989 research outputs found

    The long noncoding RNA, treRNA, decreases DNA damage and is associated with poor response to chemotherapy in chronic lymphocytic leukemia.

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    The study of long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) is an emerging area of cancer research, in part due to their ability to serve as disease biomarkers. However, few studies have investigated lncRNAs in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). We have identified one particular lncRNA, treRNA, which is overexpressed in CLL B-cells. We measured transcript expression in 144 CLL patient samples and separated samples into high or low expression of treRNA relative to the overall median. We found that high expression of treRNA is significantly associated with shorter time to treatment. High treRNA also correlates with poor prognostic indicators such as unmutated IGHV and high ZAP70 protein expression. We validated these initial findings in samples collected in a clinical trial comparing the nucleoside analog fludarabine alone or in combination with the alkylating agent cyclophosphamide in untreated CLL samples collected prior to starting therapy (E2997). High expression of treRNA was independently prognostic for shorter progression free survival in patients receiving fludarabine plus cyclophosphamide. Given these results, in order to study the role of treRNA in DNA damage response we generated a model cell line system where treRNA was over-expressed in the human B-CLL cell line OSU-CLL. Relative to the vector control line, there was less cell death in OSU-CLL over-expressing treRNA after exposure to fludarabine and mafosfamide, due in part to a reduction in DNA damage. Therefore, we suggest that treRNA is a novel biomarker in CLL associated with aggressive disease and poor response to chemotherapy through enhanced protection against cytotoxic mediated DNA damage

    Visual contrast sensitivity is associated with the presence of cerebral amyloid and tau deposition

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    Visual deficits are common in neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer’s disease. We sought to determine the association between visual contrast sensitivity and neuroimaging measures of Alzheimer’s disease-related pathophysiology, including cerebral amyloid and tau deposition and neurodegeneration. A total of 74 participants (7 Alzheimer’s disease, 16 mild cognitive impairment, 20 subjective cognitive decline, 31 cognitively normal older adults) underwent the frequency doubling technology 24-2 examination, a structural MRI scan and amyloid PET imaging for the assessment of visual contrast sensitivity. Of these participants, 46 participants (2 Alzheimer’s disease, 9 mild cognitive impairment, 12 subjective cognitive decline, 23 cognitively normal older adults) also underwent tau PET imaging with [18F]flortaucipir. The relationships between visual contrast sensitivity and cerebral amyloid and tau, as well as neurodegeneration, were assessed using partial Pearson correlations, covaried for age, sex and race and ethnicity. Voxel-wise associations were also evaluated for amyloid and tau. The ability of visual contrast sensitivity to predict amyloid and tau positivity were assessed using forward conditional logistic regression and receiver operating curve analysis. All analyses first were done in the full sample and then in the non-demented at-risk individuals (subjective cognitive decline and mild cognitive impairment) only. Significant associations between visual contrast sensitivity and regional amyloid and tau deposition were observed across the full sample and within subjective cognitive decline and mild cognitive impairment only. Voxel-wise analysis demonstrated strong associations of visual contrast sensitivity with amyloid and tau, primarily in temporal, parietal and occipital brain regions. Finally, visual contrast sensitivity accurately predicted amyloid and tau positivity. Alterations in visual contrast sensitivity were related to cerebral deposition of amyloid and tau, suggesting that this measure may be a good biomarker for detecting Alzheimer’s disease-related pathophysiology. Future studies in larger patient samples are needed, but these findings support the power of these measures of visual contrast sensitivity as a potential novel, inexpensive and easy-to-administer biomarker for Alzheimer’s disease-related pathology in older adults at risk for cognitive decline

    Permeability changes and effect of chemotherapy in brain adjacent to tumor in an experimental model of metastatic brain tumor from breast cancer

