188 research outputs found

    Uraemic toxins and new methods to control their accumulation : game changers for the concept of dialysis adequacy

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    The current concept of an adequate dialysis based only on the dialysis process itself is rather limited. We now have considerable knowledge of uraemic toxicity and improved tools for limiting uraemic toxin accumulation. It is time to make use of these. A broader concept of adequacy that focusses on uraemic toxicity is required. As discussed in the present review, adequacy could be achieved by many different methods in combination with, or instead of, dialysis. These include preservation of renal function, dietary intake, reducing uraemic toxin generation rate and intestinal absorption, isolated ultrafiltration and extracorporeal adsorption of key uraemic toxins. A better measure of the quality of dialysis treatment would quantify the uraemic state in the patient using levels of a panel of key uraemic toxins. Treatment would focus on controlling uraemic toxicity while reducing harm or inconvenience to the patient. Delivering more dialysis might not be the best way to achieve this

    A generalization of convexity /

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    Hugh MacColl’s contributions to the Educational Times

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    Il y eut plus de 1 900 contributeurs à la section mathématique du journal Educational Times durant ses 67 ans d’existence. Cette rubrique mensuelle contenait des problèmes et leurs solutions, de courts articles, et souvent de courts comptes rendus de l’assemblée la plus récente de la London Mathematical Society. Hugh MacColl (1837-1909), enseignant et tuteur, était l’un des contributeurs les plus prolifiques à cette section. Il soumettait ses contributions depuis Boulogne-sur-Mer, France. Son expertise portait essentiellement sur la probabilité géométrique, les probabilités classiques et la logique. Après un bref aperçu de l’histoire de la section mathématique du Educational Times et de la correspondance de MacColl avec son directeur de publication, W. J. C. Miller, nous étudierons les contributions de MacColl à ce journal.There were over nineteen hundred contributors to the mathematical department of the Educational Times during its sixty-seven-year existence. The monthly column contained problems and their solutions, brief articles, and often short accounts of the most recent meeting of the London Mathematical Society. Hugh MacColl (1837-1909), a teacher and tutor, was one of the more prolific contributors to the department. He submitted his contributions from Boulogne-sur-Mer, France. His expertise was mainly in geometric probability, standard probability, and logic. After a brief history of the mathematical department of the Educational Times and some of Carroll’s correspondence with the editor, W. J. C. Miller, we highlight MacColl’s contributions to the journal

    Hugh MacColl’s contributions to the Educational Times

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    Il y eut plus de 1 900 contributeurs à la section mathématique du journal Educational Times durant ses 67 ans d’existence. Cette rubrique mensuelle contenait des problèmes et leurs solutions, de courts articles, et souvent de courts comptes rendus de l’assemblée la plus récente de la London Mathematical Society. Hugh MacColl (1837-1909), enseignant et tuteur, était l’un des contributeurs les plus prolifiques à cette section. Il soumettait ses contributions depuis Boulogne-sur-Mer, France. Son expertise portait essentiellement sur la probabilité géométrique, les probabilités classiques et la logique. Après un bref aperçu de l’histoire de la section mathématique du Educational Times et de la correspondance de MacColl avec son directeur de publication, W. J. C. Miller, nous étudierons les contributions de MacColl à ce journal.There were over nineteen hundred contributors to the mathematical department of the Educational Times during its sixty-seven-year existence. The monthly column contained problems and their solutions, brief articles, and often short accounts of the most recent meeting of the London Mathematical Society. Hugh MacColl (1837-1909), a teacher and tutor, was one of the more prolific contributors to the department. He submitted his contributions from Boulogne-sur-Mer, France. His expertise was mainly in geometric probability, standard probability, and logic. After a brief history of the mathematical department of the Educational Times and some of Carroll’s correspondence with the editor, W. J. C. Miller, we highlight MacColl’s contributions to the journal

