55 research outputs found


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    Kebutuhan akan informasi yang tepat dan akurat sudah menjadi suatu kebutuhan bagi masyarakat atau organisasi manapun dijaman teknologi yang meningkat dengan pesat. Teknologi aplikasi sangat diperlukan dalam mencapai kebutuhan akan informasi tersebut. Dalam bidang akademik kebutuhan akan aplikasi sangat dibutuhkan karena dapat membantu proses-proses akademik. Seperti penyedia informasi, proses pembelajaran, serta penyimpanan dokumen-dokumen administrasi. Pada tingkat penguruan tinggi, terdapat proses penilaian yang menentukan hasil mutu pendidikan yang di sebut akreditasi. Pada akreditasi program studi terdapat 7 point standar untuk menentukan hasil mutu pendidikan, salah satunya standar 7 yang membahas tentang penelitian, pelayanan atau pengabdian masyarakat dan kerjasama. Universitas Telkom, pada Program studi Sistem Informasi mendapatkan nilai pertama akreditasi dengan predikat “B” berdasarkan No.157/SK/BAN-PT/Ak-XVI/S/VII/2013 dan akan berakhir pada tanggal 20 juli 2018. Pada program studi sistem informasi universitas Telkom memiliki permasalahan saat sedang melakukan akreditasi. Dimana pengelolaan terhadap data serta dokumen pendukung masih belum tersusun rapih dan penilaian pada simulasi yang dilakukan masih tergolong manual dengan menggunakan excel. Sehingga tujuan dari penyusunan penelitian ini yaitu melakukan rancang bangun aplikasi dengan menggunakan metode waterfall agar bisa membantu dalam mengurangi masalah pada penilaian dan pengelolaan data akreditasi beserta dokumen pendukung. Kata kunci : AKREDITASI, PROGRAM STUDI, WATERFALL, PENILAIAN, PENGELOLAA


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    Although the government has made various efforts to encourage the sustainable use of coastal and marine resources, utilization patterns that are damaging and threaten the sustainability of coastal and marine resources are still ongoing. This is due to the pressing of need for life, which is getting higher and higher. Development of mangrove ecotourism is one of the alternative development that can help overcome the problem. Utilization of mangrove ecosystem for the concept of tourism (ecotourism) in line with the change in the interest of tourists from old tourism as a new tourism. The purpose of this research is to identify the potential of ecotourism and to determine ecotourism development strategy in Bengkalis Island. The research method used for data type is quantitative and qualitative data with data source in the form of primary data and secondary data. Data collection conducted through questioner, survey method, literature and documentation. Furthermore, the data analysis used is using quantitative and qualitative data analysis methods. The results of the research show that the potential of mangrove ecotourism in Bengkalis Island that can be identified is located in Bengkalis, Bantan, Rupat, Bukit Batu, Siak Kecil and Bandar Laksamana subdistricts. Based on the processing of questionnaire data, the results obtained if consumer interest in mangrove ecotourism on Bengkalis Island, is dominated by referential interest, where the respondents want that mangrove ecotourism on Bengkalis Island is better known and in demand


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    Minyak jelantah merupakan limbah murah yang melimpah yang dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan pembuatan biodiesel dengan melewati pengolahan terlebih dahulu. Umumnya, minyak jelantah melewati proses esterifikasi dan transesterifikasi untuk menghasilkan asam lemak bebas agar dapat dikatakan sebagai bahan bakar biodiesel. Pada mesin diesel, bahan bakar disemburkan melalui nosel sehingga cairan mengalami atomisasi dan berubah menjadi partikel-partikel kecil (droplet) sebelum mengalami detonasi dan berlanjut pada pelepasan kompresi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh tekanan bahan bakar terhadap karakteristik api pembakaran difusi spray biodiesel waste cooking oil dengan hasil yang diharapkan yaitu visualisasi nyala api dan tinggi api. Pada peniltian ini menggunakan minyak jelantah (B100) dan bahan bakar solar (B0) dengan variasi tekanan yakni 3.5 bar, 4 bar, 4.5 bar dan 5 bar. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahan bakar solar (B0) dengan variasi tekanan 5 bar memiliki nilai tinggi api 129,367 cm yang lebih tinggi jika dibandingankan dengan tekanan bahan bakar yang lainnya maupun minyak jelantah (B100). Hal ini disebabkan oleh nilai viskositas pada bahan bakar biodiesel minyak jelantah (B100) lebih besar, sehingga hal tersebut dapat menghambat deformasi dari bahan bakar yang disemburkan


