694 research outputs found

    Radiotherapy and technetium-99m-labeled red blood cell scintigraphy for hemoptysis from chronic MRSA infection

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    AbstractAimTo discuss the application of external beam radiotherapy (EBRT) and technetium-99m-labeled red blood cell scintigraphy (LRBCS) in life-threatening hemoptysis from a non-malignant condition.Materials and methodsThis case report presents a patient with persistent hemoptysis secondary to chronic Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection in whom conventional management failed to localize the site of pulmonary bleeding or to provide effective therapy.ResultsEBRT was successfully given for life-threatening hemoptysis with improvement in quality of life for nearly 1 year. LRBCS was used to localize the source of further bleeding and facilitate targeted therapy.ConclusionEBRT can be an effective and well-tolerated modality in treating life-threatening hemoptysis refractory to conventional methods. LRBCS is a non-invasive diagnostic tool that can be used to detect the source of pulmonary bleeding

    Microtubule affinity-regulating kinase 4 (MARK4) is a component of the ectoplasmic specialization in the rat testis

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    During the seminiferous epithelial cycle of spermatogenesis, the ectoplasmic specialization (ES, a testis-specific adherens junction, AJ, type) maintains the polarity of elongating/elongated spermatids and confers adhesion to Sertoli cells in the seminiferous epithelium, and known as the apical ES. On the other hand, the ES is also found at the Sertoli-Sertoli cell interface at the blood-testis barrier (BTB) known as basal ES, which together with the tight junction (TJ), maintains Sertoli cell polarity and adhesion, creating a functional barrier that limits paracellular transport of substances across the BTB. However, the apical and basal ES are segregated and restricted to the adluminal compartment and the BTB, respectively. During the transit of preleptotene spermatocytes across the BTB and the release of sperm at spermiation at stage VIII of the seminiferous epithelial cycle, both the apical and basal ES undergo extensive restructuring to facilitate cell movement at these sites. The regulation of these events, in particular their coordination, remains unclear. Studies in other epithelia have shown that the tubulin cytoskeleton is intimately related to cell movement, and MARK [microtubule-associated protein (MAP)/microtubule affinity-regulating kinase] family kinases are crucial regulators of tubulin cytoskeleton stability. Herein MARK4, the predominant member of the MARK protein family in the testis, was shown to be expressed by both Sertoli and germ cells. MARK4 was also detected at the apical and basal ES, displaying highly restrictive spatiotemporal expression at these sites, as well as co-localizing with markers of the apical and basal ES. The expression of MARK4 was found to be stage-specific during the epithelial cycle, structurally associating with α-tubulin and the desmosomal adaptor plakophilin-2, but not with actin-based BTB proteins occludin, β-catenin and Eps8 (epidermal growth factor receptor pathway substrate 8, an actin bundling and barbed end capping protein). More importantly, it was shown that the expression of MARK4 tightly associated with the integrity of the apical ES because a diminished expression of MARK4 associated with apical ES disruption that led to the detachment of elongating/elongated spermatids from the epithelium. These findings thus illustrate that the integrity of apical ES, an actin-based and testis-specific AJ, is dependent not only on the actin filament network, but also on the tubulin-based cytoskeleton

    Comparative genomics of Toll-like receptor signalling in five species

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Over the last decade, several studies have identified quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting variation of immune related traits in mammals. Recent studies in humans and mice suggest that part of this variation may be caused by polymorphisms in genes involved in Toll-like receptor (TLR) signalling. In this project, we used a comparative approach to investigate the importance of TLR-related genes in comparison with other immunologically relevant genes for resistance traits in five species by associating their genomic location with previously published immune-related QTL regions.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We report the genomic localisation of <it>TLR1-10 </it>and ten associated signalling molecules in sheep and pig using <it>in-silico </it>and/or radiation hybrid (RH) mapping techniques and compare their positions with their annotated homologues in the human, cattle and mouse whole genome sequences. We also report medium-density RH maps for porcine chromosomes 8 and 13. A comparative analysis of the positions of previously published relevant QTLs allowed the identification of homologous regions that are associated with similar health traits in several species and which contain TLR related and other immunologically relevant genes. Additional evidence was gathered by examining relevant gene expression and association studies.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This comparative genomic approach identified eight genes as potentially causative genes for variations of health related traits. These include susceptibility to clinical mastitis in dairy cattle, general disease resistance in sheep, cattle, humans and mice, and tolerance to protozoan infection in cattle and mice. Four TLR-related genes (<it>TLR1</it>, <it>6</it>, <it>MyD88</it>, <it>IRF3</it>) appear to be the most likely candidate genes underlying QTL regions which control the resistance to the same or similar pathogens in several species. Further studies are required to investigate the potential role of polymorphisms within these genes.</p

