428 research outputs found

    Dynamics of fourier modes in torus generative adversarial networks

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    Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) are powerful machine learning models capable of generating fully synthetic samples of a desired phenomenon with a high resolution. Despite their success, the training process of a GAN is highly unstable, and typically, it is necessary to implement several accessory heuristics to the networks to reach acceptable convergence of the model. In this paper, we introduce a novel method to analyze the convergence and stability in the training of generative adversarial networks. For this purpose, we propose to decompose the objective function of the adversary min–max game defining a periodic GAN into its Fourier series. By studying the dynamics of the truncated Fourier series for the continuous alternating gradient descend algorithm, we are able to approximate the real flow and to identify the main features of the convergence of GAN. This approach is confirmed empirically by studying the training flow in a 2-parametric GAN, aiming to generate an unknown exponential distribution. As a by-product, we show that convergent orbits in GANs are small perturbations of periodic orbits so the Nash equillibria are spiral attractors. This theoretically justifies the slow and unstable training observed in GAN

    Motorcycle detection for ADAS through camera and V2V communication, a comparative analysis of two modern technologies

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    Motorcycles are one of the most dangerous means of transportation. Its death toll is higher than in others, due to the inherent vulnerability of motorcycle drivers. The latest strategies in Advanced Driving Assistance Systems (ADAS) are trying to mitigate this problem by applying the advances of modern technologies to the road transport. This paper presents two different approaches on motorcycle protection, based on two of the most modern available technologies in ADAS, i.e. Computer Vision and Vehicle to Vehicle Communication (V2V). The first approach is based on data fusion of Laser Scanner and Computer Vision, providing accurate obstacle detection and localization based on laser scanner, and obstacle classification using computer vision and laser. The second approach is based on ad-hoc V2V technology and provides detection in case of occlusion for visual sensors. Both technologies have been tested in the presented work, and a performance comparison is given. Tests performed in different driving situations allows to measure the performance of every algorithm and the limitations of each of them based on empirical and scientific foundations. The conclusions of the presented work help foster of expert systems in the automotive sector by providing further discussion of the viability and impact from each of these systems in real scenarios

    Data Augmentation techniques in time series domain: A survey and taxonomy

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    With the latest advances in Deep Learning-based generative models, it has not taken long to take advantage of their remarkable performance in the area of time series. Deep neural networks used to work with time series heavily depend on the size and consistency of the datasets used in training. These features are not usually abundant in the real world, where they are usually limited and often have constraints that must be guaranteed. Therefore, an effective way to increase the amount of data is by using Data Augmentation techniques, either by adding noise or permutations and by generating new synthetic data. This work systematically reviews the current state-of-the-art in the area to provide an overview of all available algorithms and proposes a taxonomy of the most relevant research. The efficiency of the different variants will be evaluated as a central part of the process, as well as the different metrics to evaluate the performance and the main problems concerning each model will be analysed. The ultimate aim of this study is to provide a summary of the evolution and performance of areas that produce better results to guide future researchers in this field.Comment: 33 pages, 9 figure

    The Use of Lane-Centering to Ensure the Visible Light Communication Connectivity for a Platoon of Autonomous Vehicles

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    International audienceThe new emerging Visible Light Communication (VLC) technology has been subjected to intensive investigation, evaluation, and lately, deployed in the context of convoy-based applications for Intelligent Transportations Systems (ITS). The technology limitations were defined and supported by different solution proposals to enhance the crucial alignment and mobility limitations. In this paper, we propose to incorporate VLC technology and the Lane-Centering (LC) technique to ensure the VLC-connectivity by keeping the autonomous vehicle aligned to the lane center using vision-based lane detection in a convoy-based formation. As soon as the road lanes are detectable, the evaluated system showed stable behavior independently of the inter-vehicle distances and without the need to exchange information between vehicles. Such a combination can ensure the optical communication connectivity with a lateral error of less than 30 cm. The evaluation of the proposed system is verified using VLC prototype and an empirical result of an LC active application over 60 km on the Madrid M40 highway

