21 research outputs found

    A novel function for KIF13B in germ cell migration

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    AbstractPrimordial germ cell (PGC) development in Xenopus embryos relies on localised maternal determinants. We report on the identification and functional characterisation of such one novel activity, a germ plasm associated mRNA encoding for the Xenopus version of a kinesin termed KIF13B. Modulations of xKIF13B function result in germ cell mismigration and in reduced numbers of such cells. PGCs explanted from Xenopus embryos form bleb-like protrusions enriched in PIP3. Knockdown of xKIF13B results in inhibition of blebbing and PIP3 accumulation. Interference with PIP3 synthesis leads to PGC mismigration in vivo and in vitro. We propose that xKIF13B function is linked to polarized accumulation of PIP3 and directional migration of the PGCs in Xenopus embryos

    Polarized actin and VE-Cadherin dynamics regulate junctional remodelling and cell migration during sprouting angiogenesis

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    VEGFR-2/Notch signalling regulates angiogenesis in part by driving the remodelling of endothelial cell junctions and by inducing cell migration. Here, we show that VEGF-induced polarized cell elongation increases cell perimeter and decreases the relative VE-cadherin concentration at junctions, triggering polarized formation of actin-driven junction-associated intermittent lamellipodia (JAIL) under control of the WASP/WAVE/ARP2/3 complex. JAIL allow formation of new VE-cadherin adhesion sites that are critical for cell migration and monolayer integrity. Whereas at the leading edge of the cell, large JAIL drive cell migration with supportive contraction, lateral junctions show small JAIL that allow relative cell movement. VEGFR-2 activation initiates cell elongation through dephosphorylation of junctional myosin light chain II, which leads to a local loss of tension to induce JAIL-mediated junctional remodelling. These events require both microtubules and polarized Rac activity. Together, we propose a model where polarized JAIL formation drives directed cell migration and junctional remodelling during sprouting angiogenesis

    AJAM-A–tetraspanin–αvÎČ5 integrin complex regulates contact inhibition of locomotion

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    Contact inhibition of locomotion (CIL) is a process that regulates cell motility upon collision with other cells. Improper regulation of CIL has been implicated in cancer cell dissemination. Here, we identify the cell adhesion molecule JAM-A as a central regulator of CIL in tumor cells. JAM-A is part of a multimolecular signaling complex in which tetraspanins CD9 and CD81 link JAM-A to αvÎČ5 integrin. JAM-A binds Csk and inhibits the activity of αvÎČ5 integrin-associated Src. Loss of JAM-A results in increased activities of downstream effectors of Src, including Erk1/2, Abi1, and paxillin, as well as increased activity of Rac1 at cell–cell contact sites. As a consequence, JAM-A-depleted cells show increased motility, have a higher cell–matrix turnover, and fail to halt migration when colliding with other cells. We also find that proper regulation of CIL depends on αvÎČ5 integrin engagement. Our findings identify a molecular mechanism that regulates CIL in tumor cells and have implications on tumor cell dissemination.publishedVersio

    Cxcl12 evolution – subfunctionalization of a ligand through altered interaction with the chemokine receptor

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    The active migration of primordial germ cells (PGCs) from their site of specification towards their target is a valuable model for investigating directed cell migration within the complex environment of the developing embryo. In several vertebrates, PGC migration is guided by Cxcl12, a member of the chemokine superfamily. Interestingly, two distinct Cxcl12 paralogs are expressed in zebrafish embryos and contribute to the chemotattractive landscape. Although this offers versatility in the use of chemokine signals, it also requires a mechanism through which migrating cells prioritize the relevant cues that they encounter. Here, we show that PGCs respond preferentially to one of the paralogs and define the molecular basis for this biased behavior. We find that a single amino acid exchange switches the relative affinity of the Cxcl12 ligands for one of the duplicated Cxcr4 receptors, thereby determining the functional specialization of each chemokine that elicits a distinct function in a distinct process. This scenario represents an example of protein subfunctionalization – the specialization of two gene copies to perform complementary functions following gene duplication – which in this case is based on receptor-ligand interaction. Such specialization increases the complexity and flexibility of chemokine signaling in controlling concurrent developmental processes

    Molekulare Mechanismen der Spezifizierung und Migration von Keimzellen in Xenopus laevis

