1,601 research outputs found

    Tipificación de Crepis sancta (L.) Babc. (Compositae, Cichorieae)

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    The typification of the name Crepis sancta (L.) Babc. in Unif. Calif. Public. Bot. 19: 403 (1941) [≡ Hieracium sanctum L., Cent. Pl. II: 30 (1756), basionym] (Compositae, Cichorieae) is discussed. The designation of the corresponding type is based on the consultation of the Linnaeus original material and the literature cited in the respective protologue. Original material conserved in LINN (The Linnaean Herbarium at the Linnean Society of London) is designated as the lectotype.Se discute la tipificación del nombre Crepis sancta (L.) Babc. in Unif. Calif. Public. Bot. 19: 403 (1941) [≡ Hieracium sanctum L., Cent. Pl. II: 30 (1756), basiónimo] (Compositae, Cichorieae). La designación del correspondiente tipo está basada en la consulta del material original de Linneo y la bibliografía citada en el respectivo protólogo. El material original conservado en LINN (Herbario de Linneo en la Sociedad Linneana de Londres) es designado como el lectótipo

    Restoration of european habitats in mainland, Portugal, using commercial seed mixtures. Considerations for its management and conservation

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    Permanent mountain pastures include meadows and other perennial pastures of high ecological, economic, cultural and scenic value. Increasing desertification limits the maintenance and conservation of its biodiversity and the associated landscape mosaic. A restoration experiment in permanent high altitude grasslands in Beira Alta (Centre East (CE) mainland Portugal) was made, by sowing adequate cultivars of existing grass and legume species. The main objectives addressed were: (1) comparison of floristic composition between reference communities included in the previous habitats and the improved communities; (2) evaluation of the success of sowing adequate cultivars of autochthonous species; (3) evaluation of the establishment of target species in terms of the maintenance of floristic composition of reference. The experiment was carried out in 2014 on nine farms situated in Beira Alta (Guarda District) and the phytosociological method was applied in the floristic surveys. The sown species with highest percentage of soil cover were Trifolium subterraneum, Lolium multiflorum, Ornithopus sativus and Trifolium vesiculosum. In the priority habitat 6220 it was observed a re-establishment of many species in their original composition and a high cover of several cultivars of Trifolium subterraneum. These results highlight the importance of using cultivars of autochthonous species in the improvement of altitude pasturesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Analysis of the Radon-222 Concentration and Physical-chemical Quality, in Drinking Water of Taxco, Guerrero

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    In this work the determination of radon gas (222Rn) and the characterization of chemical elements in drinking water of the city Taxco was carried out. Ingesting or inhaling a small number of radionuclides, as well as water of poor chemical quality, can become a potential public health problem. We are collecting 8 samples of water from a spring, physicochemical parameters were measured in field on different days of the dry season. Measurements of 222Rn were performed in the laboratory with an AlphaGUARD equipment. The chemical quality was analyzed in laboratory too by means of mayor and minor ions, by volumetry and colorimetry. The sodium was determined by Flama Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (FAAS). Trace elements were analyzed by were determined by Atomic Emission Spectroscopy with Plasma Coupled by Induction (ICP-AES). The concentrations of 222Rn present an average of 22.06 ± 2.52 BqL-1. The results obtained from the main ions and field parameters show a type of diluted sodium-calcium-bicarbonate water. The trace elements present are very small and not exceed the limit of quantification. Radon gas is produced by the igneous rock that is the top of the stratigraphic column, of the hydric recharge. Rainwater when descending through the fractures is impregnated with 222Rn gas and accumulated in the underlying rock that has sufficient porosity to accumulate water and gas in the Chacualco´s spring

    The role of chiral loops in η→π0π0γγ\eta\to\pi^0\pi^0\gamma\gamma

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    We consider the rare decay η→π0π0γγ\eta\to\pi^0\pi^0\gamma\gamma and calculate the non-resonant contribution to the amplitude to one loop in Chiral Perturbation Theory. We display our result as both a diphoton energy spectrum and a partial decay rate as a function of the photon energy cut. It turns out that the one-loop correction can be numerically very important and could be detected, at sufficiently large center-of-mass photon energies, from a measurement of the partial decay width.Comment: 10 pages, Latex. Discussion on the resonant background enlarged, sign error corrected, basic results unchanged. To appear in Phys. Lett.

