163 research outputs found

    The rationale for development of ligelizumab in food allergy.

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    Food allergy (FA) is a growing healthcare problem worldwide and the rising prevalence in many countries can be attributed to lifestyle, environmental, and nutritional changes. Immunoglobulin E (IgE)-mediated FA is the most common form of FA affecting approximately 3%-10% of adults and 8% of children across the globe. Food allergen-induced immediate hypersensitivity reactions mediated by IgE and high-affinity IgE receptor (FcΔRI) complexes on mast cells and basophils are a major hallmark of the disease. FA can affect several aspects of health-related quality of life and impose a substantial financial burden on patients and healthcare systems. Although currently there is one United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and European Medicines Agency (EMA)-approved treatment for peanut allergy (Palforzia), the main treatment approaches are based on allergen avoidance and symptom management. Thus, there is an urgent need for more effective and ideally disease-modifying strategies. Given the crucial role of IgE in FA, anti-IgE monoclonal antibodies are considered promising therapeutic agents. Talizumab was the first humanized anti-IgE antibody to demonstrate substantial protection against allergic reactions from accidental peanut exposure by substantially increasing the peanut reactivity threshold on oral food challenge. However, development of talizumab was discontinued and further trials were performed using omalizumab. In double-blind, Phase 2, placebo-controlled trials in patients with multi-FAs, sustained dosing with omalizumab, or omalizumab in combination with oral immunotherapy, enabled rapid desensitization to multiple trigger foods. In this review, we describe the development of ligelizumab (a derivative of talizumab), a next generation, humanized monoclonal anti-IgE antibody, its existing clinical evidence, and its potential in the management of FA. When compared with omalizumab, ligelizumab binds with ∌88-fold higher affinity for human IgE and recognizes a different epitope that substantially overlaps with the binding site of FcΔRI. These properties translate into a high potency to block IgE/FcΔRI signaling in both in vitro and in vivo studies. Given its efficient suppression of IgE levels, good safety and pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic profile, ligelizumab clearly warrants further studies for the potential management of FA

    Politica industriale e sviluppo sostenibile

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    Il libro riproduce ed amplia le relazioni presentate al workshop del 3 ottobre 2014 presso il Dipartimento di Economia dell’UniversitĂ  di Parma, ad opera di studiosi appartenenti all’UniversitĂ  di Ferrara, allo Iefe-UniversitĂ  Bocconi di Milano, all’UniversitĂ  di Modena, alla Scuola Sant’Anna di Pisa, nonchĂ© alla stessa UniversitĂ  di Parma. I cinque contributi qui presentati fotografano cinque diversi aspetti del rapporto fra politica industriale (piĂč in generale crescita economica diretta dalle istituzioni pubbliche) e sviluppo sostenibile: a livello nazionale, il possibile trade-off fra i due obiettivi di politica industriale e di sostenibilitĂ  ambientale nel tentativo di gerarchizzare i “settori strategici”, e la necessitĂ  che questo trade-off sia parzialmente compensato a livello di sforzo innovativo (Di Tommaso e Tassinari); a livello internazionale, la possibilitĂ  che politiche industriali nazionali non operino all’interno di un gioco a somma zero, ma diano risultati favorevoli al raggiungimento di un bene pubblico globale quale il cambiamento climatico (Fabbri e Ninni); a livello di imprese, la tendenziale riduzione delle contraddizioni fra incentivi al loro operare e “impronta” ambientale, grazie agli accordi volontari e in particolare all’importante ruolo della certificazione (Frey); a livello di istituzioni, l’esistenza di tipologie diverse di obiettivi e di strumenti a livello nazionale e a livello locale, e l’analisi in un confronto tra paesi europei delle caratteristiche delle politiche ambientali impostate a livello sub-nazionale (Croci e Molteni); a livello di mercato del lavoro, l’effetto sul tessuto industriale delle politiche di aumento della flessibilitĂ  del lavoro nella singola impresa, come aspetto particolare di una ridiscussione piĂč ampia del concetto di sostenibilitĂ  ambientale e dei suoi rapporti con la politica nei confronti delle imprese (Giovannetti)

    Regulatory T cells and immunoglobulin E: A new therapeutic link for autoimmunity?

