38 research outputs found

    La competencia del cónsul honorario como un órgano administrativo con base en El ejemplo estonio

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    The roots of the institute of honorary consul derive from the classical antiquity. The Vienna Convention on Consular Relations enacted both the institution of career consul as well as honorary consul. Honorary consul is an institution with long history based on international customary law, whose activities, importance and meaning have been changing over the centuries according to needs and developments of law. The appointing of honorary consuls is related to the consent of both the sending country and the receiving country to allow honorary consuls; whereas it has not been perceived that the institution itself would be in threat of dissolving in the near future – vice versa – there is a certain tendency referring to the significance of it. The paper, based on Estonian experience analyses whether the honorary consul performs public functions and whether certain constitutional limits apply in delegating public functions to honorary consuls as private persons. The state, has a dilemma in deciding whether the necessity of performing consular functions in certain area overweight the risks which may accompany the delegation of consular functions to a private person who is a citizen of a foreign state. In Estonia, a honorary consul is appointed and his or her competence is assigned by the directive of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the direct authorization is laid down in an administrative act. Even though an honorary consul undergoes through strict regulation and follows specific instructions, its eventual tasks are performed independently. The difference of delegating tasks to notaries is different as in case of honorary consul, the method of functional delegation prevails.Las raíces del instituto del cónsul honorario se derivan de la antigüedad clásica. La Convención de Viena sobre Relaciones Consulares aprobó tanto la institución de la carrera de cónsul, así como el Cónsul Honorario. Cónsul Honorario es una institución con una extensa historia basada en el derecho consuetudinario internacional, es importante mencionar que sus actividades, importancia y significado han ido cambiando a través de los siglos según las necesidades y la evolución del derecho. El nombramiento de los cónsules honorarios se relaciona con el consentimiento tanto del país de origen como del país receptor para así aprobar los cónsules honorarios; mientras que no se haya percibido que la propia institución estaría en peligro de disolverse en un futuro cercano –o viceversa - hay una cierta tendencia con referencia a la importancia de la misma. El siguiente artículo, basado en la experiencia de Estonia, analiza sí el cónsul honorario ejerce funciones públicas y sí ciertos límites constitucionales se aplican en la delegación de funciones públicas a los cónsules honorarios como personas privadas. El Estado presenta un dilema al decidir si la necesidad de llevar a cabo las funciones consulares en cierta área sobrepasa los riesgos que pueden acompañar a la delegación de las funciones consulares para una persona privada que es ciudadana de un Estado extranjero. En Estonia, un cónsul honorario es nombrado y su competencia es asignada por la directiva del Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores, la autorización directa se establece en un acto administrativo. Aunque un cónsul honorario se somete a una regulación estricta y sigue las instrucciones específicas, sus tareas son realizadas de forma independiente. La delegación de tareas a los notarios no es igual que delegarlas al cónsul honorario, el método de delegación funcional prevalece

    Legal Technology for Law Firms: Determining Roadmaps for Innovation

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    The business model of many law firms, as legal professions on the whole, will be facing a considerable paradigm change since the work provided by law firms in the form of billable hours, in fact, largely consists of services which do not require superior legal education but involve mere data procession. It is only a question of time that the consequence – to have all outsourceable services be performed by means of legal technology – will become public knowledge in the branch, as the costs saved by the usage of legal technology are considerable. Legal technology, or Legal Tech, in this context represents a broad range of solutions that affect both lawyers and clients on various levels. However, the discourse on automatisation of law has been scant and sporadic. This paper aims to shed some light on the current operating technical solutions for innovation with the primary aim of explicating the different aims and levels of development of different legal technologies.The business model of many law firms, as legal professions on the whole, will be facing a considerable paradigm change since the work provided by law firms in the form of billable hours, in fact, largely consists of services which do not require superior legal education but involve mere data procession. It is only a question of time that the consequence – to have all outsourceable services be performed by means of legal technology – will become public knowledge in the branch, as the costs saved by the usage of legal technology are considerable. Legal technology, or Legal Tech, in this context represents a broad range of solutions that affect both lawyers and clients on various levels. However, the discourse on automatisation of law has been scant and sporadic. This paper aims to shed some light on the current operating technical solutions for innovation with the primary aim of explicating the different aims and levels of development of different legal technologies

    Estonian Identity Construction Between Nation Branding and Building

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    Whilst most accounts of nation branding emphasize the economic and diplomatic relevance of the phenomenon, this article examines the way Estonia has been proposing a nation “branding + building” strategy. Drawing from an empirical study of 1) evolving campaigns of Enterprise Estonia; 2) the leverage of the national e-Residency program in attracting foreign investment; and 3) tourist and marketing strategies based on the revisiting of ‘Estonian’ culinary tradition, we look at the way official narratives have been claiming, with the help of nation branding elements, that the country has quickly de-Sovietized and that there is a new understanding of the Estonian nation and “Estonianness”. This is intended to eventually prompt a reflection on the relationship between nation-building and nation branding, which can, in some circumstances, overlap and influence identity construction at the domestic and international level

