9 research outputs found

    Change of bite height of patients at prosthetic rehabilitation

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    Gubitak visine zagriza odnosno vertikalne dimenzije okluzije narušava funkciju i estetiku svakog pacijenta. Njezina rekonstrukcija uspješno se provodi pomoću niza metoda koje nam olakšavaju određivanje nove vertikalne dimenzije okluzije. Potrebna je detaljna dijagnostika i oprez pri provođenju same rekonstrukcije kako bi ona bila uspješna. Kolaps vertikalne dimenzije okluzije nastaje iz dva razloga. Prvi razlog jest generalizirana abrazija svih zubi zbog bruksizma. Drugi razlog jest gubitak zubi stražnje regije bez njihove nadoknade. Metode kojima se služimo su brojne te se koriste u kombinaciji jedna s drugom jer svaka zasebno nije dovoljno precizna. Svaki terapeut odlučuje prema svojem iskustvu kojim će se metodama služiti. Uz vertikalnu dimenziju okluzije bitno je poznavati i odrediti vertikalnu dimenziju položaja fiziološkog mirovanja kao i horizontalne odnose maksile i mandibule, to jest centričnu relaciju i maksimalnu interkuspidaciju. Sam postupak rekonstrukcije moguće je izvesti pomoću zagriznih šablona ili pomoću wax-upa i mock-upa. Pri svakoj promjeni vertikalne dimenzije okluzije bitno je uzeti u obzir određene kriterije, mogućnosti pogreške i moguće neželjene posljedice uslijed promjene vertikalne dimenzije okluzije.Losing the bite height or the vertical dimension of occlusion disturbs the function and aesthetics of each patient. Its reconstruction is successfully carried out through series of methods which make it easier to determine the new vertical dimension of occlusion. Detailed diagnosis and caution are needed while carrying out the reconstruction for it to be successful. The collapse of the vertical dimension of occlusion is due to two reasons. The first reason is the general abrasion of all teeth due to bruxism. The second reason is the loss of the back region's teeth without their compensation. The methods we use are numerous and are used in combination with each other because each one is not sufficiently precise on its own. According to one’s experience, each practitioner decides which methods he will be using. Beside the vertical dimension of occlusion it is essential to know and determine the vertical dimension of physiological rest position, as well as the horizontal relationship of the maxilla and the mandible, that is, the centric relation and the maximum intercuspidation. The reconstruction procedure can be performed by occlusal rims bumper or wax-up and mock-up. When changing vertical dimension of occlusion, it is important to take into account certain criteria, the possibility of errors and possible unwanted consequences due to the change of vertical dimension of occlusion

    Genetic lineage tracing reveals poor angiogenic potential of cardiac endothelial cells.

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    Abstract Aims Cardiac ischaemia does not elicit an efficient angiogenic response. Indeed, lack of surgical revascularization upon myocardial infarction results in cardiomyocyte death, scarring, and loss of contractile function. Clinical trials aimed at inducing therapeutic revascularization through the delivery of pro-angiogenic molecules after cardiac ischaemia have invariably failed, suggesting that endothelial cells in the heart cannot mount an efficient angiogenic response. To understand why the heart is a poorly angiogenic environment, here we compare the angiogenic response of the cardiac and skeletal muscle using a lineage tracing approach to genetically label sprouting endothelial cells. Methods and results We observed that overexpression of the vascular endothelial growth factor in the skeletal muscle potently stimulated angiogenesis, resulting in the formation of a massive number of new capillaries and arterioles. In contrast, response to the same dose of the same factor in the heart was blunted and consisted in a modest increase in the number of new arterioles. By using Apelin-CreER mice to genetically label sprouting endothelial cells we observed that different pro-angiogenic stimuli activated Apelin expression in both muscle types to a similar extent, however, only in the skeletal muscle, these cells were able to sprout, form elongated vascular tubes activating Notch signalling, and became incorporated into arteries. In the heart, Apelin-positive cells transiently persisted and failed to give rise to new vessels. When we implanted cancer cells in different organs, the abortive angiogenic response in the heart resulted in a reduced expansion of the tumour mass. Conclusion Our genetic lineage tracing indicates that cardiac endothelial cells activate Apelin expression in response to pro-angiogenic stimuli but, different from those of the skeletal muscle, fail to proliferate and form mature and structured vessels. The poor angiogenic potential of the heart is associated with reduced tumour angiogenesis and growth of cancer cells

