1,542 research outputs found

    Sequences Required for Neurotensin Receptor-1 Gene Expression in N1E-115 Neurosblastoma Cells: Critical Importance of a CACCC Element for Activation During DMSO-Induced Neuronal Differentiation: a Dissertation

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    The promoter sequence of the mouse high affinity neurotensin receptor, Ntr-1, gene was cloned and characterized, sequences required for positive regulation in N1E-115 cells were localized, and at least two different peptides from these cells were shown to make specific contacts within the most potent positive regulatory element. A mouse neuroblastoma cell line, N1E-115, treated with 1.5% DMSO for 72 hours induces gene expression of both endogenous Ntr-l, and reporter constructs driven by the NTR-1 promoter, by 3 - 4 fold. The sequence ofthe NTR-1 promoter has no canonical TATA box, but is GC rich and contains consensus SP1, CACCC, CRE, and initiator elements. These elements are located within a 193 base positive regulatory region required for DMSO responsive activity and contains the transcriptional start site. Detailed mutational analysis of this region revealed that a CACCC box and the central region of a large GC rich palindrome are crucial cis-regulatory elements for DMSO induction. The SP1 element, an NGFI-A-related element, and the 5\u27 end of the positive regulatory region are required for maintaining basal expression in N1E-115 cells. Cell type differences in the cis-regulatory elements that mediate both DMSO induction and maintenance of basal expression are observed. Characterization of proteins in N1E-115 cells that make specific contacts within the CACCC element identified at least two peptides with predicted sizes of 57 kd and 97 kd. Two dimensional UV crosslinking indicates that these proteins might contribute to inducible gel shift complexes that require the CACCC element. Several previously characterized CACCC binding proteins, belonging to the Kruppel-like family of transcription factors, were tested by supershift analysis for their ability to contribute to NTR-1 CACCC complexes. In fact, a protein closely related to SP1 does bind the CACCC element in N1E-115 cells, but of the other Kruppel-like protein tested, only BKLF contributes to a minor complex in N1E-115 cells. These results provide evidence for the complex regulation of Ntr-1 gene expression mediated by the cooperation of several cis-regulatory elements including a CACCC Kruppel-like binding element

    Benchmarking some Portuguese S&T system research units: 2nd Edition

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    The increasing use of productivity and impact metrics for evaluation and comparison, not only of individual researchers but also of institutions, universities and even countries, has prompted the development of bibliometrics. Currently, metrics are becoming widely accepted as an easy and balanced way to assist the peer review and evaluation of scientists and/or research units, provided they have adequate precision and recall. This paper presents a benchmarking study of a selected list of representative Portuguese research units, based on a fairly complete set of parameters: bibliometric parameters, number of competitive projects and number of PhDs produced. The study aimed at collecting productivity and impact data from the selected research units in comparable conditions i.e., using objective metrics based on public information, retrievable on-line and/or from official sources and thus verifiable and repeatable. The study has thus focused on the activity of the 2003-06 period, where such data was available from the latest official evaluation. The main advantage of our study was the application of automatic tools, achieving relevant results at a reduced cost. Moreover, the results over the selected units suggest that this kind of analyses will be very useful to benchmark scientific productivity and impact, and assist peer review.Comment: 26 pages, 20 figures F. Couto, D. Faria, B. Tavares, P. Gon\c{c}alves, and P. Verissimo, Benchmarking some portuguese S\&T system research units: 2nd edition, DI/FCUL TR 13-03, Department of Informatics, University of Lisbon, February 201

