855 research outputs found

    Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov Calculations in Coordinate Space: Neutron-Rich Sulfur, Zirconium, Cerium, and Samarium Isotopes

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    Using the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (HFB) mean field theory in coordinate space, we investigate ground state properties of the sulfur isotopes from the line of stability up to the two-neutron dripline (3452S^{34-52}S). In particular, we calculate two-neutron separation energies, quadrupole moments, and rms-radii for protons and neutrons. Evidence for shape coexistence is found in the very neutron-rich sulfur isotopes. We compare our calculations with results from relativistic mean field theory and with available experimental data. We also study the properties of neutron-rich zirconium (102,104Zr^{102,104}Zr), cerium (152Ce^{152}Ce), and samarium (158,160Sm^{158,160}Sm) isotopes which exhibit very large prolate quadrupole deformations.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Capítulo V. Cotopaxi, una provincia con una miseria no excepcional

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    Idag ställs allt högre krav på miljöhänsyn inom turismen, samtidigt som miljöanpassning betraktas som ett viktigt konkurrensmedel. Ett framgångsrikt miljöarbete anses kunna stärka såväl företag som hela destinationer. En miljöanpassning ger verksamheten eller destinationen större insikt i den miljöpåverkan turismverksamheten ger upphov till. Den insikten ger också möjlighet att begränsa miljöpåverkan. Syfte   Syftet med detta projektarbete var att undersöka vad konsumenter och företagare anser om miljömärkning i turistbranschen. samt att undersöka om miljömärkning påverkar valet av boende under semestern eller vid konferens.   Intervjuer genomfördes under sommaren 2002 på fyra boendeanläggningar i Hälsingland, varav två är miljömärkta enligt Den Gröna Nyckeln.   Här är några resultat och slutsatser - Få känner till Den Gröna Nyckeln - De flesta ställer sig positiva till miljömärkning inom turism. - Alla tillfrågade uppgav att miljömärkning var något som inte påverkade deras val av boende men att miljömärkning var något de tror kommer att bli viktigare i framtiden. - Enligt företagare marknadsförs inte Den Gröna Nyckeln i någon högre utsträckning. Detta beror dels på att företagarna inte anser sig ha tillräcklig kunskap för att bemöta gäster. En annan orsak sägs vara att företagaren inte tror att miljömärkningen påverkar kundens val. - Den positiva attityden till miljömärkning skapar ett mervärde som företagen skulle kunna utnyttja i sin marknadsföring.  

    El criterio de relevancia científica y la organización histórica por generaciones de la ciencia española

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    Si la aportación de nuestro país a las Artes ha constituido tradicionalmente una referencia a nivel internacional, la Ciencia española ha tardado muchos siglos en aproximarse a los estándares de los países más avanzados de nuestro entorno. Realmente, a las puertas de la Guerra Civil podíamos presumir de haberlo logrado, y de ello se han hecho eco numerosos historiadores de nuestro pasado científico. En este artículo se presenta una organización histórica de la Ciencia española contemporánea que pretendemos sea novedosa. Atendiendo al criterio de relevancia internacional de sus respectivas contribuciones científicas, a las tradicionalmente conocidas como generaciones de sabios y generaciones intermedias añadimos una nueva categoría: la de las generaciones tuteladas, justificando convenientemente su caracterización

    Description of the tadpole of Cochranella resplendens and redescription of the tadpole of Hyalinobatrachium aureoguttatum (Anura, Centrolenidae)

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    Se describe el renacuajo de Cochranella resplendens y se redescribe el de Hyalinobatrachium aureoguttatum, incluyendo información sobre su variación ontogénica. Cochranella resplendens se caracteriza por tener un aparato oral sin inflexión intramarginal y un supraquerostoma casi recto, aunque ligeramente arqueado en la mitad. Por otro lado, H. aureoguttatum tiene un aparato oral con inflexión intramarginal; presenta un característico supraquerostoma en forma de "M" y pocas papilas intramarginales (1-5) en el labio superior. Ninguna de las dos especies mostró una variación significativa en el aparato oral durante su desarrollo (excepto en los estadios Gosner 24 y 42 en C. resplendens y 23-24 en H. aureoguttatum). Los cambios ontogénicos más evidentes fueron en el tamaño y la coloración.Descrevemos o girino de Cochranella resplendens e redescrevemos o girino de Hyalinobatrachium aureoguttatum, incluindo informação sobre sua variação ontogenética. Cochranella resplendens caracteriza-se por apresentar um aparato oral sem inflexão intramarginal e a porção superior do bico córneo quase reta, ainda que ligeiramente arqueado na porção mediana. Por outro lado, H. aureoguttatum possui aparato oral com inflexão intramarginal e apresenta a porção superior do bico córneo característica, em forma de "M", e poucas papilas intramarginais (1-5) no lábio superior. Nenhuma das duas espécies mostrou uma variação significativa no aparato oral durante o desenvolvimento (exceto nos estágios 24 e 42 de Gosner em C. resplendens e 23-24 em H. aureoguttatum). As mudanças ontogenéticas mais evidentes estão relacionadas com o tamanho e a coloração.The tadpole of Cochranella resplendens is described and that of Hyalinobatrachium aureoguttatum is redescribed; information on their ontogenetic variation also is included. Cochranella resplendens is characterized by having a non-emarginated oral apparatus and an upper jaw sheath nearly straight with a smooth arch in the middle. Hyalinobatrachium aureoguttatum has an emarginated oral apparatus with a characteristic M-shaped upper jaw sheath and bears few (1-5) submarginal papillae on the upper labium. Although the two species show few changes in the oral apparatus during their development (except for changes in Gosner Stages 24 and 42 in C. resplendens and 23-24 in H. aureoguttatum), there are major ontogenetic changes in size and coloration

