172 research outputs found

    Rámec pro posouzení kvalitativních hledisek informačních systémů

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    Záměrem předložené disertační práce je porozumět tomu, jak investoři v konkrétním společenském kontextu vnímají význam kvality informačních systémů. Ze studia literatury zabývající se přístupy a rámci hodnocení kvality informačních systémů vyplývá, že tato kvalita je obecně hodnocena z hlediska striktního přístupu. V této práci je ukázáno, že kvalitu informačního systému lze smysluplně pochopit použitím interpretačního paradigmatu a že kvalita informačního systému je definována společensky a ovlivňována kontextem tohoto systému. Studie byla zahájena průzkumem dvaceti libyjských organizací. Podrobnější data byla získána z případové studie dvou vybraných libyjských organizací působících ve veřejném sektoru. Při empirické analýze nashromážděných dat bylo využito rámce mnohočetné perspektivy, který zahrnuje hlediska teorie strukturalizace, pojem mnohočetných perspektiv a metodologii měkkých systémů. V práci se dospělo ke zjištění, že: a) kvalita informačních systémů je pojata šíře, než je tomu u tradiční definice kvality, b) mnohočetné perspektivy kvality informačních systémů jsou ovlivněny opakovanou interakcí mezi investorem a institucionálními vlastnostmi kontextu informačního systému a že c) rozdílné hodnoty v kulturním prostředí a vnějším kontextu ovlivňují rozsah působnosti investora a interakce v kontextu informačního systému. Ze závěru práce vyplývá, že společenská skladba mnohočetných perspektiv kvality informačního systému je ovlivněna strukturalizačními procesy mezi investory a vlastnostmi v kontextu informačního systému.This thesis is concerned with understanding how stakeholders in a particular cultural context construct the multiple meanings of ‘Information Systems Quality’ (IS Quality). A review of literature on approaches and frameworks for IS quality shows that the IS quality is generally examined through a ‘hard approach’. This study demonstrates that IS quality can be meaningfully understood through an interpretive paradigm, and that IS quality is socially constructed and influenced by the IS context. The study began with an exploratory survey of twenty Libyan organizations. Data were gathered through a case study of two public sector organizations in Libya. A Multiple Perspective Framework (MPF) that incorporates ideas from structuration theory, multiple perspectives concept, and soft systems methodology (SSM) was used to analyze the empirical work. The findings revealed that: (a) IS quality is a broader conception than the traditional quality definition, (b) the multiple perspectives of IS quality are influenced by repeated interaction between the stakeholder and institutional properties in the IS context, and (c) mediation of different values in the culture system and in the external context influence the extent of stakeholder agency and interaction in the IS context. The study concluded that the social construction of multiple perspectives of IS quality is influenced by the structuration processes between stakeholders and properties in the IS context.

    Knowledge of Information Security Awareness and Practices for Home Users: Case Study in Libya

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    The abundance of information available through the Internet, mobile applications, and cloud computing has made it convenient for users to access a wide range of information. However, this convenience comes with a cost as this information is constantly at risk of being compromised by cybercriminals and hackers. While the recognition of the potential dangers of information security is increasing in developed countries, in regions like Libya in North Africa, the level of protection for this information is insufficient. The purpose of this study is to examine the various factors that may influence or affect the users’ practice and awareness at home. The investigated factors are policy, behavior, training, knowledge of IT and education. In order to accomplish the goals of this study, a quantitative methodology was implemented. Specifically, a survey was created to assess the correlation between key factors and security awareness and practices in the home environment. The survey attracted 220 respondents and analyzed using Bivariate/Pearson Correlation to determine the relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable. The result of the study showed that there was a moderate positive correlation between policy, knowledge of IT and education with security awareness and practice, but behavior factor has a low correlation. These results indicated that security awareness and practice level of employees at home are mostly at the middle level. It is hoped that the present study provides an initial step to focus on security training sessions among higher education employees to reflect new knowledge on the importance of security training to increase the knowledge of information security. It is hoped that the findings of this study will serve as a starting point for further research and focus on providing security information for public, which will help to reflect new knowledge on the importance of security training and increase awareness of information security

    Knowledge of Information Security Awareness and Practices for Home Users: Case Study in Libya

