131 research outputs found

    Bacterial carbon demand and growth efficiency in a coastal upwelling system

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    Eleven culture experiments were conducted in the coastal upwelling ­system of the Ría de Vigo (NW Iberian Peninsula) by inoculating GF/C filtrated (10%) in 0.2 µm filtrated (90%) surface seawater collected under contrasting hydrographic conditions. Short-term (4 d) laboratory incubations were performed in the dark at 15°C. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration, bacterial biomass (BB), bacterial production (BP) and electron transport system (ETS) activity were then monitored to: (1) study the course of bacterial carbon demand (BCD) and growth efficiency (BGE) during the incubation period; and (2) determine how BCD and BGE were linked with changing environmental conditions. Following the 4 d incubation, BP decreased by <4 times its initial values (range from 3 to 11 times) and ETS activity increased by 6 times its initial values (range from 1 to 75 times). As a result, BCD increased by 5 times (range from 1 to 16 times) and the BGE decreased by 15 times (range from 2 to 55 times) over the same period. BGE integrated over the 4 d incubation period ranged from 7 ± 1% to 55 ± 11% (mean ± SD: 27 ± 15%); integrated BGE increased significantly (R2 = 0.64, p < 0.003) with the initial concentration of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), and decreased significantly (R2 = 0.55, p < 0.01) with the C:N ratio of the bioavailable dissolved organic matter (BDOM). A multiple linear regression with DIN and the C:N ratio of BDOM explained 89% of the observed variability in the integrated BGE, demonstrating the strong dependence of growth efficiency on nutrient conditions and the quality of the organic substrate feeding the community of this coastal embayment.This study was funded by fellowships to C.L. from the early-stage training site ECOSUMMER (MESTCT-2004-020501) and the Carlsberg Foundation.Peer reviewe

    Effects of the photochemical transformation of dissolved organic matter on bacterial physiology and diversity in a coastal system

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    8 páginas, 2 tablas, 1 figuraThe effect of solar radiation on dissolved organic matter (DOM) and the subsequent impact of photo-altered DOM on bacterial activity and community structure were assessed during two experiments in the coastal system of the Ría de Vigo (NW Iberian Peninsula). After exposure of 0.2 μm filtered seawater for 3.5 days to dark and full sunlight, an inoculum of the bacterial community collected at the same time as the exposed water was added and the mixture was incubated for 4 days in the dark at 15 °C. Changes in bacterial production (BP), diversity (assessed by Fluorescence in situ hybridization) and electron transport system (ETS) activity, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nitrogen (DON) and DOM humic-like absorption and fluorescence were followed. The exposure to sunlight had no effect on DOM concentrations while an average (±SD) decrease in DOM humic fluorescence of 45 ± 10% was found. The incubations with photo-altered DOM had lower BP (57 ± 11%), ETS (42 ± 9%) and bacterial carbon demand (BCD) (42 ± 8%) compared with the dark incubations, while bacterial growth efficiency (BGE) was unaffected. This suggests that DOM photo-alteration had a negative effect on bacterial metabolism in the study system. The bacterial growth on irradiated DOM resulted in a significant enrichment of the Gammaproteobacteria group compared with the dark control, indicating that solar exposure of DOM led to rapid changes in the bacterial community composition of the Ría de Vigo.This study was funded by fellowships to C.L from the early stage training site ECOSUMMER (MEST-CT-2004-020501) and the Carlsberg FoundationPeer reviewe

    Dissolved inorganic carbon fixation of Thaumarchaeota vs. Bacteria in the meso- and upper bathypelagic waters of the world’s oceans differentiated with the use of metabolic inhibitors

