810 research outputs found

    Uncovering the functional organization of molecular interaction networks using network embeddings based on graphlet topology

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    [eng] For this purpose, Spatial Analysis of Functional Enrichment (SAFE) framework was proposed to uncover functional regions in a network by embedding it in 2-dimensions (2D) using the Spring embedding algorithm. However, biological networks often have a heterogeneous degree distribution, i.e., nodes in the network have varying numbers of neighbours. In this case, the Spring embedding sometimes provides uninformative, densely packed embeddings best described as a ‘hairball’. On the other hand, hyperbolic embeddings, such as the Coalescent embedding, maps a network onto a disk, so that nodes of high topological importance (i.e., of high node degree) are placed closer to the center of such disk. Additionally, these embedding methods only capture node connectivity information (i.e., which nodes are connected) but does not consider network structure (i.e., wiring or topology), which captures complementary information. The state-of-the-art methods to capture network structure are based on graphlets, which are small, connected, non-isomorphic, induced sub-graphs (e.g., triangles, paths). To better capture the functional organization of networks with heterogeneous degree distributions, taking into account different types of graphlet-based wiring patterns, in this work we introduce the graphlet-based Spring (GraSpring) and the graphlet-based Coalescent (GraCoal) embeddings. Furthermore, we extend the popular SAFE framework to take as input these two newly proposed embedding methods and we use SAFE to evaluate their performance on three types of molecular interaction networks (genetic interaction, protein-protein interaction and co-expression) of various model organisms. We show that the performance in terms of functional information uncovered by each of the embedding algorithms varies depending on the type of network considered and also the model organism considered. For instance, we show that GraCoals better capture the functional and spatial organization of the genetic interaction networks of four species (fruit fly, budding yeast, fission yeast and E. coli ). Moreover, we discover that GraCoals capture different topology-function relationships depending on the species. We show that triangle-based GraCoals capture functional redundancy in GI networks of species whose genome is characterised by high counts of duplicated genes

    Controle da Navegacao de um Robo Movel em um Corredor com Redundancia de Controladores

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    Este trabalho apresenta uma estratégia de controle para que um robô móvel possa navegar ao longo da linha média de um corredor. A estratégia de controle é baseada na fusão de dois sinais de controle gerados por dois controladores distintos, os quais são redundantes, no sentido de que têm o mesmo objetivo de controle. Estes sinais correspondem a um sistema de controle baseado em visão, que utiliza a técnica de fluxo óptico, e um sistema de controle baseado em sensores ultra-sônicos. Estes sinais de controle são fusionados utilizando um filtro de informação descentralizado, pelas vantagens que tal mecanismo de fusão apresenta

    Comparative study of the pathogenicity of seabed isolates of Fusarium equiseti and the effect of the composition of the mineral salt medium and temperature on mycelia growth

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    The pathogenicity of seven strains of Fusarium equiseti isolated from seabed soil was evaluated on different host plants showing pre and post emergence damage. Radial growth of 27 strains was measured on culture media previously adjusted to different osmotic potentials with either KCl or NaCl (-1.50 to - 144.54 bars) at 15º, 25º and 35º C. Significant differences and interactive effects were observed in the response of mycelia to osmotic potential and temperature


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    El desarrollo moral de los estudiantes constituye un aspecto central de su formación. Los profesores, sin embargo, cuentan con pocas oportunidades para promover este aprendizaje en el cotidiano escolar. Siguiendo los últimos trabajos de Kohlberg relacionados con la Comunidad Justa y sus fundamentos para el desarrollo de la autonomía, se abren nuevas posibilidades de aprendizaje desde la reflexión de situaciones cotidianas. El propósito de esta investigación fue determinar los efectos en el desarrollo moral grupal de discusiones abiertas entre los estudiantes frente a situaciones escolares de conflicto. Se analizaron las discusiones grupales de tres Grupos de Discusión con estudiantes de formación técnica entre 15 y 19 años en relación a sus experiencias de práctica laboral. Para el análisis se utilizaron las categorías de desarrollo moral grupal propuestas por Kohlberg en relación a algunos de sus referentes teóricos. Los resultados muestran una discusión marcada por niveles de desarrollo moral grupal pre-convencional, que sin embargo ascienden a un estadio convencional de formulación de reglas comunes, cuando el grupo reflexiona en torno a situaciones de conflicto vividas. Estos resultados sugieren nuevas oportunidades para el desarrollo moral escolar desde el acompañamiento y reflexión de situaciones cotidianas, y responden a la necesidad de ampliar los métodos disponibles para el profesor en su rol formador


