12 research outputs found

    Tuwim and 'The Chorus of Idle Footsteps'

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    General aim of the article is to show city in Julian Tuwim’s poetry oppositely to older perspectives. Mostly critics write about his poems that they contain images of urban life and reflections of sociocultural change. I invert this traditional order and try to prove that city is created and seen by new ways of thinking – that the city is modified (not poetics first). I use Michele Certeau’s ideas, because they are similar to Tuwim’s literary praxis. Certau writes about “walking in the city” creating by language (rhetorical devices named synecdoche and asyndeton). Moreover, Certeau describes three types of “spatial requirements”: creating own space, non-time instead of tradition and appearing of new subject (common and anonymous). Reading Tuwim with Certeau’s theses gives a new look into modern city and his literary representations.Zadanie „Stworzenie anglojęzycznych wersji wydawanych publikacji” finansowane w ramach umowy nr 948/P-DUN/2016 ze środków Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego przeznaczonych na działalność upowszechniającą naukę

    Seen from the outside… Panorama of Polish Language and Literature Student’s Associaition’s Activities

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    The article is an attempt at a critical review of Adela Kobelska’s study Miasto. Uniwersytet. Literaturoznawstwo. Poznań lat dwudziestych i trzydziestych XX wieku jako przestrzeń działania członk.w Koła Polonist.w  [The City. The University. The Literary Studies. Poznań in 20. and 30. of XX Century as a Space for Activities of Polish Language and Literature Student’s Associaition]. Questions asked for the author and polemics against some thesis of her discourse are centered around both historical and methodological problems (the last one may be named geopoetics of intelectual movements). The article is also an attempt to confront the inside and outside view of Polish Studies at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań.The article is an attempt at a critical review of Adela Kobelska’s study Miasto. Uniwersytet. Literaturoznawstwo. Poznań lat dwudziestych i trzydziestych XX wieku jako przestrzeń działania członk.w Koła Polonist.w  [The City. The University. The Literary Studies. Poznań in 20. and 30. of XX Century as a Space for Activities of Polish Language and Literature Student’s Associaition]. Questions asked for the author and polemics against some thesis of her discourse are centered around both historical and methodological problems (the last one may be named geopoetics of intelectual movements). The article is also an attempt to confront the inside and outside view of Polish Studies at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań

    Modalność aporetyczna. Wokół jednego wiersza Piotra Sommera

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    The author of this article analyzes and interprets Piotr Sommer’s meta-textual poem Czym mógłby być [What could it be]. The basic critical formula of “aporetic modality” is a property of language (which is improved in the poem) that reveals the impossibility of formulating clear hypotheses about writing poetry. And so, Sommer’s poem turns out to be a specific deconstruction of a poem – by speaking the poet conveys a message about the impossibility of speaking. The assertion becomes a doubt, and the poem, understood as a structure, exposes its non-constructive, and thus, maybe, its truly lyrical faceThe author of this article analyzes and interprets Piotr Sommer’s meta-textual poem Czym mógłby być [What could it be]. The basic critical formula of “aporetic modality” is a property of language (which is improved in the poem) that reveals the impossibility of formulating clear hypotheses about writing poetry. And so, Sommer’s poem turns out to be a specific deconstruction of a poem – by speaking the poet conveys a message about the impossibility of speaking. The assertion becomes a doubt, and the poem, understood as a structure, exposes its non-constructive, and thus, maybe, its truly lyrical fac

    Pedagogika pastiszu – co spodobałoby się Ignacemu Loyoli w Nowych wierszach sławnych poetów Grzegorza Uzdańskiego?

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    CEL NAUKOWY: Artykuł Pedagogika pastiszu - co spodobałoby się Ignacemu Loyoli w „Nowych wierszach sławnych poetów” Grzegorza Uzdańskiego ma na celu podjęcie refleksji nad literacką stylizacją, której funkcja nie jest parodystyczna, lecz krytyczna.  PROBLEM I METODY BADAWCZE: Autor dokonuje analizy współczesnego pastiszu, umieszczonego w teoretycznej ramie metamodernizmu (przeciwstawianego formom postmodernistycznym). Drugim problemem badawczym jest możliwość przeprowadzenia analogii między dociekaniami literaturoznawczymi a ustaleniami pedagogiki ignacjańskiej. W związku z tym analizy i interpretacje prowadzone są hermeneutyczną metodą close-reading (w części interpretacyjnej) oraz metodami komparatystycznymi (w partiach teoretycznych). PROCES WYWODU: Praca została podzielona na pięć części. Po wprowadzeniu następuje część teoretyczna zawierająca opis przemian kulturowych we współczesnym świecie (w tym próbę diagnozy sytuacji po postmodernizmie). Następnie autor dokonuje interpretacji wybranych wierszy Grzegorza Uzdańskiego. Stają się one przyczynkiem do rozważań o poszukiwaniu podmiotowości, tożsamości, rozumienia przeszłości czy sposobów radzenia sobie z kryzysem, które okazują się zaskakująco podobne do metod proponowanych w szkole Ignacego z Loyoli (próba poprowadzenia takiej paraleli znajduje się w czwartej części tekstu). Całość zamykają konkluzje i zarysowanie perspektywy dalszych badań. WYNIKI ANALIZY NAUKOWEJ: Autor pokazuje, w jaki sposób współczesna poezja wprowadza reprezentacje przemian kulturowych zachodzących pod wpływem mediów (na obecnym etapie możliwych do powiązania z metamodernizmem). Znajduje także punkty wspólne między poznawczo-wychowawczymi celami pastiszu a holistycznym nastawieniem duchowości i pedagogiki ignacjańskiej. WNIOSKI, INNOWACJE, REKOMENDACJE: Zestawienie – wyłącznie częściowe z powodu braku wspólnej płaszczyzny religijno-duchowej – pokazuje możliwości niemetafizycznej lektury tekstów świeckich, które w „strukturze wrażliwości” przypominają poszukiwania duchowe