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    Recent studies suggest that the dark ocean prokaryotes fix inorganic carbon at rates substantially higher than assumed. We have studied the contribution of Archaea vs. Bacteria to total prokaryotic fixation of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in the meso- and upper bathypelagic waters of the world’s oceans during the Malaspina circumnavigation expedition carried out between December 2010 and July 2011. We used the metabolic inhibitor Erythromycin, an antibiotic specifically inhibiting growth of Bacteria but not affecting Archaea. Bacteria dominated throughout the water column in the three major ocean basins (54% of the total DAPI counts), decreasing in their relative contribution to total prokaryotic abundance from the surface to the meso- and bathypelagic waters. By contrast, the relative contribution of Thaumarchaeota was generally higher in the meso- and bathypelagic layers than in the surface waters (up to 29% of the total DAPI counts in the Pacific Ocean). Averaged over the entire water column, Thaumarchaeota contributed 8%, 33% and 18% to the total prokaryotic DIC fixation in the Indian, Pacific and Atlantic Ocean, respectively. The contribution of Thaumarchaeota to total prokaryotic DIC fixation increased with depth, particularly in the Atlantic below 1000 m depth and in the lower mesopelagic zone of the Pacific Ocean. Preliminary results from an station in the Atlantic Ocean, combining microautoradiography and fluorescence in situ hybridization (MICRO-CARD-FISH), confirmed that both Thaumarchaeota and some bacterial groups such as SAR 324 take up DIC. Thaumarchaeota and SAR 324 accounted for 7 % and 12% of DIC-positive DAPI-stained cells, respectively, as revealed by MICRO-CARD-FISH. Our results suggest that some phylogenetic groups may be significant contributors to the dark ocean chemoautotrophy

    Role of bacterial community composition as a driver of the small-sized phytoplankton community structure in a productive coastal system

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    Financiado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade de Vigo/CISUGWe present here the first detailed description of the seasonal patterns in bacterial community composition (BCC) in shelf waters off the Ría de Vigo (Spain), based on monthly samplings during 2 years. Moreover, we studied the relationship between bacterial and small-sized eukaryotic community composition to identify potential biotic interactions among components of these two communities. Bacterial operational taxonomic unit (OTU) richness and diversity systematically peaked in autumn–winter, likely related to low resource availability during this period. BCC showed seasonal and vertical patterns, with Rhodobacteraceae and Flavobacteriaceae families dominating in surface waters, and SAR11 clade dominating at the base of the photic zone (30 m depth). BCC variability was significantly explained by environmental variables (e.g., temperature of water, solar radiation, or dissolved organic matter). Interestingly, a strong and significant correlation was found between BCC and small-sized eukaryotic community composition (ECC), which suggests that biotic interactions may play a major role as structuring factors of the microbial plankton in this productive area. In addition, co-occurrence network analyses revealed strong and significant, mostly positive, associations between bacteria and small-sized phytoplankton. Positive associations likely result from mutualistic relationships (e.g., between Dinophyceae and Rhodobacteraceae), while some negative correlations suggest antagonistic interactions (e.g., between Pseudo-nitzchia sp. and SAR11). These results support the key role of biotic interactions as structuring factors of the small-sized eukaryotic community, mostly driven by positive associations between small-sized phytoplankton and bacteria.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. EM2013/023Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481A-2019/290Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431I 2020/03Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad | Ref. CTM2017-83362-RMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación | Ref. PID2019-110011RB-C3

    Predicting plankton net community production in the Atlantic Ocean

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    We present, test and implement two contrasting models to predict euphotic zone net community production (NCP), which are based on 14C primary production (PO14CP) to NCP relationships over two latitudinal (ca. 30°S–45°N) transects traversing highly productive and oligotrophic provinces of the Atlantic Ocean (NADR, CNRY, BENG, NAST-E, ETRA and SATL, Longhurst et al., 1995 [An estimation of global primary production in the ocean from satellite radiometer data. Journal of Plankton Research 17, 1245–1271]). The two models include similar ranges of PO14CP and community structure, but differ in the relative influence of allochthonous organic matter in the oligotrophic provinces. Both models were used to predict NCP from PO14CP measurements obtained during 11 local and three seasonal studies in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans, and from satellite-derived estimates of PO14CP. Comparison of these NCP predictions with concurrent in situ measurements and geochemical estimates of NCP showed that geographic and annual patterns of NCP can only be predicted when the relative trophic importance of local vs. distant processes is similar in both modeled and predicted ecosystems. The system-dependent ability of our models to predict NCP seasonality suggests that trophic-level dynamics are stronger than differences in hydrodynamic regime, taxonomic composition and phytoplankton growth. The regional differences in the predictive power of both models confirm the existence of biogeographic differences in the scale of trophic dynamics, which impede the use of a single generalized equation to estimate global marine plankton NCP. This paper shows the potential of a systematic empirical approach to predict plankton NCP from local and satellite-derived P estimates

