226 research outputs found

    L'església romànica de Santa Maria de la Figuerola

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    Lexicografia i correcció: la funció dels diccionaris en la revisió de textos

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    The aim of this paper is an attempt to revise the role of dictionaries in professional text supervising processes. Under the frame of text linguistics, we first explain how correction tasks are conditioned by text typology. Next, we study the macro structure of dictionaries (in order to consider what kind of lexicographical works are closer to the corrector needs) and then we study their micro structure (in order to set up what kind of information might be relevant for correction tasks). In conclusion, we finally State some lacks of current dictionaries for correction purposes, and we settle some aspects of text revision which are not expected to be solved with dictionary consultation

    Reply to von Reyn and Horsburgh

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    The study by Muñoz et al [1] demonstrates that the need for treatment of healthy household contacts of active tuberculosis can be safely reduced by 20% when an interferon γ release assay is used to exclude false-positive tuberculin skin test (TST) results. Because the study was conducted in Spain, 28% of trial participants had been previously immunized with Bacille Calmette Guerin (BCG) vaccine, a factor that seemed to be the predominant cause of false-positive TST results. The authors surmise that the remaining proportion of false-positive results may have been due to exposure to nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM)

    FIFA World Cup and climate change: correlation is not causation

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    Sports analytics is defined as the process that identifies and acquires knowledge and insight about players and teams’ performances. To do so, analysts use a wide variety of data sources coming from matches and individual players’ performances (O'Donoghue & Holmes 2014; Jayal, McRobert, Oatley & O’Donoghue, 2018). Nowadays, detailed data from different nature including technical skills, individual physiological performances, team formations, or injuries are analysed on a daily basis by the analytics departments belonging to sports clubs and professional franchises. Even private companies like STATS or OPTA generate important revenues offering their movement tracking values and advanced metrics to media and fans. In the emerging field of Sports Analytics, as in many others, analysts must be aware of spurious correlations. These can come up due to the size (not nature) of data, a common-causal variable or just due to serendipity. For this reason, we always must keep in mind the lessons of the statistician Stephen John Senn and his sharp quote on the matter: “Statistics is not just about merely warning that correlation is not causation. Sometimes correlation isn’t even correlation”. Thus, we will explain an example of how climate change can be affecting, or not, on the FIFA World Cup performance statistics

    Els sistemes VTS (maritime vessel traffic services).

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    Els sistemes de control de tràfic marí­tim, vessel traffic services (VTS) en anglès han esdevingut necessaris degut a l'augment del tràfic marítim en determinades àrees de concentració de tràfic com ara l'estret de Gibraltar o be àrees portuàries i les seves aproximacions. La necessitat de combinar al màxim l'eficiència de les operacions de transit, entrada o sortida d'un port amb la màxima seguretat per als vaixells, les seves mercaderies i el passatgers així­ com les mateixes instal·lacions portuàries fan necessari establir sistemes de notificació previs i un control constant un cop dins l'àrea. Per altra banda no menys important es la prevenció de possibles abocaments de productes nocius que puguin malmetre el medi ambient marí­ tenint en especial consideració els vaixells que transporten hidrocarburs o mercaderies perilloses en general. En aquest treball aprofundirem en la definició i descripció³ dels tipus de serveis que ofereixen el VTS els diferents tipus que existeixen i analitzarem els principals dispositius de separació de tràfic vinculats a centres de control de tràfic marítim que existeixen a l'estat espanyol així­ com l'entitat encarregada de la seva gestió la societat estatal de salvament marítim. The vessel traffic services (VTS) have become necessary due to the increase of maritime traffic in certain areas of huge traffic concentration such as Gibraltar Strait or some port facilities and its approaches. The need to combine the maximum efficiency of traffic operations, entrances or exists to harbor’s with the maximum safety for the ships, their cargo and the passengers they carry as well the same port facilities require to establish reporting systems and constant monitoring before and while in the area controlled by the VTS. Furthermore no less important is the prevention of harmful products spills that can damage the marine environment. It has be taken taking into special account the ships carrying oil or dangerous goods in general. In this project we are going to focus on the definition and description of the different types of services offered by the VTS, and the different kinds that exist. We will also analyze the traffic separation traffic schemes that exist on the waters of Spain as well as the organization in charge of managing them, the Spanish maritime safety and rescue agency

    COVID19-world: a shiny application to perform comprehensive country-specific data visualization for SARS-CoV-2 epidemic

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    Background: Data analysis and visualization is an essential tool for exploring and communicating findings in medical research, especially in epidemiological surveillance. Results: Data on COVID-19 diagnosed cases and mortality, from January 1st, 2020, onwards is collected automatically from the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). We have developed a Shiny application for data visualization and analysis of several indicators to follow the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic using ECDC data. A country-specific tool for basic epidemiological surveillance, in an interactive and user-friendly manner. The available analyses cover time trends and projections, attack rate, population fatality rate, case fatality rate, and basic reproduction number. Conclusions: The COVID19-World online web application systematically produces daily updated country-specific data visualization and analysis of the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic worldwide. The application may help for a better understanding of the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic worldwide

    Reliability and validity of the KIDSCREEN-52 questionnaire to measure health related quality of life in the 8 to 18 year-old Argentinean population