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    Combustion in a high-temperature circulating fluidized bed boiler produces pressurized circulation with silica sand and fly ash particles which can cause damage to pipes due to high-temperature erosional wear. Combustion oxy fuel thermal spray coating method is an alternative to overcome wear and tear. Variations of NiCr alloys were investigated to obtain compositions that could withstand temperatures of 600 °C with a fly ash impact speed of 200 m/s. The main compositions of the metal alloys that have been studied are NiCr, NiCrCo, and NiCrWc. The results of this study indicate that the coating is able to stick to the substrate and survive at 600 °C with a particle impact of 200 m/s in the high temperature erosion test. The highest hardness value obtained by the composition of the NiCr alloy was 177.79 HV and the lowest was found in the composition of the NiCrCo alloy 161.71 HV. The NiCrWc layer is the best layer compared to NiCr and NiCrCo with a weight loss ratio value of -0.00253 gram

    Enhanced mechanical and water resistance properties of cassava starch-PVA composites with TiO2 nanofillers for triboelectric nanogenerators films

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    The utilization of biopolymers for energy applications continues to attract researchers, due to the unique properties of biopolymers that are easily modified, such as cassava starch (CS) biopolymer that has hydroxyl molecular chains. However, the brittle, and non-waterproof nature of starch films is an obstacle to their use in triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG) solid-solid films. This study aims to improve the physicochemical properties of cassava starch films by modifying them into nanocomposite films. The nanocomposite film was made from 70:30 CS/polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) composite and variation of TiO2 nanoparticles addition using solvent casting method. The results showed that the mechanical properties of cassava starch film increased with the addition of PVA. Meanwhile, the addition of TiO2 above 1 wt % of the mechanical properties of the film tends to decrease. The film has low wettability properties with a contact angle of 83.6°. The performance of the nanocomposite film as a Rotary disc freestanding film (RDF-TENG) produces 4.4-fold the output voltage and 2.8-fold the current compared to the film without TiO2. This is a new finding that the CS/PVA-TiO2 nanocomposite film has the potential for TENG films in high-humidity environmental condition


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    Dayun area is one of the centers of oil palm plantation in Siak Regency. State-owned company that develops oil palm plantation in Dayun is PT Perkebunan Nusantara V (PTPN V) which is the first company developing oil palm plantation in Siak Regency. The oil palm plantations cause various effects to the environment; one of them is the decreasing water availability for the water stakeholders. The decreasing water availability causes additional cost to the community. The objectives of this study were to determine the decreasing of water availability which was caused by oil palm plantation, and its cost to meet the needs of water. The study used water balance model by Thornwhite 1957 and Willingness to Pays (WTP) analysis using questionaire of Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) in Sawit Permai, Dayun Subdistrict, Siak Regency. The land cover, before and after, affects the water balance which impacts the water availability in Dayun. The decreasing water availability was comparable with the increasing water demand in oil palm plantation, equal to 67 mm/year. Oil palm plantation had greater runoff than that of forest. The need of water in oil palm plantation in Dayun was 42.728 liters/ha/day, with the daily need of a single palm tree equal to 0,012 m3/s. Based on the analysis of debt estimation, there is debt decreasing which indicates the decreasing water availability in Dayun, around 349 m3/s yearly. The estimated value of the environment for oil palm plantation by water resources consumption based on the difference of forest and oil palm plantation during the dry season (JJA) is equal to Rp 7.500.000. Average WTP for the water conservation program is Rp 26.400, with WTP maximum and minimum up to Rp 45.000 and Rp 5.000, respectively. The economic value of water conservation program is Rp 18.850.000/month.Dayun area is one of the centers of oil palm plantation in Siak Regency. State-owned company that develops oil palm plantation in Dayun is PT Perkebunan Nusantara V (PTPN V) which is the first company developing oil palm plantation in Siak Regency. The oil palm plantations cause various effects to the environment; one of them is the decreasing water availability for the water stakeholders. The decreasing water availability causes additional cost to the community. The objectives of this study were to determine the decreasing of water availability which was caused by oil palm plantation, and its cost to meet the needs of water. The study used water balance model by Thornwhite 1957 and Willingness to Pays (WTP) analysis using questionaire of Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) in Sawit Permai, Dayun Subdistrict, Siak Regency. The land cover, before and after, affects the water balance which impacts the water availability in Dayun. The decreasing water availability was comparable with the increasing water demand in oil palm plantation, equal to 67 mm/year. Oil palm plantation had greater runoff than that of forest. The need of water in oil palm plantation in Dayun was 42.728 liters/ha/day, with the daily need of a single palm tree equal to 0,012 m3/s. Based on the analysis of debt estimation, there is debt decreasing which indicates the decreasing water availability in Dayun, around 349 m3/s yearly. The estimated value of the environment for oil palm plantation by water resources consumption based on the difference of forest and oil palm plantation during the dry season (JJA) is equal to Rp 7.500.000. Average WTP for the water conservation program is Rp 26.400, with WTP maximum and minimum up to Rp 45.000 and Rp 5.000, respectively. The economic value of water conservation program is Rp 18.850.000/month

