95 research outputs found

    Effects of orofacial myofunctional therapy on masticatory function in individuals submitted to orthognathic surgery: a randomized trial

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    Abstract Objectives: The esthetic and functional results of orthognathic surgery of severe dentofacial deformities are predictable, however there are differences regarding the effects on stomatognathic system. The aim was to investigate the effects of orofacial myofunctional therapy (OMT) on the masticatory function in individuals with dentofacial deformity submitted to orthognathic surgery (OGS). Material and Methods: Forty-eight individuals (18-40 years) were evaluated, 14 undergoing OMT (treated group-TG), 10 without this treatment (untreated group-UTG) and 24 in a control group with normal occlusion; for clinical aspects the data of an individual was missed (n=46). Chewing was performed using the Expanded protocol of orofacial myofunctional evaluation with scores (OMES-E). Muscle tone and mobility were also analyzed before (P0), three (P1) and six months (P2) after OGS. Surface electromyography of the masseter and temporalis muscles was performed, considering the parameters amplitude and duration of act and cycle, and the number of masticatory cycles. The OMT consisted of ten therapeutic sessions along the postoperative period. The results were compared using parametric and non-parametric tests. Results: TG showed higher scores in P1 and P2 than P0; for the masticatory type the scores in P2 were significantly higher than P0. In addition, the proportion of individuals with adequate tone of lower lip and adequate tongue mobility for TG increased significantly from P1 and P2 in relation to P0. The EMG results showed a decrease in act and cycle duration in P2 in relation to P0 and P1 for the TG; furthermore the values were close to controls. An increase in the number of cycles from P0 to P2 was also observed, indicating faster chewing, which may be attributed to an improvement of balanced occlusion associated with OMT. Conclusion: There were positive effects of OMT on the clinical and electromyography aspects of chewing in individual submitted to orthognathic surgery

    Diagnósticos e intervenções de enfermagem em paciente com erisipela:: estudo de caso em hospital de ensino

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    Este estudo objetivou identificar os diagnósticos e intervenções de enfermagem às afecções dérmicas causadas por erisipela bolhosa em pacientes de uma Clínica Médica de Montes Claros. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo do tipo estudo de caso na qual a coleta de dados foi realizada no primeiro semestre de 2011, por meio de observações, anamnese e dados clínicos do paciente estudado. Para o diagnóstico de enfermagem do paciente, foi utilizada a NANDA (North American Nursing Diagnosis Association) na qual foram analisadas as condições clínicas do paciente (fisiológicas; biológicas; e terapêuticas). Utilizou-se de um processo investigativo para a análise desta doença. Após a coleta, definido os pontos críticos através dos diagnósticos de enfermagem, foram traçados os planos para melhoria da assistência de enfermagem ao paciente programando um plano de cuidados aos principais diagnósticos do mesmo através da NIC (Intervenções de Enfermagem). Conclui-se que a erisipela bolhosa é um grave problema de saúde pública na qual é um fator de risco para o agravamento de outros sistemas fisiológicos competindo à equipe de enfermagem prestar uma assistência de qualidade de forma mais humanizada

    Diabetes Mellitus II como fator de risco à Aterogênese / Diabetes Mellitus II as a risk factor for Atherogenesis

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    Sabe-se que o diabetes mellitus 2 (DMII) está intimamente ligado aos efeitos aterogênicos da dislipidemia relacionada ao diabetes. Níveis elevados de insulina predispõem ao desenvolvimento de doenças arteriais.  O mecanismo patológico compartilhado entre a aterosclerose e o diabetes tipo 2 inclui a elevação de citocinas como MCP-1 e interleucina-6 (IL-6), que contribuem para a inflamação, evoluindo para progressão acelerada da aterosclerose pré-existente. O objetivo da revisão de literatura é apresentar a relação do DMII como fator de risco para a aterogênese. Foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica nos bancos de dados Scielo e LILACS por meio da biblioteca BVS/Bireme. Utillizou-se os descritores: “Diabetes Mellitus II”, “aterogênese” e “risco”. É sabido que a cascata de reações causadas pela hiperglicemia corrobora para distúrbios metabólicos responsáveis pela mudança estrutural e funcional nos vasos sanguíneos, contribuindo para a lesão progressiva do endotélio e aterogênese

    Características do Melanoma Cutâneo e sua incidência na população brasileira / Cutaneous Melanoma Features and its incidence in brazilian population

