Tallinn University: Open Journal Systems / Tallinna Ülikool
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    775 research outputs found

    Об одном гетевском подтексте у Егунова и Кузмина (Примечание к статье В. В. Зельченко) [On a Goethean Subtext in Nikolev and Kuzmin: A Note to Vsevolod Zeltchenko’s Article]

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    This paper aims to complement Vsevolod Zeltchenko’s addenda to a recently published annotated edition of Beyond Tula by Andrei Nikolev (Andrei Egunov). KEYWORDS: 20th-Century Russian Literature, Andrei Nikolev (Andrei Egunov, 1895—1968), Mikhail Kuzmin (1872—1936), Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749—1832), Subtext, History of Literature

    Стихотворение с загадочным посвящением, или Даниил Хармс смотрит Чарли Чаплина [A Poem with a Mysterious Dedication, or Daniil Kharms Watching Chaplin]

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    This essay offers a reading of a mysterious poem by Daniil Kharms “O tom kak Ivan Ivanovich poprosil i chto iz etogo vyshlo” (“How Ivan Ivanovich Asked and What Came of It”). The poem is analyzed in the context of time, from the noise of which emerge the events and details required to decipher “How Ivan Ivanovich Asked and What Came of It,” starting with the poem’s dedication. More broadly, reading in context allows us to explain some features of Kharms’ poetry in general starting from his “Vzir’ Záumi” (1925—1926) and ending with “Exercises in Classic Meters” (1933—1934).KEYWORDS: 20th-Century Russian Literature, Daniil Kharms (1905—1942), Charlie Chaplin (Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin, 1889—1977), Close Reading, History of Literature

    Mitmekultuurilisuse pädevuse toetamine saksa keele tunnis virtuaalprojekti „Mets kui mälupaik Saksamaal, Eestis ja Sri Lankal“ näitel

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    Võõrkeeletunni üks eesmärke on toetada õpilaste pädevust ära tunda ühe teema erinevaid kultuurilisi vaatenurki ja luua pinnas avatud suhtlemiseks. Selle pädevuse kontrolli ehk kultuurilise suhtluspädevuse reaalsustesti on keeletunnis keeruline korraldada, ent pandeemialaine ajal tuttavaks saanud virtuaalõpe pakub siin uusi võimalusi. Artikkel tutvustabki rahvusvahelise üliõpilasprojekti näitel võimalust, kuidas arendada mitmekultuurilisuse pädevust võõrkeeletunnis. Projekt toimus pandeemiaaegsel distantsõppe perioodil Tallinna ülikooli ja Kelaniya ülikooli koostöös. Uurides mälupaikade kui rahvusliku kollektiivse kultuurimälu elementide muutumist ajas ja nende esitamise subjektiivsust, anti üliõpilastele võimalus teiste kultuuride vaatlemise kaudu leida uut enda kultuuris ja tõlgendada seda laiemas kontekstis. Siinses artiklis tutvustatakse üht valminud projekti, mis käsitles metsa kui sümbolit Saksamaal, Eestis ja Sri Lankal, ning analüüsitakse üliõpilaste tehtud esitluse kultuurilisi ülekandeid, stiili ja narratiivi loomiseks valitud perspektiivi.Võtmesõnad: mitmekultuurilisus, kultuurididaktika, sümboolne kompetents, mälupaik, saksa keel võõrkeelen

    The War is not Over? On the Continuity and Discontinuity between the Great War and the War of Independence as Experienced by the Lithuanian Soldiers

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    Peter Holquist, Roberth Gerwarth and other historians argue that, for Eastern Europe, the Armistice of Compiègne, signed in November 1918, did not mean an end of fighting and violence but a ‘continuation and transformation’ of the world war. However, a precise definition of the viewpoint is important when it comes to continuity. Is it from the perspective of soldiers, civilians or war refugees? For example, many of the Lithuanian veterans of World War I did not fight in the Lithuanian War of Independence from 1919 to 1920. The exceptions included officers, non-commissioned officers, and medical doctors. As a consequence, most of the Lithuanian army in 1920 was comprised of men who had not fought in World War I. In the war experience of the majority of Lithuanian soldiers, the Lithuanian War of Independence was not a continuation of World War I