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    The abundance of information available through the Internet, mobile applications, and cloud computing has made it convenient for users to access a wide range of information. However, this convenience comes with a cost as this information is constantly at risk of being compromised by cybercriminals and hackers. While the recognition of the potential dangers of information security is increasing in developed countries, in regions like Libya in North Africa, the level of protection for this information is insufficient. The purpose of this study is to examine the various factors that may influence or affect the users’ practice and awareness at home. The investigated factors are policy, behavior, training, knowledge of IT and education. In order to accomplish the goals of this study, a quantitative methodology was implemented. Specifically, a survey was created to assess the correlation between key factors and security awareness and practices in the home environment. The survey attracted 220 respondents and analyzed using Bivariate/Pearson Correlation to determine the relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable. The result of the study showed that there was a moderate positive correlation between policy, knowledge of IT and education with security awareness and practice, but behavior factor has a low correlation. These results indicated that security awareness and practice level of employees at home are mostly at the middle level. It is hoped that the present study provides an initial step to focus on security training sessions among higher education employees to reflect new knowledge on the importance of security training to increase the knowledge of information security. It is hoped that the findings of this study will serve as a starting point for further research and focus on providing security information for public, which will help to reflect new knowledge on the importance of security training and increase awareness of information security

    Comparative study of information security awareness and practice within home and work environments: Case study in Libya

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    The abundance of information available through the internet, mobile applications, and cloud computing has made it convenient for users to access a wide range of data. However, this convenience comes at a cost, as this information is constantly at risk of being compromised by cybercriminals and hackers. While the recognition of potential information security dangers is increasing in developed countries, regions like Libya in North Africa still exhibit insufficient protection levels. The purpose of this study is to compare various factors that may influence or affect users' practices and awareness in home and work environments. The factors investigated are policy, behavior, IT knowledge, and education. To achieve the study's goals, a quantitative methodology was employed. A survey was created to assess the correlation between these key factors and security awareness and practices in home and workplace settings. The survey attracted 220 respondents and was analyzed using statistical methods to determine the relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variables. The study's results showed a moderate positive correlation between policy, IT knowledge, and education with security awareness and practice in both home and workplace environments. Only the behavior factor had a low correlation for home users. These findings indicate that the level of security awareness and practices at home and in the workplace is generally moderate. This study aims to serve as an initial step in emphasizing the importance of security training sessions for employees, highlighting the need to increase knowledge of information security. The findings are intended to inspire further research and a focus on providing security information to the public, thereby disseminating new knowledge on the importance of security training and enhancing awareness of information security

    Analysis of the agility of the automotive industry supply chain in times of COVID-19: a case study

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    In the early stages of the corona virus pandemic, business environment was changing rapidly. The Moroccan automotive industry was one of the export sectors most affected negatively by the corona crisis; it collapsed during the three months of confinement and the pandemic has created immense uncertainties in demand and disrupted global supply chains. Indeed, to save the automotive industry, Morocco relies on its competitiveness and challenges current supply models for supply chain agility in order to better prepare for future disruptions. Achieving a competitive edge requires aligning company with suppliers and customers as well as working together to achieve agility, organizationally, strategically and individually. However, agile supply chains are the most powerful competitive vehicles of the manufacturing companies. To help automakers deal with the many challenges associated with the pandemic, let’s present this research on the key enablers that will need to be monitored as the situation evolves. Thus, our article presents an original approach which, by linking the competitive priorities, agile supply chain attributes and enablers, aims at evaluates and enhances supply chain agility of a Moroccan automotive factory. Let’s adopt fuzzy quality function deployment (FQFD) approach and, in particular, the two houses of quality (HOQ) with a fuzzy scale in order to identify the most appropriate enablers to be implemented by the factory. This evaluation demonstrates that there are three enablers needing maximum attention: process compliance, logistics and distribution capabilities and supportive information technology. Then, the supply chain agility improvement should be based on these enabler

    Comparative study of information security awareness and practice within home and work environments: Case study in Libya