    Change of bite height of patients at prosthetic rehabilitation

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    Gubitak visine zagriza odnosno vertikalne dimenzije okluzije narušava funkciju i estetiku svakog pacijenta. Njezina rekonstrukcija uspješno se provodi pomoću niza metoda koje nam olakšavaju određivanje nove vertikalne dimenzije okluzije. Potrebna je detaljna dijagnostika i oprez pri provođenju same rekonstrukcije kako bi ona bila uspješna. Kolaps vertikalne dimenzije okluzije nastaje iz dva razloga. Prvi razlog jest generalizirana abrazija svih zubi zbog bruksizma. Drugi razlog jest gubitak zubi stražnje regije bez njihove nadoknade. Metode kojima se služimo su brojne te se koriste u kombinaciji jedna s drugom jer svaka zasebno nije dovoljno precizna. Svaki terapeut odlučuje prema svojem iskustvu kojim će se metodama služiti. Uz vertikalnu dimenziju okluzije bitno je poznavati i odrediti vertikalnu dimenziju položaja fiziološkog mirovanja kao i horizontalne odnose maksile i mandibule, to jest centričnu relaciju i maksimalnu interkuspidaciju. Sam postupak rekonstrukcije moguće je izvesti pomoću zagriznih šablona ili pomoću wax-upa i mock-upa. Pri svakoj promjeni vertikalne dimenzije okluzije bitno je uzeti u obzir određene kriterije, mogućnosti pogreške i moguće neželjene posljedice uslijed promjene vertikalne dimenzije okluzije.Losing the bite height or the vertical dimension of occlusion disturbs the function and aesthetics of each patient. Its reconstruction is successfully carried out through series of methods which make it easier to determine the new vertical dimension of occlusion. Detailed diagnosis and caution are needed while carrying out the reconstruction for it to be successful. The collapse of the vertical dimension of occlusion is due to two reasons. The first reason is the general abrasion of all teeth due to bruxism. The second reason is the loss of the back region's teeth without their compensation. The methods we use are numerous and are used in combination with each other because each one is not sufficiently precise on its own. According to one’s experience, each practitioner decides which methods he will be using. Beside the vertical dimension of occlusion it is essential to know and determine the vertical dimension of physiological rest position, as well as the horizontal relationship of the maxilla and the mandible, that is, the centric relation and the maximum intercuspidation. The reconstruction procedure can be performed by occlusal rims bumper or wax-up and mock-up. When changing vertical dimension of occlusion, it is important to take into account certain criteria, the possibility of errors and possible unwanted consequences due to the change of vertical dimension of occlusion

    Comparative proteomic analysis of biofilm forming Staphylococcis aureus spp.

