71 research outputs found

    Hyperpolarized 3He magnetic resonance imaging ventilation defects in asthma: relationship to airway mechanics

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    In patients with asthma, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provides direct measurements of regional ventilation heterogeneity, the etiology of which is not well-understood, nor is the relationship of ventilation abnormalities with lung mechanics. In addition, respiratory resistance and reactance are often abnormal in asthmatics and the frequency dependence of respiratory resistance is thought to reflect ventilation heterogeneity. We acquiredMRIventilation defect maps, forced expiratory volume in one-second (FEV1), and airways resistance (Raw) measurements, and used a computational airway model to explore the relationship of ventilation defect percent (VDP) with simulated measurements of respiratory system resistance (Rrs) and reactance (Xrs).MRIventilation defect maps were experimentally acquired in 25 asthmatics before, during, and after methacholine challenge and these were nonrigidly coregistered to the airway tree model. Using the model coregistered to ventilation defect maps, we narrowed proximal (9th) and distal (14th) generation airways that were spatially related to theMRIventilation defects. The relationships forVDPwith Raw measured using plethysmography (r = 0.79), and model predictions of Rrs\u3e14(r = 0.91,P \u3c 0.0001) and Rrs\u3e9(r = 0.88,P \u3c 0.0001) were significantly stronger (P = 0.005;P = 0.03, respectively) than withFEV1(r = -0.68,P = 0.0001). The slopes for the relationship ofVDPwith simulated lung mechanics measurements were different (P \u3c 0.0001); among these, the slope for theVDP-Xrs0.2relationship was largest, suggesting thatVDPwas dominated by peripheral airway heterogeneity in these patients. In conclusion, as a first step toward understanding potential links between lung mechanics and ventilation defects, impedance predictions were made using a computational airway tree model with simulated constriction of airways related to ventilation defects measured in mild-moderate asthmatics

    Imaging of lung function using hyperpolarized helium-3 magnetic resonance imaging: Review of current and emerging translational methods and applications

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    During the past several years there has been extensive development and application of hyperpolarized helium-3 (HP (3)He) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in clinical respiratory indications such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cystic fibrosis, radiation-induced lung injury, and transplantation. This review focuses on the state-of-the-art of HP (3)He MRI and its application to clinical pulmonary research. This is not an overview of the physics of the method, as this topic has been covered previously. We focus here on the potential of this imaging method and its challenges in demonstrating new types of information that has the potential to influence clinical research and decision making in pulmonary medicine. Particular attention is given to functional imaging approaches related to ventilation and diffusion-weighted imaging with applications in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cystic fibrosis, asthma, and radiation-induced lung injury. The strengths and challenges of the application of (3)He MRI in these indications are discussed along with a comparison to established and emerging imaging techniques

    Frequency-resolved analysis of coherent oscillations of local cerebral blood volume, measured with near-infrared spectroscopy, and systemic arterial pressure in healthy human subjects.

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    We report a study on twenty-two healthy human subjects of the dynamic relationship between cerebral hemoglobin concentration ([HbT]), measured with near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) in the prefrontal cortex, and systemic arterial blood pressure (ABP), measured with finger plethysmography. [HbT] is a measure of local cerebral blood volume (CBV). We induced hemodynamic oscillations at discrete frequencies in the range 0.04-0.20 Hz with cyclic inflation and deflation of pneumatic cuffs wrapped around the subject's thighs. We modeled the transfer function of ABP and [HbT] in terms of effective arterial (K(a)) and venous (K(v)) compliances, and a cerebral autoregulation time constant (τ(AR)). The mean values (± standard errors) of these parameters across the twenty-two subjects were K(a) = 0.01 ± 0.01 μM/mmHg, K(v) = 0.09 ± 0.05 μM/mmHg, and τ(AR) = 2.2 ± 1.3 s. Spatially resolved measurements in a subset of eight subjects reveal a spatial variability of these parameters that may exceed the inter-subject variability at a set location. This study sheds some light onto the role that ABP and cerebral blood flow (CBF) play in the dynamics of [HbT] measured with NIRS, and paves the way for new non-invasive optical studies of cerebral blood flow and cerebral autoregulation

    Noninvasive Optical Measurements of Dynamic Cerebral Autoregulation by Inducing Oscillatory Cerebral Hemodynamics.

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    Objective: Cerebral autoregulation limits the variability of cerebral blood flow (CBF) in the presence of systemic arterial blood pressure (ABP) changes. Monitoring cerebral autoregulation is important in the Neurocritical Care Unit (NCCU) to assess cerebral health. Here, our goal is to identify optimal frequency-domain near-infrared spectroscopy (FD-NIRS) parameters and apply a hemodynamic model of coherent hemodynamics spectroscopy (CHS) to assess cerebral autoregulation in healthy adult subjects and NCCU patients. Methods: In five healthy subjects and three NCCU patients, ABP oscillations at a frequency around 0.065 Hz were induced by cyclic inflation-deflation of pneumatic thigh cuffs. Transfer function analysis based on wavelet transform was performed to measure dynamic relationships between ABP and oscillations in oxy- (O), deoxy- (D), and total- (T) hemoglobin concentrations measured with different FD-NIRS methods. In healthy subjects, we also obtained the dynamic CBF-ABP relationship by using FD-NIRS measurements and the CHS model. In healthy subjects, an interval of hypercapnia was performed to induce cerebral autoregulation impairment. In NCCU patients, the optical measurements of autoregulation were linked to individual clinical diagnoses. Results: In healthy subjects, hypercapnia leads to a more negative phase difference of both O and D oscillations vs. ABP oscillations, which are consistent across different FD-NIRS methods and are highly correlated with a more negative phase difference CBF vs. ABP. In the NCCU, a less negative phase difference of D vs. ABP was observed in one patient as compared to two others, indicating a better autoregulation in that patient. Conclusions: Non-invasive optical measurements of induced phase difference between D and ABP show the strongest sensitivity to cerebral autoregulation. The results from healthy subjects also show that the CHS model, in combination with FD-NIRS, can be applied to measure the CBF-ABP dynamics for a better direct measurement of cerebral autoregulation