329 research outputs found

    Experimental Analysis of Composite Push Test Integrating Geopolymer Concrete

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    [EN] This paper primarily focuses on implementing constructions practises that are sustainable, and that can also meet the current demand for infrastructure development around the world. The cement industry is one of the largest industries in the world, as result current construction practices are causing adverse environmental issues ranging from the excessive utilisation of natural resources, emission of greenhouse gases and producing an excessive amount of waste. Thus, to tackle the problem one encouraging solution is to use alkali activated Geopolymer concrete that utilises waste product such as fly ash and grounded slag as a 100% replacement of Portland cement. Subsequently, this paper presents experimental testing and discusses the behaviour of six (6) steel-concrete composite push test specimens incorporating Geopolymer concrete and OPC concrete. A total of three (3) specimens were fabricated using steel profiled Bondek Sheeting and remaining three (3) specimens had a conventional concrete slab. From the result obtained, it was found that push test specimen with conventional slab outperformed specimens fabricated with Bondek profile sheeting due to the reduced amount of concrete surrounding the shear studs cause by Bondek flanges. Also, the results showed that geopolymer concrete has great potential as it achieved almost identical results as compared to control OPC push test specimens.Singh, B.; Tan, E.; Pan, Z.; Mirza, O.; Mamo, Y. (2018). Experimental Analysis of Composite Push Test Integrating Geopolymer Concrete. En Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Advances in Steel-Concrete Composite Structures. ASCCS 2018. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 199-205. https://doi.org/10.4995/ASCCS2018.2018.7278OCS19920

    Experimental study of Steel-Concrete Composite Beams comprised of Fly ash based Geopolymer concrete

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    [EN] To combat the present situation of greenhouse gases emission from cement production, a promising solution is to utilise supplementary cementitious by-product materials such as fly ash to produce green concrete known as Geopolymer concrete (GPC). However, despite fly ash based concrete is a promising substitute for ordinary Portland cement (OPC) concrete, it is not yet being utilised to its full potential for structural applications. And so, to utilise green concrete to its full potential, this paper aim is to conduct an experimental study that will integrate fly ash based concrete within steel-concrete composite beams. The research will include casting of composite beams with GPC mix, and an OPC concrete as a reference mix designed according to British Standards. To determine the ultimate moment capacity, a total of Four (4) composite beams comprised of coventional and Bondek steel profile concrete slab are designed and tested according to Australian Standards. From the test results, it was found that composite beam with conventionalconcrete slab outperformed the beams with Bondek profile sheeting. Also, regarding of ultimate bending moment capacity, the composite beam with geopolymer concrete experienced almost identical to OPC composite beam.Singh, B.; Tan, E.; Pan, Z.; Mirza, O.; Boncato, J. (2018). Experimental study of Steel-Concrete Composite Beams comprised of Fly ash based Geopolymer concrete. En Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Advances in Steel-Concrete Composite Structures. ASCCS 2018. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 123-128. https://doi.org/10.4995/ASCCS2018.2018.6988OCS12312

    Passing on the exercise baton: What can endocrine patients learn from elite athletes?

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    As elite athletes demonstrate through the Olympic motto ‘citius, altius, fortius’, new performance records are driven forward by favourable skeletal muscle bioenergetics, cardiorespiratory, and endocrine system adaptations. At a recreational level, regular physical activity is an effective non-pharmacological therapy in the treatment of many endocrine conditions. However, the impact of physical exercise on endocrine function and how best to incorporate exercise therapy into clinical care are not well understood. Beyond the pursuit of an Olympic medal, elite athletes may therefore serve as role models for showcasing how exercise can help in the management of endocrine disorders and improve metabolic dysfunction.This review summarises research evidence for clinicians who wish to understand endocrine changes in athletes who already perform high levels of activity as well as to encourage patients to exercise more safely. Herein, we detail the upper limits of athleticism to showcase the adaptability of human endocrine-metabolic-physiological systems. Then, we describe the growing research base that advocates the importance of understanding maladaptation to physical training and nutrition in males and females; especially the young. Finally, we explore the impact of physical activity in improving some endocrine disorders with guidance on how lessons can be taken from athletes training and incorporated into strategies to move more people more often


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    Perancangan ini bertujuan untuk mengkomunikasian secara visual mengenai perilaku Bandwagon Effect dalam lingkup sosial secara kreatif kepada remaja. Perancangan menggunakan design thinking oleh David Kelly dan Tim Brown dalam lima tahapan yaitu, Empathize, define, ideate, prototype, test. Data yang didapat pada perancangan ini berasal dari observasi perancang dari analisis konten di media sosial, selain itu juga melalui literatur dan dokumentasi. Dilakukan kompasrasi desain pada perancangan terdahulu yang serupa pada media, genre, dan target sasaran perancangan. Jaringan internet yang semakin luas juga memberikan dampak yang lebih beragam dibandingkan sebelumnya. Komik digital sebagai media hiburan yang kini juga bisa menjadi media edukasi untuk remaja bahkan segala usia mulai dari anak- anak. Selain media utama komik, terdapat media sosial sebagai media pendukung sekaligus menjangkau remaja untuk mengetahui perancangan media edukasi VIII komik digital. Komik digital mengenai perilaku Bandwagon Effect menjadikan remaja lebih menyadari perilaku ini dan menjadi bijak dalam melakukan perilaku Bandwagon Effect


