290 research outputs found

    Percursos de empregabilidade dos licenciados: perspectivas europeias e nacional

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    No presente trabalho apresentamos uma reflexão em torno da empregabilidade dos diplomados do Ensino Superior. Considerando a pertinência e actualidade do tema, é nossa intenção uma melhor compreensão em relação às questões decorrentes de um mundo cada vez mais globalizado e outras, inerentes à problemática da convergência europeia quanto à formação e qualificação de nível superior. Fizemos o exame de alguns aspectos que remetem para as questões da globalização, sendo apresentados alguns indicadores comparativos nos países da União Europeia. Neste âmbito são destacados factores relativos aos diversos sistemas de ensino, às qualificações académicas e às competências profissionais. São também tecidas algumas considerações sobre os factores de empregabilidade dos diplomados em Portugal, tendo como pano de fundo Bolonha e Praga, bem como as novas exigências do mercado de trabalho no quadro de um novo paradigma de aprendizagem e de formação. Para uma melhor compreensão do fenómeno, os dados de alguns estudos realizados no nosso País serão alvo de uma meta-análise.In this work we present a reflection concerning employability of higher education graduates. Considering the pertinence and actuality of the subject, we intent to better comprehend the globalisation phenomenon. Aspects related to formation and qualification of the graduates will also be addressed. We present some comparative indicators regarding educational systems, academic qualifications and professional competences in the European Union countries. Some considerations related to the factors of employability of higher education graduates will also be carried out. On the basis of Bologna and Prague, we suggest new demands of the market world in the chart of a new learning and formation paradigm. For a better comprehension of the phenomenon, we also present a meta-analysis of some studies conducted in Portugal

    Access is not enough: perspectives of mature students? and professors of the Universities of Aveiro and Algarve

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    The introduction of Law 64/2006 allowed creating alternative forms of access to Higher Education (HE), leading to a significant increase of mature students at Higher Education Institutions (HEI). From the academic year of 2006/07 on, Portuguese HEI implemented an alternative access to students with 23 years old or more. These mature students could apply even without completing their secondary studies. After a written test that includes a general and a specific scientific component (done and evaluated by the university staff), the professional experience and training of the students are assessed, and an individual interview is conducted. In Portugal more than 86.000 mature students were approved since the year of 2006 by the HEI; despite the fact that a lesser number of students are effectively enrolled in HE (GPEARI/MEC, 2011). It seems a fact that access was made easier to students that traditionally were not at the university. But easier access means little if nothing is done to tackle the traditional problems of drop-out and retention that are commonly associated to non-traditional students in HE. It is time, therefore, to go beyond access and get a deeper understanding on the main obstacles mature students face while in HE, or how they perceive the factors that influence both the learning and the teaching processes. This will allow us to produce some recommendations to improve mature students’ academic success

