1,190 research outputs found

    Graphics technology to model the problems of calculus using analytical geometry

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    The paper contains some general background and someof the visualization methods that have been used to bring computer graphics technology to model mathematical problems of Calculus with Analytical Geometry. Computer-generated images have been length and breath of the paper as a source of additional background information on visual mathematics and an overview of selected animations concerned with mathematical visualization.Ця стаття містить опис деяких методів візуалізації, що дають можливість використовувати технології комп'ютерної графіки для моделювання задач математичного аналізу та аналітичної геометрії. Детально розглядаються питання використання комп'ютерних зображень та робиться огляд використання комп'ютерної анімації для цієї візуалізації

    Graphics technology to model the problems of calculus using analytical geometry

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    The paper contains some general background and someof the visualization methods that have been used to bring computer graphics technology to model mathematical problems of Calculus with Analytical Geometry. Computer-generated images have been length and breath of the paper as a source of additional background information on visual mathematics and an overview of selected animations concerned with mathematical visualization.Ця стаття містить опис деяких методів візуалізації, що дають можливість використовувати технології комп'ютерної графіки для моделювання задач математичного аналізу та аналітичної геометрії. Детально розглядаються питання використання комп'ютерних зображень та робиться огляд використання комп'ютерної анімації для цієї візуалізації

    Mass Spectrometric Studies of Positive Ion/Molecule Reactions in NH3 and SF6 Gases

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    Positive ion-molecule reactions in NH] and SF6 gas were studied in a static ion drift-tube mass spectrometer. E/N (the ratio of electric field strength to gas number density) varied typically from 20-400 Td and pressure ranged from 0.1 to 0.8 Torr. The most important process was found to b

    Scalability Improvement Of Multicast Source Movement Over Mobile Ipv6 Using Clustering Technique

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    Mobile IPv6 (MIPv6) describes how a mobile node can change its point of attachment to the Internet. While MIPv6 focuses on unicast communications, it also proposes two basic mechanisms, known as bi-directional tunnelling and remote subscription, to handle multicast communications with mobile members. In the mean time, the deployment of Source-Specific Multicast (SSM) is of great interest, using the Protocol Independent Multicast-Sparse Mode (PIM-SM) and Multicast Listener Discovery (MLDv2) protocols. In the particular case of mobile IPv6 SSM sources, the mechanism proposed in MIPv6 to support multicast communications introduced a number of problems that need to be addressed. First, in most scenarios the MIPv6 solution leads to suboptimal routing by setting up a tunnel to forward packets between the home agent in its home network and the current location in the foreign network. The use of a third party when roaming which is the home agent leads to suboptimal routing. Second, it introduces a central point of failure (i.e. the Home Agent (HA)) that is not to be neglected. The proposed MIPv6 solution also induces a great traffic concentration around this central point. Third, the processing task of the central point increases with the number of mobile sources it serves, thus reducing the efficiency of multicast delivery. The objective of this thesis is to remove some of the obstacles encountered in the way of multicast deployment in the Internet, thereby making Mobile IPv6 better equipped to support mobile SSM sources. Recent proposals to provide multicasting over mobile IP focuses mainly on recipient mobility but little attention has been given to the case of source mobility. This thesis attempts to address this problem. The basic essence of the problem is that while the effect of receiver movement on the multicast tree is local, the effect of source movement may be global and it may affect the complete multicast delivery tree. The initial design was motivated by the need to support one-to-many and many-to-many applications in a scalable fashion. Such applications cannot be serviced efficiently with unicast delivery. As the overall problem statement of “Scalability Improvement of Multicast Source Movement over IPv6 Using Clustering Technique” is extremely complex, we divide the problem into the following components: build the multicast delivery tree for source specific multicast which is a routing issue; clustering receivers based on their IPv6 addresses; improve the state scalability of these clusters which is a deployment issue; find an efficient way for service distribution which is a deployment issue as well; and finally, the seamless integration of the work with Mobile IPv6 allowing it to support multicast efficiently for mobile nodes. The combined solution provides a comprehensive procedure for planning and managing a multicast-based IPv6 network. The outcome of this thesis are: a software to represent an architecture of a multicast delivery tree for one-to-many type of group communication, a group management scheme that could handle the end nodes subscription/un-subscription process with the required updates, an average subscription delay of between 0.255 ms-0.530 ms and un-subscription delay of between 0.0456 ms-0.087 ms for up to 50000 nodes, an approach to multicast forwarding state reduction that could support small-size groups as well as large-size groups, and finally the integration of the work with Mobile IPv6 to handle the multicast source movement

    Antiproliferative Activity of Plant Extracts Used Against Cancer in Traditional Medicine