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    Introduction. The KIDSCREEN questionnaire is an instrument to measure health-related quality of life (HRQoL). It allows to differentiate health levels or to assess the efficacy of interventions. The objective was to evaluate the reliability and validity of the Argentine version of the questionnaire in the population aged 8-18 years-old in the city of Bahía Blanca. Population and Methods. Cross sectional study conducted in public and private schools in 2008 using a district-stratified sampling. The questionnaire was self-administered and included the KIDSCREEN questionnaire (52 items) and questions about age, gender and family socioeconomic level (SEL). Reliability was analyzed using standard psychometric analysis techniques and the item response theory. The analysis of the factorial structure was performed using a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), and that of the construct validity was conducted comparing dimension mean scores by age, gender and SEL. Results. Most dimensions had a Cronbach's alpha of >0.7 and 80% of items, and sufficient infit or outfit values (< 0.8). The CFA showed an adequate data adjustment to the ten-dimension structure. The mean values of the dimensions confirmed lower scores in adolescents than in children, and lower scores in females than in males, as expected in several of the HRQoL dimensions. Conclusions. The reliability and validity of the Argentinean version of the KIDSCREEN-52 questionnaire were acceptable; therefore its use can be recommended for the 8-18 year-old Argentinean population.Fil: Berra, Silvina del Valle. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnologico Cordoba. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Salud; ArgentinaFil: Tebé, Cristian. Agència d’Informació, Avaluació i Qualitat en Salut; España. CIBER de Epidemiología y Salud Pública; EspañaFil: Esandi, María Eugenia. Academia Nacional de Medicina de Buenos Aires; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Sur; ArgentinaFil: Carignano, Carlos. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Municipalidad de Bahia Blanca; Argentin

    La metodología de elaboración de definiciones terminológicas en vocabularios normalizados: análisis en normas UNE

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    Neste artigo, analisaremos a metodologia de elaboração de definições terminológicas destinadas a confecção de vocabulários normalizados. Para tanto, aplicaremos critérios recopilados das normas espanholas metodológicas UNE 1-066 e UNE 1-070 de um corpus de 180 definições extraídas de vocabulários normalizados contidos nas normas UNE. A pesquisa consta de três partes: na primeira se descrevem as normas une de e sobre terminologia e se situam essas normas no contexto da estandarização internacional para, posteriormente, caracterizar mais adequadamente a definição terminológica nos contextos de normativização, os objetivos que persegue, e as causas e conseqüências da metodologia na qual se sustenta. Na segunda parte analisaremos quantitativamente e qualitativamente a aplicação dos critérios confrontando-os com as definições terminológicas que compõem o corpus, realiza-se uma avaliação da sua aplicação. A terceira parte consiste em uma discussão sobre a metodología e os métodos de trabalho que sustentam a aplicação dos critérios analisados. à guisa de conclusão, se questiona a validade do marco teórico da elaboração dos criterios metodológicos avaliados: a teoria geral da terminologia (TGT) de E. Wuster e se consideram as vias de futuro para a reformulação da metodologia de elaboração de definições terminológicas

    Adaptación y validación del cuestionario de susceptibilidad, beneficios y barreras ante el cribado con mamografía

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    ResumenObjetivosAdaptar una «escala de creencias» sobre el cáncer de mama al castellano, evaluando su validez y reproducibilidad.MétodosValidación de una escala de 3 dimensiones –susceptibilidad, beneficios y barreras– con respuestas tipo Likert, en un estudio de casos y controles, donde los casos eran las mujeres no participantes en un programa de cribado de cáncer de mama y los controles las participantes. Se realizó un proceso de traducción-retrotraducción y un comité técnico analizó las discrepancias. Se pilotó la comprensión en 17 mujeres. Participaron en el estudio 274 mujeres y a 32 de ellas se les repitió el cuestionario en el intervalo de un mes para valorar la reproducibilidad.ResultadosEl coeficiente de correlación intraclase fue de 0,89, 0,70 y 0,90, y el coeficiente alfa de Cronbach de 0,71, 0,48 y 0,57 para susceptibilidad, beneficios y barreras, respectivamente. Respecto a la validez de constructo, del análisis factorial exploratorio se extrajeron 3 factores, lo que explicaba un 34% de la varianza. El análisis factorial confirmatorio señala un ajuste al límite de los datos al modelo teórico. Las mujeres de más edad perciben menos susceptibilidad al cáncer de mama y declaran más barreras para hacerse una mamografía. Las de menor nivel de estudios perciben más barreras. La escala no ha mostrado su capacidad para predecir la participación en el programa.ConclusionesLa escala presenta problemas de validez y homogeneidad. Las dimensiones de beneficios y barreras necesitan un proceso de adaptación y validación profunda para su utilización.AbstractObjectivesTo adapt the «health belief model» on breast cancer screening to Spanish, and to asses its validity and reliability.MethodsWe assessed validation of a scale with 3 dimensions (susceptibility, benefits and barriers) with Likert responses in a case-control study. Cases were women not participating in a breast cancer screening program and controls consisted of participating women. A process of translation and back-translation was carried out and a technical committee analyzed discrepancies. Comprehension was tested in 17 women. Two hundred seventy-four women participated in the study. In 32 of these women, the questionnaire was administered twice after a 1-month interval to estimate its reliability.ResultsThe intraclass correlation coefficients were 0.89, 0.70 and 0.90, and Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0.71, 0.48 and 0.57 for susceptibility, benefits and barriers, respectively. Construct validity: from the factorial analysis, 3 factors were obtained explaining 34% of the variance. The confirmatory factorial analysis indicated acceptable goodness-of-fit of the data to the theoretical model. Older women perceived less susceptibility to breast cancer as well as greater barriers to attending screening. Women with a lower educational level perceived greater barriers. The scale did not seem to predict adherence to the program.ConclusionsThe adapted scale presents problems of validity and internal consistency. The dimensions of benefits and barriers require thorough adaptation and validation before the scale is used in Spanish women