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    Staphylococcus aureus je ljudski i životinjski oportunistički pathogen koji je uzrok velikog broja bolesti, uključujući trovanje hranom. Jedan od mogućih načina diseminacije ove bakterije je putem hrane kontaminirane u procesu obrađivanja od strane zaražene osobe. Također, poznato je da S. aureus formira biofilm na različitim materijalima koji se upotrebljavaju u obradi hrane i rezistentan je na većinu dezinfekcijskih sredstava. Cilj ovog rada je istražiti mehanizme formiranja biofilma zajedničke cijeloj vrsti S. aureus uspoređujući proteinsku ekspresiju planktonskih i sesilnih oblika ove bakterije. U ovom radu upotrebljen je proteomski pristup istraživanju proteina uključenih u mehanizam formiranja biofilma koji su zajednički cijeloj vrsti S. aureus. Za separaciju proteina uzoraka i identifikaciju diferencijalno eksprimiranih proteina između planktonskih i sesilnih formi ove bakterije korištena je metodologija bazirana na dvodimenzionalnoj gel elektroforezi u kombinaciji sa MALDI-TOF masenom spektrometrijom. Ukupno šest sojeva bakterije je analizirano u dva eksperimenta. Sojevi su se međusobno razlikovali u kapacitetu formiranja biofilma budući da je to doprinjelo identificiranju mehanizma specifičnog za cijelu vrstu. U dva eksperimenta je pronađeno sedam proteina diferencijalno eksprimiranih između planktonskih i sesilnih formi bakterije S. aureus koji su zatim identificirani MALDI-TOF MS tehnikom. Među identificiranim proteinima, pojačanu ekspresiju u sesilnim stanicama imali su fosfofruktokinaza, alkohol dehidrogenaza, dugolančana-masna-kiaselina-CoA-ligaza, univerzalni stres protein i protuprijenosna podjedinica mnhE2, dok su fosforibozilglicinamid formiltransferaza i acetat kinaza bili pojačano eksprimirani u planktonsim stanicama. Ovi rezultati upućuju na činjenicu da bi mehanizam formiranja biofilma mogao biti povezan se pojačanom aktivnošću glikolize i sinteze masnih kiselina, te smanjenom sintezom purina.Staphylococcus aureus is an opportunistic human and animal pathogen that causes a wide range of diseases, including food poisoning. S. aureus is known to form biofilm on various materials used in food processing and exhibits resistance to many commonly used antimicrobials. The aim of this work is to investigate mechanisms of biofilm formation representative for the whole S. aureus specie by identifying proteins differentially expressed in planktonic and sessile forms. In this work, proteomic approach was applied to study proteins involved in species specific biofilm forming mechanism of S. aureus. Differential protein expression between planktonic and sessile forms of the bacterium was investigated using combined 2D electrophoretic separation and MALDI-TOF MS identification of designated spots. Six strains in total were used for the analysis. The strains differed in their biofilm forming capacity as the detection of common mechanisms between differently efficient biofilm producers contributed to avoiding strain specificity. Seven proteins were found to be expressed differentially between sessile and planktonic cells in the two experiments. Proteins found upregulated in the sessile cells in both experiments were ATP-dependent 6-phosphofructokinase, alcohol dehydrogenase, putative long chain-fatty acid CoA ligase, putative universal stress protein and putative antiporter subunit mnhE2, whereas phosphorybosylglycinamide formyltransferase and acetate kinase were consistently downregulated. These results indicate that the biofilm forming mechanism may be dependent on an upregulation of glucose and lipid metabolism pathways, and reduction in purine biosynthesis

    Comparative proteomic analysis of biofilm forming Staphylococcis aureus spp.

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    Staphylococcus aureus je ljudski i životinjski oportunistički pathogen koji je uzrok velikog broja bolesti, uključujući trovanje hranom. Jedan od mogućih načina diseminacije ove bakterije je putem hrane kontaminirane u procesu obrađivanja od strane zaražene osobe. Također, poznato je da S. aureus formira biofilm na različitim materijalima koji se upotrebljavaju u obradi hrane i rezistentan je na većinu dezinfekcijskih sredstava. Cilj ovog rada je istražiti mehanizme formiranja biofilma zajedničke cijeloj vrsti S. aureus uspoređujući proteinsku ekspresiju planktonskih i sesilnih oblika ove bakterije. U ovom radu upotrebljen je proteomski pristup istraživanju proteina uključenih u mehanizam formiranja biofilma koji su zajednički cijeloj vrsti S. aureus. Za separaciju proteina uzoraka i identifikaciju diferencijalno eksprimiranih proteina između planktonskih i sesilnih formi ove bakterije korištena je metodologija bazirana na dvodimenzionalnoj gel elektroforezi u kombinaciji sa MALDI-TOF masenom spektrometrijom. Ukupno šest sojeva bakterije je analizirano u dva eksperimenta. Sojevi su se međusobno razlikovali u kapacitetu formiranja biofilma budući da je to doprinjelo identificiranju mehanizma specifičnog za cijelu vrstu. U dva eksperimenta je pronađeno sedam proteina diferencijalno eksprimiranih između planktonskih i sesilnih formi bakterije S. aureus koji su zatim identificirani MALDI-TOF MS tehnikom. Među identificiranim proteinima, pojačanu ekspresiju u sesilnim stanicama imali su fosfofruktokinaza, alkohol dehidrogenaza, dugolančana-masna-kiaselina-CoA-ligaza, univerzalni stres protein i protuprijenosna podjedinica mnhE2, dok su fosforibozilglicinamid formiltransferaza i acetat kinaza bili pojačano eksprimirani u planktonsim stanicama. Ovi rezultati upućuju na činjenicu da bi mehanizam formiranja biofilma mogao biti povezan se pojačanom aktivnošću glikolize i sinteze masnih kiselina, te smanjenom sintezom purina.Staphylococcus aureus is an opportunistic human and animal pathogen that causes a wide range of diseases, including food poisoning. S. aureus is known to form biofilm on various materials used in food processing and exhibits resistance to many commonly used antimicrobials. The aim of this work is to investigate mechanisms of biofilm formation representative for the whole S. aureus specie by identifying proteins differentially expressed in planktonic and sessile forms. In this work, proteomic approach was applied to study proteins involved in species specific biofilm forming mechanism of S. aureus. Differential protein expression between planktonic and sessile forms of the bacterium was investigated using combined 2D electrophoretic separation and MALDI-TOF MS identification of designated spots. Six strains in total were used for the analysis. The strains differed in their biofilm forming capacity as the detection of common mechanisms between differently efficient biofilm producers contributed to avoiding strain specificity. Seven proteins were found to be expressed differentially between sessile and planktonic cells in the two experiments. Proteins found upregulated in the sessile cells in both experiments were ATP-dependent 6-phosphofructokinase, alcohol dehydrogenase, putative long chain-fatty acid CoA ligase, putative universal stress protein and putative antiporter subunit mnhE2, whereas phosphorybosylglycinamide formyltransferase and acetate kinase were consistently downregulated. These results indicate that the biofilm forming mechanism may be dependent on an upregulation of glucose and lipid metabolism pathways, and reduction in purine biosynthesis

