131 research outputs found
Geomorfología de los valles del piedemonte Norte del Sistema Central en su sector segoviano cuenca del río Duratón
El cuarto apartado se centra en el estudio de la morfodinámica de las laderas de los valles con el objeto de apreciar en qué medida son resultado de procesos desarrollados en el pasado o responden en cambio a acciones geomorfológicas recientes o actuales. Por su parte, en el apartado quinto se realiza un completo reconocimiento y análisis sedimentológico de las distintas formaciones de acumulación detrítica, dedicando especial atención a la sedimentación fluvial. Estudio que permite comprender y analizar las características hidrodinámicas de los ríos en el momento de depositar su carga y si estas condiciones variaron en relación con el tipo de valle. Finalmente en el último apartado se explica -a partir de la cartografia geormorfológica y de los resultados obtenidos en los apartados anteriores- la interpretación global de la evolución geomorfológica de los valles del Duratón y sus afluentes desde los tiempos finales del Terciario hasta los momentos actuales. Especial atención se ha dedicado, de una parte, a la explicación de la instalación y del proceso de desplazamiento lateral de los valles excavados en la cuenca sedimentaria, cuya consecuencia ha sido el modelado de valles marcadamente disimétricos; y, por otra, a la interpretación de la instalación y del proceso de encajamiento de los cañones, en el macizo de Sepúlveda y en el piedemonte, a partir de la localización de una serie de niveles fluviales, que marcan las diferentes fases de encajamiento de estos valles. Fases que se han puesto en relación con la fosilización diferencial del relleno mioceno sobre una estructura tectónica elevada desigualmente
The High Resolution Infrared Spectrum of HCl+
The chloroniumyl cation, HCl+, has been recently identified in space from Herschel’s spectra. A joint analysis
of extensive vis-UV spectroscopy emission data together with a few high-resolution and high-accuracy
millimiter-wave data provided the necessary rest frequencies to support the astronomical identification. Nevertheless,
the analysis did not include any infrared (IR) vibration-rotation data. Furthermore, with the end of
the Herschel mission, infrared observations from the ground may be one of the few available means to further
study this ion in space. In this work, we provide a set of accurate rovibrational transition wavenumbers as well
as a new and improved global fit of vis-UV, IR and millimiter-wave spectroscopy laboratory data, that will aid
in future studies of this molecule.Peer reviewe
Diagnostics and modeling of cold laboratory plasmas with high hydrogen content; applications to molecular astrophysics.
First General Meeting in Prague, May 25 - 29, 2015; http://prague2015astrohistory.vscht.cz/Cold plasmas of molecular precursors produced in low pressure glow discharges involve intricate mechanisms of great interest in many scientific and technological fields, such as thin film growth, surface conditioning and so on. In particular, hydrogen containing cold plasmas are currently used in microelectronic devices production, can simulate the border conditions of plasmas generated in fusion reactors, and are efficient sources of very reactive radicals and ions, whose study contributes to clarify the appearance of complex compounds in different regions of interstellar molecular clouds or in Jovian planet ionospheres.
In this work, low pressure glow discharges of mixtures of hydrogen with simple molecules and atoms and different isotopic compositions are experimentally diagnosed, and the main mechanisms controlling their behavior are elucidated by kinetic modeling. According to theoretical predictions supported by experimental data, the formation of new molecular species takes place mainly at the reactor surfaces and competes with the fast wall recycling of the precursors, which are previously dissociated by electron impact. On the other hand, the ion distributions result mainly from the balance between electron impact ionizations, which depend markedly on electron energies, and ion-molecule reactions in gas phase, for which the proton affinity of the different neutral species plays a key role.
