79 research outputs found

    Analysis of a dynamic contact problem for electro-viscoelastic materials with Tresca’s friction

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    We consider a mathematical model which describes the dynamic process of contact between two electro-viscoelastic bodies with damage. The contact is bilateral and is modeled with Tresca’s friction law. The damage of the materials caused by elastic deformations. We derive a variational formulation for the model which is in the form of a system involving the displacement field, the electric potential and the damage. Then we provide the existence of a unique weak solution to the model. We also study the finite element approximations of the problem and derive error estimates. Finally, we present numerical simulation results in the study of a two-dimensional example

    Panic Disorder in the Light of the Corona Pandemic (Covid 19) - Causes and prevention

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    هدف هذه الدراسة إلى معرفة اضطراب الهلع وعلاقته بفيروس كورونا المستجد(كوفيد- 19) في ظل انتشار الجائحة في العالم، وتم استخدام المنهج الوصفي (التحليلي)،  وسعت الدراسة إلى البحث في الأسباب الرئيسية الكامنة وراء انتشار اضطراب الهلع لدى بعض الأفراد في المجتمع، انطلاقاً من المعايير التشخيصية الصادرة عن الهيئات الدولية او المحلية المهتمة بمجال الصحة، سواء تلك التي تتعلق باضطراب الهلع (PD) أو بفيروس كورونا المستجد (Covid-19)، كما تم عرض أهم مظاهر اضطراب الهلع في الأوساط المجتمعية في ظل انتشار الجائحة والآثار المترتبة عنها ،وخلصت الدراسة إلى مجموعة من الإرشادات الوقائية أو العلاجية، والتي من شأنها تعزيز الصحة النفسية لدى الأفراد من أجل التخفيف من هذه الآثار والوقاية منها.The aim of this study is to know panic disorder and its relationship to the emerging coronavirus (Covid-19) in light of the spread of the pandemic in the world, and the descriptive (analytical) approach was used, and the study sought to research the main reasons behind the spread of panic disorder among some individuals in society, based on Among the diagnostic criteria issued by international or local bodies interested in the field of health, whether those related to panic disorder (PD) or the emerging corona virus (Covid-19), and the most important manifestations of panic disorder in community circles in light of the spread of the pandemic and its effects, The study concluded with a set of preventive or therapeutic guidelines, which would enhance the mental health of individuals in order to mitigate and prevent these effects

    Psychological flexibility and its relationship to marital distress among a sample of secondary education teachers in Ghardaia

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    تتناول الدراسة الحالية محاولة معرفة العلاقة بين المرونة النفسية والكدر الزواجي من خلال  التعرف على مستوى المرونة النفسية عند الزوجات لأستاذات التعليم الثانوي بولاية غرداية، وهذا من خلال  متغير الفروق في المرونة النفسية تبعا لمتغير الدراسة (عدد الأبناء) وللتعرف على الفروق في الكدر الزواجي تبعا لمتغيرات الدراسة (نوع الأسرة: ممتدة ،نووية)، حيث تكونت عينة الدراسة من (46) أستاذة ، وتم اختيار العينة بالطريقة القصدية، كما استخدم المنهج الوصفي التحليلي. ولجمع البيانات تم استخدام مقياس المرونة النفسية من إعداد الباحث كونور وديفديسون (Connor et Davidson 2003) ترجمة الدكتور القللي (2016) ومقياس الكدر الزواجي من إعداد الباحث قدور نويبات (2013)، استخدمت الباحثة المعالجات الإحصائية التالية: اختبار بيرسون، النسب المئوية، اختبار t-test))، اختبار تحليل التباين (ANOVA). وتوصلت إلى:-  وجود علاقة ارتباطيه عكسية متوسطة بين المرونة النفسية والكدر الزواجي.- لا توجد فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية في مستوى المرونة النفسية تعزى لمتغير (عدد الأبناء) .- لا توجد فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية في مستوى الكدر الزواجي تعزى لمتغير طبيعة الأسرة (نووية أوممتدة).The present study deals with an attempt to know the relationship between psychological flexibility and Marital Distress, via to obtain the best results for the spouses for a professor of secondary education in the state of Ghardaia. In addition, this is through a variable, the study aimed at the differences in this study to obtain the best results in the study in Marital Distress (Family type: extended, nuclear), the sample reached (46) professor, and it was chosen by the intentional method.). To collect data, the psychological resilience scale prepared by the researcher was used. The scale was prepared by Connor and Davison )2003(Translate Dr. Al-Qulali (2016) and the marital distress scale prepared by the researcher Kaddour Noibat (2013), The researcher developed the following treatments: Pearson test, percentages, t-test, and analysis of variance (ANOVA) test the results: The existence of a correlation Reversible and a statistically significant relationship between psychological resilience and Marital Distress - There are no statistically significant differences in psychological flexibility due to the variable (number of children) _ There are no statistically significant differences in the level of marital Distress due to the variable of the nature of the family (nuclear or extended)

