26 research outputs found

    Effects of synchronous music on treadmill running among elite triathletes

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    This is the post-print version of the final paper published in Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. The published article is available from the link below. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. Copyright @ 2011 Elsevier B.V.Objectives: Music can provide ergogenic, psychological, and psychophysical benefits during physical activity, especially when movements are performed synchronously with music. The present study developed the train of research on synchronous music and extended it to elite athletes. Design: Repeated-measures laboratory experiment. Method: Elite triathletes (n = 11) ran in time to self-selected motivational music, a neutral equivalent and a no-music control during submaximal and exhaustive treadmill running. Measured variables were time-to-exhaustion, mood responses, feeling states, RPE, blood lactate concentration, oxygen consumption and running economy. Results: Time-to-exhaustion was 18.1% and 19.7% longer, respectively, when running in time to motivational and neutral music, compared to no music. Mood responses and feeling states were more positive with motivational music compared to either neutral music or no music. RPE was lowest for neutral music and highest for the no-music control. Blood lactate concentrations were lowest for motivational music. Oxygen consumption was lower with music by 1.0%–2.7%. Both music conditions were associated with better running economy than the no-music control. Conclusions: Although neutral music did not produce the same level of psychological benefits as motivational music, it proved equally beneficial in terms of time-to-exhaustion and oxygen consumption. In functional terms, the motivational qualities of music may be less important than the prominence of its beat and the degree to which participants are able to synchronise their movements to its tempo. Music provided ergogenic, psychological and physiological benefits in a laboratory study and its judicious use during triathlon training should be considered.QAS Centre of Excellence for Applied Sport Science Researc

    "Plantar pro gasto": a importância do autoconsumo entre famílias de agricultores do Rio Grande do Sul.

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    O artigo discute a valoração e importância da produção para o autoconsumo na reprodução social das unidades familiares e caracteriza os alimentos autoconsumidos. Vale-se da pesquisa "Agricultura Familiar, Desenvolvimento Local e Pluriatividade" (UFRGS/UFPel/ CNPq-2003) que propiciou a formação de um banco de dados com informações sobre a dinâmica da agricultura familiar em quatro regiões distintas da geografia gaúcha, suas fontes e tipos de renda, entre estas o autoconsumo. Trazer este debate significa retomar um tema pouco discutido até então, e que, embora marginalizado ou considerado sem importância, desenvolve importante papel como renda não monetária, fortalece a segurança alimentar e adentra esferas da sociabilidade e identidade social. Além da introdução, apresenta-se o papel do autoconsumo na agricultura familiar, o cálculo da produção para o autoconsumo, discussão dos objetivos e resultados, e considerações finais. Os resultados demonstram que a produção para o autoconsumo é uma estratégia recorrente pelas unidades familiares e se diferencia de acordo com a dinâmica da agricultura familiar. Diferença esta expressa em valores relativos (%) e no número de estabelecimentos pertencentes a estratos diferenciados de autoconsumo, e pouco nos tipos de alimentos produzidos para este fim, observando-se uma homogeneidade dos hábitos alimentares

    Reduced-order modelling for investigating nonlinear FEM systems

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    Modern finite element (FE) packages are capable of capturing nonlinear behaviour in extremely complex structures. However, due to the scale of these models, full dynamic analysis is often prohibitively expensive. An alternative approach is to use the FE models to derive reduced-order models (ROMs) which capture the dynamic behaviour of interest at a significantly lower computational cost. An automatic identification of the stated ROMs is powerful and desirable when parametric, sensitivity and uncertainty analysis is of interest. The authors implemented in Matlab a strategy to automatically compute the reduced order model and investigate the effects of parametric variation exchanging information with FEM software. In the strategy it is adopted the Applied Modal Force (AMF) approach, where a force is applied to the FE model and the resulting displacements are used to identify coefficients of the ROM, as is done in the ICE method. The developed techniques are presented in the paper and validated considering a crossed beam structure modelled in Abaqus