99 research outputs found

    Ecophysiology of after-fire resprouts of Arbutus unedo L

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    Plant-water relationships, leaf morphology and concentrations of pigments, proline, soluble sugars, anthocyans and nutrients of after wildfire resprout leaves of Arbutus unedo L. were com-pared with those of same age sprout leaves in unbumed plants. In spring samples, several significant differences appear: after-fire resprouts showed some juvenile characteristics, such as high tissue elasticity, small cells, low specific leaf weight, high Chla/Chlb ratio and a high anthocyan content; on the other hand, unbnrned plants showed drought tolerance characteristics by osmotic adjustment and lower tissue elasticity, larger cells, higher specific leaf weight and lower Chla/Chlb ratio. In fall samples, both kind of shoots showed drought tolerance by osmotic adjustment, low tissue elasticity, large cells and high specific leaf weight. Results show that after-fire resprouts have, at the beginning of their development, higher morphological and physiological plasticity that the new sprouts of unburned plants.Es comparen les relacions hídriques, la morfologia foliar i les concentracions de pigments, prolina, sucres solubles, antocians i nutrients de les fulles de rebrots d'Arbutus unedo L. després d'un incendi, amb iguals característiques de les fulles de brots de plantes no cremades de la mateixa edat. A les mostres de primavera apareixen diverses diferències significatives: els rebrots, després del foc, presenten característiques juvenils, com són alta elasticitat dels teixits, cèl·lules petites, baix pes específic foliar, alta relació Chla/Chlb i un elevat contingut d'antocians; d'altra banda, les plantes no cremades presenten característiques de tolerància a I'eixut per ajustament osmòtic i baixa elasticitat dels teixits, cèl·lules més grosses, pes específic més alt i relació Chla/Chlb inferior. A les mostres de tardor els dos tipus de brots presenten tolerància a I'eixut per ajustament osmòtic, baixa elasticitat de teixits, cèl·lules grosses i pes específic foliar alt. Els resultats mostren que els rebrots després del foc tenen, a I'inici del seu desenvolupament, una plasticitat morfològica i fisiològica superior que els brots nous de les plantes no cremades

    Using catenas for GIS-based mapping of NW Mediterranean littoral habitats

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    Studies aimed at describing habitats and mapping their distributions are pivotal to implementing management plans and to effectively guide conservation measures. We developed a novel approach of data collection and entry (CAT-LIT) to establish a detailed cartography of the littoral habitats found along the Catalan coast (Spain). Field data were recorded using coded, two-digit hierarchical lists (e.g. Aa, Ab, etc.) of horizons found at each point along the coast, called catenas. The horizons were either dominated by species (on the rocky bottoms) or sediment types (on the beaches) and corresponded to LPRE, EUNIS and CORINE habitats. Catenas were transferred into a database and calculations about the extent of bottom types, habitats, and catenas themselves along the coast were carried out with GIS tools. In addition, habitat link richness was calculated and represented using network analysis programs. The application of CAT-LIT to the Catalan coast showed that the habitats dominated by the lichen Verrucaria amphibia and the flattened barnacle Euraphia depressa and those dominated by the barnacle Chthamalus spp. were almost ubiquitous. Those dominated by the red alga Corallina elongata, the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis and the red alga Rissoella verruculosa were also common. Because of the frequency of their connections, those habitats formed a huge hub of links in the networks. By using catenas, the habitats can be viewed using GIS based programs keeping the catena as the main informational and ecological unit. The catenas allow maximum compactness when vertically distributed habitats are to be shown on a 2D map. The complete cartography and dataset on the spatial distribution of the littoral habitats from Catalonia is valuable for coastal management and conservation to study changes in the habitat distribution and relate such changes to anthropogenic pressures. Furthermore, the CAT-LIT can be easily adapted to shores of other seas and oceans to obtain accurate cartographies of the spatially-reduced and highly vulnerable littoral habitats.Financial support came from the projects “Cartografia dels Hàbitats Litorals a Catalunya” (Departament de Territori i Sosteniblitat and Institut Cartogràfic, Generalitat de Catalunya) and INTRAMURAL CSIC 201330E065. This study is also a contribution of GRACCIE (C5D2007-00067) and CoCoNET (FP7 Grant Agreement: 287844) projects

    El yacimiento prehistórico de El Collado (Olica, Valencia): una necrópolis de los últimos cazadores de la Península Ibérica