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    Sabe-se que o melanoma cutâneo é uma doença maligna que ocorre devido a diversas condições que causam alterações nos melanócitos. A princípio, inicia-se com coloração nivelada e externa na pele e, com o decorrer da doença, ocorre progressão vertical. Dessa forma, mostram-se como métodos eficazes de diagnóstico o exame físico, a dermatoscopia, a biópsia e a tomografia computadorizada. Assim, é importante analisar a assimetria, a irregularidade das bordas, a pigmentação e o diâmetro da lesão. Visto que esta patologia possui índice elevado de mortalidade e considerando que a população desconhece sobre as lesões suspeitas, é relevante que sejam realizadas orientações a respeito da prevenção para reduzir as taxas de incidência desta doença. O objetivo desta revisão de literatura é abordar as particularidades do melanoma cutâneo, abordando as características clínicas e histopatológicas, e analisar as estatísticas do Instituto Nacional do Câncer (INCA) a respeito das estimativas para o ano de 2022. Para isso, foram realizadas pesquisas nas bibliotecas virtuais Scielo e MedLINE, buscando artigos do período de 2017 a 2022 e, ademais, foram realizadas análises das estatísticas do INCA para o ano de 2022

    Estudo da marcha em idosos: resultados preliminares

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    The objectives of this pilot study, were the evaluation of, time-spatial, parameters of Brazilian elderly gait and to compare comfortable gait speed’s value with foreign reference data (from Oberg). Methods: Subjects were 15 healthy volunteers (8 men, 7 women) 60 to 79 years of age. The measurements were made in theirs building playground. Gait was timed over a 6 m distance; step length, stride width and foot angle were measured from footprints. Cadence was calculated from velocity and step length. Results: mean comfortable speed was ranged from 1,05 + 0,14 m/s for women in their sixties to 1,10 + 0,13 m/s for men in their seventies. Mean step length, stride width, cadence and foot angle were respectively 52,1 + 8,75 cm; 11,2 + 3,49 cm; 119,4 + 11,07 step/min and 13,5 + 8,53 degree for men and 46,6 + 8,08 cm; 6,75 + 7,07cm; 137,4 + 22,64 step/min and 7,5 + 5,1 degree for women. Conclusion: The lowest elderly’s gait speed obtained despite the sample’s small number in confronting with Oberg data, suggest the importance of comprehensive studies to supply the lack of normative gait data for the Brazilian population.Os objetivos foram avaliar parâmetros tempo-espaciais da marcha de idosos brasileiros e comparar o valor médio da velocidade confortável da marcha com um banco de dados estrangeiro (de Oberg) de parâmetros básicos da marcha. Metodo: Foram estudados 15 voluntários saudáveis (8 homens, 7 mulheres) dos 60 aos 79 anos de idade. As medidas foram realizadas no playgroung dos prédios onde residiam. A velocidade da marcha foi medida para uma distância de 6 m; o comprimento do passo, a largura da passada e o ângulo dos pés foram medidos a partir de impressões plantares. A cadência foi calculada a partir da velocidade da marcha e do comprimento do passo. Resultados: O valor médio da velocidade confortável da marcha variou de 1,05 + 0,14 m/s para mulheres da faixa etária de 60 anos a 1,10 + 0,13 m/s para homens da faixa etária de 70 anos. Os valores médios do comprimento do passo, da largura da passada, do ângulo dos pés e da cadência foram respectivamente 52,1 + 8,75 cm; 11,2 + 3,49 cm; 119,4 + 11,07 passos/min e 13,5 + 8,53 graus para os homens e 46,6 + 8,08 cm; 6,75 + 7,07cm; 137,4 + 22,64 passos/min e 7,5 + 5,1 graus para as mulheres. Conclusão: O menor valor da velocidade da marcha encontrado para os nossos idosos (apesar da casuística pequena), quando confrontado com os dados de Oberg, sugere a importância de estudos completos para suprir a falta de dados normativos de parâmetros da marcha para a população brasileira

    Identification of suitable reference genes for real time quantitative polymerase chain reaction assays on pectoralis major muscle in chicken (Gallus gallus)

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    Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPqCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPESFundação de Apoio a Pesquisa e à Inovação Tecnológica do Estado de Sergipe - FAPITEC/SEThirteen reference genes were investigated to determine their stability to be used as a housekeeping in gene expression studies in skeletal muscle of chickens. Five different algorithms were used for ranking of reference genes and results suggested that individual rankings of the genes differed among them. The stability of the expression of reference genes were validated using samples obtained from the Pectoralis major muscle in chicken. Samples were obtained from chickens in different development periods post hatch and under different nutritional diets. For gene expression calculation the ΔΔCt approach was applied to compare relative expression of pairs of genes within each of 52 samples when normalized to mitochondrially encoded cytochrome c oxidase II (MT-CO2) target gene. Our findings showed that hydroxymethylbilane synthase (HMBS) and hypoxanthine phosphoribosyl transferase 1 (HPRT1) are the most stable reference genes while transferrin receptor (TFRC) and beta-2-microglobulin (B2M) ranked as the least stable genes in the Pectoralis major muscle of chickens. Moreover, our results revealed that HMBS and HPRT1 gene expression did not change due to dietary variations and thus it is recommended for accurate normalization of RT-qPCR data in chicken Pectoralis major muscle