    Carbon Dioxide Fluxes Reflect Plant Zonation and Belowground Biomass in a Coastal Marsh

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    Coastal wetlands are major global carbon sinks; however, they are heterogeneous and dynamic ecosystems. To characterize spatial and temporal variability in a New England salt marsh, greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes were compared among major plant-defined zones during growing seasons. Carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) fluxes were compared in two mensurative experiments during summer months (2012–2014) that included low marsh (Spartina alterniflora), high marsh (Distichlis spicata and Juncus gerardiidominated), invasive Phragmites australis zones, and unvegetated ponds. Day- and nighttime fluxes were also contrasted in the native marsh zones. N2O fluxes were measured in parallel with CO2 and CH4 fluxes, but were not found to be significant. To test the relationships of CO2 and CH4 fluxes with several native plant metrics, a multivariate nonlinear model was used. Invasive P. australis zones (−7 to −15 μmol CO2·m−2·s−1) and S. alterniflora low marsh zones (up to −14 μmol CO2·m−2·s−1) displayed highest average CO2 uptake rates, while those in the native high marsh zone (less than −2 μmol CO2·m−2·s−1) were much lower. Unvegetated ponds were typically small sources of CO2 to the atmosphere (\u3c0.5 μmol CO2·m−2·s−1). Nighttime emissions of CO2 averaged only 35% of daytime uptake in the low marsh zone, but they exceeded daytime CO2 uptake by up to threefold in the native high marsh zone. Based on modeling, belowground biomass was the plant metric most strongly correlated with CO2 fluxes in native marsh zones, while none of the plant variables correlated significantly with CH4 fluxes. Methane fluxes did not vary between day and night and did not significantly offset CO2 uptake in any vegetated marsh zones based on sustained global warming potential calculations. These findings suggest that attention to spatial zonation as well as expanded measurements and modeling of GHG emissions across greater temporal scales will help to improve accuracy of carbon accounting in coastal marshe

    Carbon Dioxide Fluxes Reflect Plant Zonation and Belowground Biomass in a Coastal Marsh

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    Coastal wetlands are major global carbon sinks; however, they are heterogeneous and dynamic ecosystems. To characterize spatial and temporal variability in a New England salt marsh, greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes were compared among major plant-defined zones during growing seasons. Carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) fluxes were compared in two mensurative experiments during summer months (2012–2014) that included low marsh (Spartina alterniflora), high marsh (Distichlis spicata and Juncus gerardiidominated), invasive Phragmites australis zones, and unvegetated ponds. Day- and nighttime fluxes were also contrasted in the native marsh zones. N2O fluxes were measured in parallel with CO2 and CH4 fluxes, but were not found to be significant. To test the relationships of CO2 and CH4 fluxes with several native plant metrics, a multivariate nonlinear model was used. Invasive P. australis zones (−7 to −15 μmol CO2·m−2·s−1) and S. alterniflora low marsh zones (up to −14 μmol CO2·m−2·s−1) displayed highest average CO2 uptake rates, while those in the native high marsh zone (less than −2 μmol CO2·m−2·s−1) were much lower. Unvegetated ponds were typically small sources of CO2 to the atmosphere (\u3c0.5 μmol CO2·m−2·s−1). Nighttime emissions of CO2 averaged only 35% of daytime uptake in the low marsh zone, but they exceeded daytime CO2 uptake by up to threefold in the native high marsh zone. Based on modeling, belowground biomass was the plant metric most strongly correlated with CO2 fluxes in native marsh zones, while none of the plant variables correlated significantly with CH4 fluxes. Methane fluxes did not vary between day and night and did not significantly offset CO2 uptake in any vegetated marsh zones based on sustained global warming potential calculations. These findings suggest that attention to spatial zonation as well as expanded measurements and modeling of GHG emissions across greater temporal scales will help to improve accuracy of carbon accounting in coastal marshe

    N-WASP Is Required for Structural Integrity of the Blood-Testis Barrier

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    During spermatogenesis, the blood-testis barrier (BTB) segregates the adluminal (apical) and basal compartments in the seminiferous epithelium, thereby creating a privileged adluminal environment that allows post-meiotic spermatid development to proceed without interference of the host immune system. A key feature of the BTB is its continuous remodeling within the Sertoli cells, the major somatic component of the seminiferous epithelium. This remodeling is necessary to allow the transport of germ cells towards the seminiferous tubule interior, while maintaining intact barrier properties. Here we demonstrate that the actin nucleation promoting factor Neuronal Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome Protein (N-WASP) provides an essential function necessary for BTB restructuring, and for maintaining spermatogenesis. Our data suggests that the N-WASP-Arp2/3 actin polymerization machinery generates branched-actin arrays at an advanced stage of BTB remodeling. These arrays are proposed to mediate the restructuring process through endocytic recycling of BTB components. Disruption of N-WASP in Sertoli cells results in major structural abnormalities to the BTB, including mis-localization of critical junctional and cytoskeletal elements, and leads to disruption of barrier function. These impairments result in a complete arrest of spermatogenesis, underscoring the critical involvement of the somatic compartment of the seminiferous tubules in germ cell maturation

