168 research outputs found

    Faktor Risiko Wasting dalam Penerapan Full Day School pada Anak di Paud Pesantren Ummusabri Kendari

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    Wasting adalah permasalahan kesehatan yang paling menonjol di Negaranegara miskin dan Negara-negara yang sedang berkembang yang dampaknya sangat besar. Pada tahun 2013, secara nasional prevalensi kurus pada anak Balita masih 12,1%, yang artinya masalah kurus di Indonesia masih merupakan masalah kesehatan masyarakat yang serius. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penerapan full day school terhadap status gizi pada pendidikan anak usia dini di Pesantren Ummusabri Kendari.Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan rancangan pendekatan case control. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua peserta taman kanak-kanak PAUD Pesantren Ummusabri tahun 2018 yang berjumlah 114. Jumlah untuk sampel kasus sebanyak 26 orang dan sampel kontrol adalah 26 orang, Hasil uji odds ratio menunjukkan bahwa pola makan merupakan faktor risiko status gizi wasting (OR =5,727. CI 95% 1,645-19,942 >1), kebersihan lingkungan bukan faktor risiko status gizi wasting (OR = 0,494 CI 95% 0,125-1,949 <1), metode pembelajaran bukan faktor risiko status gizi wasting(OR =3,068 CI 95% = 0,982-9,591 <1), peran keluarga merupakan faktor risiko status gizi wasting (OR = 3,889 CI 95% = 1,178 – 12,841 >1). Diharapkan kepada Paud Pesantren Ummusabri Kendari untuk dapat menggunakan hasil penelitian ini sebagai informasi dan bahan pertimbangan dalam meningkatkan kepedulian terhadap anak dengan masalah gizi kurang


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    Even though both are prohibitions, the terms taboo and taboo are two different things. Taboo causes violators to be plagued, while taboo only causes physical sanctions or social sanctions. To avoid violating the pronunciation of taboo words, substituting words or sentences that are considered taboo is carried out. Suppose spoken in a context to change the connotation of the consequences of the mention (euphemism). This study focuses on finding out what taboos and euphemisms are in the Toba Batak culture. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative by using observation and interview techniques. The study results found that there were five types of taboos and euphemisms found in the Toba Batak culture. First, taboos and euphemisms on gender {boru-boru > ito (woman), ripe > parnijabu (wife)}. Second, taboos and euphemisms are related to body parts {mapampang > hahurangan dipamatang (disabled)}. Third, taboos and euphemisms related to death {(mate > monding (death)}. Fourth, taboos and euphemisms are related to philosophy, religion or customs, such as the taboo on marrying a clan

    Translating SQL to Spreadsheet: A Survey

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    Spreadsheets are the most popular and conventionally databases in use today. Since Spreadsheets are visual and expression based languages, research into the features of spreadsheets is therefore a highly relevant topic to study. Spreadsheet can be viewed as a Relation Database which contains a sheet and its corresponding information in terms of rows, while in RDBMS each table or say relation also represents its contained information in terms of rows. Each row represents a record which belongs to one or more relation. Spreadsheets uses different formulae to extract required information but it need expert knowledge about the tool and its usage. One can extend the usage of Spreadsheet in any direction as it provides great flexibility in terms of data storage and dependency of stored data. We surveyed some of research which took great attention over Spreadsheets and its applicability in different functional cases, such as Data Visualization, SQL Engines and many more. Our survey focuses on QUERYSHEET, ES-SQL, MDSHEET and PrediCalc [3], [5], [4], [8]. These different researches are motivations to our survey and attraction in Spreadsheets and its functional extensibility

    Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Diskusi Tipe Buzz Group Dengan Media Permainan Crossword Puzzle Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Geografi Siswa Kelas X Is-1 SMA Negeri 8 Banda Aceh