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    Abstract Background: Brain tumor vasculature can be significantly compromised and leakier than that of normal brain blood vessels. Little is known if there are vascular permeability alterations in the brain adjacent to tumor (BAT). Changes in BAT permeability may also lead to increased drug permeation in the BAT, which may exert toxicity on cells of the central nervous system. Herein, we studied permeation changes in BAT using quantitative fluorescent microscopy and autoradiography, while the effect of chemotherapy within the BAT region was determined by staining for activated astrocytes. Methods: Human metastatic breast cancer cells (MDA-MB-231Br) were injected into left ventricle of female NuNu mice. Metastases were allowed to grow for 28 days, after which animals were injected fluorescent tracers Texas Red (625 Da) or Texas Red dextran (3 kDa) or a chemotherapeutic agent 14C-paclitaxel. The accumulation of tracers and 14C-paclitaxel in BAT were determined by using quantitative fluorescent microscopy and autoradiography respectively. The effect of chemotherapy in BAT was determined by staining for activated astrocytes. Results: The mean permeability of texas Red (625 Da) within BAT region increased 1.0 to 2.5-fold when compared to normal brain, whereas, Texas Red dextran (3 kDa) demonstrated mean permeability increase ranging from 1.0 to 1.8-fold compared to normal brain. The Kin values in the BAT for both Texas Red (625 Da) and Texas Red dextran (3 kDa) were found to be 4.32 ± 0.2 × 105 mL/s/g and 1.6 ± 1.4 × 105 mL/s/g respectively and found to be significantly higher than the normal brain. We also found that there is significant increase in accumulation of 14C-Paclitaxel in BAT compared to the normal brain. We also observed animals treated with chemotherapy (paclitaxel (10 mg/kg), erubilin (1.5 mg/kg) and docetaxel (10 mg/kg)) showed activated astrocytes in BAT. Conclusions: Our data showed increased permeation of fluorescent tracers and 14C-paclitaxel in the BAT. This increased permeation lead to elevated levels of activated astrocytes in BAT region in the animals treated with chemotherapy

    [(11)C]PiB PET in Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker disease

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    Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker Disease (GSS) is a familial neurodegenerative disorder characterized clinically by ataxia, parkinsonism, and dementia, and neuropathologically by deposition of diffuse and amyloid plaques composed of prion protein (PrP). The purpose of this study was to evaluate if [(11)C]Pittsburgh Compound B (PiB) positron emission tomography (PET) is capable of detecting PrP-amyloid in PRNP gene carriers. Six individuals at risk for GSS and eight controls underwent [(11)C]PiB PET scans using standard methods. Approximately one year after the initial scan, each of the three asymptomatic carriers (two with PRNP P102L mutation, one with PRNP F198S mutation) underwent a second [(11)C]PiB PET scan. Three P102L carriers, one F198S carrier, and one non-carrier of the F198S mutation were cognitively normal, while one F198S carrier was cognitively impaired during the course of this study. No [(11)C]PiB uptake was observed in any subject at baseline or at follow-up. Neuropathologic study of the symptomatic individual revealed PrP-immunopositive plaques and tau-immunopositive neurofibrillary tangles in cerebral cortex, subcortical nuclei, and brainstem. PrP deposits were also numerous in the cerebellar cortex. This is the first study to investigate the ability of [(11)C]PiB PET to bind to PrP-amyloid in GSS F198S subjects. This finding suggests that [(11)C]PiB PET is not suitable for in vivo assessment of PrP-amyloid plaques in patients with GSS

    Olfactory identification in subjective cognitive decline and mild cognitive impairment: Association with tau but not amyloid positron emission tomography

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    Introduction We investigated the association between olfactory identification and Alzheimer's disease biomarkers, including amyloid, tau, and neurodegeneration. Methods Thirty-four older adults, including 19 cognitively normal (CN), 10 subjective cognitive decline (SCD), and 5 mild cognitive impairment, underwent amyloid positron emission tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and the University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test (UPSIT). Twenty-six also underwent tau positron emission tomography. Associations between the UPSIT and regionally sampled amyloid, tau, and temporal atrophy were evaluated. Voxel-wise regression models were also utilized. Analyses were conducted with the full sample and only CN/SCD. Results Lower UPSIT scores were associated with increased temporal and parietal tau burden in regional and voxel-wise analyses in the full sample and in CN and SCD only. Temporal lobe atrophy was associated with lower UPSIT score. Amyloid was not associated with the UPSIT. Discussion Impairment on the UPSIT may be a good marker for tau and neurodegeneration in preclinical or prodromal Alzheimer's disease

    Investigational chemotherapy and novel pharmacokinetic mechanisms for the treatment of breast cancer brain metastases

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    In women, breast cancer is the most common cancer diagnosis and second most common cause of cancer death. More than half of breast cancer patients will develop metastases to the bone, liver, lung, or brain. Breast cancer brain metastases (BCBM) confers a poor prognosis, as current therapeutic options of surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy rarely significantly extend life and are considered palliative. Within the realm of chemotherapy, the last decade has seen an explosion of novel chemotherapeutics involving targeting agents and unique dosage forms. We provide a historical overview of BCBM chemotherapy, review the mechanisms of new agents such as poly-ADP ribose polymerase inhibitors, cyclin-dependent kinase 4/6 inhibitors, phosphatidyl inositol 3-kinaseinhibitors, estrogen pathway antagonists for hormone-receptor positive BCBM; tyrosine kinase inhibitors, antibodies, and conjugates for HER2+ BCBM; repurposed cytotoxic chemotherapy for triple negative BCBM; and the utilization of these new agents and formulations in ongoing clinical trials. The mechanisms of novel dosage formulations such as nanoparticles, liposomes, pegylation, the concepts of enhanced permeation and retention, and drugs utilizing these concepts involved in clinical trials are also discussed. These new treatments provide a promising outlook in the treatment of BCBM

    Agglomerations and firm performance: who benefits and how much?