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    Resumen: La investigación cualitativa en contextos de pobreza conlleva complejidades en el proceso de comprensiónde sus transcripciones. Los análisis de contenido se ven con dificultades al intentar sintetizar textos de lenguajerestringido, largos silencios o interrupciones difíciles de interpretar. El análisis documental de textos propuestopor Karl Manheim y sistematizado por Ralf Bohnsack permite profundizar en este análisis. El objetivo de este artículoes presentar el método documental y ejemplificar su aplicación en la reconstrucción de sentidos asociados ala experiencia laboral de jóvenes desertores del sistema escolar, participantes de un programa de capacitación. Sedesarrollaron tres grupos de discusión, se transcribió su texto siguiendo la técnica TiQ y se aplicó el método documentalsiguiendo sus pasos secuenciales de tematización, interpretación reflectante, descripción y construcción detipos. Los resultados muestran una amplitud de temas, modos de interacción y marcos de referencia significativospara el grupo. La respuesta inmediata de los jóvenes a sus situaciones de conflicto tipifica su Visión de Mundo ensituaciones laborales pre y post práctica laboral. La diversidad de significados y horizontes de interacción permitendensificar la descripción de estos casos con respecto a un análisis de contenido explícito.Palabras clave: Método de análisis documental. Visiones de Mundo. Ralf Bohnsack. Capacitación laboral dejóvenes.  O MÉTODO DOCUMENTÁRIO E A RECONSTRUÇÃO DAS VISÕES DE MUNDODE JOVENS NA CAPACITAÇÃO PARA O TRABALHO Resumo: A pesquisa qualitativa em contextos de pobreza envolve complexidades no processo de compreensão de suas transcrições. Para a análise de conteúdo é difícil sintetizar textos com restrições na linguagem, longos silêncios ou interrupções difíceis de interpretar. A análise documental dos textos propostos por Karl Manheim e sistematizada por Ralf Bohnsack pode aprofundar essa análise. O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar o método documental e ilustrar a sua aplicação na reconstrução de significados associados com a experiência de trabalho de jovens desistentes, participantes de um programa de treinamento para o trabalho. Foram desenvolvidos três grupos de discussão, o texto foi transcrito seguindo a técnica TiQ e foi aplicado o método documental seguindo os seus passos sequenciais de theming, interpretação reflexiva, descrição e construção de tipos. Os resultados mostram a gama de temas, modos de interação e quadros de referência significativas para o grupo. A resposta imediata dos jovens para o seu conflito tipifica suas visões de mundo em situações pré e pós prática de trabalho. A diversidade dos significados e horizontes de interacção permitem densificar a descrição destes casos em comparação com uma análise do conteúdo explícito.Keywords: Método documental. Visões de mundo. Ralf Bohnsack. Formação profissional da juventude. DOCUMENTARY METHOD AND THE RECONSTRUCTION OF WORLD VIEWSOF YOUNG PEOPLE IN A VET PROGRAMAbstract: The qualitative research in poor social contexts imply much effort understanding its transcriptions.Content analysis fThe qualitative research in poor social contexts imply much effort to understanding its transcriptions.For Content analysis face many times difficulties trying to summarize texts with restricted vocabulary, longsilences or many interruptions not easy to interpret. The documentary method proposed by Karl Mannheim and summarizedby Ralf Bohnsack breadths the possibilities can to deep in the analysis. The purpose of this article is to presentthe documentary method and give an application example on the meaning reconstruction related to the workingexperiences of drop out students participating in a work program. Three discussion groups are transcribed using theTiQ protocol and analyzed using the documentary method through the sequential stages of themes reconstruction,reflective interpretation, description and type construction. Results show a breadth of themes, interaction modes andmeaningful reference frames for the group. The immediately answer of the young people to their conflict situationstypify their World Views in working conditions before and after their internship period. The diversity of meanings andinteraction horizons allow a dens description for these cases comparing to the results of explicit content analysis.Keywords: Documentary method. World Views. Ralf Bohnsack. VET programs

    Desarrollo de una aplicación para la gestión de los calabozos e informatización del libro de registro y custodia de detenidos, en el ámbito del Cuerpo Nacional de Policía

