76 research outputs found

    Imbumba yamaNyama

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    2nd edThis book comprises Xhosa studies on (a) the subject of the Ntsikana celebrations that are annually observed in the Cape Province ; (b) the clan names of the Xhosa people ; (c) praise names associated with those clans ; (d) and an account of the Intlangwini tribes, found in South Africa. These studies have occupied me, off and on, upwards of thirty-five years of enquiry, and are here published for the first time with the aim of encouraging researchers to make further investigation on these and kindred topics largely neglected by the present generation. [abstract taken from explanatory note provided by the author]

    Influencia del "Soft Power" de China en España

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    Para la realización de este trabajo, se ha seguido el marco teórico establecido por el índice The Soft Power 30, que ha servido de guía a la hora de determinar los parámetros utilizados para el análisis del objeto de este estudio: la influencia del soft power de China en España. En particular, este trabajo se centra en el análisis del soft power chino en cuatro categorías distintas: cultura, educación, iniciativa empresarial y diplomacia pública. Para ello, se ha escogido un activo por categoría mediante el cual China ejerce su soft power en España: el Instituto Confucio, los intercambios estudiantiles, las grandes empresas y la inversión, y los medios de comunicación chinos en español, respectivamente. Además, el trabajo cuenta también con una contextualización histórica de las relaciones sino-españolas desde el establecimiento de relaciones diplomáticas en 1973, y con un análisis de la imagen actual de China en España. Los objetivos principales son analizar las fuentes más relevantes de soft power chino en España, estudiar la influencia y el impacto real de éste en la sociedad española y conformar una imagen más clara de las relaciones sino-españolas en la actualidad.Per a la realització d'aquest treball, s'ha seguit el marc teòric establert per l'índex The Soft Power 30, que ha servit de guia a l'hora de determinar els paràmetres utilitzats per l'anàlisi de l'objecte d'estudi d'aquest treball: la influència del soft power de Xina a Espanya. Particularment, aquest treball es centra en l'anàlisi del soft power xinès en quatre categories: cultura, educació, iniciativa empresarial i diplomàcia pública. Per aconseguir-ho, s'ha escollit un actiu per categoria mitjançant el qual Xina exerceix el seu soft power a Espanya: l'Institut Confuci, els intercanvis estudiantils, les grans empreses i la inversió, i els mitjans de comunicació xinesos en espanyol, respectivament. A més a més, el treball compta també amb una contextualització històrica de les relacions sino-espanyoles des de l'establiment de relacions diplomàtiques l'any 1973, i amb un anàlisi de la imatge actual de Xina a Espanya. Els objectius principals són analitzar les fonts més rellevants de soft power xinès a Espanya, estudiar la influència i l'impacte real d'aquest dins la societat espanyola i conformar una imatge més clara de les relacions sino-espanyoles en l'actualitat.To carry out this study, the theoretical framework established by the index The Soft Power 30 has been used, serving as a guide to determine the parameters used to analyse the object of study of this paper: the influence of China's soft power in Spain. Particularly, this study focuses on the analysis of China's soft power in four categories: culture, education, entrepreneurship and public diplomacy. To achieve this, an asset has been chosen for each category through which China exerts its soft power in Spain: the Confucius Institute, student exchanges, big companies and investment, and Chinese mass media in Spanish, respectively. Moreover, this paper also offers a historic contextualization of Sino-Spanish relations since the establishment of diplomatic ties in 1973 and an analysis of China's current image in Spain. The main aims of this study are analysing the most relevant resources of China's soft power in Spain, study its real influence and impact in Spain's society and create a clearer image of nowadays' Sino-Spanish relations

    Collating and validating indigenous and local knowledge to apply multiple knowledge systems to an environmental challenge: A case-study of pollinators in India

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    There is an important role for indigenous and local knowledge in a Multiple Evidence Base to make decisions about the use of biodiversity and its management. This is important both to ensure that the knowledge base is complete (comprising both scientific and local knowledge) and to facilitate participation in the decision making process. We present a novel method to gather evidence in which we used a peer-to-peer validation process among farmers that we suggest is analogous to scientific peer review. We used a case-study approach to trial the process focussing on pollinator decline in India. Pollinator decline is a critical challenge for which there is a growing evidence base, however, this is not the case world–wide. In the state of Orissa, India, there are no validated scientific studies that record historical pollinator abundance, therefore local knowledge can contribute substantially and may indeed be the principle component of the available knowledge base. Our aim was to collate and validate local knowledge in preparation for integration with scientific knowledge from other regions, for the purpose of producing a Multiple Evidence Base to develop conservation strategies for pollinators. Farmers reported that vegetable crop yields were declining in many areas of Orissa and that the abundance of important insect crop pollinators has declined sharply across the study area in the last 10–25 years, particularly Apis cerana, Amegilla sp. and Xylocopa sp. Key pollinators for commonly grown crops were identified; both Apris cerana and Xylocopa sp. were ranked highly as pollinators by farmer participants. Crop yield declines were attributed to soil quality, water management, pests, climate change, overuse of chemical inputs and lack of agronomic expertise. Pollinator declines were attributed to the quantity and number of pesticides used. Farmers suggested that fewer pesticides, more natural habitat and the introduction of hives would support pollinator populations. This process of knowledge creation was supported by participants, which led to this paper being co-authored by both scientists and farmers

    Santa Rosa Hospital, San Antonio, TX (Front)

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    1 picture postcard, see more at https://archives.library.tmc.edu/ic091-sant-57.https://digitalcommons.library.tmc.edu/txhealthfacpostc/2681/thumbnail.jp

    La Communauté Economique et Monétaire de l’Afrique Centrale : organisation intergouvernementale ou organisation supranationale?

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    The Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa, in acronym EMCA, was born in replacement of the Custom and Economic Union of Central Africa (CEUAC), from a treaty signed on 16 March 1994 in Ndjamena, Chad, by the heads of states and governments of six states, which are also members of the Economic Community of States of Central Africa (ECSAC). The activities of EMCA were launched officially on 25 June 1999, executives were appointed and the action plan, the Declaration of Malabo, was adopted. This treaty has been revised in Yaoundé, Cameroon, on 25 June 2008. This article analyses the legal nature and the legal status of the EMCA

    Santa Rosa Hospital, San Antonio, TX (Front)

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    1 picture postcard, see more at https://archives.library.tmc.edu/ic091-sant-61.https://digitalcommons.library.tmc.edu/txhealthfacpostc/2687/thumbnail.jp

    Extractantes properties of calixarenes functionalized with neutral and carboxylic functions : effect of the lenght (spacer lenght) of pendent arms on the extractant selectivity

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    Dans ce travail on étudie les propriétés complexantes et extractantes des dérivés calix[4]aréniques avec des bras de type O(CH2)nR [R : fonction complexante (ester, amide ou acide carboxylique) et n=espaceur ;1 ou 3]. L'accent est mis sur la synthèse desComplexation and extraction proprieties of calix[4]arène derivatives bearing arms of the type O(CH2)nR [R: being a complexation function (ester, amide or carboxylic acid) and n(spacer)=1or3]. News compounds (calix[4]arènes in cone conformation) having tw
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