    No caminho do desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional

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    No intuito do desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional, a motivação levou à aquisição de mais competências em que o curso de Mestrado em Enfermagem com Especialização em Enfermagem Médico-Cirúrgica (E.M.C.) ministrado pelo Instituto de Ciências da Saúde no Centro Regional das Beiras da Universidade Católica Portuguesa, se revelou como a resposta para colmatar as necessidades detectadas e desenvolver um corpo de conhecimento na área da E.M.C., entendendo-o como uma mais-valia para a minha prática profissional. Para a produção deste documento segui uma estratégia analítica, descritiva e crítica. Para melhor percepção e compreensão, este relatório encontra-se estruturado em 5 capítulos gerais: Introdução, Módulo I, Módulo II, Módulo III (os quais englobam sub - capítulos com os objectivos delineados para cada um dos módulos, bem como as actividades desenvolvidas e respectiva análise crítica) e Conclusão. Os objectivos deste Relatório são: descrever e contextualizar cada local escolhido para realização dos Módulos; dar a conhecer todas as actividades desenvolvidas nos Módulos, relacionando-as com os objectivos propostos e ao longo de cada campo de estágio realizar uma análise crítica sobre as mesmas; descrever o meu percurso de aprendizagem, reflectindo sobre os ensinos clínicos. Desenvolvi competências instrumentais actuando em conformidade com as “guidelines” internacionais, resolvendo problemas, tomando decisões adequadas e aumentando a capacidade de organização e planeamento dos cuidados prestados. Ampliei competências investigativas na execução de pesquisa bibliográfica para os diversos trabalhos realizados e para fundamentar as minhas decisões e actuações. As capacidades de autonomia, liderança, de adaptação a novas situações, de aprendizagem, de aplicação prática de conhecimentos teóricos adquiridos e a realização da gestão desenvolveram as minhas competências sistémicas. Alarguei as minhas competências interpessoais e capacidades de crítica e auto-crítica. Na UCIP, realizei duas sessões de formação em serviço sobre: ”Comunicação com o doente ventilado”. Organizei uma conferência a nível da instituição subordinada ao tema: “Terapia e Espiritualidade”. Elaborei um trabalho sobre “Compatibilidades de administração de antibioterapia em «y». Redigi ainda um estudo de caso sobre “Enxerto osteomiocutâneo maxilo-facial por carcinoma espinho-celular da mucosa jugal”. No Bloco Operatório (B.O.) desenvolvi uma sessão de formação em serviço sobre “Comunicação Assertiva no B.O.” e redigi um trabalho de revisão bibliográfica sobre: Ligamentoplastias. No serviço de urgência (S.U.) elaborei a Carta de Registo de Intervenções de Enfermagem, desenvolvi um trabalho subordinado ao tema: “Satisfação do doente: Contacto com o Enfermeiro da Triagem do S.U.” e redigi um estudo de caso sobre: “O Doente Politraumatizado”. Após reflexão profunda acerca das experiências vividas e relacionando-as com o meu crescimento pessoal e profissional, posso afirmar que todos os estágios contribuíram indubitavelmente para a consolidação da minha aprendizagem.In order of personal and professional development, motivation led to the acquisition of skills in the Masters program in Nursing with specialization in Medical-Surgical Nursing (EMC), conducted by the Institute of Health Sciences in Beiras’ Regional Centre of Catholic University,, which became the answer to address the identified needs and develop a body of knowledge in the area of EMC, understanding it as an asset for my professional practice. For the production of this document, I followed an analytical, descriptive and critical strategy. For better perception and understanding, this report is structured into 5 general chapters: Introduction, Module I, Module II, Module III (which includes sub - chapters with the objectives outlined for each of the modules as well as the activities and their examination), and Conclusion. The objectives of this report are: to describe and contextualize each location chosen for the modules, to disclose all activities in the modules, connecting them with their objectives and field throughout each stage to perform a critical analysis of the same; to describe my journey of learning, reflecting on clinical placements. I developed instrumental skills acting in accordance with the international "guidelines", solving problems, making appropriate decisions and increasing the capacity for organization and planning of care. I have expanded investigative skills in the performance of literature for the various works done and to support my decisions and actions. The abilities of autonomy, leadership, adaptability to new situations, learning, practical application of theoretical knowledge and implementation of management have developed my systemic skills. I have broadened my interpersonal skills and abilities of criticism and self-criticism. In the ICU, I conducted two in-service training sessions on "Communicating with the ventilated patient." I organized a conference at the institution on the topic: "Therapy and Spirituality." I drafted a paper on "Compatibility of administration of antibiotics in 'y'. Also drafted a case study on “Maxillofacial osteomiocutaneous graft due to thorn-cell carcinoma of the buccal mucosa”. In the Operating Room, I developed an in-service training session on "Assertive Communication in the Operating Room" and drafted a literature review on: “Ligament”. In the emergency department, I drafted the Nursing discharge letter, I made a paper on the theme: "Patient satisfaction: Contact with the triage nurse of the Emergency Department" and I wrote a case study on "multiple injuries". After deep reflection on the experiences and relating them to my personal and professional growth, I can say that all stages undoubtedly contributed to the consolidation of my learning

    Y-STRs and AZF microdeletions in clinical context samples

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    Forensic geneticists use several Y-STR PCR amplification kits, which are useful in forensic identification, ancestry studies and genealogies reconstruction. The Y-chromosome regions with forensic interest include the set of 16 loci defined in the Y-Chromosome Haplotype Reference Database. Nevertheless Y chromosome is connected to male infertility and microdeletions in it are the most common cause of genetic origin male infertility. The study of Y chromosome AZF (Azoospermic Factor) region is one of the strategies to diagnose it. This study aimed to characterize the AZF region microdeletions by Y-STRs and STS studies and its possible impact in forensic casework. Selected samples from fifty-two patients studied for male infertility, collected under informed consent, were characterized at molecular level with specific STS for the presence/absence of the three AZF regions: AZFa – DFFRY3, DBY; AZFb – sY1227, sY1224, sY134, sY119, sY134, RBMY1, sY143; AZFc – sY1192, sY254, RRM3, sY1291, sY283, sY1201. AmpFℓSTR® Yfiler® PCR Amplification® kit (AB) was used to obtain a 16 Y-STR profile. All the 52 samples were concordant in forensic and molecular studies, although with different scenarios: a) a normal Y-STR profile and no deletion with STS in the AZF region were revealed in about 32% of the studied samples; b) the majority of samples, about 51%, revealed also a normal Y-STR profile, but with a complete or partial deletion(1 or 2 STS) in the AZFc region; c) deletion in DYS385, DYS392, DYS448 and in AZFb+AZFc were detected in 3 samples. Four samples have the following different scenarios: d) deletion in DYS385, DYS392, DYS448 and in AZFb; e) deletion in DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS385, DYS438, DYS439, DYS458, DYS635 and in AZFa; f) deletion in DYS448, in STS sY1197 and in AZFc; g) deletion in DYS390, DYS392, DYS385, DYS448, GATAH4 and in AZFb+AZFc region. All Y-STRs studied for forensic casework are localized, essentially, in the AZFa or AZFb regions, although DYS448 is located in the distal AZFb region and DYS390 and GATAH4 are localized between AZFa and AZFb regions. Deletion in the AZFc region does not affect results in forensics. The knowledge of Y-chromossome microdeletions is important in Forensic Genetics as this can be encountered in current casework without possibility to perform clinical studies. So, it is crucial to know how to interpret the results obtained in Y-STR microdeletions samples, according to Y-chromossome structural alterations. As Y-STRs used in Forensic Genetic Laboratories are located in the AZF region, associated to male infertility, this can raise some ethical problems in Forensics