    Comparative proteomic analysis of biofilm forming Staphylococcis aureus spp.

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    Staphylococcus aureus je ljudski i životinjski oportunistički pathogen koji je uzrok velikog broja bolesti, uključujući trovanje hranom. Jedan od mogućih načina diseminacije ove bakterije je putem hrane kontaminirane u procesu obrađivanja od strane zaražene osobe. Također, poznato je da S. aureus formira biofilm na različitim materijalima koji se upotrebljavaju u obradi hrane i rezistentan je na većinu dezinfekcijskih sredstava. Cilj ovog rada je istražiti mehanizme formiranja biofilma zajedničke cijeloj vrsti S. aureus uspoređujući proteinsku ekspresiju planktonskih i sesilnih oblika ove bakterije. U ovom radu upotrebljen je proteomski pristup istraživanju proteina uključenih u mehanizam formiranja biofilma koji su zajednički cijeloj vrsti S. aureus. Za separaciju proteina uzoraka i identifikaciju diferencijalno eksprimiranih proteina između planktonskih i sesilnih formi ove bakterije korištena je metodologija bazirana na dvodimenzionalnoj gel elektroforezi u kombinaciji sa MALDI-TOF masenom spektrometrijom. Ukupno šest sojeva bakterije je analizirano u dva eksperimenta. Sojevi su se međusobno razlikovali u kapacitetu formiranja biofilma budući da je to doprinjelo identificiranju mehanizma specifičnog za cijelu vrstu. U dva eksperimenta je pronađeno sedam proteina diferencijalno eksprimiranih između planktonskih i sesilnih formi bakterije S. aureus koji su zatim identificirani MALDI-TOF MS tehnikom. Među identificiranim proteinima, pojačanu ekspresiju u sesilnim stanicama imali su fosfofruktokinaza, alkohol dehidrogenaza, dugolančana-masna-kiaselina-CoA-ligaza, univerzalni stres protein i protuprijenosna podjedinica mnhE2, dok su fosforibozilglicinamid formiltransferaza i acetat kinaza bili pojačano eksprimirani u planktonsim stanicama. Ovi rezultati upućuju na činjenicu da bi mehanizam formiranja biofilma mogao biti povezan se pojačanom aktivnošću glikolize i sinteze masnih kiselina, te smanjenom sintezom purina.Staphylococcus aureus is an opportunistic human and animal pathogen that causes a wide range of diseases, including food poisoning. S. aureus is known to form biofilm on various materials used in food processing and exhibits resistance to many commonly used antimicrobials. The aim of this work is to investigate mechanisms of biofilm formation representative for the whole S. aureus specie by identifying proteins differentially expressed in planktonic and sessile forms. In this work, proteomic approach was applied to study proteins involved in species specific biofilm forming mechanism of S. aureus. Differential protein expression between planktonic and sessile forms of the bacterium was investigated using combined 2D electrophoretic separation and MALDI-TOF MS identification of designated spots. Six strains in total were used for the analysis. The strains differed in their biofilm forming capacity as the detection of common mechanisms between differently efficient biofilm producers contributed to avoiding strain specificity. Seven proteins were found to be expressed differentially between sessile and planktonic cells in the two experiments. Proteins found upregulated in the sessile cells in both experiments were ATP-dependent 6-phosphofructokinase, alcohol dehydrogenase, putative long chain-fatty acid CoA ligase, putative universal stress protein and putative antiporter subunit mnhE2, whereas phosphorybosylglycinamide formyltransferase and acetate kinase were consistently downregulated. These results indicate that the biofilm forming mechanism may be dependent on an upregulation of glucose and lipid metabolism pathways, and reduction in purine biosynthesis

