1,842 research outputs found

    The oil industry in our schools: from Petro Pete to science capital in the age of climate crisis

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    Fossil fuel corporations play a significant role in promoting their interests in schools and other educational institutions, a practice that has recently been labelled as ‘petro-pedagogy.’ But this role goes beyond the production of the pro-petroleum and anti-science corporate propaganda that tends to attract the most critical attention. In this article, I present a case study of the involvement of BP, one of the world’s largest fossil fuel corporations, in primary and secondary education in the United Kingdom. As practiced by BP, petro-pedagogy constitutes a core part of a corporate education reform network that, for the past decade, has focused on promoting a neoliberal model of STEM education in schools around the world. This model, based on corporate and capitalist interests, poses a significant threat to our collective efforts to tackle the global climate crisis

    A systematic review of the effectiveness of docetaxel and mitoxantrone for the treatment of metastatic hormone-refractory prostate cancer

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    A systematic review was performed to evaluate the clinical effectiveness of docetaxel in combination with prednisolone (docetaxel is licensed in the UK for use in combination with prednisone or prednisolone for the treatment of patients with metastatic hormone-refractory prostate cancer. Prednisone is not used in the UK, but it is reasonable to use docetaxel plus prednisone data in this review of docetaxel plus prednisolone) for the treatment of metastatic hormone-refractory prostate cancer. A scoping search identified a trial of docetaxel plus prednisone vs mitoxantrone plus prednisone, but did not identify any trials comparing docetaxel plus prednisolone/prednisone with any other treatments. Therefore, we considered additional indirect evidence that would enable a comparison of docetaxel plus prednisolone/prednisone with other chemotherapy regimens and active supportive care. Systematic searching (upto April 2005) identified seven randomised controlled trials. One large well-conducted trial assessed docetaxel plus prednisone vs mitoxantrone plus prednisone; this showed statistically significant improvements with 3-weekly docetaxel in terms of overall survival, quality of life, pain response and PSA decline. Two other chemotherapy regimens that included docetaxel with estramustine also showed improved outcomes in comparison with mitoxantrone plus prednisone. Three trials that compared mitoxantrone plus corticosteroids with corticosteroids alone were identified and their results for overall survival combined, which showed very little difference between the two groups. The addition of clodronate to mitoxantrone plus prednisone showed no significant differences in comparison with mitoxantrone plus prednisone alone. The evidence suggests that chemotherapy regimens containing 3-weekly docetaxel are superior to mitoxantrone or corticosteroids alone

    Transforming growth factor-b regulation of proteoglycan synthesis in vascular smooth muscle: Contribution to lipid binding and accelerated atherosclerosis in diabetes

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    Atherosclerosis is accelerated in the setting of diabetes, but the factors driving this phenomenon remain elusive. Hyperglycemia leads to elevated levels of transforming growth factor (TGF)-b and TGF-b has been implicated as a factor in atherosclerosis. Given the established association between hyperglycemia and elevated TGF-b, it is plausible that elevated TGF-b levels in diabetes play a pathogenic role in the development of accelerated atherosclerosis. TGF-b is a potent regulator of extracellular matrix synthesis, including many actions on proteoglycan synthesis that lead to increased binding to low-density lipoprotein and therefore potentially increased lipid retention in the vessel wall and accelerated atherosclerosis. TGF-b signals through the canonical TGF-b receptor I-mediated phosphorylation of Smad transcription factors and TGF-b signaling is also known to involve, positively and negatively, interactions with the mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways. The focus of the present review is on the effects of TGF-b on proteoglycan synthesis in vascular smooth muscle and particularly the signaling pathways through which TGF-b exerts its effects, because those pathways may be therapeutic targets for the prevention of pathological modifications in the proteoglycan component of the vessel wall in the vascular diseases of diabetes

    Business process management and supply chain collaboration: effects on performance and competitiveness

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    Purpose: This study aims to examine the interrelationships among business process management (BPM), supply chain collaboration (SCC), collaborative advantage and organisational performance. Design/methodology/approach: Data were collected from 204 manufacturing firms in Thailand, and the interrelationships proposed in the framework were tested via structural equation modelling. Findings: This study highlights the role of intra- and inter-organisational practices and clearly demonstrates the joint role and impact of BPM and SCC, respectively. The results provide empirical evidence that BPM improves both organisational performance and collaborative activities. Also, SCC and collaborative advantage can have indirect positive impacts on organisational performance. Research limitations/implications: This work could be expanded by adopting a supplementary dyadic or extended supply chain (SC) approach and could also consider contextual factors, which were outside of the scope of this study. Practical implications: The BPM approach has a positive impact on organisational performance, which is essential for collaborative activities between a firm and its SC partners. Further, effective BPM and SCC practices lead to enhanced performance and collaborative benefits. Practitioners should be better able to define and measure specific actions relating to their BPM and SCC practices. Originality value: This paper stresses the need to consider the interrelationships between BPM, SCC, collaborative advantage and organisational performance for both direct and indirect effects. Rather than focusing only on improvement at individual firm level, SCC is vital to compete in the market. Improving the effectiveness of SC allows higher organisational performance levels than those that could be achieved in isolatio