    Estabilidad de pórticos 2D en régimen elastoplástico

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    AbstractThe evaluation of the maximum level of load that any 2D framed structure can undergo, before plastic collapse or buckling, is addressed in this paper. The analytical approach, based on a beam element with elastic behaviour except on its ends, uses an incremental approach to determine when changes appear due to plastic behaviour. When the combination of axial force and bending moment in any cross-section reaches the plastic function, that section is considered to yield suddenly and relative displacements can appear because of the yielding. The model includes the traditional plastic hinge, which only considers relative rotation due to the effect of the bending moment. The sequential loading and yielding reduces the stiffness and stability of the frame, which is computed and compared with the classic plastic methods of analysis

    Anguis incomptus (sauria: anguidae), Una adición a la herpetofauna de Tamaulipas, México

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    Anguis incomptus is a rare lizard known from fewer than five specimens. We found one specimen in Tamaulipas state representing the first record of this species in this Mexican state. Morphological aspects and an extension in the distributional range are described

    Effects of adenotonsillectomy on plasma inflammatory biomarkers in obese children with obstructive sleep apnea: A community-based study.

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    BackgroundObesity and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSA) are highly prevalent and frequently overlapping conditions in children that lead to systemic inflammation, the latter being implicated in the various end-organ morbidities associated with these conditions.AimTo examine the effects of adenotonsillectomy (T&A) on plasma levels of inflammatory markers in obese children with polysomnographically diagnosed OSA who were prospectively recruited from the community.MethodsObese children prospectively diagnosed with OSA, underwent T&A and a second overnight polysomnogram (PSG) after surgery. Plasma fasting morning samples obtained after each of the two PSGs were assayed for multiple inflammatory and metabolic markers including interleukin (IL)-6, IL-18, plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1), monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9), adiponectin, apelin C, leptin and osteocrin.ResultsOut of 122 potential candidates, 100 obese children with OSA completed the study with only one-third exhibiting normalization of their PSG after T&A (that is, apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) ≤1/hour total sleep time). However, overall significant decreases in MCP-1, PAI-1, MMP-9, IL-18 and IL-6, and increases in adropin and osteocrin plasma concentrations occurred after T&A. Several of the T&A-responsive biomarkers exhibited excellent sensitivity and moderate specificity to predict residual OSA (that is, AHI⩾5/hTST).ConclusionsA defined subset of systemic inflammatory and metabolic biomarkers is reversibly altered in the context of OSA among community-based obese children, further reinforcing the concept on the interactive pro-inflammatory effects of sleep disorders such as OSA and obesity contributing to downstream end-organ morbidities

    Transfer Hydrogenation of Azo Compounds with Ammonia Borane Using a Simple Acyclic Phosphite Precatalyst

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    Tris(quinolin-8-yl)phosphite, P(Oquin)(3), promotes the dehydrogenation of H3N center dot BH3 (AB) and the transfer hydrogenation of azoarenes using ammonia borane (AB) as H-2 source. The metal-free reduction of azoarenes proceeds under mild reaction conditions upon which several diphenylhydrazine derivatives are obtained in high yields. The reactivity of P(Oquin)(3) toward AB was evaluated through NMR in situ tests. The rate of the reaction, activation parameters, deuterium kinetic isotope effect (DKIE) and linear-free energy relationship were investigated. Such mechanistic and kinetic studies suggest that P(Oquin)(3) is a precatalyst and that AB is likely involved in more than one stage of the reaction pathway. Furthermore, the kinetic data indicate that the reaction proceeds through an ordered transition state, possibly associative