1,166 research outputs found

    Interaction and Localization of One-electron Orbitals in an Organic Molecule: Fictitious Parameter Analysis for Multi-physics Simulations

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    We present a new methodology to analyze complicated multi-physics simulations by introducing a fictitious parameter. Using the method, we study quantum mechanical aspects of an organic molecule in water. The simulation is variationally constructed from the ab initio molecular orbital method and the classical statistical mechanics with the fictitious parameter representing the coupling strength between solute and solvent. We obtain a number of one-electron orbital energies of the solute molecule derived from the Hartree-Fock approximation, and eigenvalue-statistical analysis developed in the study of nonintegrable systems is applied to them. Based on the results, we analyze localization properties of the electronic wavefunctions under the influence of the solvent.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, the revised version will appear in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. Vol.76 (No.1

    Tracing the origins of permitted emission lines in RU Lupi down to AU scales

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    Most of the observed emission lines and continuum excess from young accreting low mass stars (Classical T Tauri stars -- CTTSs) take place in the star-disk or inner disk region. These regions have a complex emission topology still largely unknown. In this paper the magnetospheric accretion and inner wind contributions to the observed permitted He and H near infrared (NIR) lines of the bright southern CTTS RU Lupi are investigated for the first time. Previous optical observations of RU Lupi showed a large H-alpha profile, due to the emission from a wind in the line wings, and a micro-jet detected in forbidden lines. We extend this analysis to NIR lines through seeing-limited high spectral resolution spectra taken with VLT/ISAAC, and adaptive optics (AO) aided narrow-band imaging and low spectral resolution spectroscopy with VLT/NACO. Using spectro-astrometric analysis we investigate the presence of extended emission down to very low spatial scales (a few AU). The HeI 10830 line presents a P Cygni profile whose absorption feature indicates the presence of an inner stellar wind. Moreover the spectro-astrometric analysis evidences the presence of an extended emission superimposed to the absorption feature and likely coming from the micro-jet detected in the optical. On the contrary, the origin of the Hydrogen Paschen and Brackett lines is difficult to address. We tried tentatively to explain the observed line profiles and flux ratios with both accretion and wind models showing the limits of both approaches. The lack of spectro-astrometric signal indicates that the HI emission is either compact or symmetric. Our analysis confirms the sensitivity of the HeI line to the presence of faint extended emission regions in the close proximity of the star.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication on A&

    A highly-collimated SiO jet in the HH212 protostellar outflow

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    We mapped the HH212 Class 0 outflow in SiO(2--1, 5--4) and continuum using the PdBI in its extended configurations. The unprecedented angular resolution (down to 0.34") allows accurate comparison with a new, deep H2 image obtained at the VLT. The SiO emission is confined to a highly-collimated bipolar jet (width 0.35") along the outflow axis. The jet can be traced down to within 500 AU of the protostar, in a region that is heavily obscured in H2 images. Where both species are detected, SiO shows the same overall kinematics and structure as H2, indicating that both molecules are tracing the same material. We find that the high-velocity SiO gas near the protostar is not tracing a wide-angle wind but is already confined to a flow inside a narrow cone of half-opening angle < 6 deg.Comment: Astronomy and Astrophysics Letter, in pres

    Nuclear Tetrahedral Symmetry: Possibly Present Throughout the Periodic Table

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    More than half a century after the fundamental, spherical shell structure in nuclei has been established, theoretical predictions indicate that the shell-gaps comparable or even stronger than those at spherical shapes may exist. Group-theoretical analysis supported by realistic mean-field calculations indicate that the corresponding nuclei are characterized by the TdDT_d^D ('double-tetrahedral') group of symmetry, exact or approximate. The corresponding strong shell-gap structure is markedly enhanced by the existence of the 4-dimensional irreducible representations of the group in question and consequently it can be seen as a geometrical effect that does not depend on a particular realization of the mean-field. Possibilities of discovering the corresponding symmetry in experiment are discussed.Comment: 4 pages in LaTeX and 4 figures in eps forma

    On the Hα\alpha emission from the ÎČ\beta Cephei system

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    Be stars, which are characterised by intermittent emission in their hydrogen lines, are known to be fast rotators. This fast rotation is a requirement for the formation of a Keplerian disk, which in turn gives rise to the emission. However, the pulsating, magnetic B1IV star ÎČ\beta Cephei is a very slow rotator that still shows Hα\alpha emission episodes like in other Be stars, contradicting current theories. We investigate the hypothesis that the Hα\alpha emission stems from the spectroscopically unresolved companion of ÎČ\beta Cep. Spectra of the two unresolved components have been separated in the 6350-6850\AA range with spectro-astrometric techniques, using 11 longslit spectra obtained with ALFOSC at the Nordic Optical Telescope, La Palma. We find that the Hα\alpha emission is not related to the primary in ÎČ\beta Cep, but is due to its 3.4 magnitudes fainter companion. This companion has been resolved by speckle techniques, but it remains unresolved by traditional spectroscopy. The emission extends from about −-400 to +400 km s−1^{-1}. The companion star in its 90-year orbit is likely to be a classical Be star with a spectral type around B6-8. By identifying its Be-star companion as the origin of the Hα\alpha emission behaviour, the enigma behind the Be status of the slow rotator ÎČ\beta Cep has been resolved.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Accepted by A&A Letter

