404 research outputs found

    Coproducing leadership: a reason to resist destructive leaders

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    Purpose: Follower's individual differences have been receiving increased attention in studying destructive leadership because followers may enable or disable it. One of these yet under-researched features is the role of followers' leadership coproduction beliefs (a role construal) in explaining their resistance to destructive leaders. Departing from the proactive motivation theory, this paper explores the robustness of coproduction beliefs by testing its ability to predict followers' resistance to destructive leaders across four situations – abusive supervision, exploitative leadership, organization directed behaviors and laissez-faire. Design/methodology/approach: With a sample of 359 participants that answered a scenario-based survey, the present study tests the relationship between coproduction beliefs and resistance behaviors in the four mentioned groups, while controlling for alternative explanations. A multigroup analysis was conducted with PLS-SEM. Findings: Constructive resistance is always favored by coproduction beliefs independently of the leader's type of destructive behavior. Dysfunctional resistance, however, is sensitive to the leader's type of destructive behavior. Originality/value: This paper extends knowledge on the role of coproduction beliefs as an individual-based resource against destructive leaders.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Is it more than employability? Revisiting employers’ perception of graduates’ attributes

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    [EN] Higher education is confronted with two broad missions, either prepare graduates for the world of work, or prepare well-rounded students that combine broad-spectrum qualities of citizenship, responsibility, and professional expertise. The employability skills have been widely studied, while the attributes related to holistic education are still scarcely investigated. This paper examines the skills and other attributes that employers seek when hiring graduates. It confronts the perceptions of employers regarding the skills associated with employability and the abilities and characteristics linked to holistic education. This is an exploratory research based on original and qualitative data collected in 2020 through interviews with employers (n=8) from different sectors in Portugal. Empirical findings indicate that all employers prioritise employability skills, such as communication, teamwork, and learning abilities. We found more dispersion regarding the attributes of holistic education and a large consensus was found for interdisciplinarity, self-reflection, and personal and social responsibility. The data show that the attributes that help to address society’s problems and challenges still seem to be regarded as quite irrelevant in the recruitment process.Santos, P.; Suleman, F.; Esteves, T. (2021). Is it more than employability? Revisiting employers’ perception of graduates’ attributes. En 7th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'21). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1063-1070. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd21.2021.12868OCS1063107

    The trend of (no)wnership: Non-millennials vs. millennials

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    The present study intends to assess the trend of Nownership among Portuguese Millennials and Non-Millennials. This study is relevant and up-to-date since there are more and more companies in the Portuguese market which are investing in the creation of innovative rental solutions in the real estate, mobility and technology sectors. Therefore, a survey was developed in order to understand the current options of the Portuguese people regarding the means of acquisition of a house, a car and a smartphone. Additionally, considering these same goods, the respondents were asked about their preferred means of acquisition in the short-term (3 to 5 years), as well as the reasons for such preference. Afterwards, a scoring model was created to identify and hierarchize the motivations for those choices.Este trabalho visa aferir a existência de uma tendência de Nownership entre os Millennials e os Non-Millennials Portugueses. O estudo desta temática é pertinente e atual dado que cada vez mais existe no mercado português uma aposta por parte das empresas na criação de soluções de aluguer, inovando nos setores do imobiliário, mobilidade e tecnologia. Assim, procedeu-se à elaboração de um questionário com o objetivo de compreender as opções atuais dos Portugueses relativamente ao modo de aquisição de casa, carro e smartphone. Adicionalmente, e considerando os mesmos bens, indagou-se sobre o modo de aquisição preferencial a curto prazo (3 a 5 anos), assim como os motivos que determinam esta preferência. Em seguida, criou-se um modelo de pontuação a fim de identificar e hierarquizar as motivações de tais escolhas

    Hybrid process for genotoxics removal from active pharmaceutical ingredients combining organic solvent nanofiltration with polybenzimidazole adsorbents

