148 research outputs found

    Maatiaisrodut suomalaisen kulttuurin elävöittäjinä

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    The analysis and simulations of building information model in a building project

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    Rakennusala Suomessa on vaiheessa, jossa tietomallipohjaisten työkalujen käyttö kasvaa nopeasti. Samalla alan ohjeita ja standardeja uudistetaan. Rakennuksen tietomallintamisen kehitys on luonut uudenlaisia mahdollisuuksia analyysien ja simulaatioiden käytölle rakennushankkeessa. Analyysi- ja simulaatiotyökalut pitävät sisällään tietomallintamisen suurimpia pontentiaalisia hyötyjä. Näiden työkalujen käytöllä on suora vaikutus suunniteltujen rakennusten laatuun ja ne avaavat uudenlaisia mahdollisuuksia suunnitteluun ja laadunvalvontaan rakennushankkeessa. Lähes kaikkia rakennukseen liittyviä näkökohtia voidaan analysoida ja simuloida tietomallien avulla. Käytännössä rakennuksen tietomallipohjaisten analyysien ja simulaatioiden hyödyntäminen eivät ole suomalaisessa rakennushankkeessa itsestäänselvyys. Tehtävät analyysit ja simulaatiot määrittyvät tavallisesti sen mukaan, minkälaisia vaatimuksia ja tavoitteita hankkeelle, suunnittelulle tai rakentamiselle yleensä on asetettu viranomaisia tilaajaosapuolten toimesta. Tarve analyysien tekemiselle on kuitenkin kaikilla hankkeen osapuolilla koko hankkeen ajan. Käyttäjien tarpeet analyysi- ja simulaatiotyökaluille ovat erilaiset käyttäjästä toiseen ja ohjelmistojen kenttä on hajanainen ja vaikeasti yhteen sovitettavissa. Mikäli tietomallin analyysi- ja simulaatiomenetelmiä pyritään käyttämään apuna hankkeen ohjauksessa, niiden käytön tulisi olla jatkuvaa koko rakennushankkeen ajan ja niistä eri vaiheissa saatavien tulosten tulisi säilyä toisiinsa nähden vertailukelpoisina. Analyyseistä ja simulaatioista saatavan tiedon tulisi olla riittävän tarkkaa ja luottettavaa. Toimijoiden ammattitaidon täytyy kussakin tilanteessa riittää sekä lähtötiedon syöttämiseen oikein sekä tulosten ymmärtämiseen. Uudet menetelmät ovat suoraan sidoksissa rakennushankkeen tehtäväluetteloiden uudistamiseen. Hyötyjen saavuttaminen vaatii kehitystyötä kaikilta osapuolilta. Tietomallin analyysit ja simulaatiot tuovat uudenlaisia mahdollisuuksia ja haasteita jokaiselle rakennushenkkeessa toimivalle osapuolelle. Tämä työ käsittelee tietomallien analyysi- ja simulaatiotyökalujen käyttöä suomalaisessa rakennushankkeessa. Se tutustuttaa lukijan näiden työkalujen merkitykseen ja nykyiseen kehitykseen ja pyrkii tunnistamaan nykytilanteeseen liittyviä haasteita ja mahdollisuuksia.The building industry in Finland lies in a state where the use of BIM- based tools is rapidly increasing. At the same time the standards and guides conserning the industry are being renewed. The developement of Building Information Modeling has created new kind of possibilities for the use of analysis and simulation methods in a building project. Analysis and simulation tools hold some of the biggest potential benefits of Building Information Modeling. The use of these tools has a direct impact on the quality of the designed buildings and they open up new possibilities for design and quality checking in a building project. Almost all of the different aspects of a building can be analyzed and simulated with the help of building information models. In practise taking advantage of the BIM-based analysis and simulations is not a certainty. The analysis and simulation methods used are typically defined by what kind of requirements and objectives had been set to the project, design or construction in general by the client and authorities. Nevertheless the need for the use of analysis tools exists for all the participants in the project throughout the whole project. Users needs for the analysis and simulation tools differ from user to another and the sweep of software is scattered and hard to tailor together. If BIM-analysis and -simulation methods aim to assist in guiding the implementation of a buiding project, the use of them should be consistent troughout the project and results gained from them in different phases should remain comparable with each other. The information produced should be sufficiently accurate and reliable. The proficiency of the user needs to cover the correct input as well as the correct understanding of the result. New methods are bound together with the renewal of tasklists in the building project. Achieving benefits requires developement from each participant. Taking advantage of the BIM based analysis and simulation methods creates new kind of possibilities and new kind of challenges to each participant in a building project. This theses reviews the use of BIM-based analysis and simulation tools in a Finnish building project. It introduces the reader to the meaning and current developement of these tools and aims to identify the challenges and possibilities related to the current situation