    Az e-polgárság mint a virtuális migráció eszköze Észtországban

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    2015-ben nemzetközi figyelmet keltett Észtország legújabb „találmánya” – az e-polgárság. Az Európai Unió eme kicsiny, de digitalizáltság szempontjából igen fejlett tagállama számára külön kihívást jelentett, hogy elmagyarázza a világ számára ez mit is takar, bár még nem reklámozták az e-polgárságot. Magyarország sem késlekedett érdeklődést mutatni az ötlet iránt, többek között azért sem, mert éppen a magyar e-kártya koncepciója volt kidolgozás alatt. Számos cikk jelent meg a sajtóban, amelyek beszámoltak az észt fejleményekről, bár gyakran a pontatlan fogalmazás miatt a valóditól eltérő képet festettek az e-polgárság mibenlétéről. Alapvetően az észt digitális személyazonosság vagy e-polgárság az észt állampolgársággal (vagy tartózkodási joggal/engedéllyel) nem rendelkező személyek számára számos olyan jogot biztosít, amely többsége világszinten is ismeretlen, és lehetővé teszi az ország digitális szolgáltatásainak használatát a világ bármely pontjáról. Mindezek mellett az még kevésbé ismert, hogy milyen keretszabály-rendszer biztosítja az „ország- mint-szolgáltatás” működését és hol vannak az e-polgárság problematikus, kiegyen- súlyozatlan vetületei. Jelen tanulmány célja az, hogy pontosítsa a magyar nyelven elérhető információkat és rámutasson arra, hogy az e-polgárság, bár technikai szem- pontból biztonságos, koncepciója még nem teljesen kiforrott és a közeljövőben számos buktatóval kell majd az észteknek szembesülniük. A szerzők reményei szerint eme tanulmánnyal hozzájárulnak ahhoz, hogy a magyar szakértők pontosabb képet kapjanak az észt gyakorlatról, beleértve a sikereket és nehézségeket is.</jats:p

    Political vs everyday forms of governance in Uzbekistan: the illegal, immoral and illegitimate

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    Based on extensive ethnographic fieldwork in Uzbekistan, this article looks at the way official state narratives are challenged by silent, unorganised, often unaware gestures of resistance at the bottom of a society. Footing on a framework suggested by Scott's definition of infrapolitics (2012), we propose to incorporate informal practices in a definition of informality that is more inclusive and better explains the anatomy of a modern state, whose functioning rests on a combination of formal and informal practices. We suggest that this everyday dimension is of particular importance here when trying to understand the governance trajectories, as it allows to look critically, and from a broader perspective, at situations where individual and state perception of events, but also individual and state morality, diverge. By doing this, we propose that governance in transition states and societies may be regarded as a space where formal institutions and citizens (or informal institutions) compete for power and resources and thereby produce informal, alternative "legal orders" and mechanisms that regulate public life in a given area. We will suggest that such a space of informal negotiation is vital in contexts where collective mobilisation and public articulation of social claims is not a preferred, or even available, strategy for citizens

    El sistema de servidumbre en Estonia: visión general e influencia sueca

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    Este artículo está basado en una investigación sobre el sistema servil en Estonia y como la dominación sueca influyó en la vida cotidiana de los siervos estonios. La relevancia del tema viene dada por la peculiaridad del caso estonio que viene determinada por el carácter nacional del sistema ya que la masa campesina estaba compuesta casi exclusivamente por estonios, y por lo avanzado de las medidas suecas en materia social. El territorio que hoy configura Estonia fue ocupado durante siglos por distintos pueblos y potencias extranjeras, como los alemanes Bálticos, los daneses, los suecos, incluso por un breve periodo de tiempo los polacos, y finalmente los rusos. Aun hoy en día se hace referencia al periodo dorado, o los buenos tiempos suecos, para hablar de la ocupación sueca por lo que supuso para los derechos de la mayor parte de la población. La investigación revela ese carácter diferenciador y lo evidencia con diversas comparaciones temporales con otras partes de Europa.</p

    Using Patent Development, Education Policy and Research and Development Expenditure Policy to Increase Technological Competitiveness of Small European Union Member States

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    The Chinese Belt and Road Initiative will open new trade routes between China and the European Union (EU) and increase competition pressures on smaller EU member states. This article ranks where states like Estonia stand internationally in terms of innovativeness (and consequent competitiveness) by conducting an econometric study of  patent development, education policy and research and development (R&D) expenditure policy. The authors claim that small member states such as Estonia should follow the example of countries such as Germany and adopt policies which focus more on increased public spending on R&D and innovation in public universities of science and technology, and raise support for high tech startups with a strong focus on international patenting. Member States must go further and subsidise R&D activities by focusing, inter alia, on filing of foreign patents such as triadic patents.The Chinese Belt and Road Initiative will open new trade routes between China and the European Union (EU) and increase competition pressures on smaller EU member states. This article ranks where states like Estonia stand internationally in terms of innovativeness (and consequent competitiveness) by conducting an econometric study of  patent development, education policy and research and development (R&D) expenditure policy. The authors claim that small member states such as Estonia should follow the example of countries such as Germany and adopt policies which focus more on increased public spending on R&D and innovation in public universities of science and technology, and raise support for high tech startups with a strong focus on international patenting. Member States must go further and subsidise R&D activities by focusing, inter alia, on filing of foreign patents such as triadic patents