    Collimation of a spherical collisionless particles stream in Kerr space-time

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    We examine the propagation of collisionless particles emitted from a spherical shell to infinity. The number distribution at infinity, calculated as a function of the polar angle, exhibits a small deviation from uniformity. The number of particles moving from the polar region toward the equatorial plane is slightly larger than that of particles in the opposite direction, for an emission radius >4.5M > 4.5M in extreme Kerr space-time. This means that the black hole spin exerts an anti-collimation effect on the particles stream propagating along the rotation axis. We also confirm this property in the weak field limit. The quadrupole moment of the central object produces a force toward the equatorial plane. For a smaller emission radius r<4.5Mr<4.5M, the absorption of particles into the black hole, the non-uniformity and/or the anisotropy of the emission distribution become much more important.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures; accepted for publication in CQ

    The E-ELT Multi-Object Spectrograph: latest news from MOSAIC

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    There are 8000 galaxies, including 1600 at z larger than 1.6, which could be simultaneously observed in an E-ELT field of view of 40 sq. arcmin. A considerable fraction of astrophysical discoveries require large statistical samples, which can only be obtained with multi-object spectrographs (MOS). MOSAIC will provide a vast discovery space, enabled by a multiplex of 200 and spectral resolving powers of R=5000 and 20000. MOSAIC will also offer the unique capability of more than 10 "high-definition" (multi-object adaptive optics, MOAO) integral-field units, optimised to investigate the physics of the sources of reionization. The combination of these modes will make MOSAIC the world-leading MOS facility, contributing to all fields of contemporary astronomy, from extra-solar planets, to the study of the halo of the Milky Way and its satellites, and from resolved stellar populations in nearby galaxies out to observations of the earliest "first-light" structures in the Universe. It will also study the distribution of the dark and ordinary matter at all scales and epochs of the Universe. Recent studies of critical technical issues such as sky-background subtraction and MOAO have demonstrated that such a MOS is feasible with state-of-the-art technology and techniques. Current studies of the MOSAIC team include further trade-offs on the wavelength coverage, a solution for compensating for the non-telecentric new design of the telescope, and tests of the saturation of skylines especially in the near-IR bands. In the 2020s the E-ELT will become the world's largest optical/IR telescope, and we argue that it has to be equipped as soon as possible with a MOS to provide the most efficient, and likely the best way to follow-up on James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) observations.Comment: 10 pages, 3 Figures, in Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VI, 2016, Proc. SPI

    Structure of Excited States of 10Be studied with Antisymmetrized Molecular Dynamics

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    We study structure of excited states of 10Be with the method of variation after spin parity projection in the framework of antisymmetrized molecular dynamics. Present calculations describe many excited states and reproduce the experimental data of E2 and E1 transitions and the new data of the ÎČ\beta transition strength successfully. We make systematic discussions on the molecule-like structures of light unstable nuclei and the important role of the valence neutrons based on the results obtained with the framework which is free from such model assumptions as the existence of inert cores and clusters.Comment: 15 pages, RevTex, seven postscript figures (using epsf.sty

    Adaptive Optics Spectroscopy of the [Fe II] Outflows from HL Tauri and RW Aurigae

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    We present new results of [Fe II] 1.644-micron spectroscopy toward the jets from HL Tau and RW Aur carried out with the Subaru Telescope combined with the adaptive optics system. We observed the regions within 2" - 3" from the stars with the sub-arcsecond resolutions of 0."5 and 0."2 for HL Tau and RW Aur, respectively. In addition to the strong, high velocity emission extended along each jet, we detected a blueshifted low velocity emission feature seen as a wing or shoulder of the high velocity emission at each stellar position. Detailed analysis shows that the position-velocity diagrams (PVDs) of HL Tau and RW Aur show a characteristic similar to those of the cold disk wind and X-wind models in that the [Fe II] line width is broad in the vicinity of the stellar position and is narrower at the extended jet. A closer comparison suggests, however, that the disk wind model tends to have too large line width at the jet while the X-wind model has excess emission on the redshifted side at the stellar position. The narrow velocity width with symmetric line profiles of the observed high velocity emission supports an X-wind type model where the launching region is localized in a small radial range, while the low velocity emission located away from the star favors the presence of a disk wind. The [Fe II] emission from the HL Tau jet shows a gap of 0."8 between the redshifted jet and the star, indicating the presence of an optically thick disk of ~ 160 AU in radius. The [Fe II] emission from the RW Aur jet shows a marked drop from the redshifted peak at Y ~ -0."2 toward the star, suggesting that its disk radius is smaller than 40 AU.Comment: Accepted in the ApJ (October 2006, v649n2), AAS LaTEX macros v 5.2, Total 25 pages with 7 figure

    The origin of ultra high energy cosmic rays

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    We briefly discuss some open problems and recent developments in the investigation of the origin and propagation of ultra high energy cosmic rays (UHECRs).Comment: Invited Review Talk at TAUP 2005 (Zaragoza - September 10-14, 2005). 7 page
