231 research outputs found

    Responding to the Needs of Early Career SETs through Educator Preparation Programs

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    Effective collaboration between special education teachers (SETs) and general educator teachers (GETs) is critical to better serve diverse students in the general education classroom. However, multiple areas of needs reported by early career SETs indicate that achieving the goal of effective collaboration is challenging. With a better understanding of the early experiences of SETs and their specific needs, GETs would be more suited to support early career SETs and increase effective partnerships across diverse educational settings. This article identified the needs of beginning SETs and discussed the directions of educator preparation programs in response of the reported needs

    The impact of canagliflozin on the risk of neuropathy events:A post-hoc exploratory analysis of the CREDENCE trial

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    Aim: Canagliflozin reduces the risk, and progression, of diabetic kidney disease. We hypothesized that it may improve the microvascular complication of neuropathy. Methods: The CREDENCE trial randomized participants with type 2 diabetes and kidney disease to canagliflozin 100 mg daily or placebo. Neuropathy events were defined post-hoc as any reported adverse event consistent with a peripheral or autonomic neuropathy event. The effect of canagliflozin and predictors of neuropathy events were estimated using Cox regression analysis. In sensitivity analyses the endpoint was restricted to sensorimotor polyneuropathy, diabetic neuropathy, and non-autonomic neuropathy events. Results: Almost half (48.8%) of the 4401 participants had a diagnosis of neuropathy at baseline. Over a median of 2.45 years of follow up, 657 people experienced a neuropathy event (63.2 per 1000 patient-years). Independent factors associated with higher risk of experiencing neuropathy events were non-white race, younger age, higher glycated haemoglobin and lower estimated glomerular filtration rate. The incidence of neuropathy events was similar in people randomized to canagliflozin and placebo (334/2202 vs. 323/2199; HR 1.04, 95% CI 0.89 to 1.21, P = 0.66). Canagliflozin had no impact on sensorimotor polyneuropathy (HR 0.93, 95% CI 0.69 to 1.25, P = 0.63), diabetic neuropathy (HR 0.91, 95% CI 0.68 to 1.22, P = 0.52), or non-autonomic neuropathy (HR 1.03, 95% CI 0.87 to 1.21, P = 0.77). The lack of effect on neuropathy events was consistent in subgroup analyses. Conclusion: Canagliflozin did not affect the risk of neuropathy events in the CREDENCE trial. Future large randomized studies with prespecified neuropathy endpoints are required to determine the impact of sodium glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors on diabetic neuropathy

    A Fluorescence-Based High-Throughput Assay for the Discovery of Exchange Protein Directly Activated by Cyclic AMP (EPAC) Antagonists

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    Background: The discovery, more than ten years ago, of exchange proteins directly activated by cAMP (EPAC) as a new family of intracellular cAMP receptors revolutionized the cAMP signaling research field. Extensive studies have revealed that the cAMP signaling network is much more complex and dynamic as many cAMP-related cellular processes, previously thought to be controlled by protein kinase A, are found to be also mediated by EPAC proteins. Although there have been many important discoveries in the roles of EPACs greater understanding of their physiological function in cAMP-mediated signaling is impeded by the absence of EPAC-specific antagonist. Methodology/Principal Findings: To overcome this deficit, we have developed a fluorescence-based high throughput assay for screening EPAC specific antagonists. Our assay is highly reproducible and simple to perform using the ‘‘mix and measure’ ’ format. A pilot screening using the NCI-DTP diversity set library led to the identification of small chemical compounds capable of specifically inhibiting cAMP-induced EPAC activation while not affecting PKA activity. Conclusions/Significance: Our study establishes a robust high throughput screening assay that can be effectively applied for the discovery of EPAC-specific antagonists, which may provide valuable pharmacological tools for elucidating th

    Involvement of the Modifier Gene of a Human Mendelian Disorder in a Negative Selection Process

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    BACKGROUND:Identification of modifier genes and characterization of their effects represent major challenges in human genetics. SAA1 is one of the few modifiers identified in humans: this gene influences the risk of renal amyloidosis (RA) in patients with familial Mediterranean fever (FMF), a Mendelian autoinflammatory disorder associated with mutations in MEFV. Indeed, the SAA1 alpha homozygous genotype and the p.Met694Val homozygous genotype at the MEFV locus are two main risk factors for RA. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:HERE, WE INVESTIGATED ARMENIAN FMF PATIENTS AND CONTROLS FROM TWO NEIGHBORING COUNTRIES: Armenia, where RA is frequent (24%), and Karabakh, where RA is rare (2.5%). Sequencing of MEFV revealed similar frequencies of p.Met694Val homozygotes in the two groups of patients. However, a major deficit of SAA1 alpha homozygotes was found among Karabakhian patients (4%) as compared to Armenian patients (24%) (p = 5.10(-5)). Most importantly, we observed deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) in the two groups of patients, and unexpectedly, in opposite directions, whereas, in the two control populations, genotype distributions at this locus were similar and complied with (HWE). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE:The excess of SAA1alpha homozygotes among Armenian patients could be explained by the recruitment of patients with severe phenotypes. In contrast, a population-based study revealed that the deficit of alpha/alpha among Karabakhian patients would result from a negative selection against carriers of this genotype. This study, which provides new insights into the role of SAA1 in the pathophysiology of FMF, represents the first example of deviations from HWE and selection involving the modifier gene of a Mendelian disorder

