312 research outputs found

    High-spectral resolution observations of the 3.29 micron emission feature: Comparison to QCC and PAHs

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    Two of the most promising explanations for the origin of the interstellar emission features observed at 3.29, 3.4, 6.2, 7.7, 8.6, and 11.3 microns are: quenched carbonaceous composite (QCC) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). High resolution spectra are given of the 3.29 micron emission feature which were taken with the Cooled Grating Array Spectrometer at the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility and previously published. These spectra show that the peak wavelength of the 3.29 micron feature is located at 3.295 + or - 0.005 micron and that it is coincident with the peak absorbance of QCC. The peak wavelength of the 3.29 micron feature appears to be the same in all of the sources observed thus far. However, the width of the feature in HD 44179 and Elias 1 is only 0.023 micron, which is smaller than the 0.043 micron width in NGC 7027, IRAS 21282+5050, the Orion nebula, and BD+30 deg 3639. Spectra of NGC 7027, QCC, and PAHs is shown. QCC matches the 3.29 micron interstellar emission feature very closely in the wavelength of the peak, and it produces a single feature. On the other hand, PAHs rarely match the peak of the interstellar emission feature, and characteristically produce multiple features

    Non-local mean field effect on nuclei near Z=64 sub-shell

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    Evolutions of single-particle energies and Z=64 sub-shell along the isotonic chain of N=82 are investigated in the density dependent relativistic Hartree-Fock (DDRHF) theory in comparison with other commonly used mean field models such as Skyrme HF, Gogny HFB and density dependent relativistic Hartree model (DDRMF). The pairing is treated in the BCS scheme, except for Gogny HFB. It is pointed out that DDRHF reproduces well characteristic features of experimental ZZ-dependence of both spin orbital and pseudo-spin orbital splittings around the sub-shell closure Z=64. Non-local exchange terms of the isoscalar σ\sigma and ω\omega couplings play dominant roles in the enhancements of the spin-orbit splitting of proton 2d states, which is the key ingredient to give the Z=64 sub-shell closure properly. On the other hand, the π\pi and ρ\rho tensor contributions for the spin-orbit splitting cancel each other and the net effect becomes rather small. The enhancement of the sub-shell gaps towards Z=64 is studied by the DDRHF, for which the local terms of the scalar and vector meson couplings are found to be important.Comment: 4 figure

    Critical temperature and correlation length of an elastic interaction model for spin-crossover materials

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    It has previously been pointed out that the coexistence of infinite-range and short-range interactions causes a system to have a phase transition of the mean-field universality class, in which the cluster size is finite even at the critical point. In the present paper, we study this property in a model of bistable molecules, whose size changes depending on the bistable states. The molecules can move in space, interacting via an elastic interaction. It is known that due to the different sizes, an effective long-range interaction between the spins appears, and thus this model has a mean-field type of phase transition. It is found that the scaling properties of the shift of the critical temperature from the pure short-range limit in the model with infinite-range and short-range interactions hold also in the present model, regarding the ratio of the size of the two states as a control parameter for the strength of the long-range interaction. By studying the structure factor, it is shown that the dependence of the cluster size at the critical temperature also shows the same scaling properties as a previously studied model with both infinite-range and short-range interactions. We therefore conclude that these scaling relations hold universally in hybrid models with both short-range and weak long-range interactions

    Microscopic description of nuclei in the middle of the pf-shell by a shell model calculation with G-matrix interaction

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    Energy levels and electromagnetic properties of with N=2830N=28\sim 30 nuclides are studied in terms of a large-scale shell model calculation, which contains no newly adjusted parameters. The Kuo-Brown GG-matrix interaction is shown to reproduce energy levels of 205 low-lying states of these nuclei. We evaluate effective charges by incorporating the core-polarization effects caused by the coupling to GQR's. We then compute E2 moments and transition probabilities. The M1 moments and transition rates are calculated by quoting the effective gg-factors of Towner, which are obtained by taking into account the meson-exchange and the core-polarization mechanisms. By this microscopic calculation most of the E2 properties and the magnetic moments are reproduced. Although there are agreements and disagreements in the M1 transition rates, the general tendency is reproduced. The (e,e)(e,e') and (p,p)(p,p') excitation from the ground state to some low-lying 2+2^+ states is also discussed.Comment: 63 pages (LaTeX, to be published in Nucl. Phys. A