    Response of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum to exudates of the eelgrass Zostera marina

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    Biotic interactions are a key factor in the development of harmful algal blooms. Recently, a lower abundance of planktonic dinoflagellates has been reported in areas dominated by seagrass beds, suggesting a negative interaction between both groups of organisms. The interaction between planktonic dinoflagellates and marine phanerogams, as well as the way in which bacteria can affect this interaction, was studied in two experiments using a non-axenic culture of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum exposed to increasing additions of eelgrass (Zostera marina) exudates from old and young leaves and to the presence or absence of antibiotics. In these experiments, A. minutum abundance, growth rate and photosynthetic efficiency (Fv/Fm), as well as bacterial abundance, were measured every 48 h. Toxin concentration per cell was determined at the end of both experiments. Our results demonstrated that Z. marina exudates reduced A. minutum growth rate and, in one of the experiments, also the photosynthetic efficiency. These results are not an indirect effect mediated by the bacteria in the culture, although their growth modify the magnitude of the negative impact on the dinoflagellate growth rate. No clear pattern was observed in the variation of toxin production with the treatmentAgencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. PID2021-125643OB-C21Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. CTM2017-83362-RAgencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. FPU20/0011

    Co-occurrence and diversity patterns of benthonic and planktonic communities in a shallow marine ecosystem

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    Marine microorganisms are involved in a variety of biogeochemical cycles and live in diverse ecological communities where they interact with each other and with other organisms to guarantee ecosystem functions. The present study focused on a shallow marine environment located in Ría de Vigo (NW, Spain), where sediment and size-fractionated plankton samples were collected from 2016 to 2018. DNA metabarcoding was used to describe the eukaryote and prokaryote composition and diversity in sediments and plankton and to depict possible associations among the most frequent and abundant organisms by co-occurrence network analysis. High eukaryote and prokaryote diversity indices were obtained in all compartments. Significant differences among eukaryote and prokaryote communities were found between sediment and plankton samples, with a high percentage of exclusive operational taxonomic units (OTUs) associated with each compartment, especially from sediment. Despite these differences, shared taxa between water and sediment were also obtained, suggesting a relatively meaningful exchange of organisms between both environmental compartments. Significant co-occurrences were mainly obtained between prokaryotes (41%), followed by eukaryotes–prokaryotes (32%) and between eukaryotes (27%). The abundant and strong positive correlations between organisms, including representatives from the sediment and the water column, suggested an essential role of biotic interactions as community-structuring factors in shallow waters where beneficial associations likely prevail. This study provides a novel approach for the detailed description of the eukaryote and prokaryote diversity and co-occurrence patterns in a shallow marine area, including both the sediment and different water-size fractions. The high diversity obtained and the detection of predominantly coexisting interactions among organisms from sediment and the overlying water column suggest a movement of species between both habitats and therefore confirm the importance of integratively studying shallow marine ecosystems.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. IN606A-2018/020Xunta de Galicia | Ref. IN607B 2019/01Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. CTM2017-83362-RInterreg España-Portugal | Ref. 20200474_BLUEBIOLA

    Impact of wildfire ash on bacterioplankton abundance and community composition in a coastal embayment (Ría de Vigo, NW Spain)

