622 research outputs found

    Stability and Accuracy of Exponential Extrapolation Method

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    The stability of a numerical methods is important consideration that must be considered when solving ODEs, where Since the extrapolation methods are best away to get a high-accuracy solution of ODEs. In this paper we studied the stability and accuracy of the exponential extrapolation method which is in the form of y=Aeαh where A and α are constant to be determined using least square fitting.  We gave example to explain the accuracy of this method and we explained that the stability region of exponential extrapolation method always inside the | 1+ z | ≤ 1

    Design of a contactless body temperature measurement system using arduino

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    The recent advances in electronics and microelectronics devices allow the development of newly low-cost monitoring tools used by peoples for health preventive purposes. Sensors used in medical equipments convert various forms of human body vital signs into electrical signals. Therefore, the healthcare monitoring systems considering non-invasive and wearable sensors with integrated communication mediums allow an efficient solution to live a comfortable home life. This paper presents the remote monitoring of human body temperature (HBT) wirelessly by means of Arduino controller with different sensors and open source internet connection. The proposed monitoring system uses an internet network via wireless fieldity (wifi) connection to be linked with online portal on smart phone or computer. The proposed system is comprised of an Arduino controller, LM-35 (S1), MLX-90614 (S2) temperature sensors and ESP-wifi shield module. The obtained result has shown that real time temperature monitoring data can be transferred to authentic observer by utilizing internet of things (IoT) applications. The findings from this research indicates that the difference of average temperature in between Sensor S1 and S2 is about 15 0C

    Studi Karakteristik Selai Kolang Kaling Markisa dengan Penambahan Pewarna Angkak

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    Pengolahan selai dengan bahan baku kolang kaling dan buah markisa akan memberikan warna selai yang kurang menarik. Pigmen angkak dapat dijadikan alternatif pewarna alami yang baik dan cukup stabil dimana juga dapat meningkatkan aktivitas antioksidan pada produk. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan dan konsentrasi yang tepat  bubuk angkak terhadap karakteristik selai kolang kaling  markisa. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan  rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan 5 perlakuan dan 3 kali ulangan. Perlakuan tersebut adalah penambahan bubuk angkak yaitu : A (tanpa (0%)), B (1%), C (2%), D (3%) dan E (4%). Data dianalisis secara statistik dengan menggunakan analisis of varian (ANOVA) dan dilanjutkan dengan Duncan New Multiple Range Test (DNMRT) pada taraf  5%. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa  penambahan angkak memberikan  hasil berpengaruh nyata pada hampir semua parameter karakteristik selai yang dianalisis. Penambahan bubuk angkak 1%  (B) merupakan perlakuan terbaik berdasarkan analisis sensori dengan karakteristik sebagai berikut :  kadar air  28,18%, ohue 11,99, aktivitas antioksidan 20,58%  (pada konsentrasi 100.000 ppm), pH 3,65, total padatan terlarut 59,33%, kadar sakarosa 55,42%,  angka lempeng total 1,0 x103 cfu/g dan lovastatin 3,09 ppm

    Dengue fatality prediction using data mining

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    Dengue fever, a mosquito-borne tropical disease caused by the dengue virus is life-threatening. In Malaysia, although necessary control measures have been carried out, the number of dengue fever cases keeps increasing. Among the measures, dengue vector control appears to be the most effective way to control the spread of the dengue virus particularly in Malaysia. The aim of this research is to study the current implementation of dengue outbreak control in Malaysia and predict dengue fever cases using data mining techniques. Real data on dengue fever and weather are collected from the Ministry of Health in its Perak Tengah district office and Perak Meteorological office respectively. Different data mining classification techniques are applied onto these data with the performance of each technique is measured. The results highlight the best performance among techniques used.Keywords: data mining; prediction; dengue; classification

