160 research outputs found

    Differential expression of basement membrane collagen-IV alpha l to alpha 6 chains during oral carcinogenes

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    This study aimed to resolve if basement membrane (BM) collagen alpha chains undergo remodeling during oral. carcinogenesis. Using immunohistochemistry and transmission electron microscopy, we found that BMs in oral epithelial dysplasias (OED: mild, n=10; moderate, n=10; severe, n=10) and carcinoma in situ (CIS) (n=10) differed from normal mucosa (n=6) and oral epithelial hyperplasia (n=5) in showing: (1) excessive lamina densa-like material ultrastructurally, and (2) stronger immunoexpression for alpha 5(IV) than for alpha 1(IV), alpha 2(IV), and alpha 6(IV) chains-findings that implicate these molecules' role as an adhesive template for the attachment and persistence of basal dysplastic cells. Incipient loss of BM integrity in CIS, where alpha 5(IV)/alpha 6(IV) chains were more frequently absent than alpha 1(IV)/alpha 2(IV) chains, suggests that alpha(IV) network disruption is crucial for progression of dysplastic cells into the extracellular compartment, marking transition into the invasive phase. In carcinomatous BM, the disappearance of alpha(IV) chains was more severe in poorly differentiated oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) (n=10) than in well-differentiated OSCC (n=10). In all samples examined, alpha 3(IV) and alpha 4(IV) chains were absent. These findings taken together suggest that BM collagen-IV alpha chains undergo remodeling where selective increase and loss of these molecules are probably early and late events, respectively, during progression of oral dysplasia to cancer. This record was migrated from the OpenDepot repository service in June, 2017 before shutting down

    Localization of oxytalan fiber, type III collagen and BMP family in conventional and desmoplastic ameloblastoma

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    The histologic hallmark distinguishing desmoplastic ameloblastoma (DA) from conventional ameloblastoma (CA) is its pronounced stromal desmoplasia, and this formed the basis of this investigation. To elucidate the stromal characteristics, localization patterns of oxytalan fibers, type III collagen and BMP family in DA (n=8) was compared with CA (n=24), and periodontal ligament (PL) (n=8). Oxytalan fibers formed apico-occlusal bundles in PL, thick radial bundles around tumor nests in DA, and as scanty fibers in CA. Type III collagen was identified in PL, strongly expressed in DA stroma, but weakly in CA. BMP-2, -3, -4 and -7 expression patterns in tumor epithelium and stroma were more pronounced in DA (including sites of bone formation), than CA. No immunoreactivity for BMP-5 and -6 were detected. Current findings suggest that the stroma in DA is neoplastic and derived from odontogenic ectomesenchyme, and recommends its reclassification as an odontogenic epithelial-ectomesenchymal neoplasm

    Invasive characteristics of human prostatic epithelial cells: understanding the metastatic process

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    Prostate cancer has a predilection to metastasise to the bone marrow stroma (BMS) by an as yet uncharacterised mechanism. We have defined a series of coculture models of invasion, which simulate the blood/BMS boundary and allow the elucidation of the signalling and mechanics of trans-endothelial migration within the complex bone marrow environment. Confocal microscopy shows that prostate epithelial cells bind specifically to bone marrow endothelial-to-endothelial cell junctions and initiate endothelial cell retraction. Trans-endothelial migration proceeds via an epithelial cell pseudopodial process, with complete epithelial migration occurring after 232±43 min. Stromal-derived factor-1 (SDF-1)/CXCR4 signalling induced PC-3 to invade across a basement membrane although the level of invasion was 3.5-fold less than invasion towards BMS (P=0.0007) or bone marrow endothelial cells (P=0.004). Maximal SDF-1 signalling of invasion was completely inhibited by 10 μM of the SDF-1 inhibitor T140. However, 10 μM T140 only reduced invasion towards BMS and bone marrow endothelial cells by 59% (P=0.001) and 29% (P=0.011), respectively. This study highlights the need to examine the potential roles of signalling molecules and/or inhibitors, not just in single-cell models but in coculture models that mimic the complex environment of the bone marrow