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    Active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), as most of medicines, are obtained through chemical synthesis, using highly reactive reagents and usually, low levels of reagents, fractions of catalysts, or by-products are present in the final API or drug product as impurities. Some of these impurities have unwanted toxicities, including genotoxicity and carcinogenicity, and therefore related API administration risks for patient’s health has become an increasing concern of pharmaceutical companies, regulatory authorities, patients and doctors. European Medicines Agency (EMA) was the first agency to implement guidelines to control genotoxic impurities (GTIs), followed by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Both authorities agreed on setting as “Threshold of Toxicological Concern” (TTC) a limit at 1.5 micrograms per day for known and potential carcinogens [1,2]. Herein we report an approach based on the thermal treatment of a polybenzimidazole polymer providing novel adsorbent properties for genotoxic removal to purify API post-reaction streams. These novel adsorbents were tested for GTIs, such as methyl p-toluenesulfonate, p-toluenesulfonic acid, 4,4-dimethylamino pyridine and ethanesulfonyl chloride, from API solutions of Mometasone furoate (Meta). The current work will present a strategy of a hybrid process combining organic solvent nanofiltration (OSN) of API post-reaction streams with the adsorbers studied. The aim to include an adsorber stage, after the OSN operation, is to polish the retentate API solution for further purification or/and recovery of API lost through the permeate stream. Results will illustrate process efficiency gains. References [1] Teasdale A.; Elder D.; Chang S. J.; Wang S.; Thompson R.; Benz N.; Flores I. H. S., Org. Process Res. Dev. 17, 2013, 221-230. [2] EMEA Guidelines on the “Limits on Genotoxic Impurities”, EMEA/CHMP/QWP/251344/2006, 2006. Acknowledgements: We thank financial support from Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) through the Project SelectHost (PTDC/QEQ-PRS/4157/2014) and iBB-Institute for Bioengineering and Biosciences (UID/BIO/04565/2013), from Programa Operacional Regional de Lisboa 2020 (Lisboa-01-0145-FEDER-007317) and from Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq – Brasil). We thank to Hovione PharmaScience Ltd for supplying the API and technical know-how

    Inspiratory muscle training in healthy individuals: randomized controlled trial

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    Introdução – O treino dos músculos inspiratórios (TMI) surge como uma intervenção importante na população com doença pulmonar obstrutiva crónica (DPOC), mas com interesse crescente na população saudável. No entanto, não existem estudos suficientes que comprovem se o treino dos músculos inspiratórios se traduz também numa melhoria da capacidade aeróbia objetivada no consumo de oxigénio (VO2). Assim, a relação entre o TMI e os seus resultados no indivíduo saudável carece de estudo que comprove os efeitos reais do treino. Considerou-se, pelo anteriormente exposto, pertinente a realização de um estudo de investigação na população saudável que permitisse avaliar em que medida um programa de TMI induz alterações na força muscular inspiratória e na capacidade aeróbia. Métodos e análise – A amostra foi constituída por indivíduos saudáveis (n=19) com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e 21 anos que realizam exercício físico regularmente (≥3 vezes por semana ou ≥4h por semana). A capacidade aeróbia foi estimada através do Teste de Ebbeling e a força dos músculos inspiratórios foi medida pela pressão inspiratória máxima (PIM) obtida num dinamómetro específico (MicroRPM®), em dois momentos distintos (pré e pós-treino). A referida amostra foi dividida aleatoriamente em dois grupos (n=9 no grupo experimental e n=10 no grupo de controlo). O grupo experimental (GE) foi submetido a um TMI de alta intensidade (≥50% Pi,máx), enquanto o grupo de controlo (GC) não foi sujeito a qualquer intervenção. O TMI foi realizado através do PowerBreathe Classic® Level 1 e Level 2, que fornece uma pressão consistente e específica para a força muscular inspiratória, independentemente do fluxo inspiratório do indivíduo. Conclusões – Após o treino verificou-se um aumento de 37% na PIM do GE, enquanto o GC apresentou uma melhoria de 7%. Na comparação intragrupos, ambos os grupos aumentaram significativamente tanto a PIM como o VO2 (p<0,05). Já na comparação intergrupos, a diferença foi significativa para a PIM (p=0,000), mas não para o VO2. Serão necessários mais estudos no sentido de concluir e avaliar em que condições o TMI produz alterações na capacidade aeróbia.ABSTRACT: Introduction – The inspiratory muscle training (IMT) emerges as an important intervention in people with COPD, but above all with a growing interest in the healthy population. However, there are not enough studies to prove if the inspiratory muscle training is also reflected in the improvement of the aerobic capacity objectified in oxygen consumption (VO2). Therefore more investigation is relevant to understand the real relationship between IMT and its results on healthy people. Thus, it was considered appropriate to carry out a research study on healthy population that would allow assessing to what extent an inspiratory muscle training program induces changes in inspiratory muscular strength and aerobic capacity. Methods and analysis – The sample was based on healthy individuals (n=19) between 18 and 21 years old who perform regular physical exercise (≥ 3 times a week or ≥ 4 hours per week). The aerobic capacity was estimated by the Ebbeling Test and inspiratory muscle strength was measured by the maximum inspiratory pressure (MIP) obtained by a specific dynamometer (MicroRPM®) at two different times (pre and post-workout). The above mentioned sample was randomly divided into two groups (n=9 in the experimental group and n=10 in the control group). The experimental group (EG) was subjected to a high intensity IMT (≥50% Pi, max) while the control group (CG) didn´t go through any intervention. The IMT was performed by PowerBreathe Classic® Level 1 and Level 2 that provides a consistent and specific pressure for inspiratory muscle strength regardless of the individual's inspiratory flow. Conclusions – After the training, there was a 37% increase in EG PIM while the CG showed an improvement of 7%. In intergroup comparison, both groups increased significantly both as MIP and VO2 (p<0.05). However, comparing both groups, the differences were significant for the PIM (p=0.000), but not to VO2. Further studies are required to assess in which conditions IMT produces changes in aerobic capacity

