added

    Visual/infrared interferometry of Orion Trapezium stars: Preliminary dynamical orbit and aperture synthesis imaging of the Theta 1 Orionis C system

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    Located in the Orion Trapezium cluster, Theta 1 Orionis C is one of the youngest and nearest high-mass stars (O5-O7) and also known to be a close binary system. Using new multi-epoch visual and near-infrared bispectrum speckle interferometric observations obtained at the BTA 6 m telescope, and IOTA near-infrared long-baseline interferometry, we trace the orbital motion of the Theta 1 Ori C components over the interval 1997.8 to 2005.9, covering a significant arc of the orbit. Besides fitting the relative position and the flux ratio, we apply aperture synthesis techniques to our IOTA data to reconstruct a model-independent image of the Theta 1 Ori C binary system. The orbital solutions suggest a high eccentricity (e approx. 0.91) and short-period (P approx. 10.9 yrs) orbit. As the current astrometric data only allows rather weak constraints on the total dynamical mass, we present the two best-fit orbits. From these orbital solutions one can be favoured, implying a system mass of 48 M_sun and a distance to the Trapezium cluster of 434 pc. When also taking the measured flux ratio and the derived location in the HR-diagram into account, we find good agreement for all observables, assuming a spectral type of O5.5 for Theta 1 Ori C1 (M=34.0 M_sun) and O9.5 for C2 (M=15.5 M_sun). We find indications that the companion C2 is massive itself, which makes it likely that its contribution to the intense UV radiation field of the Trapezium cluster is non-negligible. Furthermore, the high eccentricity of the preliminary orbit solution predicts a very small physical separation during periastron passage (approx. 1.5 AU, next passage around 2007.5), suggesting strong wind-wind interaction between the two O stars.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Ionic structure and photoabsorption in medium sized sodium clusters

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    We present ground-state configurations and photoabsorption spectra of Na-7+, Na-27+ and Na-41+. Both the ionic structure and the photoabsorption spectra of medium-size sodium clusters beyond Na-20 have been calculated self-consistently with a nonspherical treatment of the valence electrons in density functional theory. We use a local pseudopotential that has been adjusted to experimental bulk properties and the atomic 3s level of sodium. Our studies have shown that both the ionic structure of the ground state and the positions of the plasmon resonances depend sensitively on the pseudopotential used in the calculation, which stresses the importance of its consistent use in both steps.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in PRB, tentatively July 15th, 1998 some typos corrected, brought to nicer forma

    The hot core-ultracompact HII connection in G10.47+0.03

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    We present infrared imaging and spectroscopic data of the complex massive star-forming region G10.47+0.03. The detection of seven mid-infrared (MIR) sources in our field combined with a sensitive Ks/ISAAC image allows to establish a very accurate astrometry, at the level of 0.3". Two MIR sources are found to be coincident with two ultracompact HII regions (UCHIIs) within our astrometric accuracy. Another MIR source lies very close to three other UCHII regions and to the hot molecular core (HMC) in G10.47+0.03. Spectroscopy of two of the most interesting MIR sources allows to identify the location and spectral type of the ionizing sources. We discuss in detail the relationship between the HMC, the UCHII regions and the nearby MIR source. The nature of the other MIR sources is also investigated.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, Accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysic

    High real-space resolution measurement of the local structure of Ga_1-xIn_xAs using x-ray diffraction

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    High real-space resolution atomic pair distribution functions (PDF)s from the alloy series Ga_1-xIn_xAs have been obtained using high-energy x-ray diffraction. The first peak in the PDF is resolved as a doublet due to the presence of two nearest neighbor bond lengths, Ga-As and In-As, as previously observed using XAFS. The widths of nearest, and higher, neighbor pairs are analyzed by separating the strain broadening from the thermal motion. The strain broadening is five times larger for distant atomic neighbors as compared to nearest neighbors. The results are in agreement with model calculations.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    High angular resolution N-band observation of the silicate carbon star IRAS08002-3803 with the VLTI/MIDI instrument

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    We present the results of N-band spectro-interferometric observations of the silicate carbon star IRAS08002-3803 with the MID-infrared Interferometric instrument (MIDI) at the Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI) of the European Southern Observatory (ESO). The observations were carried out using two unit telescopes (UT2 and UT3) with projected baseline lengths ranging from 39 to 47 m. Our observations of IRAS08002-3803 have spatially resolved the dusty environment of a silicate carbon star for the first time and revealed an unexpected wavelength dependence of the angular size in the N band: the uniform-disk diameter is found to be constant and ~36 mas (72 Rstar) between 8 and 10 micron, while it steeply increases longward of 10 micron to reach ~53 mas (106 Rstar) at 13 micron. Model calculations with our Monte Carlo radiative transfer code show that neither spherical shell models nor axisymmetric disk models consisting of silicate grains alone can simultaneously explain the observed wavelength dependence of the visibility and the spectral energy distribution (SED). We propose that the circumstellar environment of IRAS08002-3803 may consist of two grain species coexisting in the disk: silicate and a second grain species, for which we consider amorphous carbon, large silicate grains, and metallic iron grains. Comparison of the observed visibilities and SED with our models shows that such disk models can fairly -- though not entirely satisfactorily -- reproduce the observed SED and N-band visibilities. Our MIDI observations and the radiative transfer calculations lend support to the picture where oxygen-rich material around IRAS08002-3803 is stored in a circumbinary disk surrounding the carbon-rich primary star and its putative low-luminosity companion.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Local structure study of In_xGa_(1-x)As semiconductor alloys using High Energy Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction

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    Nearest and higher neighbor distances as well as bond length distributions (static and thermal) of the In_xGa_(1-x)As (0<x<1) semiconductor alloys have been obtained from high real-space resolution atomic pair distribution functions (PDFs). Using this structural information, we modeled the local atomic displacements in In_xGa_(1-x)As alloys. From a supercell model based on the Kirkwood potential, we obtained 3-D As and (In,Ga) ensemble averaged probability distributions. This clearly shows that As atom displacements are highly directional and can be represented as a combination of and displacements. Examination of the Kirkwood model indicates that the standard deviation (sigma) of the static disorder on the (In,Ga) sublattice is around 60% of the value on the As sublattice and the (In,Ga) atomic displacements are much more isotropic than those on the As sublattice. The single crystal diffuse scattering calculated from the Kirkwood model shows that atomic displacements are most strongly correlated along directions.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figure