60 research outputs found

    Clustering of risk factors for chronic diseases among adolescents from Southern Brazil

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    AbstractObjectiveTo investigate the clustering of risk behaviors for chronic non-communicable diseases and their associated factors among adolescents from Southern Brazil.MethodsIn 2008, a survey was conducted with 3990 adolescents aged 14–15years (mean: 14.3; SD: 0.6) from the 1993 Pelotas Birth Cohort Study. Clustering was determined by comparing observed (O) and expected (E) prevalence of all possible combinations of the four risk factors investigated (smoking, alcohol intake, low fruit intake, and physical inactivity). We carried out Poisson regression to evaluate the effect of individual characteristics on the presence of at least three risk behaviors.ResultsAll risk factors tended to cluster together (O/E prevalence=3.0), especially smoking and alcohol intake (odds ratio to present on behavior in the presence of other >5.0). Approximately 15% of adolescents displayed three or more risk behaviors. Females (adjusted OR=1.55), people 15years and older (OR=1.47), with black skin color (OR=1.23), and of low socioeconomic level (OR=1.29) were more likely to display three or more risk factors.ConclusionThese findings suggest that lifestyle-related risk factors tend to cluster among adolescents. Identifying subgroups at greater risk of simultaneously engaging in multiple risk behaviors may aid in the planning of preventive strategies

    School-Time Movement Behaviors and Fundamental Movement Skills in Preschoolers:An Isotemporal Reallocation Analysis

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    Little is known of how reallocations of time spent in different movement behaviors during preschool might relate to preschoolers’ fundamental movement skills (FMS), a key predictor of later physical activity (PA). Thus, the aim of this study was to examine (a) whether preschoolers’ school-time movement was associated with their FMS and (b) the effects on FMS of reallocating time between PA and sedentary behavior (SB). This was a cross-sectional study, using intervention data with Brazilian low-income preschoolers. We observed Brazilian preschoolers of both sexes (Mage¼ 4.5, SD¼ 0.8 years-old; 101boys) over 10 hours of school-time and objectively assessed their PA and SB with Actigraph wGT3X and their FMS with the Test of Gross Motor Development – Second Edition. We explored the associations between schooltime movement behaviors and FMS and between reallocated school-time movement behaviors and FES using compositional analysis in R (version 1.40-1), robCompositions (version 0.92-7), and lmtest (version 0.9-35) packages. This isotemporal reallocation showed that, for manipulative skills, reallocating time (5, 10, and 15 minutes, respectively) from light PA to SB was associated with increasing skill (0.14, 0.28, and 0.42 FMS units), raising questions as to whether fine motor activity occurred during SB. Thus, school-time movement significantly predicted FMS, with a modest increase in SB, at the expense of light PA eliciting improved manipulative skills

    Evaluation of the Academia da Cidade program to promote physical activity in Recife, Pernambuco State, Brazil: perceptions of users and non-users

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    O objetivo foi descrever usuários e não-usuários do Programa Academia da Cidade de Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Foram selecionados quatro dos 19 pólos do programa. Para cada usuário sorteado, foi selecionado um não-usuário, que foi pareado ao usuário em termos de sexo, idade (±5 anos) e local de residência. A amostra foi composta por 277 usuários e 277 não-usuários. Entre os não-usuários, 22% referiram nunca ter ouvido falar do programa. Entre os que já ouviram falar do programa, 54,3% o conhecem por terem visto um pólo. Entre os usuários, o principal motivo para a participação no programa foi "melhorar a saúde"; o tempo médio de participação no programa foi de 27,5 meses (DP = 23,1) e 72,8% relataram grau elevado de satisfação. O percentual de pessoas com percepção de saúde regular ou ruim foi significativamente maior entre os não-usuários (45,4%) em comparação aos usuários (28,5%). Os usuários do Programa Academia da Cidade parecem estar satisfeitos. Estratégias de divulgação devem ser priorizadas para que o programa seja conhecido por um maior percentual de residentes de Recife.The aim of this study was to describe the profile of users and non-users of the Academia da Cidade Program to promote physical activity in Recife, Pernambuco State, Brazil. Four of the program's 19 units were sampled. Users (n=277) and non-users (n=277) were matched for gender, age (±5 years), and place of residence. Among non-users, 22% had never heard of the program. Among those who knew of the program, 54.3% learned about it by actually having seen one of the units. Among users, the main reason for participating in the program was to improve their health; mean participation time was 27.5 months (SD = 23.1); and 72.8% reported high satisfaction. The proportion of individuals with fair or poor self-rated health was significantly higher among non-users (45.4%) than users (28.5%). Users of the program appeared to be satisfied. Strategies to further publicize the program should be prioritized to make it known to a larger proportion of the city's population