    The effect of pH-neutral peritoneal dialysis fluids on adipokine secretion from cultured adipocytes

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    Background. Adipokines are a group of fat-secreted hormones and cytokines, including leptin and adiponectin, with important functions in humans. Peritoneal dialysis (PD) is associated with markedly raised plasma adipokines, suggesting increased production in this setting. We have shown that low pH down-regulates leptin production. The current study was designed to test if novel pH-neutral PD fluids may regulate leptin and adiponectin secretion in vitro. Methods. We exposed 3T3-L1 adipocytes to a 50 : 50 mixture of dialysate and M199 containing 10% serum for upto 48 h. Dialysates were commercial PD fluids, i.e. conventional acidic, lactate-buffered solutions (PD-acid) and pH-neutral lactate-buffered (PD-Bal) or bicarbonate-buffered solutions (PD-Bic). Leptin and adiponectin concentrations in culture-cell media were measured by ELISA. Results. Compared with PD-acid, PD-Bal and PD-Bic produced a 25 and 43% increase, respectively, in leptin secretion at 48 h (P < 0.05). In contrast, adiponectin secretion was not affected. High glucose PD fluids (4.25%) specifically inhibited leptin secretion vs 1.5% glucose, buffer-matched solutions (P < 0.05). However, differences in leptin secretion due to pH and type of buffer remained significant. In further experiments, the pH of test media were extensively varied without the presence of dialysates. Leptin secretion was shown to increase in a parallel to pH, whereas large changes in pH did not affect adiponectin secretion. Conclusion. The pH-neutral PD solutions specifically induce leptin, but not adiponectin secretion from 3T3-L1 adipocytes. PD-Bic produced a greater leptin stimulation than PD-Bal, but this difference was attributable to pH per se, rather than the type of buffe

    Glucose-containing peritoneal dialysis fluids regulate leptin secretion from 3T3-L1 adipocytes

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    Background. A marked elevation of serum leptin is observed soon after the start of peritoneal dialysis (PD), suggesting that leptin production may be stimulated by this treatment. Glucose metabolism is the major factor regulating leptin. The current study was designed to test if glucose-based PD fluids might regulate leptin production in vitro. Methods. 3T3-L1 adipocytes were exposed to a 50:50 mixture of dialysis solutions and medium M199 containing 10% serum for ≤48 h. Leptin secretion in culture cell supernatants was measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and leptin mRNA content by northern blot analysis. Results. The high glucose-based commercial dialysate PD4 produced a higher leptin secretion compared with an identical laboratory-manufactured dialysate (Lab-D), but with a physiological glucose concentration of 5 mM (P<0.05). Raising glucose concentration from 2.75 to 40 mM in Lab-D induced a dose-dependent increase in leptin secretion of ≤110±12% at 48 h (P<0.001) and leptin mRNA (P<0.05; glucose 2.75 vs 40 mM). Inhibition of UDP-N-acetylglucosamine biosynthesis, with 6-diazo-5-oxo-norleucine added to Lab-D, abolished most of the glucose-stimulated leptin release and downregulated leptin gene expression. Furthermore, glucose-free Lab-D supplemented with 1 mM glucosamine, an intermediate product in UDP-N-acetylglucosamine biosynthesis, increased leptin secretion by 28±11% over control (P<0.05), although without effect on leptin mRNA, after 48 h of culture. Conclusions. These results suggest that the PD-induced hyperleptinaemia could, in part, be mediated by the effect of glucose-based dialysis fluids on leptin production by adipocytes via activation of the hexosamine biosynthetic pathwa