    Serfdom System In Estonia: Overview And Swedish Influence

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    This article is based on a research about the serfdom system in Estonia and how the Swedish domination influenced the daily life of the Estonian peasants. The relevance of this topic emanates from the Estonian peculiarity determined by the national essence of the system because the farmer frame was formed exclusively by national Estonians and because of the socially advance Swedish actions. The current territory of Estonia was occupied for several foreign people and powers, as the Baltic Germans, the Danish, Swedes, even for a short period Polish and Russians. Still currently the Swedish period is referred as the golden times, or the good Swedish time, because it has a positive print of the serf’s lives. The research reveals these differences and exposes them with several temporal comparisons with other parts of Europe. Este artículo está basado en una investigación sobre el sistema servil en Estonia y como la dominación sueca influyó en la vida cotidiana de los siervos estonios. La relevancia del tema viene dada por la peculiaridad del caso estonio que viene determinada por el carácter nacional del sistema ya que la masa campesina estaba compuesta casi exclusivamente por estonios, y por lo avanzado de las medidas suecas en materia social. El territorio que hoy configura Estonia fue ocupado durante siglos por distintos pueblos y potencias extranjeras, como los alemanes Bálticos, los daneses, los suecos, incluso por un breve periodo de tiempo los polacos, y finalmente los rusos. Aun hoy en día se hace referencia al periodo dorado, o los buenos tiempos suecos, para hablar de la ocupación sueca por lo que supuso para los derechos de la mayor parte de la población. La investigación revela ese carácter diferenciador y lo evidencia con diversas comparaciones temporales con otras partes de Europa

    The European Agricultural Crisis (1919-1931): From Nansen Management of International Humanitarian Aid during the Famine in the USSR to the Common European Agricultural Market.

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    The research conducted focused on the humanitarian aid link with the famine in Russia, mainly organized by Fridtjof Nansen. The international action targeted millions of lives, even though the Bolshevik Authorities limited its impact. The great famine of 1921 in Russia provoked a wide humanitarian movement in Europe and America. While Bolshevik Russia remained diplomatically isolated until 1924, the nongovernmental humanitarian organizations played a significant role in establishing contacts on both sides of the cordon sanitaire. The International Relief Committee to Russia and the “Nansen Mission,” appeared to be among the most far-reaching in their dealings with the Bolsheviks during the Bolshevik-led international relief campaigns to Russia in the early twenties. Therefore, this research focus on how Nansen achieved such success on such a delicate social and political time of instability. Finally, the proposal for a common agricultural market is analyzed as an instrument to overcome the European agrarian crisis.La investigación realizada se centró en el vínculo de la ayuda humanitaria con la hambruna en Rusia, organizada principalmente por Fridtjof Nansen. La acción internacional apuntó a millones de vidas, aunque las autoridades soviéticas limitaron su impacto. La gran hambruna de 1921 en Rusia provocó un amplio movimiento humanitario en Europa y América. Si bien la Rusia soviética permaneció aislada diplomáticamente hasta 1924, las organizaciones humanitarias no gubernamentales desempeñaron un papel importante en el establecimiento de contactos a ambos lados del cordón sanitario. El Comité Internacional de Socorro a Rusia y la “Misión Nansen” parecían estar entre los de mayor alcance en sus tratos con los bolcheviques durante las campañas de socorro internacional dirigidas por los bolcheviques a Rusia a principios de los años veinte. Por lo tanto, esta investigación se centra en cómo Nansen logró tal éxito en un momento de inestabilidad social y política tan delicado. Finalmente, se analiza la propuesta de un mercado común agrícola como instrumento para superar la crisis agraria europea

    Political vs Everyday Forms of Governance in Uzbekistan: the Illegal, Immoral and Illegitimate

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    Based on extensive ethnographic fieldwork in Uzbekistan, this article looks at the way official state narratives are challenged by silent, unorganised, often unaware gestures of resistance at the bottom of a society. Footing on a framework suggested by Scott’s definition of infrapolitics (2012), we propose to incorporate informal practices in a definition of informality that is more inclusive and better explains the anatomy of a modern state, whose functioning rests on a combination of formal and informal practices. We suggest that this everyday dimension is of particular importance here when trying to understand the governance trajectories, as it allows to look critically, and from a broader perspective, at situations where individual and state perception of events, but also individual and state morality, diverge.By doing this, we propose that governance in transition states and societies may be regarded as a space where formal institutions and citizens (or informal institutions) compete for power and resources and thereby produce informal, alternative ‘legal orders’ and mechanisms that regulate public life in a given area. We will suggest that such a space of informal negotiation is vital in contexts where collective mobilisation and public articulation of social claims is not a preferred, or even available, strategy for citizens