157 research outputs found

    An adaptive perception-based image preprocessing method

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    The aim of this paper is to introduce an adaptive preprocessing procedure based on human perception in order to increase the performance of some standard image processing techniques. Specifically, image frequency content has been weighted by the corresponding value of the contrast sensitivity function, in agreement with the sensitiveness of human eye to the different image frequencies and contrasts. The 2D Rational dilation wavelet transform has been employed for representing image frequencies. In fact, it provides an adaptive and flexible multiresolution framework, enabling an easy and straightforward adaptation to the image frequency content. Preliminary experimental results show that the proposed preprocessing allows us to increase the performance of some standard image enhancement algorithms in terms of visual quality and often also in terms of PSNR

    Observations of extragalactic masers in bright IRAS sources

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    We report the first results of an ongoing survey at 22 GHz with the 100-m Effelsberg telescope to search for water maser emission in bright IRAS sources. We have detected water vapor emission in IC 342. The maser, associated with a star forming region ~10-15 arcsec west of the nucleus, consists of a single 0.5 km/s wide feature and reaches an isotropic luminosity of 0.01 L(sun) (D = 1.8 Mpc). Our detection raises the detection rate among northern galaxies with IRAS point source fluxes S(100micron) > 50 Jy to 16%.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures. Proceeding of the conference "SRT: the impact of large antennas on Radio Astronomy and Space Science", Cagliari, Italy, 7-10 Nov. 2001, Eds. Porceddu et al. Needs srt_style.st

    Film cooling adiabatic effectiveness measurements of pressure side trailing edge cooling configurations

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    Nowadays total inlet temperature of gas turbine is far above the permissible metal temperature; as a consequence, advanced cooling techniques must be applied to protect from thermal stresses, oxidation and corrosion the components located in the high pressure stages, such as the blade trailing edge. A suitable design of the cooling system for the trailing edge has to cope with geometric constraints and aerodynamic demands; state-of-the-art of cooling concepts often use film cooling on blade pressure side: the air taken from last compressor stages is ejected through discrete holes or slots to provide a cold layer between hot mainstream and the blade surface. With the goal of ensuring a satisfactory lifetime of blades, the design of efficient trailing edge film cooling schemes and, moreover, the possibility to check carefully their behavior, are hence necessary to guarantee an appropriate metal temperature distribution. For this purpose an experimental survey was carried out to investigate the film covering performance of different pressure side trailing edge cooling systems for turbine blades. The experimental test section consists of a scaled-up trailing edge model installed in an open loop suction type test rig. Measurements of adiabatic effectiveness distributions were carried out on three trailing edge cooling system configurations. The baseline geometry is composed by inclined slots separated by elongated pedestals; the second geometry shares the same cutback configuration, with an additional row of circular film cooling holes located upstream; the third model is equipped with three rows of in-line film cooling holes. Experiments have been performed at nearly ambient conditions imposing several blowing ratio values and using carbon dioxide as coolant in order to reproduce a density ratio close to the engine conditions (DR=1.52). To extend the validity of the survey a comparison between adiabatic effectiveness measurements and a prediction by correlative approach was performed to compare the experimental results with 1D methodologies


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    Quantitative and qualitative analyses among the soil microarthropods can be used in biomonitoring as tools in multi-disciplinary approach to characterize soil quality. Three groups of microarthropods - Collembola and Oribatida as detrivores and Gamasina as predators - were selected to evaluate the impact of different management treatments adopted to recover degraded soil in organic. Differences in arthropod populations between French and Italian sites were registered. In Italy, after two years of recovering treatments, an increase of the abundances of all groups, particularly detritivores in degraded plots, was observed. The population of gamasids increased, in all sites, only in non degraded plots. Soil invertebrates of similar trophic groups, like collembolans and oribatids, seem to differently respond to treatments: the collembolans were more affected by some agronomic practices enhancing soil fertility

    Extragalactic water masers in bright IRAS sources

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    We report the results of a search for 22 GHz water maser emission in IRAS-bright galaxies, using the 100-m Effelsberg telescope. In particular, we present the details of four new maser detections (IC342, NGC2146, NGC3556, and Arp299) and follow-up interferometric studies. A comparison between water maser detection rates derived in the present study and those in previous similar surveys is also presented.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, to appear in "The Neutral ISM in Starburst Galaxies", ASP Conference Series, Volume xxx, 2003, eds. S. Aalto, S. Huettemeister, A. Pedla

    New H2O masers in Seyfert and FIR bright galaxies

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    Extragalactic water vapor masers with 50, 1000, 1, and 230 solar (isotropic) luminosities were detected toward Mrk1066 (UGC2456), Mrk34, NGC3556 and Arp299, respectively. The interacting system Arp299 appears to show two maser hotspots separated by 20 arcsec. A statistical analysis of 53 extragalactic H2O sources indicates (1) that the correlation between IRAS Point Source and H2O luminosities, established for individual star forming regions in the galactic disk, also holds for AGN dominated megamaser galaxies, (2) that maser luminosities are not correlated with 60/100 micron color temperatures and (3) that only a small fraction of the luminous megamasers detectable with 100-m sized telescopes have so far been identified. The slope of the H2O luminosity function, -1.5, indicates that the number of detectable masers is almost independent of their luminosity. If the LF is not steepening at very high maser luminosities, H2O megamasers at significant redshifts should be detectable with present day state-of-the-art facilities.Comment: 16 pages, 10 postscript figures; style file: aa.cls. Accepted for publication in the Main Journal of Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Clusters of Extragalactic Ultra Compact HII Regions

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    We report on the detection of optically thick free-free radio sources in the galaxies M33, NGC 253, and NGC 6946 using data in the literature. We interpret these sources as being young, embedded star birth regions, which are likely to be clusters of ultracompact HII regions. All 35 of the sources presented in this article have positive radio spectral indices alpha>0 suggesting an optically thick thermal bremsstrahlung emission arising in the HII region surrounding hot stars. Energy requirements indicate a range of a several to >500 O7V star equivalents powering each HII region. Assuming a Salpeter IMF, this corresponds to integrated stellar masses of 0.1--60,000 Msun. For roughly half of the sources in our sample, there is no obvious optical counterpart, giving further support for their deeply embedded nature. Their luminosities and radio spectral energy distributions are consistent with HII regions having electron densities from 1500 cm^-3 to 15000 cm^-3 and radii of 1 - 7 pc. We suggest that the less luminous of these sources are extragalactic ultracompact HII region complexes, those of intermediate luminosity are similar to W49 in the Galaxy, while the brightest will be counterparts to 30 Doradus. These objects constitute the lower mass range of extragalactic ``ultradense HII regions'' which we argue are the youngest stages of massive star cluster formation yet observed. This sample is beginning to fill in the continuum of objects between small associations of ultracompact HII regions and the massive extragalactic clusters that may evolve into globular clusters.Comment: 37 pages, uses AASTeX; scheduled to appear in ApJ v. 559 October 2001. Full postscript version available from http://www.astro.wisc.edu/~chip/Papers/Johnson_Kobulnicky_etal_ApJ559.ps.g