    Dietary Glycemic Index, Dietary Glycemic Load, Blood Lipids, and Coronary Heart Disease

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    Objective. To examine the associations of dietary glycemic index (GI) and dietary glycemic load (GL) with blood lipid concentrations and coronary heart disease (CHD) in nondiabetic participants in the Health Worker Cohort Study (HWCS). Materials and Methods. A cross-sectional analysis was performed, using data from adults who participated in the HWCS baseline assessment. We collected information on participants' socio-demographic conditions, dietary patterns and physical activity via self-administered questionnaires. Dietary GI and dietary GL were measured using a validated food frequency questionnaire. Anthropometric and clinical measurements were assessed with standardized procedures. CHD risk was estimated according to the sex-specific Framingham prediction algorithms. Results. IIn the 5,830 individuals aged 20 to 70 who were evaluated, dietary GI and GL were significantly associated with HDL-C, LDL-C, LDL-C/HDL-C ratio, and triglycerides serum levels. Subjects with high dietary GI have a relative risk of 1.56 (CI 95%; 1.13–2.14), and those with high dietary GL have a relative risk of 2.64 (CI 95%; 1.15–6.58) of having an elevated CHD risk than those who had low dietary GI and GL. Conclusions. Our results suggest that high dietary GI and dietary GL could have an unfavorable effect on serum lipid levels, which are in turn associated with a higher CHD risk

    Habilidades de investigación científica en los estudiantes del 6to ciclo de la carrera de Ingeniería Ambiental de la Universidad Continental Huancayo

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    En el presente estudio se determinaron las habilidades de investigación científica de los estudiantes del 6to ciclo de la carrera de Ingeniería Ambiental de la universidad Continental. Metodológicamente hablando, se trabajó bajo un enfoque cuantitativo y un tipo de investigación descriptiva, se diseñó un instrumento el cual se aplicó a 63 estudiantes del 6to ciclo de la carrera de Ingeniería Ambiental. En la discusión y los resultados de la aplicación de la encuesta se pudo evidenciar que la mayoría de los estudiantes poseen habilidades de investigación científica, las cuales han desarrollado o adquirido en su formación académica. La conclusión arrojó que los estudiantes poseen competencias investigativas acorde a su carrera de formación y poseen la capacidad para proporcionar sentido a la información, así mismo elaboran juicios y deducciones sobre las actividades que realizan. Sin embargo, se observó que algunos de los estudiantes no poseen la habilidad cognitiva de darle sentido o hacer deducciones de lo que leen

    Scale for assessing the quality of Mexican adults' mealtime habits

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    To construct a scale for assessing the quality of mealtime habits in a sample of urban Mexican adults, computing the contribution of a set of advisable and unadvisable mealtime habits. Material and Methods. We performed an exploratory factor analysis among 7 472 adults participating in the baseline assessment of the Health Workers Cohort Study, to assess the mealtime habits quality. Likelihood ratio test for difference of two probabilities and test for the difference of two means were used to identify differences between low and high categories of the Mealtime Habits Quality Scale (MHQS) across variables of interest. Results. Participants with the top quality of mealtime habits showed lower rates of overweight, obesity, abdominal obesity, and elevated body fat. They were also more adherent to a prudent dietary pattern than a western dietary pattern, and consumed more fruits and vegetables. Conclusions. Anthropometric and dietary variables differed across MHQS categories. However, further validation of the scale, and assessment of their ability to predict weight gain or related diseases are needed, using prospective and intervention studies

    Serotypes, virulence genes profiles and antimicrobial resistance patterns of Escherichia coli recovered from feces of healthy lambs in Mexico