    Regional Brain and Spinal Cord Volume Loss in Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 3

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    Background: Given that new therapeutic options for spinocerebellar ataxias are on the horizon, there is a need for markers that reflect disease-related alterations, in particular, in the preataxic stage, in which clinical scales are lacking sensitivity. Objective: The objective of this study was to quantify regional brain volumes and upper cervical spinal cord areas in spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 in vivo across the entire time course of the disease. Methods: We applied a brain segmentation approach that included a lobular subsegmentation of the cerebellum to magnetic resonance images of 210 ataxic and 48 preataxic spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 mutation carriers and 63 healthy controls. In addition, cervical cord cross-sectional areas were determined at 2 levels. Results: The metrics of cervical spinal cord segments C3 and C2, medulla oblongata, pons, and pallidum, and the cerebellar anterior lobe were reduced in preataxic mutation carriers compared with controls. Those of cervical spinal cord segments C2 and C3, medulla oblongata, pons, midbrain, cerebellar lobules crus II and X, cerebellar white matter, and pallidum were reduced in ataxic compared with nonataxic carriers. Of all metrics studied, pontine volume showed the steepest decline across the disease course. It covaried with ataxia severity, CAG repeat length, and age. The multivariate model derived from this analysis explained 46.33% of the variance of pontine volume. Conclusion: Regional brain and spinal cord tissue loss in spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 starts before ataxia onset. Pontine volume appears to be the most promising imaging biomarker candidate for interventional trials that aim at slowing the progression of spinocerebellar ataxia type 3. © 2021 The Authors. Movement Disorders published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society

    Genetic association study of adiposity and melanocortin-4 receptor (MC4R) common variants: Replication and functional characterization of non-coding regions

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    Common genetic variants 3′ of MC4R within two large linkage disequilibrium (LD) blocks spanning 288 kb have been associated with common and rare forms of obesity. This large association region has not been refined and the relevant DNA segments within the association region have not been identified. In this study, we investigated whether common variants in the MC4R gene region were associated with adiposity-related traits in a biracial population-based study. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the MC4R region were genotyped with a custom array and a genome-wide array and associations between SNPs and five adiposity-related traits were determined using race-stratified linear regression. Previously reported associations between lower BMI and the minor alleles of rs2229616/Val103Ile and rs52820871/Ile251Leu were replicated in white female participants. Among white participants, rs11152221 in a proximal 3′ LD block (closer to MC4R) was significantly associated with multiple adiposity traits, but SNPs in a distal 309 LD block (farther from MC4R ) were not. In a case-control study of severe obesity, rs11152221 was significantly associated. The association results directed our follow-up studies to the proximal LD block downstream of MC4R. By considering nucleotide conservation, the significance of association, and proximity to the MC4R gene, we identified a candidate MC4R regulatory region. This candidate region was sequenced in 20 individuals from a study of severe obesity in an attempt to identify additional variants, and the candidate region was tested for enhancer activity using in vivo enhancer assays in zebrafish and mice. Novel variants were not identified by sequencing and the candidate region did not drive reporter gene expression in zebrafish or mice. The identification of a putative insulator in this region could help to explain the challenges faced in this study and others to link SNPs associated with adiposity to altered MC4R expression. © 2014 Evans et al

    Pharmacologic Inhibition of the TGF-β Type I Receptor Kinase Has Anabolic and Anti-Catabolic Effects on Bone

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    During development, growth factors and hormones cooperate to establish the unique sizes, shapes and material properties of individual bones. Among these, TGF-β has been shown to developmentally regulate bone mass and bone matrix properties. However, the mechanisms that control postnatal skeletal integrity in a dynamic biological and mechanical environment are distinct from those that regulate bone development. In addition, despite advances in understanding the roles of TGF-β signaling in osteoblasts and osteoclasts, the net effects of altered postnatal TGF-β signaling on bone remain unclear. To examine the role of TGF-β in the maintenance of the postnatal skeleton, we evaluated the effects of pharmacological inhibition of the TGF-β type I receptor (TβRI) kinase on bone mass, architecture and material properties. Inhibition of TβRI function increased bone mass and multiple aspects of bone quality, including trabecular bone architecture and macro-mechanical behavior of vertebral bone. TβRI inhibitors achieved these effects by increasing osteoblast differentiation and bone formation, while reducing osteoclast differentiation and bone resorption. Furthermore, they induced the expression of Runx2 and EphB4, which promote osteoblast differentiation, and ephrinB2, which antagonizes osteoclast differentiation. Through these anabolic and anti-catabolic effects, TβRI inhibitors coordinate changes in multiple bone parameters, including bone mass, architecture, matrix mineral concentration and material properties, that collectively increase bone fracture resistance. Therefore, TβRI inhibitors may be effective in treating conditions of skeletal fragility