    The epididymis as a target of endocrine disruption: a metabolic perspective

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    Male fertility depends on the output of spermatogenic processe, as well as on the maturation events occurring during sperm passage throughout the epididymis. Epididymis plays an important role in storage of sperm, and also increasing their concentration and providing immunological and oxidative stress protection. In order to perform its functions, the epididymis depends on glucose metabolism as energy source, and also contributes by its secretory activity to establish the composition of the epididymal fluid. Recently, it was demonstrated that several energy pathways are active in this organ, namely glycolysis, and several metabolites like pyruvate are detected in the epididymal fluid. Also, the epididymal milieu has been shown to be rich in lipids, a class of macromolecules that plays a crucial role in the structure of sperm membrane influencing fertilization capacity. The activity of the epididymis can be regulated by hormones, like androgens, that can also have an influence on its metabolism. Endocrine disruptors (EDCs) are exogenous compounds capable of perturbing the normal hormone signalling. The EDC vinclozolin (VNZ) acts as anti-androgen and has been shown to affect male reproduction. However, the effect of VNZ in the epididymis, namely in the deregulation of metabolism is largely unknown. The present dissertation investigates the impact of VNZ exposure in the rat epididymis glycolytic and lipidic metabolism. For this purpose, caput epididymis sections were cultured ex vivo in the presence or absence of VNZ 500 µM. Glucose consumption, lactate production, and the expression and activity of glycolytic and lipid metabolism regulators were evaluated by spectrophotometric assays and Western blot analysis. The results obtained showed that VNZ increased glucose consumption in the caput epididymis, whereas decreasing lactate production. Also, VNZ activated both fatty acid biosynthesis and degradation. These findings first demonstrated that VNZ disrupts glycolytic and lipid metabolism in the epididymis and highlight for the impact that this and others EDCs may have affecting sperm quality and male fertility.A fertilidade masculina depende da eficiência do processo espermatogénico, assim como do conjunto de eventos que ocorrem durante a passagem dos espermatozoides pelo epidídimo e que são responsáveis pela sua maturação. Este órgão tem também um papel importante no armazenamento dos espermatozoides, aumentando a sua concentração, e conferindo-lhes proteção imunológica e contra o stress oxidativo. Para desempenhar as suas funções, o epidídimo depende do metabolismo da glicose como fonte de energia, e resultado da sua atividade secretora contribui para estabelecer a composição do fluido epididimal. Recentemente, foi demonstrado que existem várias vias energéticas ativas no epidídimo, como a glicólise, e vários metabolitos como o piruvato foram detetados no fluído epididimal. Além disso, o meio epididimal demonstrou ser rico em lípidos, uma classe de macromoléculas que desempenha um papel crucial na estrutura da membrana espermática influenciando a capacidade de fertilização. A atividade do epidídimo é regulada pela ação de hormonas, como os androgénios, os quais podem também influenciar o metabolismo deste órgão. Os disruptores endócrinos (EDCs) são compostos exógenos capazes de perturbar a normal sinalização hormonal. A vinclozolina (VNZ) é um EDC que atua como anti-androgénio e cuja ação demonstrou afetar a reprodução masculina. No entanto, o efeito da VNZ no epidídimo, nomeadamente na desregulação do metabolismo, é largamente desconhecido. A presente dissertação investiga o impacto da exposição à VNZ no metabolismo glicolítico e lipídico do epidídimo de ratos. Para este fim, seções da região caput do epidídimo foram mantidas em cultura ex vivo na presença ou ausência de VNZ 500 µM. O consumo de glicose, a produção de lactato e a expressão e atividade de reguladores do metabolismo glicolítico e lipídico foram avaliados por ensaios espetrofotométricos e análise de Western blot. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que a VNZ aumentou o consumo de glicose pelas células da região caput do epidídimo, enquanto diminuiu a produção de lactato. Além disso, a VNZ ativou a biossíntese e a degradação de ácidos gordos. Estes achados demonstraram pela primeira vez que a VNZ desregula o metabolismo glicolítico e lipídico no epidídimo e alertam para o impacto que este e outros EDCs podem ter na qualidade dos espermatozoides e fertilidade masculina

    First record of the genus Eumunida Smith, 1883 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Eumunididae) from the southwestern Atlantic, with the description of a new species

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    Eumunida picta Smith, 1883, was considered for over a century an amphi-Atlantic species and the only representative of the genus in the Atlantic Ocean, until being split into three species: E. picta sensu stricto (from the northwestern Atlantic), E. bella de Saint Laurent & MacPherson, 1990 and E. squamifera de Saint Laurent & MacPherson, 1990 (from the northeastern and southeastern Atlantic, respectively). Eumunida is now expanded to include a new species, E. notialis, from off the Brazilian coast. Hence, this is the first record of Eumunida and Eumunididae from the southwestern Atlantic. The new species differs from all its Atlantic counterparts in having (1) four hepatic spines; (2) two carapace inframarginal spines; (3) the distal end of the antennal acicle nearly reaching to the articulation between fourth and fifth antennal segments; and (4) the anterolateral spine of the second pleonal tergite obsolete

    Ensuring operational and logistics excellence for the new ISEG merchandising store : a consulting project