    Serious Games Application for Memory Training Using Egocentric Images

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    Mild cognitive impairment is the early stage of several neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's. In this work, we address the use of lifelogging as a tool to obtain pictures from a patient's daily life from an egocentric point of view. We propose to use them in combination with serious games as a way to provide a non-pharmacological treatment to improve their quality of life. To do so, we introduce a novel computer vision technique that classifies rich and non rich egocentric images and uses them in serious games. We present results over a dataset composed by 10,997 images, recorded by 7 different users, achieving 79% of F1-score. Our model presents the first method used for automatic egocentric images selection applicable to serious games.Comment: 11 page

    Causas del incumplimiento de responsabilidad materna y paterna en cuanto al interés superior de niños/as entre las edades de 3 a 12 meses en el Centro Social Hermann Gmeiner Norte, en el II semestre del 2012

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    Este trabajo de tesis se realizó con el objetivo de determinar las causas del incumplimiento de responsabilidad materna y paterna en cuanto al interés superior de sus hijos e hijas de 3 a 12 meses de edad en el Centro Social Hermann Gmeiner Norte, en el II semestre del 2012. Cabe mencionar que los padres y madres son los principales responsables de propiciar el pleno cumplimiento de los derechos de sus hijos e hijas, sobre todo respetar y brindar acciones y procesos tendientes a garantizar su desarrollo integral y una vida digna, así como proporcionar condiciones materiales y afectivas que les permitan vivir plenamente y alcanzar el máximo bienestar posible. El tipo de investigación es cualitativa porque a través de ella pretendemos comprender a las familias de los niños y niñas en su cotidianidad utilizando métodos cualitativos poniendo énfasis en la comprensión de los procesos que se observan en su ámbito relacional en este caso el familiar y escolar. Además de ser una investigación cualitativa es una investigación exploratoria, este tipo resulta apropiado cuando el investigador se interesa por el significado de las experiencias y valores humanos, el punto de vista interno e individual de las personas y del ambiente natural que ocurre el fenómeno estudiado, logrando identificar las tendencias sobre fenómenos relativamente poco estudiado. Como parte de este estudio uno de los objetivos es caracterizar a los niños y niñas entre tres y doce meses de edad del Centro Social Hermann Gmeiner Norte, a través de la aplicación de instrumentos como observación directa a las familias, a sus comunidades y en el Centro Social, así como el análisis documental que se realizó de las políticas internas del centro y expedientes de niños y niñas. En este primer objetivo sobresalió que la relación de las familias con sus hijos e hijas es poco comunicativa, que los barrios donde viven y sus condiciones no son óptimos para su desarrollo integral debido a grandes carencias materiales y vulnerabilidad social. A través de la encuesta socioeconómica, entrevista y observación realizada a docentes, niños/as y familias respectivamente se encontró que el bajo nivel educativo de las familias incide en el tipo de trabajo que desempeñan como obreros/as en fábricas tabacaleras, obteniendo un salario bajo con el cual no satisfacen sus necesidades básicas. Producto de este bajo nivel educativo las familias procrearon a temprana edad sin planificarlo previamente lo que ha provocado su desconocimiento en las formas de estimulación temprana que deben trabajar con sus hijos/as. Otro aspecto relevante en los resultados de esta investigación fue el conocer que las familias buscan en los centros sociales el cuido de sus niños/as mostrándose desinteresadas en las actividades que realiza el centro social en pro del desarrollo de los niños/a

    Schmallenberg virus detection in Culicoides biting midges in Spain: First laboratory evidence for highly efficient infection of Culicoides of the Obsoletus complex and Culicoides imicola

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    Since Schmallenberg disease was discovered in 2011, the disease rapidly spread across Europe. Culicoides biting midges have been implicated as putative Schmallenberg vectors in Europe. The detection of Schmallenberg virus (SBV) in field collected Culicoides was evaluated through retrospective (2011–2012) collections and captures performed in 2013. This study represents the first detection of SBV in field collected Culicoides in Spain. Infectious midges were detected at the foothills of Pyrenees, Aramunt, in the summer 2012. All the specimens infected with Schmallenberg were of the species Culicoides obsoletus s.s. confirming its putative vector status in Spain. Experimental infection on field collected Culicoides provided evidence of atypical high efficiency for SBV vector infection and transmission potential in local populations of Culicoides imicola and in Culicoides of the Obsoletus complex. However, captured individuals of C. imicola were more susceptible to SBV infection than C. obsoletus s.l. (p < .001), with an infection ratio of 0.94 and 0.63, respectively. In contrast, a Culicoides nubeculosus colony appeared to be refractory to SBV infection.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio
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