    Tehnika kao čovjekova ekspanzija

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    Svrha tehnike kojom se čovjek svakodnevno služi jest olakšavanje života. Čovječji život drugačiji je od ostatka živog svijeta (životinje, biljke); zatvoren je u otvorenosti svijeta i prirode – u kulturi. Pritom tehnika koju čovjek koristi nisu samo oruđa i oružja. Od sredine 20. stoljeća povećava se broj istraživanja u području biotehnologije koja daje uvid u bolje razumijevanje biologije, genetike, a i antropologije, s obzirom na to da područje biotehnologije obuhvaća tehničke i prirodne znanosti. Razvoj biotehnologije zahvaljuje razvoju tehnike koja omogućuje bolji i precizniji uvid u njihove predmete promatranja. Snažni razvoj tehnike, osim pitanja vezanih uz prirodu nje same, donosi i pitanja vezana uz ljudsku prirodu, budući da je čovjek taj koji se koristi tehnikom. Tekst navodi cilj u otvorenosti i razmatranju pitanja vezanih uz probleme na relaciji čovjek – tehnika i njihova suodnosa, te nudi neka njegova viđenja; kakva je čovjekova prirodnost, kako je razvoj tehnike utjecao na njegovo viđenje budućeg svijeta te kako taj budući svijet (u odnosu na prošlo vrijeme) izgleda sada

    Mapping of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complex Genetic Diversity Profiles in Tanzania and Other African Countries

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    The aim of this study was to assess and characterize Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC) genotypic diversity in Tanzania, as well as in neighbouring East and other several African countries. We used spoligotyping to identify a total of 293 M. tuberculosis clinical isolates (one isolate per patient) collected in the Bunda, Dar es Salaam, Ngorongoro and Serengeti areas in Tanzania. The results were compared with results in the SITVIT2 international database of the Pasteur Institute of Guadeloupe. Genotyping and phylogeographical analyses highlighted the predominance of the CAS, T, EAI, and LAM MTBC lineages in Tanzania. The three most frequent Spoligotype International Types (SITs) were: SIT21/CAS1-Kili (n = 76; 25.94%), SIT59/LAM11-ZWE (n = 22; 7.51%), and SIT126/EAI5 tentatively reclassified as EAI3-TZA (n = 18; 6.14%). Furthermore, three SITs were newly created in this study (SIT4056/EAI5 n = 2, SIT4057/T1 n = 1, and SIT4058/EAI5 n = 1). We noted that the East-African-Indian (EAI) lineage was more predominant in Bunda, the Manu lineage was more common among strains isolated in Ngorongoro, and the Central-Asian (CAS) lineage was more predominant in Dar es Salaam (p-value<0.0001). No statistically significant differences were noted when comparing HIV status of patients vs. major lineages (p-value = 0.103). However, when grouping lineages as Principal Genetic Groups (PGG), we noticed that PGG2/3 group (Haarlem, LAM, S, T, and X) was more associated with HIV-positive patients as compared to PGG1 group (Beijing, CAS, EAI, and Manu) (p-value = 0.03). This study provided mapping of MTBC genetic diversity in Tanzania (containing information on isolates from different cities) and neighbouring East African and other several African countries highlighting differences as regards to MTBC genotypic distribution between Tanzania and other African countries. This work also allowed underlining of spoligotyping patterns tentatively grouped within the newly designated EAI3-TZA lineage (remarkable by absence of spacers 2 and 3, and represented by SIT126) which seems to be specific to Tanzania. However, further genotyping information would be needed to confirm this specificity

    Leituras da Orfandade família, Declínio do Pai e Ausência de Lei. uma Abordagem do Universo Ficcional de Rubem Fonseca.

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    RESUMO Observamos na contemporaneidade que a família assume formas diferentes às que possuía quando foi formulada, no século XVIII. Caracterizada por inúmeras transformações, já não possui uma estrutura tão fixa. A partir das narrativas de Henri, A força humana, Feliz ano novo e O cobrador, de Rubem Fonseca; não deixando de visitar outros trabalhos do escritor, discutiremos e examinaremos as configurações da família contemporânea. Neste sentido, analisaremos as representações da relação do sujeito com as novas estruturas familiares, o declínio da imago paterna e as consequências que essas transformações trazem à subjetividade, bem como as formas pelas quais tais relações são encenadas literariamente pelo escritor brasileir