561 research outputs found

    Global Trends, Local Contexts: ideological Positions and their Impact on Early Childhood Education Practices in Algeria

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    This thesis explores how ideological positions impact on a group of early childhood educators and managers’ everyday life activities and educational practices. This research was carried out at three different types of childhood reception centres in Algeria. To investigate the complexity of ideologies, this qualitative ethnographic study employed fieldwork observations, including observations of social media, mainly Facebook. It also used various types of interviews, as well as documentary sources and cultural artefacts. The data generation occurred over a three-month period, involving seven main and thirteen peripheral participants. The findings demonstrate paradoxical tendencies. On the one hand, different situations and participants’ accounts positioned them in the ideology of West idealisation. This denotes how they eulogise the West in various ways. My analysis focuses on epistemic, material, and ethical idealisation. The evidence presented in this thesis shows that idealisation of the West has engendered an inferiority complex and a state of subordination to the West. This limits the knowledge production in the non-West in the sense of restricting alternative knowledge practices, serving to strengthen the inefficiency and deficiency of the local early childhood education system. On the other hand, data also indicates participants’ demonisation of the West. Their rejection of certain Western cultural aspects as well as their constructions of gender and secularism as Western products had an impact on the type of content of provision, the arrangement of activities, and their conducts with children. That is translated into an unwelcoming attitude towards Western content along with global forces and stressing the local cultural attributes and religious education. The findings also reveal educators’ simultaneous adherence to both monolingual language use and translanguaging. Such language ideologies, according to the findings, produce ambivalence and generate a zerolingual state which proved to largely shape and inform a variety of communicative practices within the research settings of this study. This thesis accentuates how those ideologies interrelate and enact ties of universality versus authenticity, the local versus the global. Through such linkages, they yield practices that are not the exclusive product of a single ideology. In light of these findings, it is clear from this study that taking ideologies into consideration is fundamental to understand the link between early childhood education practices and the social world. More specifically, their impact on early childhood education practices, and in particular language practices in the specific context of this study, to which scant attention is directed

    An adaptive membership management algorithm for application layer multicast

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    Due to deployment difficulty of network layer multicast, application layer multicast is considered to be a good substitute for massive P2P video/audio streaming in large networks. However, in application layer multicast, the participating users join and leave the on-going session at will. Therefore, a scalable and reliable group membership management algorithm is necessary due to the highly dynamic nature of the overlay network, built on top of the Internet. Gossip-based algorithms seem to be a solution. However, most gossip-based membership management algorithms lack flexibility, and are unable to adapt to the everchanging network dynamics, imposing roughly the same amount of overhead on the network. A new adaptive gossip-based membership management algorithm is proposed to bridge the gap. This algorithm captures the changes of the network and adjusts the parameter settings dynamically, bringing adaptivity and reducing overhead. Simulation results indicate a maximum of 50% reduction can be achieved in terms of network overhead on core network components, such as backbone links and attached routers, without sacrificing reliability and scalabilit

    Potensi Probiotik Indigenus Lactobacillus Plantarum Dad 13 pada Yogurt dengan Suplementasi Ekstrak Ubi Jalar Ungu untuk Penurun Diare dan Radikal Bebas

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    Penelitian bertujuan mempelajari efektivitas strain probiotik indigenus terpilih (Lactobacillus plantarum Dad 13) pada yogurt dengan suplementasi ekstrak ubi jalar ungu sebagai penurun diare dan radikal bebas pada tikus putih albino Norway rats (Rattus novergicus) galur Sprague dawley. Penelitian dirancang menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap faktorial, dengan perlakuan yogurt ekstrak ubi jalar ungu tanpa probiotik (P0), yogurt ekstrak ubi jalar ungu dengan probiotik (P1) terhadap 2 kelompok tikus Sprague dawley jantan yang diberi perlakuan tanpa enteropathogenik Escherichia coli (EPEC) ATCC 35218 (E0) maupun dengan enteropathogenik Escherichia coli (EPEC) ATCC 35218 (E1). Pemberian probiotik dilakukan dengan metode sonde pada hari ke-1 sampai 21 dengan dosis 1 ml/ 120 g BB tikus percobaan atau rata-rata 109 CFU/ml. Sedangkan perlakuan EPEC ATCC 35218 dilakukan dengan metode sonde sebanyak 106 CFU/ml pada hari ke 7 sampai ke 14. Parameter yang diamati meliputi kadar air feses, kadar air sekum, kadar malonaldehide (MDA) darah dan hati. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1). Terdapat interaksi perlakuan antara pemberian EPEC ATCC 35218 dan probiotik indigenous pada yogurt ekstrak ubi jalar ungu terhadap kadar air feses, kadar air sekum, kadar MDA darah dan kadar MDA hati tikus uji. (2). Kultur Lactobacillus plantarum Dad 13 yang ditambahkan pada yogurt ekstrak ubi jalar ungu mampu memberi efek kesehatan sebagai penurun diare dan radikal bebas