The first detection of the deuterated ammonium ion (NH3D+) in the interstellar medium [1,2], and the refined infrared spectroscopic characterization of the isotopomers 36ArH+ and 36ArH+ [3], the first noble gas molecules found in space [4,5], exemplify the successful interaction between plasma spectroscopy and astronomical observations.The authors acknowledge the financial support from the
Spanish MINECO through grants SD2009-00038, FIS2012-
38175 and FIS2013-48087-C2-1-P. Additional funding from
ERC-2013-Syg 610256-NANOCOSMOS is also aknowledged.Peer Reviewe
Héðinsdalsjökull, northern Iceland: geomorphology recording the recent complex evolution of a glacier
The objective of this work is to conduct a detailed mapping of the Héðinsdalsjökull foreland,
northern Iceland (65°39′N, 18°55′W). This cirque currently shows a variety of glacial and
periglacial landforms derived from a complex deglaciation. Mapping was performed
combining traditional hand-drawn and digital mapping. A hand-drawn sketch was
georeferenced in ArcMap 10.7.1, supported on an aerial photograph (year 2000). Its
vectorization, symbolization and final design were done in the computer-aided design (CAD)
software MicroStation Connect. Complementary high-resolution Digital Surface Models were
obtained from historical aerial photographs and ground-view field photographs through the
application of Structure from Motion (SfM) photogrammetry. To improve the topographic
expression of the geomorphological map, a photorealistic 3D view has been generated. The
final map highlights the complexity of the foreland and the coexistence existence of a range
of different units and landforms. The map will ease future studies on the transformation of
receding glaciers.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Cold plasmas in laboratory astrochemistry: Ions and carbonaceous dust analogues
Colloquium SFB 956, Physikalische Institute Köln, 18.05.2015Peer Reviewe
Evolución post-lahárica de un canal proglaciar: garganta de Huiloac (México)
En el último periodo eruptivo del volcán Popocatépetl (19º 02´ N, 98º 37´ W, 5424 m) se produjeron varios lahares sin-eruptivos que modificaron la red fluvial de su ladera nororiental, donde se localiza el curso del río Huiloac. Los lahares responsables de los cambios morfológicos más importantes fueron los ocurridos en 1997 y 2001. Aunque desde entonces se han producido algunos eventos explosivos, como las recientes erupciones de mayo y junio de 2013, en la garganta de Huiloac no se ha vuelto a registrar ningún lahar relacionado con la actividad volcánica.
El presente artículo propone una metodología para detectar y cuantificar los cambios morfológicos, así como determinar la diná¬mica de procesos erosivos y sedimentarios en un tramo de la garganta de Huiloac, tras el paso del lahar sin-eruptivo de 2001, durante un primer periodo de siete años. Este método combina la interpretación de una serie temporal de mapas geomorfológicos y de perfiles topográficos transversales del canal, con ayuda de herramientas de CAD (Computer-aided design) y de SIG (Sistemas de Información Geográfica). El análisis de la evolución geomorfológica y topográfica se cruza finalmente con la información meteorológica disponible sobre precipitaciones.
Los resultados obtenidos muestran que la fase inicial (hasta octubre de 2002) estuvo caracterizada por la incisión y evacuación del material que colmató el cauce durante el lahar de 2001. Posteriormente, la acción geomorfológica de las aguas corrientes y la dinámica de laderas ensancharon y profundizaron el canal, aunque también se produjo sedimentación, como lo atestiguan bancos y terrazas fluvio-laháricos. La frecuencia y capacidad de los lahares secundarios, alimentados por las precipitaciones y el agua del deshielo glaciar, fueron los factores que determinaron el dominio de procesos erosivos o de sedimentación en Huiloac. De esta manera, se ha observado que en épocas menos lluviosas y con precipitaciones regulares, el canal experimentó menos variaciones morfológicas y las cantidades erosionadas son también menores, como en el periodo 2004 ‒ 2006. En cambio, las precipitaciones excepcionales en la estación seca (enero de 2002 y enero de 2004) y los aguaceros continuados al final de la estación húmeda (septiembre y octubre de 2007) activaron los procesos de erosión por incisión y por zapa lateral, lo cual produjo el vaciado de los depósitos laháricos que tapizan el canal.
Una vez concluido el primer periodo de observación, se concluye que el cauce no ha alcanzado su estabilidad, ya que sus laderas fueron muy inestables debido a la fuerte pendiente que presentaron, a pesar del considerable vaciado de depósitos que ha experimentado en este lapso temporal.In the last eruptive period of Popocatépetl volcano (19º 02'N, 98º 37' W, 5424 m) several syn-eruptive lahars modified the fluvial network of the northeastern slope, where the Huiloac River is located. The lahars that produced the most important morphological changes took place in 1997 and 2001. Although some explosive events have taken place since then, such as the recent eruptions of May and June 2013, lahars related to volcanic activity have not been recorded in Huiloac gorge.
This article proposes a methodology to detect and quantify morphological changes and to determine the dynamics of erosion and sedimentary processes in a section of Huiloac gorgef or the first seven years after the syn-eruptive lahar of 2001. This method combines the interpretation of a temporal series of geomorphological maps and topographic profiles across the channel using CAD (Computer-aided design) and GIS (Geographic Information Systems). Finally, the analysis of the geomorphic and topographic evolution is cross-referenced with available information on rainfall.