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    The abundance of information available through the internet, mobile applications, and cloud computing has made it convenient for users to access a wide range of data. However, this convenience comes at a cost, as this information is constantly at risk of being compromised by cybercriminals and hackers. While the recognition of potential information security dangers is increasing in developed countries, regions like Libya in North Africa still exhibit insufficient protection levels. The purpose of this study is to compare various factors that may influence or affect users' practices and awareness in home and work environments. The factors investigated are policy, behavior, IT knowledge, and education. To achieve the study's goals, a quantitative methodology was employed. A survey was created to assess the correlation between these key factors and security awareness and practices in home and workplace settings. The survey attracted 220 respondents and was analyzed using statistical methods to determine the relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variables. The study's results showed a moderate positive correlation between policy, IT knowledge, and education with security awareness and practice in both home and workplace environments. Only the behavior factor had a low correlation for home users. These findings indicate that the level of security awareness and practices at home and in the workplace is generally moderate. This study aims to serve as an initial step in emphasizing the importance of security training sessions for employees, highlighting the need to increase knowledge of information security. The findings are intended to inspire further research and a focus on providing security information to the public, thereby disseminating new knowledge on the importance of security training and enhancing awareness of information security


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    Merupakan program inti dari pembelajaran PAI adalah menghafal dan memahami Al-Quran, dan program tersebut merupakan tugas terstruktur Mata Kuliah PAI dengan target utama terbentuknya jiwa Qur’ani. Para mahasiswa sebagai generasi muslim dituntut harus bisa membaca, memahami dan mengamalkan Alquran bahkan dapat menghafalkannya secara baik dan benar. Terutama menghafalkan Al-Quran yang terdapat pada juz 30 yaitu surat yang belum pernah dihafalkan oleh para mahasiswa. Adapun penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan penerapan dan efektivitas metode Talqin, Tikror, Tasmi dan Muroja’ah dalam meningkatkan hafalan al-Qur’an kepada para mahasiswa PGSD IKIP Siliwangi Kota Cimahi.m Penelitian menggunakan metode pendekatan kualitatif berjenis studi lapangan di kampus IKIP Siliwangi. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi dari berbagai para mahasiswa PGSD IKIP Siliwangi. Analisis penelitian menggunakan metode deduktif. Metode pembelajaran menghapal Al-Qur’an dengan menggunakan metode tersebut diatas secara keseluruhan sudah sangat efektif, terbukti para mahasiswa dapat dengan mudah mengikuti pembelajaran membaca dan menghafal Al Qur’an, namun terdapat beberapa mahasiswa yang mengalami kesulitan dalam membaca serta menghafal Al-Qur’an, dikarenakan mereka belum mengenal makhorijul huruf dan ilmu tajwidnya.Â

    An Investigation of the Information Security Awareness and Practices among Third Level Education Staff, Case Study in Nalut Libya

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    The development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) is becoming very common throughout society. Therefore, it is a must to protect information assets. In addition to the technological aspect, research continues to confirm the need to enhance security awareness among employees. The objective of this study is to investigate the factors that may impact users’ practice and awareness both in the workplace. Specifically, factors such as policy, behavior, training, knowledge of IT and education were tested. In addition, the second objective of this study is to investigate the information security awareness and practice level among the employees. To achieve the study objectives, a quantitative methodology was applied; specifically a survey instrument was developed to measure if each of the key factors has a significant association within the security awareness and practice in the workplace. 202 usable surveys were collected from higher education employees and analyzed using Bivariate/Pearson Correlation to determine the relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable. The findings of the study revealed that there was a positive correlation between policy, behavior, training, knowledge of IT and education with security awareness and practice These results indicated that security awareness and practice level of employees' in the workplace at the middle level. It is hoped that the present study provides an initial step to focus on security training sessions among higher education employees to reflect new knowledge on the importance of security training to increase the knowledge of information security


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    This research is based on the curiosity of researchers in the use of think talk write method towards review text learning in class VIII Mts Asaasuttarbiyah Mande. From the research background, researchers can draw a problem statement, namely Is the think talk write method effectively used in learning to write review texts? and thus the researcher aims to determine the ability to write review texts on class VIII Mts Asaasuttarbiyah this study also intends to determine the effectiveness of the think talk write method in learning to write review texts. Review texts are chosen because they can help students train students in the language fluently and develop student writing. The method that the researcher uses is the experimental method. In this study, the researchers used one group design pretest-posttest. Data taken by researchers is quantitative data, namely data analyzed by passing statistical analysis techniques. The class that the researcher chooses is class VIII A with 30 students being sampled for the research material. For this reason the results of the study state that the initial test (pretest) and the final test (posttest) change or increase with the results of the initial test 63 and the final test average 81 results. For this reason, the researcher can conclude that the writers' talk method is effective (influential) to be used in learning to write review texts