63 research outputs found
Lesões musculoesqueléticas em atletas de vôlei: uma revisão integrativa
Introdução: O voleibol é um popular esporte praticado mundialmente que proporciona ao jogador enormes ganhos físicos, sociais e de bem-estar geral. Apesar disso, a prática do esporte, sobretudo em níveis profissionais, constitui um fator de risco para lesões. Mais comum a esse esporte são os entorses, as tendinopatias e as distensões, que atingem principalmente os membros superiores e inferiores. Objetivos: Analisar as principais lesões musculoesqueléticas relacionadas à prática do voleibol, em seus diversos aspectos. Métodos: Foi feita uma busca sistemática nas bases de dados SciELO e PubMed, no idioma inglês, em que foram selecionados estudos relacionados às principais lesões que acometem jogadores de voleibol. Resultados e discussão: Após a busca com descritores, foram selecionados 49 artigos que abordam aspectos de etiologia, diagnóstico, fatores de risco e métodos de prevenção das lesões nos sítios anatômicos mais comuns: ombros, cotovelos, mãos, lombar, tornozelos e joelhos. Conclusão: As lesões, em sua maioria, possuem como etiologia a sobrecarga de treinamento e os traumas relacionados ao impacto do salto, que é inerente ao voleibol. Programas de treinamento que envolvem o fortalecimento muscular e períodos de recuperação são chave para prevenir lesões no voleibol
Implicações da Pandemia para a Psicologia nas Políticas Públicas
O artigo objetivou identificar e analisar desafios e potencialidades no trabalho de psicólogas(os) nas políticas públicas brasileiras na conjuntura pandêmica. É um estudo exploratório-descritivo de abordagem mista. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de questionário virtual com 123 psicólogas(os) que trabalhavam nas políticas públicas no país. A análise se deu a partir da extração de medidas de tendência central e pela Análise de Conteúdo temática, em um diálogo da psicologia com a tradição marxista. Os resultados apontaram para os efeitos deletérios objetivos e subjetivos do sucateamento das políticas às(aos) profissionais, bem como o tolhimento de suas práticas. Por outro lado, também apontaram algumas potencialidades que contradizem a si próprias(os) e à realidade. Fica a premência de responsabilização do Estado em fornecer melhores condições de trabalho e fortalecer as políticas públicas para o enfrentamento à pandemia, assim como a necessidade de reflexão e transformação da psicologia e sua práxis
Integrating the pastoral component in agricultural systems
This paper aims to discuss the impact of the introduction of pastures and grazing animals in agricultural systems. For the purposes of this manuscript, we focus on within-farm integrated crop-livestock systems (ICLS), typical of Southern Brazil. These ICLS are designed to create and enhance the synergisms and emergent properties have arisen from agricultural areas where livestock activities are integrated with crops. We show that the introduction of the crop component will affect less the preceding condition than the introduction of the livestock component. While the introduction of crops in pastoral systems represents increasing diversity of the plant component, the introduction of animals would represent the entry of new flows and interactions within the system. Thus, given the new complexity levels achieved from the introduction of grazing, the probability of arising emergent properties is theoretically much higher. However, grazing management is vital in determining the success or failure of such initiative. The grazing intensity practiced during the pasture phase would affect the canopy structure and the forage availability to animals. In adequate and moderate grazing intensities, it is possible to affirm that livestock combined with crops (ICLS) has a potential positive impact. As important as the improvements that grazing animals can generate to the soil-plant components, the economic resilience remarkably increases when pasture rotations are introduced compared with purely agriculture systems, particularly in climate-risk situations. Thus, the integration of the pastoral component can enhance the sustainable intensification of food production, but it modifies simple, pure agricultural systems into more complex and knowledge-demanding production systems
Perfil epidemiológico das internações por Insuficiência Cardíaca no Brasil entre 2019 e 2023
The present study aims to analyze the epidemiology of hospitalizations for heart failure (HF) in Brazil over the last five years. The study was carried out through a descriptive, quantitative and retrospective epidemiological survey of hospitalizations for HF in Brazil from 2019 to 2023. In Brazil, 941,576 hospitalizations for heart failure were recorded between 2019 and 2023. Among the Regions, the Southeast Region had the highest incidence rates, the highest mortality rate and the highest lethality. Thus, it was noted that men between 70 and 79 years old and of mixed ethnicity constitute the profile most affected by heart failure.O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar a epidemiologia das internações por insuficiência cardíaca (IC), no Brasil, nos últimos cinco anos. O estudo foi realizado através de um levantamento epidemiológico descritivo, quantitativo e retrospectivo das internações por IC no Brasil no período de 2019 a 2023. No Brasil foram registradas 941.576 internações por insuficiência cardíaca ocorridos entre 2019 e 2023. Dentre as Regiões, a Região do Sudeste apresentou os maiores índices de incidência, a maior taxa de mortalidade e maior letalidade. Dessa forma, notou-se que homens entre 70 e 79 anos e da etnia parda constituem o perfil mais acometido pela insuficiência cardíaca