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    Autoimmune diseases have a prevalence of approximately 7 to 9% and are classified as either organ-specific diseases, including type I diabetes, multiple sclerosis, inflammatory bowel disease and myasthenia gravis, or systemic diseases, including systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis and Sjögren's syndrome. While many advancements have been made in understanding of the mechanisms of autoimmune disease, including the nature of self-tolerance and its breakdown, there remain unmet needs in terms of effective and highly targeted treatments. T regulatory cells (Tregs) are key mediators of peripheral tolerance and are implicated in many autoimmune diseases, either as a result of reduced numbers or altered function. Tregs may be broadly divided into those generated in the thymus (tTregs) and those generated in the periphery (pTregs). Tregs target many different immune cell subsets and tissues to suppress excessive inflammation and to support tissue repair and homeostasis: there is a fine balance between Treg cell stability and the plasticity that is required to adjust Tregs' regulatory purposes to particular immune responses. The central role of immunoglobulin E (IgE) in allergic disease is well recognized, and it is becoming increasingly apparent that this immunoglobulin also has a wider role encompassing other diseases including autoimmune disease. Anti-IgE treatment restores the capacity of plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) impaired by IgE- high-affinity IgE receptor (FcΔR1) cross-linking to induce Tregs in vitro in atopic patients. The finding that antiIgE therapy restores Treg cell homeostasis, and that this mechanism is associated with clinical improvement in asthma and chronic spontaneous urticaria suggests that antiIgE therapy may also have a potential role in the treatment of autoimmune diseases in which Tregs are involved

    Recovery from Emotion Recognition Impairment after Temporal Lobectomy

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    Mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE) can be associated with emotion recognition impairment that can be particularly severe in patients with early onset seizures (1–3). Whereas, there is growing evidence that memory and language can improve in seizure-free patients after anterior temporal lobectomy (ATL) (4), the effects of surgery on emotional processing are still unknown. We used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to investigate short-term reorganization of networks engaged in facial emotion recognition in MTLE patients. Behavioral and fMRI data were collected from six patients before and after ATL. During the fMRI scan, patientswere asked to make a gender decision on fearful and neutral faces. Behavioral data demonstrated that two patients with early onset right MTLE were impaired in fear recognition while fMRI results showed they lacked specific activations for fearful faces. Post-ATL behavioral data showed improved emotion recognition ability, while fMRI demonstrated the recruitment of a functional network for fearful face processing. Our results suggest that ATL elicited brain plasticity mechanisms allowing behavioral and fMRI improvement in emotion recognition

    From Monoamine Oxidase Inhibition to Antiproliferative Activity: New Biological Perspectives for Polyamine Analogs

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    Monoamine oxidases (MAOs) are well-known pharmacological targets in neurological and neurodegenerative diseases. However, recent studies have revealed a new role for MAOs in certain types of cancer such as glioblastoma and prostate cancer, in which they have been found overexpressed. This finding is opening new frontiers for MAO inhibitors as potential antiproliferative agents. In light of our previous studies demonstrating how a polyamine scaffold can act as MAO inhibitor, our aim was to search for novel analogs with greater inhibitory potency for human MAOs and possibly with antiproliferative activity. A small in-house library of polyamine analogs (2-7) was selected to investigate the effect of constrained linkers between the inner amine functions of a polyamine backbone on the inhibitory potency. Compounds 4 and 5, characterized by a dianiline (4) or dianilide (5) moiety, emerged as the most potent, reversible, and mainly competitive MAO inhibitors (Ki < 1 ÎŒM). Additionally, they exhibited a high antiproliferative activity in the LN-229 human glioblastoma cell line (GI50 < 1 ÎŒM). The scaffold of compound 5 could represent a potential starting point for future development of anticancer agents endowed with MAO inhibitory activity

    From Monoamine Oxidase Inhibition to Antiproliferative Activity: New Biological Perspectives for Polyamine Analogs

