31 research outputs found

    The Impact of Second Step Implementation on Students’ Social-Emotional Skills in an Elementary School Setting

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    A positive classroom and a positive school environment are needed to best support students, especially those students with major behavioral concerns. The implementation of the Second Step curriculum is one way to support positive student behavior. This study examined the impact of Second Step implementation methods on students’ emotion management skills. Peer-to-peer, small-group teacher intervention, and whole-group implementation groups in kindergarten and fifth-grade classrooms were studied. Data collection methods included observational checklists, a district created formative assessment, and pre- and post-tests created by the Second Step curriculum. The data collected indicated that many students had an accurate understanding of social-emotional learning skills, but they did not implement emotion-management skills consistently. However, students participating in peer-to-peer emotion management teaching were more self-aware and applied emotion management skills more frequently when compared to students receiving small-group and whole-group instruction. Based on these results, peer-to-peer instruction methods are recommended to strengthen Second Step emotion management skill instruction and student self-awareness

    Feasibility of a Monitoring Mechanism Supporting a Watch List under the Water Framework Directive

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    This report describes work conducted by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre in the context of its support to the implementation of the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC. The work aimed at the feasibility assessment of an experimental monitoring exercise in support to a so-called Watch List Mechanism in a collaborative design involving EU Member States laboratories and some 200 official monitoring station operated by the Member States. The report includes all details on sampling stations, performance of analytical methods as well as the results of the analyses of all samples with regard to the occurrence and levels of 20 compounds of concern. In total, 219 whole water samples originating from 25 EU Member States and 2 other European countries, were assessed for contents of acesulfame, glyphosate and its metabolite AMPA, 1H-Benzotriazole and tolyltriazoles, bisphenol A, triclosan and triclocarban, carbamazepine and its metabolite 10,11-dihydro-10,11-dihydroxycarbamazepine, sulfamethoxazole, perfluoropropionic acid, tris-2-chloropropyl phosphate, methyl tert-butyl ether, silver, boron and chloride (Cl-) in water. Furthermore, 23 sediment samples were analysed for decabromodiphenylethane and decabromodiphenyl ether. The underlying analytical methods are carefully documented with regards to their performance characteristics. Obtained results are assessed statistically and where possible compared to other findings. Although the analysed single samples are insufficient to make any statement on the performance of the treatment processes leading to the compost, the collective of data allows having a glance at the pan-European situation as regards the studies compounds. Background information from literature describing the situation before the survey is included, too. The report is divided into a core part and two annexes. For practical reasons, the report is split into two volumes: Volume 1 contains the report and the single analytical results; volume 2 contains the documentation of the sampling stations.JRC.H.1-Water Resource

    Cocaine in surface waters: a new evidence-based tool to monitor community drug abuse

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    BACKGROUND: Cocaine use seems to be increasing in some urban areas worldwide, but it is not straightforward to determine the real extent of this phenomenon. Trends in drug abuse are currently estimated indirectly, mainly by large-scale social, medical, and crime statistics that may be biased or too generic. We thus tested a more direct approach based on 'field' evidence of cocaine use by the general population. METHODS: Cocaine and its main urinary metabolite (benzoylecgonine, BE) were measured by mass spectrometry in water samples collected from the River Po and urban waste water treatment plants of medium-size Italian cities. Drug concentration, water flow rate, and population at each site were used to estimate local cocaine consumption. RESULTS: We showed that cocaine and BE are present, and measurable, in surface waters of populated areas. The largest Italian river, the Po, with a five-million people catchment basin, steadily carried the equivalent of about 4 kg cocaine per day. This would imply an average daily use of at least 27 ± 5 doses (100 mg each) for every 1000 young adults, an estimate that greatly exceeds official national figures. Data from waste water treatment plants serving medium-size Italian cities were consistent with this figure. CONCLUSION: This paper shows for the first time that an illicit drug, cocaine, is present in the aquatic environment, namely untreated urban waste water and a major river. We used environmental cocaine levels for estimating collective consumption of the drug, an approach with the unique potential ability to monitor local drug abuse trends in real time, while preserving the anonymity of individuals. The method tested here – in principle extendable to other drugs of abuse – might be further refined to become a standardized, objective tool for monitoring drug abuse

    A biographical and literary approach o facing the reality and fiction in The Chants of Maldoror

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    This study consists of a biographical and literary approach as well as the analysis of the concepts of reality and fiction in the work the corners of Lautréamont Maldoror of Isidore Ducasse. We will use the preface of Cláudio Willer critic which recounts the biography of the poet and the book of Gaston Bachelard Lautréamont to support analysis and illuminate the paths of poetic language and literature transgressive in the corners. We will demonstrate also the notion of Sérgio biografismo Vilas Boas and reality and fiction theory reviewed by Rogério Borges, these concepts will dialogue with the literary work in question. Uma abordagem biográfica e literária frente à realidade e ficção em Os Cantos de Maldoror O presente estudo consiste em uma abordagem biográfica e literária como também a análise sobre os conceitos de realidade e ficção na obra Lautréamont Os Cantos de Maldoror de Isidore Ducasse. Utilizaremos o prefácio do crítico Cláudio Willer o qual relata a biografia do poeta e o livro de Gaston Bachelard Lautréamont para apoiar a análise e iluminar os caminhos da linguagem e literatura transgressora na poética dos Cantos. Demonstraremos também a noção de biografismo de Sérgio Vilas Boas e a teoria realidade e ficção analisada por Rogério Borges, conceitos estes que dialogarão com a obra literária em questão

    sj-docx-1-jtt-10.1177_1357633X241245459 - Supplemental material for The role of increasing synchronous telehealth use during the COVID-19 pandemic on disparities in access to healthcare: A systematic review

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    Supplemental material, sj-docx-1-jtt-10.1177_1357633X241245459 for The role of increasing synchronous telehealth use during the COVID-19 pandemic on disparities in access to healthcare: A systematic review by Sara Ternes, Lauren Lavin, J Priyanka Vakkalanka, Heather S Healy, Kimberly AS Merchant, Marcia M Ward, and Nicholas M Mohr in Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare</p