    Well GeHP detector calibration for environmental measurements using reference materials

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    International audienceA well-type detector installed in the Modane underground Laboratory (LSM) can combine both low background and high detection efficiency and it is well suited for the analysis of small amounts of environmental samples. Reference materials such as IAEA-447 (moss-soil), IAEA-RG-Th1 and IAEA-RG-U1 were used for the detector calibration, owing to a chemical composition close to those of the environmental samples. Nevertheless , the matrix effects and the true coincidence summing effects must be corrected from the full energy peak efficiency (FEPE). The FEPE was performed for a wide range of energy by a semi-empirical method using Monte Carlo simulation (MCNP6), intended for environmental measurements such as lake sediments dating. In the well geometry, the true coincidence summing effects could be very important and correction factors have been computed in three different ways

    the marital harmony according to some variable (age, marriage duration, sex & living)

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    تهدف الدراسة الى معرفة مستوى التوافق الزواجي لدى عينة من أساتذة التعليم الثانوي في ضوء بعض المتغيرات (الجنس(ذكر/انثى)، مدة الزواج، السن، السكن (خاص /مع العائلة))، شملت عينة البحث (109) أستاذ من ثانويات مدينة متليلي الشعانبة. استخدمت الدراسة المنهج الوصفي مستعينة في ذلك بأداة قياس تمثلت في مقياس التوافق الزواجي المكون من32 فقرة (لسابنيه)، تمت معالجة البيانات باستخدام برنامج21 SPSS بالاعتماد على الأساليب الإحصائية المناسبة. توصلت نتائج البحث الى ان مستوى التوافق الزواجي مرتفع لدي أساتذة التعليم الثانوي عينة الدراسة، توجد فروق دالة في مستوى التوافق الزواجي بين الأساتذة حسب متغير ا مدة الزواج.، ولا توجد فروق دالة في مستوى التوافق الزواجي حسب متغير الجنس والسكن والسن.The study aims to know the level of marital harmony among a sample of teachers in terms of (sex, marriage duration, age &amp;living). Sample included 109 teachers from metlili. We used the descriptive study method with measuring in the scale of marital harmony, which consisted of 32 items prepared by (Sapner). The data were processed using the SPSS21 program, using appropriate statistical methods. The study ends to the following: The levels of marital harmony among teachers scored (high). There are statistical differences in the level of marital harmony among teachers due to variable of Marriage duration. There are no significant statistic differences in the level of marital harmony among teachers due to variables of sex ، living and age)

    Glucose-containing peritoneal dialysis fluids regulate leptin secretion from 3T3-L1 adipocytes

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    BACKGROUND: A marked elevation of serum leptin is observed soon after the start of peritoneal dialysis (PD), suggesting that leptin production may be stimulated by this treatment. Glucose metabolism is the major factor regulating leptin. The current study was designed to test if glucose-based PD fluids might regulate leptin production in vitro. METHODS: 3T3-L1 adipocytes were exposed to a 50:50 mixture of dialysis solutions and medium M199 containing 10% serum for &lt;or=48 h. Leptin secretion in culture cell supernatants was measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and leptin mRNA content by northern blot analysis. RESULTS: The high glucose-based commercial dialysate PD4 produced a higher leptin secretion compared with an identical laboratory-manufactured dialysate (Lab-D), but with a physiological glucose concentration of 5 mM (P&lt;0.05). Raising glucose concentration from 2.75 to 40 mM in Lab-D induced a dose-dependent increase in leptin secretion of &lt;or=110+/-12% at 48 h (P&lt;0.001) and leptin mRNA (P&lt;0.05; glucose 2.75 vs 40 mM). Inhibition of UDP-N-acetylglucosamine biosynthesis, with 6-diazo-5-oxo-norleucine added to Lab-D, abolished most of the glucose-stimulated leptin release and downregulated leptin gene expression. Furthermore, glucose-free Lab-D supplemented with 1 mM glucosamine, an intermediate product in UDP-N-acetylglucosamine biosynthesis, increased leptin secretion by 28+/-11% over control (P&lt;0.05), although without effect on leptin mRNA, after 48 h of culture. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that the PD-induced hyperleptinaemia could, in part, be mediated by the effect of glucose-based dialysis fluids on leptin production by adipocytes via activation of the hexosamine biosynthetic pathway