    Is obesity associated with taste alterations? a systematic review

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    BackgroundObesity is a growing chronic public health problem. The causes of obesity are varied, but food consumption decisions play an important role, especially decisions about what foods to eat and how much to consume. Food consumption decisions are driven, in part, by individual taste perceptions, a fact that can influence eating behavior and, therefore, body mass.MethodologyThe searches were conducted in the electronic databases PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, Lilacs, and the grey literature (Google Scholar and Open Grey). The acronym PECO will be used, covering studies with adult humans (P) who have obesity (E) compared to adult humans without obesity (C), having as an outcome the presence of taste alterations (O). After searching, duplicates were removed. The articles were first evaluated by title and abstract, following the inclusion and exclusion criteria; then, the papers were read in full. After the studies were selected, two reviewers extracted the data and assessed the individual risk of bias and control statements for possible confounders and bias consideration. The narrative GRADE system performed the methodological quality assessment using the New Castle Ottawa qualifier and analysis of certainty of evidence.ResultsA total of 3782 records were identified from the database search, of these 19 were considered eligible. Forty percent of the eligible studies show that there was an association between obesity and different taste alterations for different flavors comparing with normal weights adults. In the methodological quality analysis of the nineteen studies, which assesses the risk of bias in the results, fifteen showed good methodological reliability, three showed fair methodological reliability, and one showed low methodological reliability.ConclusionDespite methodological limitations, the results of the studies suggest the existence of a association between obesity and taste alterations, but further investigations with more sensitive methodologies are necessary to confirm this hypothesis.Systematic review registrationhttps://osf.io/9vg4h/, identifier 9vg4h


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    O objetivo foi correlacionar o número de internações hospitalares por doenças respiratórias com a concentração de metais tóxicos no material particulado atmosférico e nível de Temperatura (T) em Presidente Prudente, SP. O levantamento de internações hospitalares no período de maio a dezembro de 2011 foi realizado a partir da base de dados referente ao SIH-SUS. Os metais tóxicos como cádmio (Cd2+), cobre (Cu2+) e chumbo (Pb2+) na atmosfera foram coletados por amostradores passivos e suas concentrações determinadas por polarografia de pulso. A T foi obtida na estação meteorológica da FCT/UNESP. Foram analisados 811 prontuários de internações hospitalares. A média da concentração dos metais tóxicos foi de Cd2+ 26,5±17,8 µg/m2, Cu2+ 36,3±18,6 µg/m2, Pb2+ 44,1±20,0 µg/m2. A média da T foi de 21,8±1,95 °C. Houve uma correlação positiva entre o número de internações hospitalares com Pb2+ (r=0,756) e T (r=0,713). Concluímos que elevados índices de concentração de chumbo na atmosfera e elevadas temperaturas se correlacionaram com aumento das internações hospitalares por doenças respiratórias

    Effects of orofacial myofunctional therapy on masticatory function in individuals submitted to orthognathic surgery: a randomized trial

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    Abstract Objectives: The esthetic and functional results of orthognathic surgery of severe dentofacial deformities are predictable, however there are differences regarding the effects on stomatognathic system. The aim was to investigate the effects of orofacial myofunctional therapy (OMT) on the masticatory function in individuals with dentofacial deformity submitted to orthognathic surgery (OGS). Material and Methods: Forty-eight individuals (18-40 years) were evaluated, 14 undergoing OMT (treated group-TG), 10 without this treatment (untreated group-UTG) and 24 in a control group with normal occlusion; for clinical aspects the data of an individual was missed (n=46). Chewing was performed using the Expanded protocol of orofacial myofunctional evaluation with scores (OMES-E). Muscle tone and mobility were also analyzed before (P0), three (P1) and six months (P2) after OGS. Surface electromyography of the masseter and temporalis muscles was performed, considering the parameters amplitude and duration of act and cycle, and the number of masticatory cycles. The OMT consisted of ten therapeutic sessions along the postoperative period. The results were compared using parametric and non-parametric tests. Results: TG showed higher scores in P1 and P2 than P0; for the masticatory type the scores in P2 were significantly higher than P0. In addition, the proportion of individuals with adequate tone of lower lip and adequate tongue mobility for TG increased significantly from P1 and P2 in relation to P0. The EMG results showed a decrease in act and cycle duration in P2 in relation to P0 and P1 for the TG; furthermore the values were close to controls. An increase in the number of cycles from P0 to P2 was also observed, indicating faster chewing, which may be attributed to an improvement of balanced occlusion associated with OMT. Conclusion: There were positive effects of OMT on the clinical and electromyography aspects of chewing in individual submitted to orthognathic surgery