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    Forty four extracts from sixteen plants used traditionally as anticancer agents were evaluated in vitro for their antiproliferative activity against Hep-2, MCF-7, and Vero cell lines. Plants were fractionated using ethanol, methanol, chloroform, n-hexane, distilled water, and butanol. The antiproliferative activity was measured by MTT assay. TLC was used to identify active fractions. The apoptotic activity of active fractions was determined using TUNEL colorimetric assay. 20 of these extracts demonstrated significant antiproliferative activity against one or more of the cell lines. These extracts were prepared from Ononis hirta, Inula viscosa, Salvia pinardi, Verbascum sinaiticum and Ononis sicula. Methanol fractions of Ononis hirta (aerial parts) and Inula viscosa (flowers) were the most active fractions against MCF-7 cells with IC50 of 27.96 and 15.78 μg/ml respectively and they were less toxic against other cell lines. Other extracts showed lower activity against cancer cell lines. TLC analysis showed the presence of flavonoids and terpenoids in active plants while alkaloids were detected in Ononis hirta (aerial parts) extracts. Ononis hirta (aerial parts) and Inula viscosa (flowers) extracts exerted their antiproliferative activity by inducing apoptosis in cancer cell lines. Further studies are necessary for detailed chemical characterization and more extensive biological evaluation of the most active ingredients

    Halal logistics PEST Analysis: The Malaysia perspectives

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    Halal logistics is a global business, and the objective of this study is to analyse the general environment of Halal logistics in Malaysia by using the PEST Analysis. This study is exploratory in nature and applies literature survey and the External Factors Evaluation (EFE) Matrix methodology. The results generated 20 factors that externally influencing the Malaysia Halal logistics scene. Plus, from the analysis, the opportunities and threats are also showcased. This study is the first attempt to analyse the external environment of Malaysia Halal logistics industry, and it is hoped that this study will be a platform or future reference for more academic and professional research in Halal industry

    Survey On Injecting Green Design Ideas into Studentas Interior Design Project

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    Interior Design works has become more important than it used to be as the interior works takes quite a big chuck in an overall construction works Nowadays the clients want to play bigger role in implementing the interior task and eager to use or have the green or sustainable building idea to be implemented into their interior and also on their exterior project So interior design with sustainable factors has become more important Designers began to address the internal problems of their environment and recognize the importance of interior design role In the meantime while some interior designers using sustainable environmental design criteria in their design solutions the study examines how they apply it as a component for the design problem has not been done Thus we must look back into the academic sectors where this field must play an important role in producing the designers especially the interior designer with fair knowledge on environmental friendly designs or in today term as design with sustainable or green design factors Therefore with the above goals this research become an initial platform trying to measure on the students sensitivity in applying interior design sustainable issues into their academic studio projects This study however will discuss on design studio project that addresses sustainability through an environmentally based research focus Students somehow start the project with a research component interpreting the usefulness of interior s sustainable material and the sustainable implications in the process of design decision been made The process of recycling interior materials is advisable to use as well as recycling in the usage of interior products i e furniture etc Furniture manufactured from not-recycled friendly materials are also been looking into not to be considered in the design Therefore this study examines the environmental conditions of a continuing practice of the sustainable interior desig

    Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)-Based for Slope Mapping and the Determination of Potential Slope Hazard

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    This paper discusses the applications of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) for geological mapping and the determination of cross-section of certain selected area. With the development of modern technology, the utilization of UAV to gather data for geological mapping can be considered as finest method as it is quick, reliable, precise, cost-effective and also easily to operate. High imagery quality is essential for the effectiveness and nature of normal mapping output such as Digital Surface Model (DSM) and also Ortho Images. The utilization of UAV to capture aerial photo helps to gather information from a normal area to an area which almost impossible to reach. With the data obtained by the UAV, it will later be processed in established software and the analysis of slope profile of certain selected study area will be done. From these analyses, the potential slope hazards which based on slope angles will be determined and considered as another interest of this study

    Estimation of Gini-index from continuous distribution based on ranked set sampling

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    This paper introduces the idea of using the novel ranked set sampling scheme for estimating the Gini index from continuous distributions. A one dimensional integral estimation problem based on ranked samples was discussed. It is demonstrated by a simple Monte Carlo experiment that this approach provides an unbiased and more efficient Gini index estimators than the traditional estimators based on simple random sampling

    Developmental research of sustainable technologies to minimise problematic road embankment settlements

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    Challenging, problematic and non-uniform ground conditions are a night mare to geotechnical engineers tasked with the design and construction of buildings and transport infrastructure. These often suffer undesirable structural settlements. Designing within the current understanding of geotechnics; settlement in peat and organic soils need to be recognised to include the known “primary and secondary consolidation characteristics” and the lesser known “tertiary consolidation phase”. These eventually contribute cumulatively to the consequential uneven and hazardous “bumpy road” surfaces. Undulating flexible road pavements result primarily from the transference of the heavy self-weight of the embankment fill to yielding and non-uniform subgrade. The adoption of conventional design/repair methods such as pile, vertical drain, soil replacement and soil stabilisation are expensive and inappropriate in very soft ground conditions. These then lead to unjustifiably high and repetitive maintenance costs. There being no one quick fix solution for all; pragmatic research must necessarily identify the best/progressively improved practical and sustainable solution. A viable solution is to develop criteria and explore the concept of a “masonry arch bridge structure/lintel-column structure” and adopting sustainable materials through pragmatic searching for appropriate recyclable waste materials. This will lead to the basis for a sustainable, innovative, strong, stiff, permeable composite mat structure that can be used on soft and/or yielding ground conditions. Conceptual lightweight fill technology including the popularly used expanded polystyrene (EPS) and the innovative composite mats recently being developed by the research team are outlined