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    El proyecto consiste en la elaboración de una aplicación de escritorio conectada a una base de datos a través de una intranet que permite la informatización del libro de registro y custodia de detenidos, el cual es el libro oficial que se usa a nivel de fuerzas y cuerpos de seguridad del estado (Cuerpo Nacional de Policía y Guardia Civil) para anotar todas las personas privadas de libertad mientras permanecen en el interior de una dependencia policial y que además sirve de cadena de custodia debiéndose anotar todas las incidencias que ocurran en relación con el detenido. Además de añadirle una serie de mejoras que no permite el libro físico, como tomar la fotografía al detenido, el control de ocupación de las celdas, el control de la toma de medicamentos mediante alarmas sonoras automáticas, búsquedas de detenidos y estadísticas sobre los mismos. La aplicación también permite realizar la gestión operativa de un grupo de custodia de detenidos. Para la implementación se ha utilizado el lenguaje de programación Visual C# y el gestor de bases de datos MySQL

    Observer design for multivariable transport-reaction systems based on spatially distributed measurements

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    This paper is concerned with the design of observers for a class of one-dimensional multi-state transport-reaction systems considering distributed in-domain measurements over the spatial domain. A design based on the Lyapunov method is proposed for the stabilization of the estimation error dynamics. The approach uses positive definite matrices to parameterize a class of Lyapunov functionals that are positive in the Lebesgue space of integrable square functions. Thus, the stability conditions can be expressed as a set of LMI constraints which can be solved numerically using sum of squares (SOS) and standard semi-definite programming (SDP) tools. In order to evaluate the proposed methodology, a state observer is designed to estimate the variables of a nonisothermal tubular reactor model. Numerical simulations are presented to demonstrate the potentials of the proposed observer.Campus Arequip

    Evaluación comparativa del rendimiento de controladores SDN de código abierto

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    Software-defined Networking (SDN) constitutes a new era in the development of internetworking. The SDN paradigm splits the data plane from the control plane. It uses controller equipment, which is responsible for centrally managing several network devices simultaneously. This study analyzes three open-source controllers for SDN based on the OpenFlow protocol. Specifically, the performance of FloodLight, OpenDayLight (ODL), and Ryu controllers is evaluated in terms of latency, throughput, and scalability. In doing so, the Cbench tool is used in an emulated environment with Mininet. The results show that the Ryu controller presents the lowest performance in all the evaluated parameters; ODL provides lower latency and FloodLight higher throughput. Regarding scalability, we conclude that Floodlight can be used in small networks, whereas ODL can be used in dense networks. Furthermore, we evaluate their main characteristics, which must be considered for their choice prior to implementation and deployment.Las redes definidas por software (SDN) constituyen una nueva era en el diseño de la interconexión de redes. El paradigma SDN separa el plano de datos del plano de control. Para esto utiliza un equipo controlador, que se encarga de gestionar de forma centralizada varios dispositivos de red al mismo tiempo. Este estudio analiza tres controladores SDN de código abierto basados en el protocol OpenFlow. Específicamente, el rendimiento de los controladores FloodLight, OpenDayLight (ODL) y Ryu son evaluados en términos de latencia, throughput y escalabilidad. Para ello se utilizó la herramienta Cbench en un entorno emulado con Mininet. Los resultados muestran que el controlador presenta un menor rendimiento en todos los parámetros evaluados; ODL tiene una menor latencia y Floodlight un mayor throughput. En lo que tiene que ver a escalabilidad, se concluye que Floodlight es recomendable para redes pequeñas y ODL para redes densas. Además, evaluamos sus principales características, las cuales deben ser tomadas en cuenta para su elección antes de su implementación y despliegue

    State estimation of the time–space propagation of COVID-19 using a distributed parameter observer based on a SEIR-type model

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    The real-time prediction and estimation of the spread of diseases, such as COVID-19 is of paramount importance as evidenced by the recent pandemic. This work is concerned with the distributed parameter estimation of the time–space propagation of such diseases using a diffusion–reaction epidemiological model of the susceptible–exposed–infected–recovered (SEIR) type. State estimation is based on continuous measurements of the number of infections and deaths per unit of time and of the host spatial domain. The observer design method is based on positive definite matrices to parameterize a class of Lyapunov functionals, in order to stabilize the estimation error dynamics. Thus, the stability conditions can be expressed as a set of matrix inequality constraints which can be solved numerically using sum of squares (SOS) and standard semi-definite programming (SDP) tools. The observer performance is analyzed based on a simplified case study corresponding to the situation in France in March 2020 and shows promising results.Campus At