    Associations between movement behaviours and obesity markers among preschoolers compliant and non-compliant with sleep duration:A latent profile analysis

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    This study identifies physical activity (PA) and sedentary behaviour (SB) clusters in preschoolers compliant (C) or non-compliant (NC) with sleep recommendations; and associates these clusters with obesity markers. PA and SB were objectively assessed (Actigraph WGT3-X) in 272 preschoolers (4.4 ± 0.7 years old). Sleep duration was parent-reported, and preschoolers were classified as C (3–4 years old: 600–780 min/day; 5 years old: 540–660 min/day) or NC with sleep recommendations. Body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference (WC) were assessed according to international protocols. Moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and light physical activity (LPA) were categorized as low/high (60 min/day or <180 min/180 min/day, respectively). SB was defined according to mean values between clusters. Latent profile analysis was performed. Associations between the observed clusters and obesity markers were determined using linear regression (RStudio; 1.3.1073). Four cluster solutions for C and NC preschoolers were identified. A negative association between C/Low MVPA cluster and BMI, and a positive association between NC/Low MVPA and BMI (β = −0.8, 95%CI = −1.6;−0.1, and β = 0.9, 95%CI = 0.1;1.7, respectively) were observed. No association was seen for SB clusters. Adequate sleep duration may have a protective role for preschoolers’ BMI, even if the children do not comply with MVPA recommendations

    Effectiveness of electrical stimulation in expiratory muscle on cough of patients after stroke