    Implementation of composite paper-based coating for reducing room temperature under galvalume roofing

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    The increasing amount of paper waste can be enhanced in its utility by transforming it into composites to utilize it as a technology for coating metal roofs to absorb heat. Various paper types have been proven to reduce heat inside the room below when applied to Galvalume roofs. Therefore, multiple types of paper waste are highly suitable for metal roof coatings. This research investigates whether differences in the types of paper mixed with epoxy and applied to the surface of Galvalume roofs will affect the temperature reduction inside the room. These differences in paper types also affect the level of thermal conductivity when measured with the same instruments and dimensions. Data were obtained by mixing small-sized cut paper materials and layering them on Galvalume sheets with the help of epoxy as an adhesive. The temperature data collection process was conducted by preparing 6 boxes with 4 thermocouples supplemented with thermal imaging testing. To broaden the analysis, images of the roof were also taken and analyzed for color to assess the extent of sunlight absorption and reflection on the roof. Four thermocouples were placed 20cm above the roof, above the composite, below the Galvalume, and 40cm below the roof or inside the room. Thermal conductivity data were analyzed separately and integrated with roof color data, further corroborated with temperature data collected by the thermocouples. The four sensors can determine the temperature inside and around the room, focusing on the temperature around the installed composite roof. The analysis shows that adding paper and epoxy-based composites can reduce the thermal conductivity of Galvalume roofs and lower the temperature inside the room below it. Compared to a Galvalume roof without coating, the composite coating with cardboard paper is the most effective, with an estimated average room temperature reduction of 1.9 degrees Celsius. For reducing the air temperature above the roof, the newspaper coating is the best choice, with an estimated average temperature decrease of 2.6 degrees Celsiu


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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of variations in the angle and distance of sandblasting on paint coating quality and corrosion properties of low carbon steel. The success of a coating is highly dependent on surface roughness, so sandblasting is needed to clean and create a surface roughness profile with the aim that the paint can coat the surface perfectly. The test method used in this research is the pull off test method for testing the adhesive strength of paint and open circuit potential (OCP) for testing the corrosion potential. The sandblasting variations used are angles of 45⁰, 60⁰, 75⁰ and nozzle distances of 15 cm, 35 and 50 cm. The tests carried out were roughness, paint thickness, paint adhesive strength and corrosion potential. From the test results it can be concluded that the greater the angle and the closer the sandblasting nozzle distance, the greater the surface roughness. The greater surface roughness affects the paint layer to be thicker and has a high paint adhesion strength, resulting in a smaller corrosion potential. In this study, the highest test results were obtained at an angle of 75⁰ and a distance of 15 cm with a surface roughness value of 5.981 µm, a paint thickness of 115 µm, a paint adhesive strength of 7.28 MPa and an initial corrosion potential position of -0.101 V then a final position of -0.063 V

    Analisis Penambahan Coupling Agent terhadap Sifat Tarik Biokomposit Kulit Waru (Hibiscus Tiliaceus)-Polyester

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    The aim of this research is to investigate the effect addition of silane coupling agents of Waru bast-polyester composite on tensile strength. Biocomposite is an innovation in material engineering made from the environment-friendly and potentially-developed bast fibers of Waru tree. Waru bast fibers, as reinforcement, were prepared by alkali procces employing using 6% NaOH solution for 120 minutes and then were added coupling agent with variation of 0%, 0.25%, 0.5%, 0.75% and 1.0%. The biocomposite was formed by continuous fiber arrangement using 60:40 fiber-matrix mass fractions with vacuum pressure resin infusion method. Tensile test specimens were formulated base ASTM D638-03 standard. Biocomposite investigation was performed by tensile test, while bond quality observation utilized use micro photo. The results of the study show that the highest strength of biocomposite was 401,368 Mpa on the silane coupling agent addition0.75