    Rumen Microbiota Predicts Feed Efficiency of Primiparous Nordic Red Dairy Cows

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    Efficient feed utilization in dairy cows is crucial for economic and environmental reasons. The rumen microbiota plays a significant role in feed efficiency, but studies utilizing microbial data to predict host phenotype are limited. In this study, 87 primiparous Nordic Red dairy cows were ranked for feed efficiency during their early lactation based on residual energy intake, and the rumen liquid microbial ecosystem was subsequently evaluated using 16S rRNA amplicon and metagenome sequencing. The study used amplicon data to build an extreme gradient boosting model, demonstrating that taxonomic microbial variation can predict efficiency (rtest = 0.55). Prediction interpreters and microbial network revealed that predictions were based on microbial consortia and the efficient animals had more of the highly interacting microbes and consortia. Rumen metagenome data was used to evaluate carbohydrate-active enzymes and metabolic pathway differences between efficiency phenotypes. The study showed that an efficient rumen had a higher abundance of glycoside hydrolases, while an inefficient rumen had more glycosyl transferases. Enrichment of metabolic pathways was observed in the inefficient group, while efficient animals emphasized bacterial environmental sensing and motility over microbial growth. The results suggest that inter-kingdom interactions should be further analyzed to understand their association with the feed efficiency of animals

    Microsatellite-based genetic diversity and population structure of domestic sheep in northern Eurasia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Identification of global livestock diversity hotspots and their importance in diversity maintenance is essential for making global conservation efforts. We screened 52 sheep breeds from the Eurasian subcontinent with 20 microsatellite markers. By estimating and weighting differently within- and between-breed genetic variation our aims were to identify genetic diversity hotspots and prioritize the importance of each breed for conservation, respectively. In addition we estimated how important within-species diversity hotspots are in livestock conservation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Bayesian clustering analysis revealed three genetic clusters, termed Nordic, Composite and Fat-tailed. Southern breeds from close to the region of sheep domestication were more variable, but less genetically differentiated compared with more northern populations. Decreasing weight for within-breed diversity component led to very high representation of genetic clusters or regions containing more diverged breeds, but did not increase phenotypic diversity among the high ranked breeds. Sampling populations throughout 14 regional groups was suggested for maximized total genetic diversity.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>During initial steps of establishing a livestock conservation program populations from the diversity hot-spot area are the most important ones, but for the full design our results suggested that approximately equal population presentation across environments should be considered. Even in this case, higher per population emphasis in areas of high diversity is appropriate. The analysis was based on neutral data, but we have no reason to think the general trend is limited to this type of data. However, a comprehensive valuation of populations should balance production systems, phenotypic traits and available genetic information, and include consideration of probability of success.</p

    Taxon abundance, diversity, co-occurrence and network analysis of the ruminal microbiota in response to dietary changes in dairy cows

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    We thank Mari Talvisilta and the staff in the metabolism unit at Natural Resources Institute Finland for technical support, care of experimental animals and assistance in sample collection. We thank Paula Lidauer for ruminal cannulation surgeries, Richard Hill from Aberystwyth University, UK for performing qPCR and Aurélie Bonin from Laboratoire d'Ecologie Alpine, CNRS, France for preparing archaea amplicon libraries for sequencing. Kevin J. Shingfield passed away before the submission of the final version of this manuscript. Ilma Tapio accepts responsibility for the integrity and validity of the data collected and analyzed. Funding: Study was funded by the Finnish Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry as part of the GreenDairy Project (Developing Genetic and Nutritional Tools to Mitigate the Environmental Impact of Milk Production; Project No. 2908234). The funder had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Peer reviewedPublisher PD