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    Wildfire ash can have an impact on coastal prokaryotic plankton. To understand the extent to which community composition and abundance of coastal prokaryotes are affected by ash, two ash addition experiments were performed. Ash from a massive wildfire that took place in the Ría de Vigo watershed in October 2017 was added to natural surface water samples collected in the middle sector of the ría during the summer of 2019 and winter of 2020, and incubated for 72 h, under natural water temperature and irradiance conditions. Plankton responses were assessed through chlorophyll a and bacterial abundance measurements. Prokaryotic DNA was analyzed using 16S rRNA gene partial sequencing. In summer, when nutrient concentrations were low in the ría, the addition of ash led to an increase in phytoplankton and bacterial abundance, increasing the proportions of Alteromonadales, Flavobacteriales, and the potentially pathogenic Vibrio, among other taxa. After the winter runoff events, nutrient concentrations in the Ría de Vigo were high, and only minor changes in bacterial abundance were detected. Our findings suggest that the compounds associated with wildfire ash can alter the composition of bacterioplanktonic communities, which is relevant information for the management of coastal ecosystems in fire-prone areas.Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. CTM 2017-83362-RUniversidade de Vigo/CISU

    Validation of the in vivo iodo-nitro-tetrazolium (INT) salt reduction method as a proxy for plankton respiration

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    Knowledge of the magnitude and variability of plankton respiration is a crucial gap in our understanding of marine carbon cycling. In order to validate the INT reduction method as a proxy for plankton respiration, we have compiled and analyzed a dataset (n = 376) of concurrent measurements of dissolved oxygen consumption (CRO2) and in vivo reduction of 2-para (iodophenyl)-3(nitrophenyl)-5(phenyl) tetrazolium chloride tetrazolium salt (INT) spanning a wide range of oceanic regions and physicochemical conditions. Data were randomly divided into two independent subgroups: two thirds of the data were used to derive a regression conversion between dissolved oxygen consumption and INT reduction (“training” dataset) and one third of the data was used to validate the regression (“test” dataset). There was a significant relationship between the log-transformed dissolved oxygen consumption rates and the log-transformed INT reduction rates (INTT) with the “training” dataset (logCRO2 = 0.72logINTT + 0.44, R2 = 0.69, n = 249, p 8∘C and chlorophyll-a concentrations >0.2 μg L-1 and reduced at lower temperatures and chlorophyll-a concentrations. The results of this study endorse the adequate performance and reliability of the INT method for natural plankton communities.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. 07MMA002402PRXunta de Galicia | Ref. 07MMA013103PRMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación | Ref. CTM2009-08069-EMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación | Ref. CTM2011-29616Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación | Ref. CTM2008-03790Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación | Ref. CTM2009-08616-

    Linking the impact of bacteria on phytoplankton growth with microbial community composition and co-occurrence patterns

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    The interactions between microalgae and bacteria have recently emerged as key control factors which might contribute to a better understanding on how phytoplankton communities assemble and respond to environmental disturbances. We analyzed partial 16S rRNA and 18S rRNA genes from a total of 42 antibiotic bioassays, where phytoplankton growth was assessed in the presence or absence of an active bacterial community. A significant negative impact of bacteria was observed in 18 bioassays, a significant positive impact was detected in 5 of the cases, and a non-detectable effect occurred in 19 bioassays. Thalasiossira spp., Chlorophytes, Vibrionaceae and Alteromonadales were relatively more abundant in the samples where a positive effect of bacteria was observed compared to those where a negative impact was observed. Phytoplankton diversity was lower when bacteria negatively affect their growth than when the effect was beneficial. The phytoplankton-bacteria co-occurrence subnetwork included many significant Chlorophyta-Alteromonadales and Bacillariophyceae-Alteromonadales positive associations. Phytoplankton-bacteria co-exclusions were not detected in the network, which contrasts with the negative effect of bacteria on phytoplankton growth frequently detected in the bioassays, suggesting strong competitive interactions. Overall, this study adds strong evidence supporting the key role of phytoplanktonbacteria interactions in the microbial communities.Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. CTM2017-83362-RAgencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. PID2019-110011RB-C33Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481A-2019/290Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481A-2018/288Universidade de Vigo/CISU