    Aporetic modality. On Piotr Sommer’s poem

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    The author of this article analyzes and interprets Piotr Sommer’s meta-textual poem Czym mógłby być [What could it be]. The basic critical formula of “aporetic modality” is a property of language (which is improved in the poem) that reveals the impossibility of formulating clear hypotheses about writing poetry. And so, Sommer’s poem turns out to be a specific deconstruction of a poem – by speaking the poet conveys a message about the impossibility of speaking. The assertion becomes a doubt, and the poem, understood as a structure, exposes its non-constructive, and thus, maybe, its truly lyrical fac


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    The author’s academic goal is to check the effects of a parallel drawn between culture theoreticians known to the audience as writers. Both Umberto Eco (Apocalypse Postponed, Superman in Mass Culture) and Stanisław Barańczak (Incapacitated Reader) presented in their writing measured, non-elitist views of figments of collective imagination by referring to structuralism and semiotics – professional tools applied in literary criticism and cultural studies. The article offers a diagnosis of the position of the texts in question at the time of their origin. It also shows the reception of the ideas of the Polish and Italian literary critics and their creative continuations. A closer look at the specific theories related to terminology (mass culture – elitist culture), the role of the media and concealed rhetoric mechanisms leads to questions about the perspective of research into culture in the courseof dynamic changes.The author’s academic goal is to check the effects of a parallel drawn between culture theoreticians known to the audience as writers. Both Umberto Eco (Apocalypse Postponed, Superman in Mass Culture) and Stanisław Barańczak (Incapacitated Reader) presented in their writing measured, non-elitist views of figments of collective imagination by referring to structuralism and semiotics – professional tools applied in literary criticism and cultural studies. The article offers a diagnosis of the position of the texts in question at the time of their origin. It also shows the reception of the ideas of the Polish and Italian literary critics and their creative continuations. A closer look at the specific theories related to terminology (mass culture – elitist culture), the role of the media and concealed rhetoric mechanisms leads to questions about the perspective of research into culture in the courseof dynamic changes

    Reading/speaking/writing. Różewicz’s approach to orature and text (Czytanie książek (“The Reading of Books”) from the collection Płaskorzeźba (“Bas-Relief”))

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    Wiersz Tadeusza Różewicza Czytanie książek wpisuje się w krąg autotematycznych i autoreferencjalnych utworów poety. Refleksji zostaje poddana granica między rzeczywistością a literaturą. Poruszany przez autora problem reprezentacji omawiam poprzez kategorie lektury (punktem wyjścia czyniąc wieloznaczność tytułowego „czytania”), oratury i tekstury. Spopularyzowane przez antropologię literatury kategorie oralności i piśmienności przyłożone do Czytania książek pomagają w „bliskim czytaniu”, stając się poręczną kategorią interpretacyjną. Wywołane przez nie problemy hermeneutyczne (w rozumieniu siebie, świata i tekstu) niekiedy potwierdzają, niekiedy zaś modyfikują obecne w krytyce odczytania całego dzieła Różewicza.Tadeusz Różewicz’s poem Czytanie książek (“The Reading of Books”) is part of a cy- cle of auto-thematic and self-referential works by the poet. The boundary between reality and literature is examined. I am discussing the problem of representation addressed by the author by categories of reading (making the starting point the am- biguity of the eponymous “reading”), orature and texture. Categories of orality and literacy, popularized by the anthropology of literature, applied to Czytanie książek facilitate a “close reading” and became a handy interpretive category. Hermeneutic problems caused by it (in understanding oneself, the world, and the text) some times confirm and sometimes modify the critical readings of Różewicz’s entire work.Publikacja dofinansowana przez Wydział Filologiczny Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego

    Eco and Barańczak: two ways of speaking about popular culture in Central Europe

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    The author’s academic goal is to check the effects of a parallel drawn between culture theoreticians known to the audience as writers. Both Umberto Eco (Apocalypse Postponed, Superman in Mass Culture) and Stanisław Barańczak (Incapacitated Reader) presented in their writing measured, non-elitist views of figments of collective imagination by referring to structuralism and semiotics – professional tools applied in literary criticism and cultural studies. The article offers a diagnosis of the position of the texts in question at the time of their origin. It also shows the reception of the ideas of the Polish and Italian literary critics and their creative continuations. A closer look at the specific theories related to terminology (mass culture – elitist culture), the role of the media and concealed rhetoric mechanisms leads to questions about the perspective of research into culture in the courseof dynamic changes

    “I can Say […], that I — Am”: Miłosz’s Ways of Self-Discovery

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    The article discusses the plausibility of Joanna Zach’s concept described as the “poetic of confession”. “Self discovery” is, for Miłosz, related to Romantic and early-Modernist sources of creative expression, and to poetry as a specific confession of faith. This, in turn, assumes an unending tension between biography, immersed in concrete reality, and its textual representation (the truth of life is confronted with the truth of poetry). What follows is that for Miłosz the key category is experience, suspended between history and the present, and between reality and its textual transformation.Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Literack

    Miłosz i Lévinas – modernistyczny dwugłos o zadaniach literatury

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