    Plantas endémicas portuguesas com utilização medicinal

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    Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências FarmacêuticasOs primeiros medicamentos que surgiram tinham como base os conhecimentos etnobotânicos das populações, ou seja, as populações conheciam as plantas locais e as suas aplicações para o tratamento e prevenção das patologias. Com o presente trabalho procura-se descrever os princípios ativos presentes nas plantas e descrever a aplicação medicinal de plantas endémicas portuguesas. No desenvolvimento do trabalho verificou-se que em Portugal existe uma base de dados online onde é possível consultar todas as plantas endémicas e a região onde se encontram, porém as suas aplicações não se encontram descritas. O estudo das plantas medicinais no nosso país baseia-se, essencialmente, nos estudos etnobotânicos desenvolvidos pelos investigadores nas diferentes regiões. No entanto, os estudos fitoquímicos e farmacoterapêuticos desenvolvidos em plantas endémicas são, ainda, escassos. Pela análise dos estudos etnobotânicos analisados verificou-se que a grande parte das plantas apresentam propriedades que têm efeitos no tratamento de doenças do sistema gastrointestinal, seguidas das que atuam ao nível da pele e por fim com efeito no sistema renal e hepático. Pela análise dos estudos fitoquímicos analisados verificou-se que a grande maioria das plantas descritas apresentam compostos com propriedades antioxidantes, antibacterianas e antifúngicas. Algumas plantas também já começam a ser aplicadas no tratamento e prevenção de patologias neurodegenerativas.The first medicines that emerged were based on the ethnobotanical knowledge of populations i. e., people used the local plants for the treatment and prevention of diseases. The present work seeks to describe the active substances present in plants and describe the medicinal application of Portuguese endemic plant species. In developing this work we found that in Portugal there exists an online database where it is possible see all the endemic plant species and their distribution. The study of medicinal plants in Portugal is based primarily on ethnobotanical studies carried out by researchers in the different regions. Phytochemical and pharmacotherapeutic studies developed in Portugal with endemic plant species are still scarce. The existing studies revealed that a large part of the endemic Portuguese plants exhibit components that have a positive impact in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal system, beneficial effects on the skin and renal and hepatic systems. The phytochemical studies of endemic Portuguese plants also revealed that the vast majority of plants studied have compounds with antioxidant, antibacterial and antifungal properties. Certain plants are also starting to be applied in the treatment and prevention of neurodegenerative diseases

    The Effect of Service Context in Consumer Relationship Proneness and Behavior

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    Objective: The paper discusses the effect of context on service relationships. Considering the customers' point of view, we argue that customers may hold different proneness to establish a relationship with the provider depending on the specific service context. Different relationship proneness will, in turn, influence the more or less favorable behavior of the consumer in the relationship. As such, this paper aims to increase understanding of consumer relationship proneness and its role in different service settings. Methodology: Data were collected in two contexts, high and low contact services (health services and wholesales, respectively). Through a convenience sample of 516 consumers, we conducted a survey to examine differences in consumer proneness and behaviors in both contexts. Conclusion: Results revealed that consumer relationship proneness and behaviors vary significantly among the contexts studied. In the high contact service (healthcare services), customers exhibit higher relationship proneness and show more favorable behaviors towards the relationship, when compared with the low contact service (wholesales). It was also found that the majority of consumer behaviors are, in both contexts, correlated with relationship proneness. Implications: This research aims to fill an existing gap in the RM literature by taking consumer relationship proneness into consideration. Additionally, the effect of service types has not yet been fully explored, particularly in the customer relationship field. In managerial terms, the results of this study provide guidance to managers to differentiate customer relationship strategies according to the specific service context that they operate in