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    : Monoamine oxidases (MAOs) are well-known pharmacological targets in neurological and neurodegenerative diseases. However, recent studies have revealed a new role for MAOs in certain types of cancer such as glioblastoma and prostate cancer, in which they have been found overexpressed. This finding is opening new frontiers for MAO inhibitors as potential antiproliferative agents. In light of our previous studies demonstrating how a polyamine scaffold can act as MAO inhibitor, our aim was to search for novel analogs with greater inhibitory potency for human MAOs and possibly with antiproliferative activity. A small in-house library of polyamine analogs (2-7) was selected to investigate the effect of constrained linkers between the inner amine functions of a polyamine backbone on the inhibitory potency. Compounds 4 and 5, characterized by a dianiline (4) or dianilide (5) moiety, emerged as the most potent, reversible, and mainly competitive MAO inhibitors (Ki < 1 ÎŒM). Additionally, they exhibited a high antiproliferative activity in the LN-229 human glioblastoma cell line (GI50 < 1 ÎŒM). The scaffold of compound 5 could represent a potential starting point for future development of anticancer agents endowed with MAO inhibitory activity

    Centrotemporal spikes during NREM sleep: The promoting action of thalamus revealed by simultaneous EEG and fMRI coregistration

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    Benign childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes (BECTS) has been investigated through EEG\u2013fMRI with the aim of localizing the generators of the epileptic activity, revealing, in most cases, the activation of the sensory\u2013motor cortex ipsilateral to the centrotemporal spikes (CTS). In this case report, we investigated the brain circuits hemodynamically involved by CTS recorded during wakefulness and sleep in one boy with CTS and a language disorder but without epilepsy. For this purpose, the patient underwent EEG\u2013fMRI coregistration. During the \u201cawake session\u201d, fMRI analysis of right-sided CTS showed increments of BOLD signal in the bilateral sensory\u2013motor cortex. During the \u201csleep session\u201d, BOLD increments related to right-sided CTS were observed in a widespread bilateral cortical\u2013subcortical network involving the thalamus, basal ganglia, sensory\u2013motor cortex, perisylvian cortex, and cerebellum. In this patient, who fulfilled neither the diagnostic criteria for BECTS nor that for electrical status epilepticus in sleep (ESES), the transition from wakefulness to sleep was related to the involvement of a widespread cortical\u2013subcortical network related to CTS. In particular, the involvement of a thalamic\u2013perisylvian neural network similar to the one previously observed in patients with ESES suggests a common sleep-related network dysfunction even in cases with milder phenotypes without seizures. This finding, if confirmed in a larger cohort of patients, could have relevant therapeutic implication

    Prognostic role of aspartate aminotransferase-lymphocyte ratio index in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer: results from the randomized ITACa trial

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    BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to investigate the role of pre-treatment aspartate aminotransferase-lynphocyte ratio (ALRI) as a predictor of prognosis and treatment efficacy in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) enrolled in the prospective multicenter randomized ITACa (Italian Trial in Advanced Colorectal Cancer) trial to receive first-line chemotherapy (CT) + bevacizumab (B) or CT alone. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Patients randomly received CT+B or CT alone as first-line therapy. CT consisted of either FOLFOX4 or FOLFIRI at the clinician's discretion. RESULTS: Out of the 284 patients enrolled, increased ALRI levels were associated with shorter PFS and OS (p&lt;0.0001). At baseline, median PFS was 10.3 months (95% CI 9.4-12.0) and 8.0 months (95 % CI 6.8-8.9), and median OS was 25.2 months (95 % CI 21.3-30.2) and 18.8 months (95 % CI 16.6-21.7) for patients with low (&lt;14) and high (≄14) ALRI levels, respectively (HR 1.43, 95% CI 1.12-1.82, p=0.004; HR=1.51, 95% CI 1.17-1.96, p&lt;0.001). Interaction tests on ALRI levels and treatment efficacy in the CT+B and the CT groups were statistically significant for PFS (p=0.0003), but not for OS (p=0.228). CONCLUSION: Our results indicate that ALRI is a good prognostic and predictive marker for mCRC patients candidate for CT+B