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    Die vegetative Lokalisation von mRNA wĂ€hrend der Xenopus Oogenese ist entscheidend fĂŒr die spĂ€tere Keimblattbildung, frĂŒhembryonale Musterbildung und die Entwicklung der Keimbahn. Im Frosch wurde eine Reihe Keimzell-spezifischer Transkripte identifiziert, aber die funktionelle Bedeutung der Mehrzahl dieser mRNAs ist noch unbekannt. In dieser Arbeit sollten die zwei neuen vegetativ lokalisierten und Keimbahn-spezifischen Transkripte XGRIP2.1 und XKIF13B isoliert und funktionell charakterisiert werden. Die Ergebnisse unserer Experimente weisen auf eine wichtige Rolle von XGRIP2.1 in der Positionierung der primordialen Keimzellen entlang der anterior-posterioren Achse des Xenopus Embryos hin. Außerdem scheint XKIF13B an der Ausbildung der Keimzell-PolaritĂ€t und der gerichteten Migration der Keimzellen beteiligt zu sein. Im Rahmen des XGRIP2.1-Projektes wurde ein minimales Lokalisationselement identifiziert, welches sowohl notwendig als auch ausreichend fĂŒr die Lokalisierung der XGRIP2.1 mRNA ist. Eine Analyse des Proteinbindungsprofiles ergab auffĂ€llige Ähnlichkeiten zur Proteinbindung zweier anderer Keimplasma-spezifischer mRNAs. Ein weiterer Teil der Arbeit widmete sich der Etablierung eines in-vivo-Imaging-Systems fĂŒr die Beobachtung der Keimzellmigration im lebenden Embryo und in Kultur. Außerdem wurde erstmals die genaue Positionierung der primordialen Keimzellen entlang der anteriorposterioren Achse wĂ€hrend der Schwanzknospenstadien der Embryonalentwicklung beschrieben

    Retention of paternal DNA methylome in the developing zebrafish germline

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    Two waves of DNA methylation reprogramming occur during mammalian embryogenesis; during preimplantation development and during primordial germ cell (PGC) formation. However, it is currently unclear how evolutionarily conserved these processes are. Here we characterise the DNA methylomes of zebrafish PGCs at four developmental stages and identify retention of paternal epigenetic memory, in stark contrast to the findings in mammals. Gene expression profiling of zebrafish PGCs at the same developmental stages revealed that the embryonic germline is defined by a small number of markers that display strong developmental stage-specificity and that are independent of DNA methylation-mediated regulation. We identified promoters that are specifically targeted by DNA methylation in somatic and germline tissues during vertebrate embryogenesis and that are frequently misregulated in human cancers. Together, these detailed methylome and transcriptome maps of the zebrafish germline provide insight into vertebrate DNA methylation reprogramming and enhance our understanding of the relationships between germline fate acquisition and oncogenesis

    Retention of paternal DNA methylome in the developing zebrafish germline

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    Two waves of DNA methylation reprogramming occur during mammalian embryogenesis; during preimplantation development and during primordial germ cell (PGC) formation. However, it is currently unclear how evolutionarily conserved these processes are. Here we characterise the DNA methylomes of zebrafish PGCs at four developmental stages and identify retention of paternal epigenetic memory, in stark contrast to the findings in mammals. Gene expression profiling of zebrafish PGCs at the same developmental stages revealed that the embryonic germline is defined by a small number of markers that display strong developmental stage-specificity and that are independent of DNA methylation-mediated regulation. We identified promoters that are specifically targeted by DNA methylation in somatic and germline tissues during vertebrate embryogenesis and that are frequently misregulated in human cancers. Together, these detailed methylome and transcriptome maps of the zebrafish germline provide insight into vertebrate DNA methylation reprogramming and enhance our understanding of the relationships between germline fate acquisition and oncogenesis

    Spatial organization and function of RNA molecules within phase-separated condensates in zebrafish are controlled by Dnd1

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    Germ granules, condensates of phase-separated RNA and protein, are organelles that are essential for germline development in different organisms. The patterning of the granules and their relevance for germ cell fate are not fully understood. Combining three-dimensional in vivo structural and functional analyses, we study the dynamic spatial organization of molecules within zebrafish germ granules. We find that the localization of RNA molecules to the periphery of the granules, where ribosomes are localized, depends on translational activity at this location. In addition, we find that the vertebrate-specific Dead end (Dnd1) protein is essential for nanos3 RNA localization at the condensates’ periphery. Accordingly, in the absence of Dnd1, or when translation is inhibited, nanos3 RNA translocates into the granule interior, away from the ribosomes, a process that is correlated with the loss of germ cell fate. These findings highlight the relevance of sub-granule compartmentalization for post-transcriptional control and its importance for preserving germ cell totipotency

    E-cadherin focuses protrusion formation at the front of migrating cells by impeding actin flow

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    International audienceThe migration of many cell types relies on the formation of actomyosin-dependent protrusions called blebs, but the mechanisms responsible for focusing this kind of protrusive activity to the cell front are largely unknown. Here, we employ zebrafish primordial germ cells (PGCs) as a model to study the role of cell-cell adhesion in bleb-driven single-cell migration in vivo. Utilizing a range of genetic, reverse genetic and mathematical tools, we define a previously unknown role for E-cadherin in confining bleb-type protrusions to the leading edge of the cell. We show that E-cadherin-mediated frictional forces impede the backwards flow of actomyosin-rich structures that define the domain where protrusions are preferentially generated. In this way, E-cadherin confines the bleb-forming region to a restricted area at the cell front and reinforces the front-rear axis of migrating cells. Accordingly, when E-cadherin activity is reduced, the bleb-forming area expands, thus compromising the directional persistence of the cells