    The post-hemodialysis rebound: Predicting and quantifying its effect on Kt/V

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    The post-hemodialysis rebound: Predicting and quantifying its effect on Kt/V. Immediately after hemodialysis, the urea concentration rebounds upwards as urea continues to be transferred into the arterial circulation from peripheral body compartments. This rebound takes at least 30 minutes to complete. Hemodialysis is quantified as the Kt/V, calculated prom pre- and post-dialysis urea samples. Unless the post-dialysis sample is taken at least 30 minutes after dialysis, the Kt/V will be overestimated. This overestimation will be relatively greater in short high-efficiency dialyses, which have greater post-dialysis rebounds. We propose a method of correction that uses only the conventional pre- and immediate post-dialysis samples and is based on the physiologically-appropriate patient clearance time (tp). This is the time needed to clear all body compartments when the dialyzer clearance is infinite. The tp can be calculated from the pre-, immediate post- and 30-minute post-dialysis urea concentrations and was 35 minutes (SD 16) in 29 patients undergoing short (149 min) hemodiafiltration and standard (243 min) hemodialysis the following week. There was no significant difference between tp values calculated during the two treatments. Standard Kt/V can be corrected by multiplying by t/(t + tp) and dialysis time should be increased by tp × Kt/V minutes to compensate for the rebound. Despite individual variations in tp, a value of tp = 35 was sufficient to correct Kt/V in all patients. Kt/V corrected in this way agreed with Kt/V calculated using a 60-minute post-dialysis sample (r = 0.856, P < 0.001). The method predicted the 60-minute post-rebound concentration (SE 0.5mM, r = 0.983, P < 0.001) and the addition of 35 minutes to the treatment time corrected for the rebound in both conventional and short treatments. Similar simple equations corrected the error in V caused by rebound effects

    Identification of a lipid-rich depot in the orbital cavity of the thirteen-lined ground squirrel

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    We discovered a previously undescribed orbital lipid depot in the thirteen-lined ground squirrel during the first ever magnetic resonance image (MRI) of this common experimental model of mammalian hibernation. In animals housed at constant ambient temperatures (5°C or 25°C, 12 h:12 h light:dark photoperiod), the volume of this depot increased in the autumn and decreased in the spring, suggesting an endogenous circannual pattern. Water-fat MRI revealed that throughout the year this depot is composed of ∼40% lipid, similar to brown adipose tissue (BAT). During arousal from torpor, thermal images showed higher surface temperatures near this depot before the rest of the head warmed, suggesting a thermoregulatory function. This depot, however, does not contain uncoupling protein 1, a BAT biomarker, or uncoupling protein 3. Histology shows blood vessels in close proximity to each other, suggesting it may serve as a vascular rete, perhaps to preferentially warm the eye and brain during arousals