    Sex-related differences in risk factors, type of treatment received and outcomes in patients with atrial fibrillation and acute stroke: Results from the RAF-study (Early Recurrence and Cerebral Bleeding in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke and Atrial Fibrillation)

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    Introduction: Atrial fibrillation is an independent risk factor of thromboembolism. Women with atrial fibrillation are at a higher overall risk for stroke compared to men with atrial fibrillation. The aim of this study was to evaluate for sex differences in patients with acute stroke and atrial fibrillation, regarding risk factors, treatments received and outcomes. Methods Data were analyzed from the “Recurrence and Cerebral Bleeding in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke and Atrial Fibrillation” (RAF-study), a prospective, multicenter, international study including only patients with acute stroke and atrial fibrillation. Patients were followed up for 90 days. Disability was measured by the modified Rankin Scale (0–2 favorable outcome, 3–6 unfavorable outcome). Results: Of the 1029 patients enrolled, 561 were women (54.5%) (p &lt; 0.001) and younger (p &lt; 0.001) compared to men. In patients with known atrial fibrillation, women were less likely to receive oral anticoagulants before index stroke (p = 0.026) and were less likely to receive anticoagulants after stroke (71.3% versus 78.4%, p = 0.01). There was no observed sex difference regarding the time of starting anticoagulant therapy between the two groups (6.4 ± 11.7 days for men versus 6.5 ± 12.4 days for women, p = 0.902). Men presented with more severe strokes at onset (mean NIHSS 9.2 ± 6.9 versus 8.1 ± 7.5, p &lt; 0.001). Within 90 days, 46 (8.2%) recurrent ischemic events (stroke/TIA/systemic embolism) and 19 (3.4%) symptomatic cerebral bleedings were found in women compared to 30 (6.4%) and 18 (3.8%) in men (p = 0.28 and p = 0.74). At 90 days, 57.7% of women were disabled or deceased, compared to 41.1% of the men (p &lt; 0.001). Multivariate analysis did not confirm this significance. Conclusions: Women with atrial fibrillation were less likely to receive oral anticoagulants prior to and after stroke compared to men with atrial fibrillation, and when stroke occurred, regardless of the fact that in our study women were younger and with less severe stroke, outcomes did not differ between the sexes

    Prediction of early recurrent thromboembolic event and major bleeding in patients with acute stroke and atrial fibrillation by a risk stratification schema: the ALESSA score study

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    Background and Purposes—This study was designed to derive and validate a score to predict early ischemic events and major bleedings after an acute ischemic stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation. Methods—The derivation cohort consisted of 854 patients with acute ischemic stroke and atrial fibrillation included in prospective series between January 2012 and March 2014. Older age (hazard ratio 1.06 for each additional year; 95% confidence interval, 1.00–1.11) and severe atrial enlargement (hazard ratio, 2.05; 95% confidence interval, 1.08–2.87) were predictors for ischemic outcome events (stroke, transient ischemic attack, and systemic embolism) at 90 days from acute stroke. Small lesions (≀1.5 cm) were inversely correlated with both major bleeding (hazard ratio, 0.39; P=0.03) and ischemic outcome events (hazard ratio, 0.55; 95% confidence interval, 0.30–1.00). We assigned to age ≄80 years 2 points and between 70 and 79 years 1 point; ischemic index lesion &#62;1.5 cm, 1 point; severe atrial enlargement, 1 point (ALESSA score). A logistic regression with the receiver-operating characteristic graph procedure (C statistic) showed an area under the curve of 0.697 (0.632–0.763; P=0.0001) for ischemic outcome events and 0.585 (0.493–0.678; P=0.10) for major bleedings. Results—The validation cohort consisted of 994 patients included in prospective series between April 2014 and June 2016. Logistic regression with the receiver-operating characteristic graph procedure showed an area under the curve of 0.646 (0.529–0.763; P=0.009) for ischemic outcome events and 0.407 (0.275–0.540; P=0.14) for hemorrhagic outcome events. Conclusions—In acute stroke patients with atrial fibrillation, high ALESSA scores were associated with a high risk of ischemic events but not of major bleedings