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    [EN] Agglomerations and firm performance: who benefits and how much? Regional Studies. Agglomeration can generate gains. If it does, how does it work and how are those gains distributed across agglomerated firms? The paper examines the effect of localization externalities on innovation. Localization externalities are measured as industry specialization or a firm s colocation in a relatively high own-industry employment region. By analyzing a large dataset of 6697 firms integrated with another regional agglomeration-related dataset, results show that (1) co-location in an agglomeration has a positive influence on a firm s innovative performance; and (2) firms benefit heterogeneously from agglomerations, with benefits being distributed asymmetrically. Agglomeration gains exist but not all firms benefit equally.Financial support was provided by the Spanish Ministry of Economics, Industry and Competitiveness [research grant ECO:2015-63645-R] (Mineco/Feder), Open Innovation in Clusters.Hervás Oliver, JL.; Sempere-Ripoll, F.; Rojas Alvarado, RJ.; Estelles Miguel, S. (2018). Agglomerations and firm performance: who benefits and how much?. Regional Studies. 52(3):338-349. https://doi.org/10.1080/00343404.2017.1297895S33834952

    The economic geography of the meso-global spaces: integrating multinationals and clusters at the local-global level

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    This is an author's accepted manuscript of an article published in: “European Planning Studies"; Volume 21, Issue 7, 2013; copyright Taylor & Francis; available online at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09654313.2013.733853[EN] The local global phenomenon literature is fragmented between the fields of international business and economic geography (EG). In the case of the latter, the literature, produced within the global production networks (GPNs) and global value chain frameworks, does not address the central role of firms, especially multinationals which co-locate and connect territories along GPNs. This paper develops a cross-field conceptual integration in order to enrich the EG perspective, using qualitative research methodology to test the framework. The results have important implications for scholars and policymakers.We are very thankful to the “Ministry of Economics” funding ECO2010:17318 and “Generalitat Valenciana” for its support in visiting the London School of Economics and Political Science (BEST 2011 grants)Hervás Oliver, JL.; Boix Domenech, R. (2012). The economic geography of the meso-global spaces: integrating multinationals and clusters at the local-global level. European Planning Studies. 21(7):1064-1080. https://doi.org/10.1080/09654313.2013.733853S1064108021

    Electrodeposition and Capacitive Behavior of Films for Electrodes of Electrochemical Supercapacitors

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    Polypyrrole films were deposited by anodic electropolymerization on stainless steel substrates from aqueous pyrrole solutions containing sodium salicylate and tiron additives. The deposition yield was studied under galvanostatic conditions. The amount of the deposited material was varied by the variation of deposition time at a constant current density. SEM studies showed the formation of porous films with thicknesses in the range of 0–3 μm. Cyclic voltammetry data for the films tested in 0.5 M Na2SO4 solutions showed capacitive behavior and high specific capacitance (SC) in a voltage window of 0.9 V. The films prepared from pyrrole solutions containing tiron showed better capacitive behavior compared to the films prepared from the solutions containing sodium salicylate. A highest SC of 254 F g−1 was observed for the sample with a specific mass of 89 μg cm−2 at a scan rate of 2 mV s−1. The SC decreased with an increasing film thickness and scan rate. The results indicated that the polypyrrole films deposited on the stainless steel substrates by anodic electropolymerization can be used as electrodes for electrochemical supercapacitors (ES)

    The Impact of Terrorism on Social Capital: Evidence from the 2015 Charlie Hebdo Paris Shooting

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    © 2019 The Department of Economics, University of Oxford and John Wiley & Sons Ltd We examine the impact of terrorism on social capital by exploiting variation in the 2014 European Social Survey administration dates coupled with the 2015 Charlie Hebdo attack in Paris, France. Using the difference-in-differences estimator, we find that the attack had a positive, causal impact on the overall level of social capital among French respondents. Further, the effect seems to be driven by an increase in institutional and interpersonal trust, as well as by engagement in social networks. This rise in social capital peaks in the immediate aftermath of the terrorist attack but subsequently decays to pre-attack levels within approximately one month