    Tumours of the prostate

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    A LOFAR mini-survey for low-frequency radio emission from the nearest brown dwarfs

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    We have conducted a mini-survey for low-frequency radio emission from some of the closest brown dwarfs to the Sun with rapid rotation rates: SIMP J013656.5 +093347, WISEPC 150649.97+702736.0, and WISEPA J174124.26+255319.5.We have placed robust 3s upper limits on the flux density in the 111 – 169 MHz frequency range for these targets: WISE 1506: < 0:72 mJy; WISE 1741: < 0:87 mJy; SIMP 0136: < 0:66 mJy. At 8 hours of integration per target to achieve these limits, we find that systematic and detailed study of this class of object at LOFAR frequencies will require a substantial dedication of resources

    Circadian Disruption with Constant Light Exposure Exacerbates Atherosclerosis in Male \u3cem\u3eApolipoproteinE\u3c/em\u3e-Deficient Mice

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    Disruption of the circadian system caused by disordered exposure to light is pervasive in modern society and increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. The mechanisms by which this happens are largely unknown. ApolipoproteinE-deficient (ApoE−/−) mice are studied commonly to elucidate mechanisms of atherosclerosis. In this study, we determined the effects of light-induced circadian disruption on atherosclerosis in ApoE−/− mice. We first characterized circadian rhythms of behavior, light responsiveness, and molecular timekeeping in tissues from ApoE−/− mice that were indistinguishable from rhythms in ApoE+/+ mice. These data showed that ApoE−/− mice had no inherent circadian disruption and therefore were an appropriate model for our study. We next induced severe disruption of circadian rhythms by exposing ApoE−/− mice to constant light for 12 weeks. Constant light exposure exacerbated atherosclerosis in male, but not female, ApoE−/− mice. Male ApoE−/− mice exposed to constant light had increased serum cholesterol concentrations due to increased VLDL/LDL fractions. Taken together, these data suggest that ApoE−/− mice are an appropriate model for studying light-induced circadian disruption and that exacerbated dyslipidemia may mediate atherosclerotic lesion formation caused by constant light exposure

    Prevention of Renal ApoB Retention is Protective Against Diabetic Nephropathy: Role of TGF-β Inhibition

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    Animal studies demonstrate that hyperlipidemia and renal lipid accumulation contribute to the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy (DN). We previously demonstrated that renal lipoproteins colocalize with biglycan, a renal proteoglycan. The purpose of this study was to determine whether prevention of renal lipid (apoB) accumulation attenuates DN. Biglycan-deficient and biglycan wild-type Ldlr−/− mice were made diabetic via streptozotocin and fed a high cholesterol diet. As biglycan deficiency is associated with elevated transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β), in some experiments mice were injected with either the TGF-β-neutralizing antibody, 1D11, or with 13C4, an irrelevant control antibody. Biglycan deficiency had no significant effect on renal apoB accumulation, but led to modest attenuation of DN with ∼30% reduction in albuminuria; however, biglycan deficiency caused a striking elevation in TGF-β. Use of 1D11 led to sustained suppression of TGF-β for approximately 8 weeks at a time. The 1D11 treatment caused decreased renal apoB accumulation, decreased albuminuria, decreased renal hypertrophy, and improved survival, compared with the 13C4 treatment. Thus, prevention of renal apoB accumulation is protective against development of DN. Furthermore, this study demonstrates that prevention of renal apoB accumulation is a mechanism by which TGF-β inhibition is nephroprotective

    Anaerobic co-digestion of pig manure and algae: impact of intracellular algal products recovery on co-digestion performance

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    This paper investigates anaerobic co-digestion of pig manure and algae (Scenedesmus sp.) with and without extraction of intracellular algal co-products, with views towards the development of a biorefinery concept for lipid, protein and/or biogas production. Protein and/or lipids were extracted from Scenedesmus sp. using free nitrous acid pre-treatments and solvent-based Soxhlet extraction, respectively. Processing increased algae methane yield between 29% and 37% compared to raw algae (VS basis), but reduced the amount of algae available for digestion. Co-digestion experiments showed a synergy between pig manure and raw algae that increased raw algae methane yield from 0.163 to 0.245mCHkgVS. No such synergy was observed when algal residues were co-digested with pig manure. Finally, experimental results were used to develop a high-level concept for an integrated biorefinery processing pig manure and onsite cultivated algae, evaluating methane production and co-product recovery per mass of pig manure entering the refinery
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