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    В сторону Тулы: Заметки и дополнения к новому изданию романа Андрея Николева [_Du côté de Toula_: Notes and Supplements to the New Edition of _Beyond Tula_ by Andrei Nikolev]

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    This paper aims to offer a supplement to the rich and suggestive commentary by A. Agapov, D. Bresler and Chr. Konstantinova in the recent (2022) edition of the novel Beyond Tula (1931) by Andrei Nikolev (a pseudonym of A. N. Egunov, a classical scholar, translator, and poet). The article, in its collection of remarks, identifies a number of quotations and allusions present in Nikolev’s chef-d’œuvre as well as some sources of his inspiration and features of his narrative techniques.KEYWORDS: 20th-Century Russian Literature, Andrei Nikolev (Andrei Egunov, 1895—1968), Beyond Tula (1931), Annotations, History of Literature

    Заславский vs Аткинсон: Из истории холодной войны [Zaslavsky _vs_ Atkinson: From the History of the Cold War]

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    The article discusses the confrontation of two reporters—Brooks Atkinson, a Moscow correspondent of The New York Times, and David Zaslavsky of Pravda in 1946. Having spent 10 months in Moscow, Brooks Atkinson perceived the signs of rising xenophobia and anti-Western sentiment in the USSR and wrote a series of articles truthfully portraying the situation behind the Iron Curtain. In response to his assertion that the Soviet people were denied freedom of speech and freedom of the press, Zaslavsky lashed out at the American reporter, blaming not only him, but Western journalism as such of being politically motivated. The vicious attack against the American journalist marked the beginning of the anti-Western campaign initiated by Soviet propaganda in the early period of the Cold War.KEYWORDS: Gabriel Superfin at 80, 20th-Century History, Brooks Atkinson (1894—1984), David Zaslavsky (1880—1965), Periodicals, History of Cold War Ideology

    «Интеллигент» — одна из волошинских «личин» [“An _Intelligent_” as Part of Voloshin’s _Images_]

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    This article is devoted to the study of Maximilian Voloshin’s creative process. In particular, it notes that the imagery of the Lichiny (Images) section of the book Neopalimaia kupina (The Burning Bush, 1924) received further development in the multi-figured composition of the long poem Rossiia (Russia, 1924). The proof comes from the corresponding sections of a previously unpublished Voloshin’s workbook preserved in his archival collection. KEYWORDS: Gabriel Superfin at 80, 20th-Century Russian Literature, Maximilian Voloshin (1877—1932), poetic cycle Lichiny (Images), Textual Criticism

    Из материалов для комментария к «Капитанской дочке» (26–42) [Notes and Queries on _The Captain’s Daughter_ (26–42)]

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    The following notes highlight some of the structural patterns and textual fragments of Alexander Pushkin’s Captain’s Daughter overlooked by previous scholarship. Thus, I address the narrative strategy of shifting a character’s attributes so that the character’s initial connotations are seamlessly transformed into their opposites. This corresponds to the novel’s overall narrative principle of relativizing the seemingly obvious and stable. Additionally, I explore some of the narrative formulas specific to the historical novel, and comment on some of the historical information on the everyday life and social realities of 18th-century Russia contained in The Captain’s Daughter (the various forms of currency used by the different classes; Pugachev’s military equipment, etc.).KEYWORDS: Gabriel Superfin at 80, 19th-Century Russian Literature, Alexander Pushkin (1799—1837), The Captain’s Daughter, The Minor (Nedorosl’) and his education, Yemelyan Pugachev’s rebellion (1772—1774), Monetary System in 18th-Century Russia, Narrative Formulas, History of Literature


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