1,978 research outputs found

    Participation, health and the development of community resources in southern Brazil

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    Growth of body size (body height and body weight) and somatotype in 363 girls and 299 boys aged 4 to 20 years of ethnic Javanese lived in Magelang Regency Indonesia were studied cross-sectionally. Over half of them were categorized in the well-off family, therefore underweight or underfat prevalence in our subjects was low (14.3%) but overweight and obesity prevalence was also low (14%). They were shorter and lighter than reference children from U.S., Japan and Yogyakarta but they improved when compared with those of the same ethnic of Bantul and with the different ethnic of rural India. There was a clear age-related change of their somatotype. At age 4 years, the physique of children subjects in both sexes is found to be mesomorph-endomorph. Thereafter it is transformed into ectomorphic-endomorph in girls and to mesomorph-ectomorph in boys at the age of 20 years. In girl subjects, the onset of puberty was characterized by an acceleration of endomorphy component at age 8 years. While in our boys it was characterized by an acceleration of ectomorphy since age 9 years. The different growth pattern of somatotype components showed that the use of BMI as an indicator of fatness in children should be reassessed

    Efek Antifertilitas Ekstrak Akar Som Jawa (Talinum Paniculatum Gaertn.) pada Mencit (Mus Musculus L.) Jantan

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    Talinum paniculatum Gaertn commonly is used as aphrodisiac herb. Phytosterol, saponin, flavonoid and tannin of the herb have a certain bioactivity and may affect to the body system. The objective of this research was to examine the antifertility effects of sam jawa (Talinum paniculatum Gaertn.) root extract (SJRE) on male mice (Mus musculus L.). Twenty male mice were divided into 4 groups randomly with 5 replications. SJRE was dissolved in aquadest and given orally everyday for 34 days. The treatment dosages were 0 (control), 100,200, and 300 mg/kg BW. At 35th day mice were sacrificed and sectioned to remove testes and epididymis spermatozoas. Testes were sectioned using paraffin method and stained using Haematoxyllin-Eosin. Spermatogenic cells in each seminiferous tubule were counted to investigated spermatogenesis activity of testes. Epididymis sperm suspension was used to investigate sperm quality i.e: morphology, velocity and motility. Quantitatives data were analized using ANOVA and continued DMRT on 5% significance level. The result showed SJRE had antifertility effects on male mice (Mus musculus L.) could inhibit spermatogenesis (decrease the spermatogenic cells count) and decrease the sperm quality (increase percentage of abnormal sperm, decrease sperm motility and also decrease sperm velocity)

    Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

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    Vitamin B₆ activation of erythrocyte aspartate apotransaminase

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    The Order Machine – The Ontology of Information Security

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    Traditionally, information security has been approached in terms of how to achieve the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information. In this paper, we seek to ontologically examine information security by using Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari’s philosophical concepts of machine, coupling, interruption, and territory. Through these concepts, we conceptualize information security as an order-seeking, connection-based, territorial security machine that attempts to subject and harness other actors – from technical devices and physical barriers to employees and various combinations of these actors – to carry out the security machine’s protective tasks. The goal of the security machine is to block or interrupt the chaotic forces of the outside and, thus, to maintain the fragile order of information. However, the process of interrupting the outside requires interruption of the inside as well: users and organizations are interrupted daily by the security machine and its practices. Yet this aspect of information security has remained largely unexamined. We argue that the question of what information security does to its subjects – what its effects are – in the protected system should be examined more thoroughly


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    Our intension is to describe the abstract environment and the elements of information security. We bring together the basic concepts and patterns of thought of information security with the Deleuze & Guattari’s concepts of machine and territory. Security can be seen as a value-driven machine that produces security on various levels. Value growth and dominating market logics provides the fuel for the machine. It is comprised of three levels: physical, technical, and social. Change in any of the levels will affect the social agent, for example an employee. In the value-driven process, territories are established. They are safe zones with a certain order and rhythm. Insiders are brought in to the order. While this is done, the social agents within the territory are subjected to the praxis of the security machine that desires to control them completely. Thus, compliance of the subject is sought. Yet, compliance is based upon subject’s relation to the self, ethics of the self, which cannot be reached from the outside. As the body becomes a centre of the struggle, and as value dominates the rationale and reason, ethics of the self stands as a wall between education and policies, forming the most difficult element to control

    Analisis Biaya Satuan Pelayanan Sectio Caesaria dan Upaya Efisiensinya di RSD Kol. Abundjani Bangko