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    Metode diskusi Buzz Group yaitu cara pembahasan suatu masalah yang dalam pelaksanaannya siswa dibagi dalam kelompok kecil antara 4-5 orang membahas suatu masalah yang diakhiri dengan penyampaian hasil pembahasannya oleh setiap juru bicara pada kelompok besar/kelas. Crossword puzzle merupakan suatu permainan dengan tempelate yang berbentuk segi empat yang terdiri dari kotak-kotak yang berwana hitam putih, serta dilengkapi 2 lajur, yaitu mendatar dan menurun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) peningkatan hasil belajar siswa; (2) Aktivitas guru dan siswa; (3) Keterampilan guru dalam mengelola pembelajaran; dan (4) Respon siswa terhadap metode pembelajaran diskusi tipe buzz group dengan media permainan crossword puzzle. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X IS-1 SMA Negeri 8 Banda Aceh yang berjumlah 31 orang. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan (1) Lembar pre-test dan post-test; (2) Lembar pengamatan aktivitas guru dan siswa; (3) Lembar pengamatan keterampilan guru; dan (4) lembar respon siswa. Analisis data menggunakan statistik deskriptif persentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) Persentase ketuntasan secara individual dari 67% meningkat 83% menjadi 96,7%, persentase ketuntasan klasikal dari 50% meningkat 80% menjadi 90% (2) Aktivitas guru dan siswa dari siklus I sampai siklus III telah mencerminkan penerapan menggunakan metode pembelajaran diskusi Buzz Group dengan permainan Crossword Puzzle; (3) Keterampilan guru dalam mengelola pembelajaran dengan menggunakan metode pembelajaran Buzz Group dengan permainan Crossword Puzzle meningkat, hal ini terlihat pada siklus I diperoleh skor 2,53, pada siklus II diperoleh skor 3,1, dan pada siklus III diperoleh 3,3 dengan katagori baik; dan (4) Respon siswa terhadap metode pembelajaran diskusi Buzz Group dengan permainan Crossword Puzzle dapat dikatakan baik. 90 persen dari 31 siswa berpendapat bahwa dengan belajar melalui metode pembelajaran Buzz Group dengan permainan Crossword Puzzle dapat meningkatkan pemahaman mereka terhadap materi yang telah dipelajari

    Faktor-faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Tingkat Adopsi Petani terhadap Sistem Pertanian Padi Organik (Studi Kasus : Desa Lubuk Bayas, Kecamatan Perbaungan, Kabupaten Serdang Bedagai)

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    Sejak tahun 2001, Pemerintah Indonesia telah mensosialisasikan pertanian organik. Dengan program “Go Organic 2010” ditargetkan pada tahun 2010 dapat terealisasikan berbagai hal seperti: pengembangan produksi dan distribusi pupuk organik, mengalokasikan dana pembinaan dan alokasi subsidi pupuk organik, mengalokasikan dana pengadaan sarana dan membangun fasilitas pendukung yang dibutuhkan, sistem distribusi pupuk organik secara pabrikan serta adanya program-program pelatihan tentang manfaat penggunaan pupuk organik melalui demplot dan kelompok tani. Namun Kenyataannya sampai dengan tahun 2010 masih sangat sedikit petani padi yang menerapkan pertanian organik. Untuk menganalisis hal tersebut dilakukan penelitian di Desa Lubuk Bayas, Kecamatan Perbaungan, Kabupaten Serdang Bedagai. Data dikumpulkan dari 40 petani yang ditentukan secara Cluster Propotional Sampling. Selanjutnya data dianalisis secara deskriptif dan dengan uji korelasi Rank Spearman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat adopsi petani terhadap sistem pertanian padi organik dikatakan tinggi. Faktor-faktor yang berhubungan nyata dengan tingkat adopsi petani terhadap sistem pertanian padi organik adalah keuntungan relatif, kesesuaian, kerumitan, kemungkinan dicoba, kemungkinan diamati, pengalaman bertani, tingkat kosmopolitan, tingkat partisipasi, saluran antarpribadi

    Practices and effects of menstrual hygiene management in rural Bangladesh

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    This study explored the existing practices on menstrual hygiene management of the girls and women in rural Bangladesh. It has also depicted the associated effects against existing practices linking with school attendance, performance, affordability of menstrual products etc. The results of the study are retrieved using both quantitative and qualitative research methods i.e. questionnaire survey, focus group discussion, key informant interviews etc. Study revalued that 91% school girls use old unhygienic cloths while 9% use improved products. Above 90% girls dispose pads un-hygienically which is not environment friendly. Among the girls, 48% miss 3 or more days causing bad performance on their results. And, 86% girls reported that improved menstrual items are not affordable for them. Improper menstrual management is identified a barrier of women empowerment. For a way forward, integrating menstrual hygiene management interventions with relevant development programmes are recommended to improve the exiting state

    Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System in Heart Failure: Focus on Nonclassical Angiotensin Pathways as Novel Upstream Targets Regulating Aldosterone