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    Hace unos 9.000 años, algunas de las últimas comunidades de cazadores-recolectores del Mesolítico ocuparon las orillas del Mediterráneo. Se trataba de lugares excepcionales en los que poder vivir y desarrollar sus actividades económicas y subsistenciales. Su dieta se basaba en la ingesta de alimentos de origen animal y vegetal que obtenían a partir de la caza, la recolección de frutos y vegetales, y en la consecución de fauna marina (pescados, moluscos, crustáceos, etc.). Se trataba de grupos nómadas que iban moviéndose y asentándose en distintos lugares. Esos movimientos estaban relacionados, probablemente, con la explotación de determinados recursos, su disponibilidad en ciertos momentos del año, las características ambientales y paisajísticas del lugar, su accesibilidad, etc. En todo caso, a menudo se trata de lugares que no se ocupan solamente una vez, sino que se frecuentan de manera recurrente. Este es el caso del interesante yacimiento de El Collado, en Oliva. Su importancia reside en el hecho de ser un asentamiento al aire libre ocupado en distintos momentos a lo largo de más de un milenio, cuando la mayor parte de los yacimientos de este periodo se documentan en cuevas o abrigos. En este lugar, no sólo se ha hallado la necrópolis mesolítica más importante de España, sino que cronológicamente es la primera de toda la Península Ibérica. Sin embargo, siendo uno de los yacimientos más relevantes del oeste del Mediterráneo, ha sido escasamente publicado y estudiado (García Guixé et ál., 2006; Aparicio, 2008; Aparicio, 2014). Estamos ante un contexto arqueológico con una potencialidad enorme del que estamos seguros que en el futuro se obtendrán nuevos datos sobre las comunidades que allí vivieron, de gran relevancia para el estudio de los últimos grupos de cazadores-recolectores en el levante ibérico.Peer reviewe

    Vertical zonation is the main distribution pattern of littoral assemblages on rocky shores at a regional scale

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    Vertical variation in the distribution of rocky shore assemblages is greater than horizontal variation, as shown by univariate and multivariate analysis performed with data obtained along 1000 km of shoreline and covering from the upper supralittoral to the upper infralittoral zone (−1 m). Consequently, vertical littoral zonation is a consistent pattern at a regional scale within the same biogeographical zone. While their distribution varies at the same shore height, marine species and assemblages from rocky shores show a specific vertical sequence known as zonation. A key question in ecology is how consistent is zonation along large spatial scales. The aim of this study is to show distribution patterns of littoral assemblages at a regional scale and to identify the most relevant abiotic factors associated to such patterns. The study is based on a detailed and extensive survey at a regional scale on a tideless rocky shore. Benthic macroflora and macrofauna of 750 relevés were described along the vertical axis of 143 transects distributed across the shoreline of Catalonia (NW Mediterranean). The Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) first axis is highly related to the height on the shore: species, relevés, and assemblages grade from lower to upper height (infralittoral to supralittoral). As observed in nature, different assemblages co-occur at the same height at different sites, which is shown along DCA second axis. The abiotic variables that best explain the assemblage distribution patterns are: height (75% of the model inertia), longitude (14.6%), latitude (7.2%) and transect slope (2.9%). The Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) first axis is related to height on the shore and explains four times more variance than CCA second axis, which is related to the horizontal gradient. Generalized Lineal Model (GLM) results show that height on the shore is the factor explaining most of the variance in species presence. Most studied species show distribution patterns related to latitude and longitude, but always in a much smaller proportion than to height.Financial support for this work was provided by projects “Cartography of the littoral habitats of Catalonia” (Departament de Medi Ambient & Institut Cartogràfic, Generalitat de Catalunya), GRACCIE (C5D2007-00067), CoCoNET (FP7 Grant Agreement: 287844) and INTRAMURAL CSIC 201330E065

    Sobre la planta del genero 'Crassula' descubierta en el Baix Llobregat

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    En 1969 dos de nosotros (TERRADAS y VIGO) dimos cuenta en una publicación titulada 'Sobre la vegetación de la zona de acantilados del Baix Llobregat' del hallazgo en dicha región de una planta del género Crassula que resultó especie nueva para la flora de Europa. De acuerdo con las indagaciones que pudimos llevar a cabo entonces, llegamos a la conclusión de que la planta descubierta por nosotros debía considerarse como muy afín de Crassula pentandra (Royle ex Edgew) Schoenl., especie extendida por el África tropical y la India, y la describimos bajo el nombre de Crassula pentandra subsp. catalaunica. Los caracteres que separan esta planta de Crassula pentandra típica, especificados en la publicación mencionada, corresponden a diferencias cuantitativas de orden general y, más especialmente, en el menor tamaño de las piezas florales así como de los frutos y semilla