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    AbstrakStudi ini membahas laporan semester 1 tahun 2018 adanya selisih pendapatan pelayanan sectio caesaria BPJS dengan tarif rumah sakit sebesar Rp508.932.651. Tahun 2019 akan diberlakukan UHC (Universal Health Caverage) sedangkan BPJS kesehatan menurut Undang-undang no. 24 tahun 2011 ditunjuk pemerintah sebagai badan pengelola jaminan kesehatan. Rumah sakit perlu melakukan perhitungan biaya pelayanan menggunakan unit cost agar tigak mengalami devisit. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah terciptanya unit cost layanan kasus sectio caesaria serta efisiensinya di RSD Kol Abundjani Bangko. Metode Penelitian merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dengan metode cros sectional menggunakan double distribution dan dilajutkan dengan perhitungan RVU, sedangkan efisiensi layanan menggunakan clinical pathway (CP) rumah sakit ditambah tool CP dari FKM-UI. Sampel penelitian adalah pasien sectio caesaria kelas 3 tanpa komplikasi, menggunakan data retrospektif tahun 2017. Hasil Penelitian diperolehnya biaya layanan section caesaria di RSD Kol. Abundjani Bangko, ruang rawat VIP Rp6.704.891, kelas I Rp6.491.721, kelas II Rp6.320.449 dan kelas III Rp6.503.920 serta inefisiensi ruang OK/OKE Rp571.754, laboratorium Rp20.105, obat Rp203.608, alkes dan BHP Rp74.084. Kesimpulan diperolehnya unit cost pelayanan sectio caesaria serta inefeisiensinya di RSD Kol. Abundjani Bangko.Abstract This study discusses the semester 1 report of 2018 with the difference in income from the caesaria section BPJS service with the hospital rate of Rp 508,932,651. In 2019 UHC (Universal Health Caverage) will be implemented while health BPJS according to Law no. 24 of 2011 was appointed by the government as the health insurance management body. Hospitals need to calculate service costs using unit costs so that they experience devisit. The purpose of this study was to create unit cost services for caesarean sectio cases and their efficiency at RSD Kol. Abundjani Bangko. The research method is a quantitative descriptive study with cross sectional method using double distribution and continued with the calculation of RVU, while service efficiency uses the clinical pathway (CP) hospital plus CP tools from FKM UI. The sample of the study was uncomplicated class 3 sectio caesaria patients, using 2017 retrospective data. The results of the study obtained the service fee for the caesaria section at RSD Kol. Abundjani Bangko, VIP care room Rp.6,704,891, class I Rp.6,491,721, class II Rp.6,320,449 and class III Rp6,503,920 and inefficiency of OK / OKE space Rp571,754, laboratory Rp20,105, medicine Rp203,608, medical equipment and BHP Rp74,084. Conclusion obtained unit cost of sectio caesaria service and its inefficiency at RSD Kol. Abundjani Bangko


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    Sifat fisik tulang merupakan indikator yang baik untuk studi pertumbuhan dan penuaan. Tulang adalah jaringan dinamis karena adanya proses modeling dan remodeling. Tulang berubah tidak hanya pada ukuran dan bentuknya, tetapi juga kepadatannya yang disebabkan karena perubahan kandungan mineralnya. Osteoporosis atau kekeroposan tulang merupakan salah satu tanda umum penuaaan manusia. Osteoporosis di kalangan anthropoid masih belum diketahui. Dalam penelitian ini kami melakukan pengukuran kepadatan korteks tulang metacarpal simpanse (Pan troglodytes) usia 0 sampai 44 tahun berdasarkan radiografi. Pengukuran dilakukan dengan metode mikro-densitometri pada 68 simpanse betina dan 49 simpanse jantan. Kami menemukan bahwa kepadatan tulang meningkat pesat sampai usia sekitar 10 tahun. Pada simpanse jantan kepadatan tulangnya terus meningkat sampai usia 44 tahun, sedangkan pada simpanse betina kepadatan tulangnya menurun mulai usia 20 tahun. Penurunan kepadatan tulang simpanse betina dapat disebabkan karena kalsium tulang digunakan pada masa kehamilan dan menyusui. Namun demikian, simpanse betina diketahui tidak mengalami menopause. Jadi tidak seperti wanita, kejadian osteoporosis pada simpanse betina bukanlah ak ibat dari menopause. Kemungkinan hal ini berkaitan dengan berkurangnya kadar estrogen pada simpanse lanjut usia. Kata Kunci: osteoporosis, kepadatan tulang, metakarpal, simpans