Archaeology of the Pleistocene-Holocene transition in Portugal: synthesis and prospects
The Tardiglacial of Portugal has been associated with the Magdalenian culture and lithic industries characterized by tool miniaturization, a diversity of microlith types, and the absence of a intentional blade production. The technological characterization, the chronology and the phasing of the Portuguese Magdalenian have been defined based on data recovered from open-air sites of the Estremadura region (Central Portugal). This paper presents an overview of the research undertaken over the last twenty-five years, including results from research and preventive archaeology fieldwork outside this region, namely in the Côa, Sabor and Vouga Valleys (northern Portugal), as well as in the Guadiana Valley and Algarve regions (southern Portugal). Our chronological boundaries are the Greenland Stadial 2-1b and the 8.2 ka event, from Early Magdalenian to Early Mesolithic. Regarding vegetation, deciduous Quercus underwent expansion during the warm phases of the Tardiglacial and retracted during cold ones, when pines increased. After the Solutrean, the faunal assemblages show a decrease in the variability of the represented species and an increase in fish, birds, small mammals and rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus).
Concerning the cultural sequence, the Middle Magdalenian remains uncharacterised. After the Upper Magdalenian, and thenceforward, the use of local raw materials and of cores-on-flakes (burin or carinated endscraper type) for bladelet production gradually increased. In terms of lithic armatures typology, a four-stage sequence can be discerned: 1) Upper Magdalenian with axial points rather than backed bladelets, quite common in previous phases; 2) Final Magdalenian with an increase in the diversity of armature types; 3) Azilian with geometric microliths, curved backed points (Azilian points) and Malaurie points, and 4) Early Mesolithic without retouched bladelet tools or at best a persistence of Azilian armature types.
There were some changes in the Palaeolithic rock art of the Douro basin between phase 3 (Final Magdalenian) and phase 4 (Late Azilian): figurative animal representations give place to animal depictions characterized by their geometrical bodies, often filled-in, and red deer becomes the best-represented animal.FCT: PTDC/EPH-ARQ/0326/2014info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Evaluation of PIK3CA mutations in advanced ER+/HER2-breast cancer in Portugal – U-PIK Project
Background: Around 40% of ER+/HER2-breast carcinomas (BC) present mutations in the PIK3CA gene. Assessment of PIK3CA mutational status is required to identify patients eligible for treatment with PI3Kα inhibitors, with alpelisib currently the only approved tyrosine kinase inhibitor in this setting. U-PIK project aimed to conduct a ring trial to validate and implement the PIK3CA mutation testing in several Portuguese centers, decentralizing it and optimizing its quality at national level.Methods: Eight Tester centers selected two samples of patients with advanced ER+/HER2- BC and generated eight replicates of each (n = 16). PIK3CA mutational status was assessed in two rounds. Six centers used the cobas®PIK3CA mutation test, and two used PCR and Sanger sequencing. In parallel, two reference centers (IPATIMUP and the Portuguese Institute of Oncology [IPO]-Porto) performed PIK3CA mutation testing by NGS in the two rounds. The quality of molecular reports describing the results was also assessed. Testing results and molecular reports were received and analyzed by U-PIK coordinators: IPATIMUP, IPO-Porto, and IPO-Lisboa.Results: Overall, five centers achieved a concordance rate with NGS results (allele frequency [AF] ≥5%) of 100%, one of 94%, one of 93%, and one of 87.5%, considering the overall performance in the two testing rounds. NGS reassessment of discrepancies in the results of the methods used by the Tester centers and the reference centers identified one probable false positive and two mutations with low AF (1–3%, at the analytical sensitivity threshold), interpreted as subclonal variants with heterogeneous representation in the tissue sections processed by the respective centers. The analysis of molecular reports revealed the need to implement the use of appropriate sequence variant nomenclature with the identification of reference sequences (HGVS-nomenclature) and to state the tumor cell content in each sample.Conclusion: The concordance rates between the method used by each tester center and NGS validate the use of the PIK3CA mutational status test performed at these centers in clinical practice in patients with advanced ER+/HER2- BC
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