    Electronic structure and magnetic properties of the spin-1/2 Heisenberg system CuSe2O5

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    A microscopic magnetic model for the spin-1/2 Heisenberg chain compound CuSe2O5 is developed based on the results of a joint experimental and theoretical study. Magnetic susceptibility and specific heat data give evidence for quasi-1D magnetism with leading antiferromagnetic (AFM) couplings and an AFM ordering temperature of 17 K. For microscopic insight, full-potential DFT calculations within the local density approximation (LDA) were performed. Using the resulting band structure, a consistent set of transfer integrals for an effective one-band tight-binding model was obtained. Electronic correlations were treated on a mean-field level starting from LDA (LSDA+U method) and on a model level (Hubbard model). In excellent agreement of experiment and theory, we find that only two couplings in CuSe2O5 are relevant: the nearest-neighbour intra-chain interaction of 165 K and a non-frustrated inter-chain coupling of 20 K. From a comparison with structurally related systems (Sr2Cu(PO4)2, Bi2CuO4), general implications for a magnetic ordering in presence of inter-chain frustration are made.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures, 3 table

    Quantification of spatial subclonal interactions enhancing the invasive phenotype of pediatric glioma.

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    Diffuse midline gliomas (DMGs) are highly aggressive, incurable childhood brain tumors. They present a clinical challenge due to many factors, including heterogeneity and diffuse infiltration, complicating disease management. Recent studies have described the existence of subclonal populations that may co-operate to drive pro-tumorigenic processes such as cellular invasion. However, a precise quantification of subclonal interactions is lacking, a problem that extends to other cancers. In this study, we combine spatial computational modeling of cellular interactions during invasion with co-evolution experiments of clonally disassembled patient-derived DMG cells. We design a Bayesian inference framework to quantify spatial subclonal interactions between molecular and phenotypically distinct lineages with different patterns of invasion. We show how this approach could discriminate genuine interactions, where one clone enhanced the invasive phenotype of another, from those apparently only due to the complex dynamics of spatially restricted growth. This study provides a framework for the quantification of subclonal interactions in DMG

    Giant crystal-electric-field effect and complex magnetic behavior in single-crystalline CeRh3Si2

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    Single-crystalline CeRh3Si2 was investigated by means of x-ray diffraction, magnetic susceptibility, magnetization, electrical resistivity, and specific heat measurements carried out in wide temperature and magnetic field ranges. Moreover, the electronic structure of the compound was studied at room temperature by cerium core-level x-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS). The physical properties were analyzed in terms of crystalline electric field and compared with results of ab-initio band structure calculations performed within the density functional theory approach. The compound was found to crystallize in the orthorhombic unit cell of the ErRh3Si2 type (space group Imma -- No.74, Pearson symbol: oI24) with the lattice parameters: a = 7.1330(14) A, b = 9.7340(19) A, and c = 5.6040(11) A. Analysis of the magnetic and XPS data revealed the presence of well localized magnetic moments of trivalent cerium ions. All physical properties were found to be highly anisotropic over the whole temperature range studied, and influenced by exceptionally strong crystalline electric field with the overall splitting of the 4f1 ground multiplet exceeding 5700 K. Antiferromagnetic order of the cerium magnetic moments at TN = 4.70(1)K and their subsequent spin rearrangement at Tt = 4.48(1) K manifest themselves as distinct anomalies in the temperature characteristics of all investigated physical properties and exhibit complex evolution in an external magnetic field. A tentative magnetic B-T phase diagram, constructed for B parallel to the b-axis being the easy magnetization direction, shows very complex magnetic behavior of CeRh3Si2, similar to that recently reported for an isostructural compound CeIr3Si2. The electronic band structure calculations corroborated the antiferromagnetic ordering of the cerium magnetic moments and well reproduced the experimental XPS valence band spectrum.Comment: 32 pages, 12 figures, to appear in Physical Review