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    Aldosterone plays an important role in the regulation of blood pressure, body fluid, and electrolyte homeostasis. Overactivation of aldosterone/mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) pathway leads to hypertension, atherosclerosis, vascular damage, heart failure, and chronic kidney disease and is involved in many other diseases associated with endothelial dysfunction, inflammation, fibrosis, and metabolic disorders. Aldosterone is a final product of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS), and its production is activated by angiotensin II, while angiotensin-(1–7) negatively regulates angiotensin II-mediated aldosterone production and in some experimental models inhibits aldosterone-induced damage in target tissues. In fact, the aldosterone/mineralocorticoid receptor-dependent pathway is regulated upstream by at least two major axes of RAAS: classical axis (ACE/Ang II) and nonclassical axis (ACE2/Ang-(1–7)). The relative balance between these two axes determines aldosterone production and activity. To better understand the regulation of aldosterone activity in physiology and diseases, it is important to analyze the role of aldosterone/mineralocorticoid receptor-dependent pathways in the context of upstream angiotensin pathways as some of the recently described mechanisms of RAAS represent possible novel upstream targets to inhibit aldosterone/mineralocorticoid receptor-dependent responses. In this review, we highlight the complexity of angiotensin pathways focusing on their role in various tissues in heart failure, with particular emphasis on nonclassical pathways including protective ACE2/Ang-(1–7) axis and detrimental Ang-(1–12)/chymase/Ang II axis

    X-ray constraints on the fraction of obscured AGN at high accretion luminosities

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    The wide-area XMM-XXL X-ray survey is used to explore the fraction of obscured AGN at high accretion luminosities, LX(210keV)>1044ergs1L_X (\rm 2-10 \, keV) > 10^{44} \, erg \,s ^{-1}, and out to redshift z1.5z\approx1.5. The sample covers an area of about 14deg2\rm14\,deg^2 and provides constraints on the space density of powerful AGN over a wide range of neutral hydrogen column densities extending beyond the Compton-thick limit, NH1024cm2\rm N_H\approx10^{24}\,cm^{-2}. The fraction of obscured Compton-thin (NH=10221024cm2\rm N_H=10^{22}-10^{24}\,cm^{-2}) AGN is estimated to be 0.35\approx0.35 for luminosities LX(210keV)>1044ergs1L_X(\rm 2-10\,keV)>10^{44}\,erg\,s^{-1} independent of redshift. For less luminous sources the fraction of obscured Compton-thin AGN increases from 0.45±0.100.45\pm0.10 at z=0.25z=0.25 to 0.75±0.050.75\pm0.05 at z=1.25z=1.25. Studies that select AGN in the infrared via template fits to the observed Spectral Energy Distribution of extragalactic sources estimate space densities at high accretion luminosities consistent with the XMM-XXL constraints. There is no evidence for a large population of AGN (e.g. heavily obscured) identified in the infrared and missed at X-ray wavelengths. We further explore the mid-infrared colours of XMM-XXL AGN as a function of accretion luminosity, column density and redshift. The fraction of XMM-XXL sources that lie within the mid-infrared colour wedges defined in the literature to select AGN is primarily a function of redshift. This fraction increases from about 20-30% at z=0.25 to about 50-70% at z=1.5z=1.5.Comment: MNRAS accepte

    Peningkatan Sumber Daya Suku Siladang dalam Mendokumentasikan Bahasa Siladang melalui TELAN

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    The Siladang language is one of the endangered languages in Indonesia. Siladang ethnic lives in two villages namely Sipapaga and Aik Banir in Panyabungan District, Mandailing Natal Regency, North Sumatra Province. The condition of Siladang speakers is endangered because all Siladang speakers are bilingual/multilingual and use Mandailing and Indonesia language dominantly in terms of language use for socializing and school. This program aimed to transfer knowledge about language documentation using TELAN, a technique of using ELAN software (Eudico Linguistics Annotator) to increase the human resources of the Siladang young generation hence they are directly involved in carrying out documentation of their own language as well as an effort to revitalize the Siladang language. FGD activities were carried out offline and online because the service program implementation team continues to accompany the documentation team in facing obstacles and problems in recording and using ELAN software. Through the provision of recording tools and the transfer of language documentation knowledge, there has been an increase in the ability of the documentation team consisting of Siladang high students to carry out language recording and annotation using ELAN software