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    Individuals with sequelae of stroke present as a common complication hypotonia and weakness of trunk muscles, in special the rectus abdominal muscle which is the main muscle activated for cough. The electrical stimulation (ES) is being widely used to fiber recruitment in many muscle groups and pathologies. The present study aimed to evaluate the efficiency of electrical stimulation with median frequencies (ETMF) in expiratory muscles strength and cough in patients with sequels of stroke. It is a quasi-experimental study (before and after) where 11 individuals were selected after stroke between 40 and 65 years, both sexes and hemodynamically stable. Patients were evaluated about clinic and respiratory scores (ventilometer, peak of expiratory flow (PEF) and manometer (MIP and MEP) and submitted to the protocol, which consisted of ETMF in expiratory muscle (abdominals rectus) with the unit of Russian current with 2,500 Hz carrier frequency modulated at 40 Hz for 15 minutes by 15 sessions. In the initial assessment evidenced decreasing in inspiratory and expiratory muscular strength (MIP, MEP) and PEF when compared to predicted values in literature. In the end of ETMF it happened an increase in MIP, MEP without statistical significance (p=0.18 and p=0.29) but the PEF has had an increase of 283.73 L/minute to 347.27 L/minute (p=0.03). It can be seen that the ETMF was effective in the improvement of the parameters evaluated, with PEF being the greatest impact and statistical significance, however further studies with larger populations are necessary to analyze this new therapeutic approach.Indivíduos com sequelas de acidente vascular encefálico (AVE) apresentam como complicação comum a hipotonia de tronco com consequente fraqueza da sua musculatura, em especial, o reto abdominal que é o principal músculo acionado para a tosse. As correntes elétricas têm sido amplamente utilizadas para recrutamento de fibras musculares nas mais diversas patologias. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a eficácia da eletroestimulação transcutânea de média frequência (ETMF) na força muscular expiratória e tosse de pacientes com sequela de AVE. Trata-se de um estudo quase-experimental (antes e depois) onde foram selecionados 11 indivíduos pós-AVE entre 40 a 65 anos, ambos os sexos e estáveis hemodinamicamente. Os pacientes foram avaliados quanto a parâmetros clínicos e pneumofuncionais (ventilometria, pico de fluxo expiratório (PFE) e manovacuometria) e submetidos ao protocolo, que constava de ETMF no músculo reto abdominal com o aparelho de corrente Russa, frequência portadora de 2.500 Hz modulada a 40 Hz, durante 15 minutos, por 15 sessões. Na avaliação inicial observou-se diminuição da força muscular inspiratória e expiratória (Pimáx; Pemáx) e do PFE quando comparados aos valores de normalidade preditos na literatura. Após a ETMF houve incremento da Pimáx e Pemáx sem significância estatística (p=0,18 e p=0,29) já o PFE teve um acréscimo de 283,73 L/minuto para 347,27 L/minuto (p=0,03). Pode-se observar que a ETMF foi eficaz no incremento dos parâmetros avaliados, com o PFE sendo o de maior impacto e significância estatística, no entanto, mais estudos com populações maiores se fazem necessários para análise dessa nova abordagem terapêutica.Faculdade ASCESUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE)UFPEUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)UNIFESPSciEL

    Ética na pesquisa com seres humanos: revisão dos artigos publicados na Revista Paulista de Educação Física (1996-2004)

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    Com a publicação da Resolução 196/96 do Conselho Nacional de Saúde, todos os projetos de pesquisa com seres humanos devem atender a determinados princípios éticos. Neste cenário, os comitês de ética e pesquisa (CEP) têm a responsabilidade de avaliar os procedimentos adotados no desenvolvimento do estudo enquanto os periódicos científicos devem adotar políticas editoriais em consonância com estes pressupostos éticos. O objetivo do estudo foi analisar o conteúdo dos manuscritos originais publicados na Revista Paulista de Educação Física (RPEF) quanto ao atendimento a alguns pressupostos éticos na pesquisa com seres humanos. Foram analisados todos os artigos publicados na RPEF, no período de 1996 a 2004. Todos os artigos foram avaliados quanto ao delineamento do estudo e aspectos éticos. Para a associação dos aspectos éticos e os estudos, recorreu-se a procedimentos descritivos e análise de associação mediante aplicação do teste de qui-quadrado ou teste exato de Fisher. Em apenas dois artigos havia a menção à garantia de anonimato, enquanto em cinco havia a referência a solicitação de assinatura do termo de consentimento livre e esclarecido (TCLE). Somente dois artigos continham expressamente a referência à aprovação do estudo em um CEP. Nenhum dos artigos publicados na RPEF fazia menção simultânea ao anonimato, TCLE e aprovação num CEP. Embora as normas de submissão à RPEF orientem os autores a incluírem referência ao consentimento dos sujeitos, apenas um pequeno número continha esta informação. Sugere-se a revisão das normas de publicação da RPEF, explicitando mais incisivamente a necessidade de informação de aspectos éticos no corpo do manuscrito.With the publication of the Resolution 196/96 of the Brazilian National Health Council, all research projects must observe the ethical principles of autonomy, non-maleficence, beneficence, and justice. Ethical Committees are responsible for observing the procedures used in the development of studies and periodicals must incorporate the resolution in their publication guidelines. The objective of this study was to analyze the contents of original manuscripts published in the Paulista Journal of Physical Education in light of their observance of the ethical principles in human subject research. All articles published between 1996 and 2004 were analyzed. Each article was evaluated along the following dimensions: study outline and ethical questions. The analyses included descriptive statistics procedures and exploratory analysis. There was mention of a guarantee of anonymity in only two studies, while five articles mentioned the signature of a term of free and informed consent. Only two articles made express reference to the Ethical Committees approval of the study. No article mentioned all three safeguards. Though the Paulista Journal of Physical Education submission guidelines suggest that authors include references to the subjects&#8217; consent, only a small number contained that information. It is suggested revision of the publication norms of the Paulista Journal of Physical Education, showing more incisively the necessity of information of ethical aspects in the body of the manuscript