    Estructura de los hábitats y patrones de zonación en playas del Mediterráneo noroccidental

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    We studied the habitat structure (macrofaunal assemblages and bottom types) and zonation patterns of 29 unvegetated shoreline strands along the 900-km coast of Catalonia (NW Mediterranean Sea). Organisms were sampled with grabs, pitfall traps, sticky traps, clam nets and spades to ensure capture of the different proportions of macrofaunal assemblages from the supra-, medio- and infralittoral levels. We collected 211 taxa: 194 animals and 17 algae. The most abundant and dominant organisms collected with van Veen grabs were Nematoda, Oligochaeta and Collembola at the supralittoral level; the polychaetes Saccocirrus spp. and Pisione remota, the amphipod Corophium orientale, Nematoda, and Turbellaria at the mediolittoral level; and Nematoda at the upper infralittoral level. SIMPER analysis revealed great dissimilarity between the organisms inhabiting the supralittoral and the other littoral levels. Regarding the epifauna, the sticky traps used at the supralittoral level mainly collected Collembola, which were nearly absent in pitfall traps. The qualitative study performed with a clam net and a small spade revealed that Nematoda, Saccocirrus spp., Turbellaria, Nemertea and the polychaete P. remota were the most abundant animals at both the medio- and the infralittoral levels and no differences were found between these levels. Different qualitative sampling methodologies showed that in fine sediments the bivalves Donax trunculus and D. semistriatus determined more than 97% of dissimilarity from coarse-sand sites. Richness increased in protected sandy and cobble shores. Littoral level and bottom-type features were only to a certain extent valid indicators of specific biotic components for a specific habitat.Se ha estudiado la estructura de los hábitats (comunidades de macrofauna y tipos de sedimento) y los patrones de zonación de 29 playas desprovistas de vegetación a lo largo de los 900 km de la costa de Cataluña (Mediterráneo noroccidental). El muestreo de los organismos se realizó mediante dragas, trampas de caída, trampas adhesivas, redes de marisqueo y palas para asegurar una captura exhaustiva de los organismos presentes en las comunidades de macrofauna de los niveles supralitoral, mediolitoral e infralitoral. Se colectaron 211 taxones: 194 animales y 17 algas. Los organismos más abundantes y dominantes recolectados con dragas van Veen fueron: Nematodos, Oligoquetos y Colémbolos en el nivel supralitoral; los poliquetos Saccocirrus spp. y Pisione remota, el anfípodo Corophium orientale, Nematodos y Turbelarios en el nivel mediolitoral; y Nematodos en la parte menos profunda del nivel infralitoral. Los análisis SIMPER detectaron grandes diferencias entre los organismos del nivel supralitoral y los de los otros niveles. Respecto a la epifauna, las trampas adhesivas usadas en el nivel supralitoral capturaron principalmente Colémbolos, los cuales estaban ausentes en las trampas de caida. El estudio cualitativo realizado con una red de marisqueo y una pala pequeña reveló que Nematodos, los poliquetos Saccocirrus spp. y Pisione remota, Turbelarios y Nemertinos eran los animales más abundantes tanto en el nivel mediolitoral como en el nivel infralitoral y que no había diferencias entre ambos niveles. Diferentes métodos cualitativos de muestreo revelaron que en los sedimentos finos los bivalvos Donax trunculus y D. semistriatus determinaban más del 97% de la disimilitud con los sedimentos gruesos. La riqueza en especies aumentaba en playas mixtas de arenas y cantos. El nivel y el tipo de sedimento fueron solo hasta cierto punto indicadores válidos de la composición de especies para cada hábitat concreto.Financial support came from the projects “Cartografia dels Hàbitats Litorals a Catalunya” (Departament de Territori i Sosteniblitat and Institut Cartogràfic, Generalitat de Catalunya) and INTRAMURAL CSIC 201330E065