    Analisis Efisiensi Dan Efektivitas Penerimaan Pajak Daerah Kota Surakarta

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    Tetri Nur Pangastuti. Analisis Efisiensi dan Efektivitas Penerimaan Pajak Daerah Di Kota Surakarta. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tungkat efisiensi dan efektivitas penerimaan pajak daerah Kota Surakarta. Pajak daerah, sebagai salah satu komponen PAD, merupakan pajak yang dikenakan oleh pemerintah daerah kepada penduduk yang mendiami wilayah yuridiksinya, tanpa langsung memperoleh kontraprestasi yang diberikan oleh Pemerintah Daerah yang memungut pajak daerah yang dibayarkannya. Agar Pemerintah Daerah memiliki kemampuan optimal untuk memungut pajak daerah yang ada didaerahnya, perlu kiranya mempertimbangkan pajak-pajak daerah yang sesuai untuk dijadikan sumber pendapatan agar tercipta efisiensi dan efektivitas dalam pemungutan pajak daerah. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis deskriptif dengan metode CCER dan CPI. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah: penerimaan pajak daerah dalam kurun waktu 2006-2011 mengalami peningkatan yang baik dan secara umum berada dalam kategori sangat efektif dan sangat efisien dengan restoran sebagai sektor yang sangat efektif dan sangat efisien

    Pengaruh Paparan Aerosol Rokok Elektrik Terhadap Profil Hematologis Rattus norvegicus

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     Rokok elektrik (RE) merupakan inovasi terbaru rokok yaitu tanpa proses pembakaran tar dan tembakau dan dianggap lebih aman dibandingkan rokok konvensional. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh paparan aerosol RE terhadap profil hematologis tikus putih (Rattus norvegicus) yang meliputi kadar hemoglobin, eritrosit, leukosit serta jenis leukosit. Dalam penelitian ini hewan uji Rattus norvegicus dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok dengan perlakuan yang berbeda yaitu diberi 0x paparan/hari (kontrol); 1x paparan/hari, 2x paparan/hari, dan 3x paparan/hari selama 14 hari. Setiap paparan dilakukan selama 5 menit (10 kali hembusan). Sampel darah diambil pada hari ke-0, hari ke-7 dan ke-14 melalui sinus orbitalis. Jumlah eritrosit dan leukosit dihitung dengan metode hitung bilik Neubauer. Kadar hemoglobin ditentukan menggunakan metode Sahli, dan persentase jenis leukosit dihitung dari preparat apus darah dengan pewarnaan Giemsa. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terjadi peningkatan kadar hemoglobin dan jumlah eritrosit yang sejalan dengan peningkatan frekuensi dan durasi paparan RE sebagai kompensasi dari kondisi hipoksia. Jumlah leukosit juga cenderung meningkat, tetapi peningkatannya tidak linier dengan peningkatan frekuensi dan durasi paparan RE. Persentase limfosit, monosit dan eosinofil dibandingkan kontrol cenderung meningkat sedangkan persentase neutrofil cenderung menurun. Dengan demikian paparan RE dapat mempengaruhi profil hematologis hewan uji.   E-cigarettes are the latest innovations of cigarettes without process of burning tar and tobacco. They are considered safer than conventional cigarettes. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of e-cigarette aerosol exposure on the hematological profiles of Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus). Rats were exposed to e-cigarette aerosol in different frequencies: 0x (control); once; twice; and 3x exposure/day. The experiment was ended on day 14th. Blood samples were taken through the orbital sinus on the day 0, 7th and 14th. Erythrocyte and leucocyte numbers were measured in Neubauer chamber count. Hemoglobin levels was determined by using Sahli method, and the percentage of leukocyte types was calculated based on Giemsa stained blood smear preparations. Data were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that hemoglobin levels and erythrocyte numbers tend to increase in line to the e-cigarette aerosol exposure as a compensation for hypoxic conditions. The leukocyte numbers also tends to increase, although the increase is not in line to the increase of exposure frequency and duration. The percentage of lymphocytes, monocytes and eosinophils tend to increase compared to the control group, while the percentage of neutrophils tends to decrease. Thus e-cigarette aerosol  exposure affected the haematological profiles of rats
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