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    Mestrado Bolonha em ManagementISEG - Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão da Universidade de Lisboa, reuniu um grupo de alunos do MIM para consultar sobre o desenvolvimento de uma loja de merchandising para a instituição. O objetivo do cliente é expandir a marca ISEG dentro da população. Para enfrentar o projeto, os consultores segmentaram o projeto em quatro seções principais: Operações; Portfólio; Marketing; e Digital, todas as uais estavam subdesenvolvidas ou mesmo inexistentes. Este relatório orientado para as operações recomenda onde a loja deve ser montada e como ela deve ser organizada e funcionar, apoiando os outros departamentos. O artigo analisará e mapeará os processos; analisará os padrões existentes e oferecerá os melhores ajustes com base em inquéritos, pesquisas e suposições; recomendará ainda novas estratégias; áreas e serviços com a intenção de apresentar resultados concisos que clarifiquem a recomendação apresentada. O setor de Operações é muito amplo, e tem a capacidade de cobrir todas as áreas de serviço, e o leitor poderá apreender essa informação como o projeto afirma concisamente suas intercetações com cada uma das outras seções. O objetivo final é expandir fortemente a ISEG'STORE para atrair pessoas para a Marca ISEG para que ela possa aumentar seu conhecimento e acessibilidade no mercado enquanto busca implementar recomendações sustentáveis.ISEG – Lisbon School of Economics and Management, assembled a group of MIM students to consult on the development of a Merchandising Store for the institution. The client’s goal is to expand the ISEG brand, creating awareness within the population. To tackle the project, the consultants segmented the project into four core sections: Operations; Portfolio; Marketing; and Digital, all of which were either under-developed or even non-existent. This Operations-Oriented report recommends where the store should be assembled and how it should be organized and function while supporting the other departments. The paper will analyze the process; map out each one of them; take a closer look at the existing patterns and offer the best adjustments based on inquiries, surveys, and assumptions; and implement new strategies; areas, and services with the intent of presenting concise results that mirror the presented recommendation. The Operations sector is very broad, and it has the capability of covering all areas of service, and the reader will apprehend that information as the project concisely states its interceptions with each of the other sections. The end goal is to heavily expand the ISEG’STORE to attract people to the ISEG Brand so that it can boost its knowledgeability and accessibility in the market while looking to implement sustainable recommendations.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Team work engagement and the impact on team adaptation

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    JEL Classification System-Numbers: J24, I10Work engagement can a determining factor for efficacy and performance levels of an employee. But as the structure of organizations changes and evolves, the demands become harder, more complex. It is necessary to think in a team context, for employees more and more are required to co-operate in order to achieve important strategic goals. That is why the concept of team work engagement is important, is take into consideration how the engagement of the team is a unique occurrence, with specific dynamics for interaction. More than simple combining the engagement levels of the individual team members, team work engagement is a result of many different aspects related to the interactions of the team members, with themselves, with their objectives as a team and with the organization. The goal of this study is to add empirical information to the concept of tem work engagement, in order to further show its importance in reaching high levels of performance and efficacy on a team level. For that purpose, team work engagement will be analyzed, as part of this study, for its impact on team adaptation. A second level of this analysis corresponds to testing if human resources practices act as a moderator to the effect on team work engagement has on team adaptation.O empenho no trabalho pode ser um fator determinante para os níveis de eficácia e performance de um funcionário, Mas com as alterações e evolução que afetam a estrutura das organizações, as exigências tornam-se mais difíceis, mais complexas. É necessário pensar no contexto de equipa, pois mais e mais é requisitado dos funcionários que cooperem de modo a atingir importantes objetivos estratégicos. É por isso que o conceito de empenho no trabalho em equipa é importante, pois tem em consideração como o empenho numa equipa é ocorrência única, com dinâmicas específicas de interação. Mais do que uma simples combinação dos níveis de empenho individuais dos membros da equipa, empenho no trabalho em equipa é o resultado de vários aspetos relacionados com as interações dos membros da equipa entre si, com os objetivos da equipa e com a organização. O objetivo deste estudo é o de acrescentar informação empírica ao conceito de empenho no trabalho em equipa, de modo a mostrar a sua importância para alcançar elevados níveis de performance e eficácia. Com esse propósito, empenho no trabalho em equipa será analisado, como parte deste estudo, em relação ao seu impacto na adaptação em equipa. Um segundo nível desta análise corresponde a testar se práticas de gestão de recursos humanos atuam como moderador para o efeito do empenho no trabalho em equipa na adaptação em equipa

    Kering equity research: from catwalk to cashflow - unravelling kering´s threads

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    This report is part of an Equity Research Field Lab focused on Kering S.A., a French luxury goods conglomerate. Beginning with a macroeconomic outlook, we aim to establish a contextual framework for evaluating Kering's future financial performance, as depicted in the detailed analysis of forecasting assumptions that we conduct. In turn, these projections will stand at the core of the Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) analysis, which led to the estimation of a price target for Kering's shares of 439€ (this compares to the current share price of 417.85€, registered at the close, on the 15th of Dec. 2023). Additionally, the report delves into an analysis of the primary risks facing the group, offering insights into challenges that may impact Kering's prospects. By integrating macroeconomic insights, forecasting assumptions, financial valuation, and risk assessment, this report seeks to provide a comprehensive understanding of Kering's current financial position and its anticipated trajectory within the dynamic global luxury market

    Computing the phase diagram of binary mixtures: a patchy particle case study

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    We investigate the phase behaviour of 2D mixtures of bi-functional and three-functional patchy particles and 3D mixtures of bi-functional and tetra-functional patchy particles by means of Monte Carlo simulations and Wertheim theory. We start by computing the critical points of the pure systems and then we investigate how the critical parameters change upon lowering the temperature. We extend the Successive Umbrella Sampling method to mixtures to make it possible to extract information about the phase behaviour of the system at a fixed temperature for the whole range of densities and compositions of interest.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figure