    A spindle cell carcinoma presenting with osseous metaplasia in the gingiva: a case report with immunohistochemical analysis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Spindle cell carcinoma (SpCC) is a rare, high malignant variant of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), which shows biphasic proliferation of conventional SCC component and malignant spindle shape cells with sarcomatous appearance.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A case of Spindle cell carcinoma with bone-like calcified materials, occurring at the mandibular molar region of 71-years-old Japanese male patient was presented with gross finding, histological findings and MRI image. To identify the characteristics of the bone-like materials, immunohistochemistry were performed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Histologically, the cancer cells were composed of spindle cells and epithelial cells which form nests with prominent keratinization. Histological findings showed typical histology of the SpCC, however, as an uncommon finding, spatters of calcified, bone-like materials were observed in between the cancer cells. Immunohistochemistry revealed that cancer cells were positive for cytokeratins and vimentin to a varying degree and negative for Desmin, S-100, Osteopontin, BMP-2 or BMP-4. These findings implied that the calcified materials were formed by metaplasia of the stromal cells.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>Bone-like materials formation by osseous and/or cartilaginous metaplasia of the stroma in the carcinoma has been reported. However, the detailed mechanism of these metaplasia and affection on the clinical feature, prognosis and therapies are not well established. In summary, we presented an unique case of SpCC, which has not been described in the literature.</p

    A pigmented calcifying cystic odontogenic tumor associated with compound odontoma: a case report and review of literature

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Pigmented intraosseous odontogenic lesions are rare with only 47 reported cases in the English literature. Among them, pigmented calcifying cystic odontogenic tumor, formerly known as calcifying odontogenic cyst, is the most common lesion with 20 reported cases.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A case of pigmented calcifying cystic odontogenic tumor associated with odontoma occurring at the mandibular canine-premolar region of a young Japanese boy is presented with radiographic, and histological findings. Special staining, electron microscopic study and immunohistochemical staining were also done to characterize the pigmentation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The pigments in the lesion were confirmed to be melanin by Masson-Fontana staining and by transmission electron microscopy. The presence of dendritic melanocytes within the lesion was also demonstrated by S-100 immunostaining.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The present case report of pigmented calcifying cystic odontogenic tumor associated with odontoma features a comprehensive study on melanin and melanocytes, including histochemical, immunohistochemical and transmission electron microscopic findings.</p

    Secondary metabolite profiling, growth profiles and other tools for species recognition and important Aspergillus mycotoxins

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    Species in the genus Aspergillus have been classified primarily based on morphological features. Sequencing of house-hold genes has also been used in Aspergillus taxonomy and phylogeny, while extrolites and physiological features have been used less frequently. Three independent ways of classifying and identifying aspergilli appear to be applicable: Morphology combined with physiology and nutritional features, secondary metabolite profiling and DNA sequencing. These three ways of identifying Aspergillus species often point to the same species. This consensus approach can be used initially, but if consensus is achieved it is recommended to combine at least two of these independent ways of characterising aspergilli in a polyphasic taxonomy. The chemical combination of secondary metabolites and DNA sequence features has not been explored in taxonomy yet, however. Examples of these different taxonomic approaches will be given for Aspergillus section Nigri

    CCN3 and bone marrow cells

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    CCN3 expression was observed in a broad variety of tissues from the early stage of development. However, a kind of loss of function in mice (CCN3 del VWC domain -/-) demonstrated mild abnormality, which indicates that CCN3 may not be critical for the normal embryogenesis as a single gene. The importance of CCN3 in bone marrow environment becomes to be recognized by the studies of hematopoietic stem cells and Chronic Myeloid Leukemia cells. CCN3 expression in bone marrow has been denied by several investigations, but we found CCN3 positive stromal and hematopoietic cells at bone extremities with a new antibody although they are a very few populations. We investigated the expression pattern of CCN3 in the cultured bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells and found its preference for osteogenic differentiation. From the analyses of in vitro experiment using an osteogenic mesenchymal stem cell line, Kusa-A1, we found that CCN3 downregulates osteogenesis by two different pathways; suppression of BMP and stimulation of Notch. Secreted CCN3 from Kusa cells inhibited the differentiation of osteoblasts in separate culture, which indicates the paracrine manner of CCN3 activity. CCN3 may also affect the extracellular environment of the niche for hematopoietic stem cells