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    Articulo que habla de la resistencia a los antibióticos en corderosHealthy lambs are one of the major reservoirs of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) and it is known as the cause of foodborne diseases (FBD). The work objective is to characterize (STEC) isolates obtained from rectal swabs of healthy lambs herds, a total of 183 samples were obtained from sheep production units of the State of Mexico. E. coli isolates were confirmed through the amplification of the uid A gene. antimicrobial sensitivity pattern was determined through Kirby-Bauer (CLSI, 2012) test and the presence stx1, stx2 and eae genes from isolates by multiplex PCR. Serotyping was performed using specific anti-O and anti-H sera (SERUNAM, Mexico) for 185 Somatic and 56 flagellar antigens. 126 isolates biochemically and molecularly identified as E. coli were obtained, of which 80 did not express any virulence factor and 46 expressed at least some (STEC) virulence factor. The highest percentage of E. coli resistance was for tetracycline 48.7% (39/80), followed by nalidixic acid 13.7% (11/80), gentamicin 6.2% (5/80) and Ciprofloxacin 3.7% (3/80). Resistance to amikacin, cefotaxime and ceftazidime were not detected. A frequency of 46 STEC isolates (36.2%) were obtained, of which 28/46 (22.0%) expressed stx1, stx2 3/46 (6.5%), stx1, stx2 13/46 (10.2%) and eae 2/46 (1.6%). Thirty different serotypes were obtained. The three serotypes with the highest number of isolates (four each) were: O76:H19, O118:H27 and O146:H21 which have been identified as a cause of diarrhea in human population. An isolate of serogroup O104 was obtained, with a significant importance for European public health. In virtue of the discovered serotypes and the virulence factors distribution, we can affirm that the obtained isolates from lambs in the State of Mexico are classifiable as atypical STEC of low virulence

    Juegos de Acertijos: Como estrategia metodológica para facilitar el aprendizaje del contenido, (Estructura de Lewis)

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    El trabajo investigativo titulado “Juegos de Acertijos” como estrategia metodológica para facilitar el aprendizaje del contenido, Estructura de Lewis, en el noveno grado del colegio Emmanuel Mongalo y Rubio de la comunidad El Rodeo, Pueblo Nuevo Estelí durante el segundo semestre 2022. Propuesta que surge con la intención de generar un aporte a la enseñanza del docente y al aprendizaje del estudiante para el cumplimiento de los objetivos conceptuales, procedimentales y actitudinales que poseen los contenidos de Ciencias Naturales desde el fortalecimiento de los saberes del estudiante, involucrando la parte lúdica en los contenidos sobre la estructura de Lewis. El estudio aborda las bases teóricas sobre los tipos de estrategias, evaluación y conceptualizaciones de las tipologías de dichas estrategias. De acuerdo con el problema de investigación y los objetivos planteados el enfoque es cualitativo; en el tipo de muestreo se utilizó el deliberado, siendo los sujetos de investigación 21 estudiantes y 1 docente 1 director. Se aplicaron guías de entrevistas y de observación, obteniendo como resultado la necesidad de aplicar estrategias lúdicas para el desarrollo de los contenidos que permitan y faciliten la interacción y el trabajo colaborativo en el aula de clase

    Sistema de Información para el control de Inventario y Facturación del Colegio San Francisco Hermanos Maristas

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    La finalidad de esta investigación fue desarrollar un sistema de información que resuelva los problemas encontrados en los procesos de control de inventario y facturación y permita el correcto funcionamiento del Colegio San Francisco Hermanos Maristas de la ciudad de Estelí. Para el desarrollo del sistema se utilizaron dos metodologías ágiles para el desarrollo de software (XP y Scrum). Debido a que permiten la creación de prototipos funcionales, la participación del cliente (product owner) y la creación de historias de usuario para comprender el funcionamiento del sistema. El resultado de esta investigación es un sistema de información que funciona utilizando una arquitectura cliente-servidor. El sistema cumple con los objetivos planteados al inicio del proyecto; además permite agilizar los procesos para el control de inventario y facturación del colegio