The results show that the initial phase (up until October 2002) is characterized by incision and removal of the material that filled the river bed during the 2001 lahar. Afterwards, the geomorphological action of running water and the dynamics of slopes widened and deepened the channel, although sedimentation occurred as well, as evidenced by river-banks and lahar terraces. The frequency and capacity of secondary lahars, fed by rainfall and glacier melt water, are the factors that determine the domain of erosion or sedimentation in Huiloac. Thus, it has been observed that in seasons with less rain and regular precipitation, fewer morphological variations occurred and a smaller amount of material was eroded, such as in the period 2004 ‒ 2006. On the other hand, exceptional rainfall in the dry season (January 2002 and January 2004) or continuous rains at the end of the wet season (September and October 2007) triggered processes of erosion by incision, lateral erosion, and removal of the laharic deposits. It can be concluded, at the end of this first period of observation, that despite considerable erosion, the riverbed is still unstable due to steep slopes on the sides of the river.-- Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Proyecto CGL 2012-35858 (CRYOCRISIS))
-- Grupo de Trabajo BSCH/UCM:931562 Geografía de Alta MontañapeerReviewe
Design of three-dimensional cartographical didactic materials for Physical Geography teaching
[EN] Three-dimensional cartographic resources are an important tool in the teaching of Physical Geography and other Earth Sciences. They are also able to help the students to reach a better understanding of the natural landscape. The objective of this work is to design appropriate 3D didactic resources to facilitate the teaching of the landforms in the Higher Education context. These didactic materials have been prepared by using Geographic Information Technologies (GIT). These graphical materials have been created with specific GIT tools, but they can be used by teachers and students with standardized sotfware (Google Earth, Adobe Acrobat Reader or image viewers). Specifically, files with topographical and geological information have been prepared to work with Google Earth. The digital elevation models (DEM) can be viewed in three-dimensional files in 3D PDF format. This work also proposes the creation of photo-realistic images with thematic information draped with the DEM in isometric perspective. Finally, 3D models have been made from the application of photogrammetric techniques so that can be seen in stereoscopic mode as an alternative to the traditional techniques. In conclusion, all these 3D didactic materials proposed in this work showed a great potential as complementary resources in the teaching and learning of Physical Geography and other Earth Sciences.This work is part of the GeoFieldTIG project (nº 87), founded by the Complutense University of Madrid.Tanarro, L.; Úbeda, J.; De Andrés, N.; Fernández-Fernández, J.; De Marcos, J.; Ovaco, D.; García, J.... (2020). Design of three-dimensional cartographical didactic materials for Physical Geography teaching. En 6th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'20). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. (30-05-2020):1055-1063. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd20.2020.11195OCS1055106330-05-202
Glacial evolution of Sierra Nevada (Spain) and the origin of rock glaciares
In spite of considerable advances in the knowledge and understanding of the glacial
chronology of southern Europe, some very significant mountains still have to be studied.
These include the Sierra Nevada, the highest mountain range in the Iberian Peninsula, located
in the extreme south-east, only 170 km from Africa, where the last glaciers disappeared last
century. The aim of this paper is to present a chronology of deglaciation from the Sierra
Nevada based on geomorphological analysis of glacial and periglacial landforms and on 36Cl
surface exposure dating, then to relate it to the historical Little Ice Age (LIA) deglaciation
process reconstructed from field data and historical documentary sources.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
"Engineering Design" course transformación: From a conceive - design towards a complete CDIO approach
“Engineering Design” is a discipline aimed at improving our understanding about the development processes of novel and successful products, processes and systems in general, and at providing engineers with methodical steps for enhancing such processes. It may well be the engineering discipline more linked to the CDIO approach and to the conceive-design-implement-operate process. The benefits of applying “Engineering Design” principles are better appreciated when facing the development of complex systems. In the field of Mechanical Engineering some of the more complex systems an engineer can develop are advanced mechanical systems and machines.
In this study we present the transformation process of an “Engineering Design” course, carried out in parallel to the implementation of the new Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering at ETSII – TU Madrid. In the old Industrial Engineering plan of studies, implemented in 2000, the “Engineering Design” course was taught in the 5th academic year for Industrial Engineering students specializing in Mechanical Engineering and lasted for one semester. In the new Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering, which started in 2014-2015, the “Engineering Design” course can be chosen by students from all Industrial Engineering specializations. The new subject lasts for two semesters and it is taught, in the 1st academic year of the Master’s Degree, to students having finished a four-year Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Technologies. When transforming the course, our first aim was to let students live through a complete CDIO process, as having a two-semester structure gave us additional time for reaching the implementation and operation stages. With the old one-semester structure they could just focus on the conceptual and design phases. With the new approach their experience is more complete but several challenges arise, which are systematically analyzed in the following pages. A comparative study, taking account of the opinions of students and teachers is also presented and helps to support the benefits from complete CDIO experiences. Key aspects, including: student motivation, coordination between teachers, supervision of the projects under a tight schedule, rapid prototyping resources for reaching the implementation and operation stages, among others, are discussed and the more relevant lessons learned and proposals for improvement are put forward.
To our knowledge it constitutes the first subject following a complete CDIO cycle in the field of Engineering Design applied to machines engineering in our country
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