    Hydrochemistry and evolution of water quality in a context of aridity and increasing agriculture in three river sub-basins of Santiago Island (Cape Verde)

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    In regions under development and facing recurrent droughts, increasing the area of irrigated agriculture may create additional disruption in water resources management. The present study was focused on three river sub-basins with the highest agricultural intensity (S. Miguel, Ribeira Seca and S. Domingos) in Santiago Island (Cape Verde). Sets of wells were selected to evaluate the influence of salinization and agriculture practices on the hydrochemistry. This assessment was performed by using data from the bibliography (2003) and a recent campaign (2016). The water chemistry indicates lower mineralization in the S. Miguel sub-basin. Nitrates and nitrites, typically associated with diffuse pollution, are present in all sub-basins, but with varying patterns. Additionally, sodium chloride waters occur in all the three sub-basins, especially those closest to the coastline. In turn, a bicarbonate-magnesium facies was identified in S. Domingos, at the furthest point from the coast, indicating a geological control. The comparison between the two periods suggests a decrease in water quality. The rising extension of the irrigation area associated with aridity should intensify the already observed soil salinization. Thus, the present review highlights the strategic importance of water monitoring at the basin level as a management tool for resources preservation in insular arid and developing regions.This research was funded by the Gulbenkian Scholarship Service from FCG (CALOUSTE GULBENKIAN FOUNDATION), for the granted individual scholarship, under the program of Postgraduate Scholarships for students of PALOP and East Timor - Stimulating research and professional appreciation, process Nº. 139758, and co-funded by FCT through projects with references UIDB/04683/2020 and UIDP/04683/2020

    Navigating through higher education: mature students in transition

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    In our paper we are going to focus mature students close to 50 years old. We will present the results of two life histories co-constructed with these mature students, who have entered university in the year of 2010/2011. Our particular interest is to investigate how they have lived this very important transition to higher education.FC

    Diversity of non-clinical Acinetobacter species in a sub-saharan Africa region: evidence of carbapenem-hydrolysing class D-β-lactamase producers

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    [Excerpt] Although Acinetobacter baumannii has been the main agent for healthcare infections, recent reports suggest that some Acinetobacter environmental species should be considered as a potential cause of disease. In Angola, there are no previous data on its environmental reservoirs and resistance features. We aimed to unveil the occurrence and diversity of Acinetobacter species and the presence of resistance mechanisms in different non-clinical settings in Angola

    Percursos de empregabilidade dos licenciados: Perspectivas europeias e nacional

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    No presente trabalho apresentamos uma reflexão em torno da empregabilidade dos diplomados do Ensino Superior. Considerando a pertinência e actualidade do tema, é nossa intenção uma melhor compreensão em relação às questões decorrentes de um mundo cada vez mais globalizado e outras, inerentes à problemática da convergência europeia quanto à formação e qualificação de nível superior. Fizemos o exame de alguns aspectos que remetem para as questões da globalização, sendo apresentados alguns indicadores comparativos nos países da União Europeia. Neste âmbito são destacados factores relativos aos diversos sistemas de ensino, às qualificações académicas e às competências profissionais. São também tecidas algumas considerações sobre os factores de empregabilidade dos diplomados em Portugal, tendo como pano de fundo Bolonha e Praga, bem como as novas exigências do mercado de trabalho no quadro de um novo paradigma de aprendizagem e de formação. Para uma melhor compreensão do fenómeno, os dados de alguns estudos realizados no nosso País serão alvo de uma meta-análise

    Estudantes não-tradicionais no ensino superior: procurar soluções para melhorar o sucesso académico

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    PosterA avaliação de capacidade para frequência do Ensino Superior dos maiores de 23 anos veio trazer para as universidades portuguesas um grande número de estudantes não-tradicionais. Conhecer a sua realidade social, económica e cultural, as suas maiores dificuldades e obstáculos que enfrentam na estrutura universitária, é condição necessária.FC