    Renal Association Clinical Practice Guideline on Haemodialysis

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    © The Author(s) 2019. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.This guideline is written primarily for doctors and nurses working in dialysis units and related areas of medicine in the UK, and is an update of a previous version written in 2009. It aims to provide guidance on how to look after patients and how to run dialysis units, and provides standards which units should in general aim to achieve. We would not advise patients to interpret the guideline as a rulebook, but perhaps to answer the question: "what does good quality haemodialysis look like?"The guideline is split into sections: each begins with a few statements which are graded by strength (1 is a firm recommendation, 2 is more like a sensible suggestion), and the type of research available to back up the statement, ranging from A (good quality trials so we are pretty sure this is right) to D (more like the opinion of experts than known for sure). After the statements there is a short summary explaining why we think this, often including a discussion of some of the most helpful research. There is then a list of the most important medical articles so that you can read further if you want to - most of this is freely available online, at least in summary form.A few notes on the individual sections: 1. This section is about how much dialysis a patient should have. The effectiveness of dialysis varies between patients because of differences in body size and age etc., so different people need different amounts, and this section gives guidance on what defines "enough" dialysis and how to make sure each person is getting that. Quite a bit of this section is very technical, for example, the term "eKt/V" is often used: this is a calculation based on blood tests before and after dialysis, which measures the effectiveness of a single dialysis session in a particular patient. 2. This section deals with "non-standard" dialysis, which basically means anything other than 3 times per week. For example, a few people need 4 or more sessions per week to keep healthy, and some people are fine with only 2 sessions per week - this is usually people who are older, or those who have only just started dialysis. Special considerations for children and pregnant patients are also covered here. 3. This section deals with membranes (the type of "filter" used in the dialysis machine) and "HDF" (haemodiafiltration) which is a more complex kind of dialysis which some doctors think is better. Studies are still being done, but at the moment we think it's as good as but not better than regular dialysis. 4. This section deals with fluid removal during dialysis sessions: how to remove enough fluid without causing cramps and low blood pressure. Amongst other recommendations we advise close collaboration with patients over this. 5. This section deals with dialysate, which is the fluid used to "pull" toxins out of the blood (it is sometimes called the "bath"). The level of things like potassium in the dialysate is important, otherwise too much or too little may be removed. There is a section on dialysate buffer (bicarbonate) and also a section on phosphate, which occasionally needs to be added into the dialysate. 6. This section is about anticoagulation (blood thinning) which is needed to stop the circuit from clotting, but sometimes causes side effects. 7. This section is about certain safety aspects of dialysis, not seeking to replace well-established local protocols, but focussing on just a few where we thought some national-level guidance would be useful. 8. This section draws together a few aspects of dialysis which don't easily fit elsewhere, and which impact on how dialysis feels to patients, rather than the medical outcome, though of course these are linked. This is where home haemodialysis and exercise are covered. There is an appendix at the end which covers a few aspects in more detail, especially the mathematical ideas. Several aspects of dialysis are not included in this guideline since they are covered elsewhere, often because they are aspects which affect non-dialysis patients too. This includes: anaemia, calcium and bone health, high blood pressure, nutrition, infection control, vascular access, transplant planning, and when dialysis should be started.Peer reviewe

    The future of European Nephrology 'Guidelines' - a declaration of intent by European Renal Best Practice (ERBP)

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    The disparities of medical practice, together with a growing number of possible interventions, have increased the demand for well-conceived guidance for practitioners [1]. However, this development is hampered by the number and quality of scientific studies that test medical hypotheses, which are often unsatisfactory. This is especially true in nephrology, where well-conducted controlled trials are rare [2]. Because patients with renal failure are generally excluded from controlled studies in the general population [3], the development of sufficiently well-founded guidance in nephrology has always been difficult. With the development of European Best Practice Guidelines (EBPG), the European Renal Association–European Dialysis and Transplantation Association (ERA–EDTA) has created its own guidance-generating process. Similar initiatives have also arisen in the USA (Kidney Disease Outcome Initiative—K/DOQI), Australia (Caring for Australasians with Renal Impairment—CARI), Canada (Canadian Society of Nephrology—CSN), the UK (United Kingdom Renal Association—UKRA), as well as at several other locations around the world. These institutions have generated a plethora of often parallel recommendations on similar topics but sometimes with different messages [4]. The question can be asked: ‘Is there still a place for an institution generating European nephrology guidance?’ If there is, how should such an initiative be managed to conform with current demands? To answer these questions, the Council of ERA–EDTA set up a commission that convened three times in the course of 2008–09. The present text is a distillation of the discussions, reflections and final conclusions of this commission. It is an ad hoc document, reflecting the current status. In the future, concepts and attitudes might change, as medical thinking is influenced by changes in practice, needs, general philosophy, ethics and political/financial conditions

    Total and positronium formation cross sections for positron scattering from H2O and HCOOH

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    Total and positronium formation cross sections have been measured for positron scattering from H2O and HCOOH using a positron beam with an energy resolution of 60 meV (full-width at half-maximum (FWHM)). The energy range covered is 0.5–60 eV, including an investigation of the behavior of the onset of the positronium formation channel using measurements with a 50 meV energy step, the result of which shows no evidence of any channel coupling effects or scattering resonances for either molecule
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