    Phenolic Potential of Olive Leaves from Different Istrian Cultivars in Croatia

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    For the first time the effects of different sampling periods and their interaction with five major autochthonous Croatian Istrian olive cultivars and the Italian cultivar ‘Leccino’ on the quantity and composition of olive leaf phenolic compounds and mineral nutrients were investigated. For that purpose, olive leaves were sampled in two collecting periods, in October and March, coinciding with the harvesting and pruning periods, respectively. All selected cultivars had a higher oleuropein leaf content in the pruning collecting period, with the highest levels noted for the ‘Leccino’ and ‘Buža’ cultivars. Cultivar significantly affected almost all the investigated phenols, with higher concentrations of these valuable compounds in the pruning than in the harvesting period. Differences observed in leaf mineral composition were closely related to the differences in phenolic profiles and were significantly affected by genotype. Some of the studied mineral nutrients, such as P, Cu and B, were found to be significantly correlated with the most abundant olive leaf phenolic compounds, oleuropein and verbascoside

    Exercise-induced angiogenesis is dependent on metabolically primed ATF3/4+ endothelial cells

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    Exercise is a powerful driver of physiological angiogenesis during adulthood, but the mechanisms of exercise-induced vascular expansion are poorly understood. We explored endothelial heterogeneity in skeletal muscle and identified two capillary muscle endothelial cell (mEC) populations that are characterized by differential expression of ATF3/4. Spatial mapping showed that ATF3/4+ mECs are enriched in red oxidative muscle areas while ATF3/4low ECs lie adjacent to white glycolytic fibers. In vitro and in vivo experiments revealed that red ATF3/4+ mECs are more angiogenic when compared with white ATF3/4low mECs. Mechanistically, ATF3/4 in mECs control genes involved in amino acid uptake and metabolism and metabolically prime red (ATF3/4+) mECs for angiogenesis. As a consequence, supplementation of non-essential amino acids and overexpression of ATF4 increased proliferation of white mECs. Finally, deleting Atf4 in ECs impaired exercise-induced angiogenesis. Our findings illustrate that spatial metabolic angiodiversity determines the angiogenic potential of muscle ECs.ISSN:1550-4131ISSN:1932-742

    High-throughput screening discovers antifibrotic properties of haloperidol by hindering myofibroblast activation

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    Fibrosis is a hallmark in the pathogenesis of various diseases, with very limited therapeutic solutions. A key event in the fibrotic process is the expression of contractile proteins, including α-smooth muscle actin (αSMA) by fibroblasts, which become myofibroblasts. Here, we report the results of a high-throughput screening of a library of approved drugs that led to the discovery of haloperidol, a common antipsychotic drug, as a potent inhibitor of myofibroblast activation. We show that haloperidol exerts its antifibrotic effect on primary murine and human fibroblasts by binding to sigma receptor 1, independent from the canonical transforming growth factor-β signaling pathway. Its mechanism of action involves the modulation of intracellular calcium, with moderate induction of endoplasmic reticulum stress response, which in turn abrogates Notch1 signaling and the consequent expression of its targets, including αSMA. Importantly, haloperidol also reduced the fibrotic burden in 3 different animal models of lung, cardiac, and tumor-associated fibrosis, thus supporting the repurposing of this drug for the treatment of fibrotic conditions