    Eficácia da eletroestimulação muscular expiratória na tosse de pacientes após acidente vascular encefálico

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    Individuals with sequelae of stroke present as a common complication hypotonia and weakness of trunk muscles, in special the rectus abdominal muscle which is the main muscle activated for cough. The electrical stimulation (ES) is being widely used to fiber recruitment in many muscle groups and pathologies. The present study aimed to evaluate the efficiency of electrical stimulation with median frequencies (ETMF) in expiratory muscles strength and cough in patients with sequels of stroke. It is a quasi-experimental study (before and after) where 11 individuals were selected after stroke between 40 and 65 years, both sexes and hemodynamically stable. Patients were evaluated about clinic and respiratory scores (ventilometer, peak of expiratory flow (PEF) and manometer (MIP and MEP) and submitted to the protocol, which consisted of ETMF in expiratory muscle (abdominals rectus) with the unit of Russian current with 2,500 Hz carrier frequency modulated at 40 Hz for 15 minutes by 15 sessions. In the initial assessment evidenced decreasing in inspiratory and expiratory muscular strength (MIP, MEP) and PEF when compared to predicted values in literature. In the end of ETMF it happened an increase in MIP, MEP without statistical significance (p=0.18 and p=0.29) but the PEF has had an increase of 283.73 L/minute to 347.27 L/minute (p=0.03). It can be seen that the ETMF was effective in the improvement of the parameters evaluated, with PEF being the greatest impact and statistical significance, however further studies with larger populations are necessary to analyze this new therapeutic approach.Indivíduos com sequelas de acidente vascular encefálico (AVE) apresentam como complicação comum a hipotonia de tronco com consequente fraqueza da sua musculatura, em especial, o reto abdominal que é o principal músculo acionado para a tosse. As correntes elétricas têm sido amplamente utilizadas para recrutamento de fibras musculares nas mais diversas patologias. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a eficácia da eletroestimulação transcutânea de média frequência (ETMF) na força muscular expiratória e tosse de pacientes com sequela de AVE. Trata-se de um estudo quase-experimental (antes e depois) onde foram selecionados 11 indivíduos pós-AVE entre 40 a 65 anos, ambos os sexos e estáveis hemodinamicamente. Os pacientes foram avaliados quanto a parâmetros clínicos e pneumofuncionais (ventilometria, pico de fluxo expiratório (PFE) e manovacuometria) e submetidos ao protocolo, que constava de ETMF no músculo reto abdominal com o aparelho de corrente Russa, frequência portadora de 2.500 Hz modulada a 40 Hz, durante 15 minutos, por 15 sessões. Na avaliação inicial observou-se diminuição da força muscular inspiratória e expiratória (Pimáx; Pemáx) e do PFE quando comparados aos valores de normalidade preditos na literatura. Após a ETMF houve incremento da Pimáx e Pemáx sem significância estatística (p=0,18 e p=0,29) já o PFE teve um acréscimo de 283,73 L/minuto para 347,27 L/minuto (p=0,03). Pode-se observar que a ETMF foi eficaz no incremento dos parâmetros avaliados, com o PFE sendo o de maior impacto e significância estatística, no entanto, mais estudos com populações maiores se fazem necessários para análise dessa nova abordagem terapêutica
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