    The Inherited and Familial Component of Early-Onset Colorectal Cancer

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    Early-onset colorectal cancer (EOCRC), defined as that diagnosed before the age of 50, accounts for 10-12% of all new colorectal cancer (CRC) diagnoses. Epidemiological data indicate that EOCRC incidence is increasing, despite the observed heterogeneity among countries. Although the cause for such increase remains obscure, ≈13% (range: 9-26%) of EOCRC patients carry pathogenic germline variants in known cancer predisposition genes, including 2.5% of patients with germline pathogenic variants in hereditary cancer genes traditionally not associated with CRC predisposition. Approximately 28% of EOCRC patients have family history of the disease. This article recapitulates current evidence on the inherited syndromes that predispose to EOCRC and its familial component. The evidence gathered support that all patients diagnosed with an EOCRC should be referred to a specialized genetic counseling service and offered somatic and germline pancancer multigene panel testing. The identification of a germline pathogenic variant in a known hereditary cancer gene has relevant implications for the clinical management of the patient and his/her relatives, and it may guide surgical and therapeutic decisions. The relative high prevalence of hereditary cancer syndromes and familial component among EOCRC patients supports further research that helps understand the genetic background, either monogenic or polygenic, behind this increasingly common disease

    Age-related clonal haematopoiesis is associated with increased epigenetic age

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    Age-related clonal haemopoiesis (ARCH) in healthy individuals was initially observed through an increased skewing in X-chromosome inactivation [1]. More recently, several groups reported that ARCH is driven by somatic mutations [2], with the most prevalent ARCH mutations being in the DNMT3A and TET2 genes, previously described as drivers of myeloid malignancies. ARCH is associated with an increased risk for haematological cancers [2]. ARCH also confers an increased risk for non-haematological diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, atherosclerosis, and chronic ischemic heart failure, for which age is a main risk factor 3, 4. Whether ARCH is linked to accelerated ageing has remained unexplored. The most accurate and commonly used tools to measure age acceleration are epigenetic clocks: they are based on age-related methylation differences at specific CpG sites [5]. Deviations from chronological age towards an increased epigenetic age have been associated with increased risk of earlier mortality and age-related morbidities 5, 6. Here we present evidence of accelerated epigenetic age in individuals with ARCH

    Punk's not dead : fungi for tinder at the Neolithic site of La Draga (NE Iberia)

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    This paper presents the study of the fungi remains preserved in the waterlogged deposits of the Neolithic site of La Draga. These resources had the potential of being used as food and medicine, but also as tinder. Fire was without a doubt one of the most important resources for past people. It was used for lighting, heating, processing food and other materials, cooking and protection, and also possessed social and ritual significance. Hearths are one of the most common features at archaeological sites, but very often little attention is paid to the question of how these fires were lit, and they are seldom reflected in the archaeological record. In order to produce fire by percussion, an intermediate material is required between the sparks and the fuel. Fruiting bodies of fungi are a potential form of tinder, but are less inclined to be well-preserved than other materials. This paper presents the fungal fruiting bodies found at the Neolithic site of La Draga and discusses the meaning of their presence within the archaeological context of the site and European Prehistor

    Life on the boundary: Environmental factors as drivers of habitat distribution in the littoral zone

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    The boundary between land and sea, i.e. the littoral zone, is home to a large number of habitats whose distribution is primarily driven by the distance to the sea level but also by other environmental factors such as littoral's geomorphological features, wave exposure, water temperature or orientation. Here we explore the relative importance of those major environmental factors that drive the presence of littoral rocky habitats along 1100 Km of Catalonia's shoreline (Spain, NW Mediterranean) by using Geographic Information Systems and Generalized Linear Models. The distribution of mediolittoral and upper infralittoral habitats responded to different environmental factors. Mediolittoral habitats showed regional differences drawn by sea-water temperature and substrate type. Wave exposure (hydrodynamism), slope and geological features were only relevant to those mediolittoral habitats with specific environmental needs. We did not find any regional pattern of distribution in upper infralittoral habitats, and selected factors only played a moderate role in habitat distribution at the local scale. This study shows for the first time that environmental factors determining habitat distribution differ within the mediolittoral and the upper infralittoral zones and provides the basis for further development of models oriented at predicting the distribution of littoral marine habitats.Financial support for this work was provided by projects INTRAMURAL CSIC 0065 “Estudios para la implementación de las Directivas Europeas Hábitats, Marco del Agua y Estrategia Marina en el Mediterráneo Español”. This study is also a contribution of GRACCIE (C5D2007-00067) and CoCoNET (FP7 Grant Agreement: 287844) projects