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    ABSTRACT Jambi University has the vision to become a World Class Entrepreneurship University so that the system in higher education leads to the development of young entrepreneurs to support Indonesia's economic development, especially in the Jambi region. One of the steps to support the vision of the University is to do community service that can improve the economy of both small and medium enterprises. The service carried out this time is related to the promotion and development of young entrepreneurs who are members of the Inkubator Bisnis dan Teknologi (IBT) FKIK Unja, especially in the Recruitment Tenant segment. The participants who are part of this community service are tenants of IBT FKIK who were recruited through registration forms and interviews. The selected tenants are young entrepreneurs educated by resource persons with lecture and discussion methods to promote innovative products to the broader community and understand that increasing the quantity and quality of products can provide more excellent opportunities to connect with investors or other partners. This service activity was well received by the tenants, who are young entrepreneurs. Based on participants' responses, this activity provides positive benefits in preparing for the long-term business development they are starting. Keywords: business, entrepreneur, networking, recruitment tenant   ABSTRAK Universitas Jambi memiliki visi untuk menjadi a World Class Entrepreneurship University, sehingga sistem dalam perguruan tinggi mengarah pada pengembangan wirausahawan muda untuk mendukung perkembangan ekonomi Indonesia khususnya di wilayah Jambi. Salah satu langkah untuk mendukung visi Universitas adalah dengan melakukan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dapat meningkatkan perekonomian baik yang bersifat usaha kecil maupun menengah. Adapun pengabdian yang dilakukan kali ini, yakni berkaitan dengan promosi dan pembinaan pengembangan usaha entrepreneur muda yang tergabung dalam Inkubator Bisnis dan Teknologi (IBT) FKIK Unja khususnya pada segmen Recruitment Tenant. Adapun peserta yang menjadi bagian dalam pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah tenant-tenant yang tergabung dalam IBT FKIK yang direkrut melalui pendaftaran formulir dan wawancara. Para tenant yang terpilih merupakan para entrepreneur muda diedukasi oleh narasumber dengan metode ceramah dan diskusi agar dapat mempromosikan produk inovasi kepada masyarakat luas serta memberi pemahaman bahwa dengan cara meningkatkan kuantitas dan kualitas produk dapat memberikan peluang lebih besar untuk terhubung dengan investor atau mitra kerja lainnya. Kegiatan pengabdian ini diterima baik oleh para tenant yang merupakan entrepreneur muda. Dilihat dari respon peserta, kegiatan ini memberikan manfaat positif dalam mempersiapkan pengembangan usaha jangka panjang yang mereka rintis. Kata kunci: bisnis, entrepreneur, networking, recruitment tenan

    Desain Proyek Pabrik Asam Sitrat dari Molase Tebu dengan Proses Submerged Fermentasi Kapasitas 48.320 Ton/Tahun

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    Asam sitrat mempunyai rumus molekul C6H8O7 termasuk asam organik. Pada umumnya asam sitrat ini dihasilkan dengan cara fermentasi. Asam sitrat banyak dimanfaatkan untuk berbagai sektor, salah satunya yaitu sebagai bahan pengawet dan penambah cita rasa pada makanan dan minuman juga dalam bidang farmasi, terkstil, dan lain sebagainya. Dengan berkembang pesatnya industri yang membutuhkan asam sitrat, maka semakin bertambah pula kebutuhan akan asam sitrat. Asam sitrat dapat diproduksi dengan proses fermentasi. Tahap pertama dalam produksi asam sitrat molasse tebu dengan proses submerged fermentasi adalah mengencerkan molasse kental dan membiakkan strain Aspergillus niger pada inokulum. Kemudian larutan dialirkan ke tangki fermentor dengan penambahan nutrien dan strain Aspergillus niger. Selanjutnya proses pemisahan untuk memisahkan sel suspensi dari larutan asam sitrat yang dihasilkan dari proses fermentasi. Penambahan kalsium hidroksida untuk memisahkan asam oksalat dari larutan asam sitrat sehingga terbentuk larutan kalsium sitrat dan endapan kalsium oksalat. Larutan kalsium sitrat diregenerasi menjadi asam sitrat dengan penambahan asam sulfat. Tahap terakhir, kandungan air dalam larutan asam sitrat kemudian diuapkan dengan kemurnian 50%. Sehingga terbentuk larutan asam sitrat 50% yang siap dikemas dan dipasarkan. Proses kontinyu dipilih untuk memaksimalkan jumlah produksi agar penggunaan biaya operasi lebih efektif. Pabrik asam sitrat ini direncanakan akan beroperasi selama 24 jam per hari, 330 hari kerja dalam setahun, dan kapasitas 48,320 kg / hari. Perencanaan Desain Proyek Pabrik Asam Sitrat dari Molasse tebu secara garis besar : ..

    The probable factors of insider trading in Malaysian firms prior to acquisition announcement / Majid Sarli ... [et al.]

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    The aim of this paper is to deliberate on the subject of nsider trading that is viewed as a financial crime as well as to identify major factors that can contribute to reducing it. In this case, this research is focuses on investigation of companies’ acquisition announcements, which are listed from the traded volumes of Bursa Malaysia between 2008 and 2011. The study useda sample of considered thirty companies and their acquisition announcements are analyzed by examining their Average Cumulative Abnormal Volume Traded (ACAVT) to identify probable insider trading activities. The study affirms consequently, stronger laws, effective rules and regulations are recognized as effi cient approaches to controlling insider trading at the fi nancial markets, while the infl uencing factors on insider trading would be suggested as the proposed conceptual model for further researc