    Propiedades psicométricas del Inventario de Funciones Motivacionales del Voluntariado en una muestra de jóvenes peruanos, 2021

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar las propiedades psicométricas del Inventario de Funciones Motivacionales del Voluntariado en una muestra de jóvenes peruanos, 2021. La investigación es de tipo tecnológica o aplicada, de diseño instrumental, cuya muestra fue de 235 personas voluntarias de 18 a 29 años, en donde se utilizó inventario de funciones del voluntario (VFI) de Clary y Snyder, el cual cumple adecuadamente con la validez de contenido por medio de la V. de Aiken (0.73 a 1) y el nivel de confiabilidad general por Alpha de Cronbach 0.942, y de las 6 dimensiones entre 0.77 a 0.88. Se realizó el análisis factorial exploratorio, el cual sugirió 5 factores, posteriormente el análisis factorial confirmatorio, presentando un ajuste menor a lo esperado (CFI = 0.835; RMSEA= 0.086; SRMR= 0.0806). En conclusión, el instrumento puede ser aplicado en el contexto peruano con las seis dimensiones originarias y requiere mayores estudios para la búsqueda del ajuste aceptable

    Customer Engagement and Loyalty: A Comparative Study Between Service Contexts

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    ABSTRACT: The article discusses the effect of context on customer engagement and presents propensity to engage as an attitudinal antecedent of loyalty behaviors. We argue that customers may hold different propensity to engage depending on the specific service context, which in turn will influence more or less favorable behaviors. Data were collected through a convenience sample of 516 consumers in two settings, high and low contact services. Results revealed that propensity to engage and loyalty behaviors vary significantly between the contexts studied. We also conclude that the majority of loyalty behaviors are correlated, in both contexts, with customers propensity to engage. © 2016 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

    Plantas endémicas portuguesas com utilização medicinal

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    Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências FarmacêuticasOs primeiros medicamentos que surgiram tinham como base os conhecimentos etnobotânicos das populações, ou seja, as populações conheciam as plantas locais e as suas aplicações para o tratamento e prevenção das patologias. Com o presente trabalho procura-se descrever os princípios ativos presentes nas plantas e descrever a aplicação medicinal de plantas endémicas portuguesas. No desenvolvimento do trabalho verificou-se que em Portugal existe uma base de dados online onde é possível consultar todas as plantas endémicas e a região onde se encontram, porém as suas aplicações não se encontram descritas. O estudo das plantas medicinais no nosso país baseia-se, essencialmente, nos estudos etnobotânicos desenvolvidos pelos investigadores nas diferentes regiões. No entanto, os estudos fitoquímicos e farmacoterapêuticos desenvolvidos em plantas endémicas são, ainda, escassos. Pela análise dos estudos etnobotânicos analisados verificou-se que a grande parte das plantas apresentam propriedades que têm efeitos no tratamento de doenças do sistema gastrointestinal, seguidas das que atuam ao nível da pele e por fim com efeito no sistema renal e hepático. Pela análise dos estudos fitoquímicos analisados verificou-se que a grande maioria das plantas descritas apresentam compostos com propriedades antioxidantes, antibacterianas e antifúngicas. Algumas plantas também já começam a ser aplicadas no tratamento e prevenção de patologias neurodegenerativas.The first medicines that emerged were based on the ethnobotanical knowledge of populations i. e., people used the local plants for the treatment and prevention of diseases. The present work seeks to describe the active substances present in plants and describe the medicinal application of Portuguese endemic plant species. In developing this work we found that in Portugal there exists an online database where it is possible see all the endemic plant species and their distribution. The study of medicinal plants in Portugal is based primarily on ethnobotanical studies carried out by researchers in the different regions. Phytochemical and pharmacotherapeutic studies developed in Portugal with endemic plant species are still scarce. The existing studies revealed that a large part of the endemic Portuguese plants exhibit components that have a positive impact in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal system, beneficial effects on the skin and renal and hepatic systems. The phytochemical studies of endemic Portuguese plants also revealed that the vast majority of plants studied have compounds with antioxidant, antibacterial and antifungal properties. Certain plants are also starting to be applied in the treatment and prevention of neurodegenerative diseases