    Monocytes induce STAT3 activation in human mesenchymal stem cells to promote osteoblast formation

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    A major therapeutic challenge is how to replace bone once it is lost. Bone loss is a characteristic of chronic inflammatory and degenerative diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis. Cells and cytokines of the immune system are known to regulate bone turnover by controlling the differentiation and activity of osteoclasts, the bone resorbing cells. However, less is known about the regulation of osteoblasts (OB), the bone forming cells. This study aimed to investigate whether immune cells also regulate OB differentiation. Using in vitro cell cultures of human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSC), it was shown that monocytes/macrophages potently induced MSC differentiation into OBs. This was evident by increased alkaline phosphatase (ALP) after 7 days and the formation of mineralised bone nodules at 21 days. This monocyte-induced osteogenic effect was mediated by cell contact with MSCs leading to the production of soluble factor(s) by the monocytes. As a consequence of these interactions we observed a rapid activation of STAT3 in the MSCs. Gene profiling of STAT3 constitutively active (STAT3C) infected MSCs using Illumina whole human genome arrays showed that Runx2 and ALP were up-regulated whilst DKK1 was down-regulated in response to STAT3 signalling. STAT3C also led to the up-regulation of the oncostatin M (OSM) and LIF receptors. In the co-cultures, OSM that was produced by monocytes activated STAT3 in MSCs, and neutralising antibodies to OSM reduced ALP by 50%. These data indicate that OSM, in conjunction with other mediators, can drive MSC differentiation into OB. This study establishes a role for monocyte/macrophages as critical regulators of osteogenic differentiation via OSM production and the induction of STAT3 signalling in MSCs. Inducing the local activation of STAT3 in bone cells may be a valuable tool to increase bone formation in osteoporosis and arthritis, and in localised bone remodelling during fracture repair

    Hypoxia and TGF-β Drive Breast Cancer Bone Metastases through Parallel Signaling Pathways in Tumor Cells and the Bone Microenvironment

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    BACKGROUND: Most patients with advanced breast cancer develop bone metastases, which cause pain, hypercalcemia, fractures, nerve compression and paralysis. Chemotherapy causes further bone loss, and bone-specific treatments are only palliative. Multiple tumor-secreted factors act on the bone microenvironment to drive a feed-forward cycle of tumor growth. Effective treatment requires inhibiting upstream regulators of groups of prometastatic factors. Two central regulators are hypoxia and transforming growth factor (TGF)- beta. We asked whether hypoxia (via HIF-1alpha) and TGF-beta signaling promote bone metastases independently or synergistically, and we tested molecular versus pharmacological inhibition strategies in an animal model. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We analyzed interactions between HIF-1alpha and TGF-beta pathways in MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells. Only vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and the CXC chemokine receptor 4 (CXCR4), of 16 genes tested, were additively increased by both TGF-beta and hypoxia, with effects on the proximal promoters. We inhibited HIF-1alpha and TGF-beta pathways in tumor cells by shRNA and dominant negative receptor approaches. Inhibition of either pathway decreased bone metastasis, with no further effect of double blockade. We tested pharmacologic inhibitors of the pathways, which target both the tumor and the bone microenvironment. Unlike molecular blockade, combined drug treatment decreased bone metastases more than either alone, with effects on bone to decrease osteoclastic bone resorption and increase osteoblast activity, in addition to actions on tumor cells. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Hypoxia and TGF-beta signaling in parallel drive tumor bone metastases and regulate a common set of tumor genes. In contrast, small molecule inhibitors, by acting on both tumor cells and the bone microenvironment, additively decrease tumor burden, while improving skeletal quality. Our studies suggest that inhibitors of HIF-1alpha and TGF-beta may improve treatment of bone metastases and increase survival