    Penglibatan Pekebun Kecil dalam Membuat Penilaian Program Pembangunan RISDA

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    Kajian ini dijalankan bagi mengenalpasti faktor-faktor yang berkaitan dengan penglibatan pekebun kecil getah pemilik-pengusaha Melayu dalam membuat penilaian terhadap program pembangunan RISDA yang mereka sertai di Daerah Temerloh, Pahang. Objektif kajian ini secara khusus ialah untuk: 1) Mengetahui Ciri-Ciri demografi PKGPP dalam kawasan kajian; 2) Mengetahui tahap pengetahuan PKGPP mengenai pengurusan, matlamat dan fungsi RISDA; 3) Mengkaji sikap PKGPP terhadap program pembangunan; 4) Mengkaji sikap PKGPP terhadap pegawai pelaksana program pembangunan; 5) Mengkaji tahap penglibatan PKG dalam membuat penilaian terhadap program pembangunan yang mereka sertai; dan 6) Mengkaji hubungan di antara angkubah-angkubah terpilih dengan tahap penglibatan dalam membuat penilaian terhadap program pembangunan. Data kajian diperolehi daripada 117 responden yang dipilih secara rawak melalui temubual menggunakan soalselidik yang dibentuk khusus untuk kajian. Taburan kekerapan, ANOVA dan Pearson Product Moment Correlation digunakan untuk menerang dan mengukur data. Tahap penglibatan PKGPP dalam membuat penilaian diukur menggunakan gabungan skor kekerapan penglibatan mereka dalam mengadakan perbicangan dengan pegawai, sesama mereka dan di antara ahli keJuarga serta kekerapan membincangkan tajuk-tajuk yang berkaitan dengan projek pembangunan yang mereka sertai.Penemuan kajian menunjukkan tahap penglibatan PKGPP dalam membuat penilaian terhadap program pembangunan adalah sederhana rendah. Faktor-faktor yang mempunyai kaitan dan mempengaruhi tahap penglibatan dalam membuat penilaian adalah bilangan tanggungan, jumlah keluasan kebun milik, luas kebun yang diusahakan, gabungan skor pengetahuan, sikap terhadap program pembangunan dan sikap terhadap pegawai pelaksana program pembangunan. Hasil kajian juga mendapati sikap PKGPP terhadap program pembangunan merupakan angkubah yang paling signifikan dalam mempengaruhi tahap penglibatan membuat penilaian terhadap program pembangunan

    A vertical wind turbine monitoring system using commercial online digital dashboard

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    The output of a green energy generator is required to be monitor continuously. The monitoring process is important because the performance of the energy gen- erator needs to be known and evaluate. However, monitoring the generator manu- ally and efficiently is troublesome. Moreover, when most of the energy generator located at uneasy to reach or at a very remote place. Added to the cost, human intervention for the monitoring process contributes to the unnecessary bill. All the highlighted limitations can be overcome using an internet cloud base system and application. Most of the existing data logging instruments use a memory card or personal computer in their operation. The stored data is accessible only at a dedicated computer alone. This work presented a complete energy generator interface with a commercial online digital dashboard. The digital dashboard, parameters of the wind turbine, such as the amount of power generates and the magnitude of instantaneous voltage can be monitored, and the recorded data can be accessed quickly, at any time and anyplace

    A Review on Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer as Wrapping Structures For Pipeline

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    To maintain the continuous product flow in the pipe, the durability of the pipe structure is achieved through pipe insulation. The composite material will be used as the main material, since it may have the combined characteristics of the constituents or have substantially different properties than the individual constituents. Replacing the damaged pipe with a new one will not only consume high cost but also will create a complication for product flow. As to alleviate such situations this research focusses on using the carbon fiber as the wrapping material. To identify the suitable design and optimization of laminated carbon fiber on piping systems, the defect, leakage and imperfection on pipe should be identified. The effect of different laminate optimization through Classical Laminate Theory CLT and experimental data too need to be considered as it changes the mechanical properties of the composite material. The microstructure of the composite too will be validated as an extra reference for the theoretical and experimental data on its effect in the microstructure after the loadin

    A Review on Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer as Wrapping Structures For Pipeline

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    To maintain the continuous product flow in the pipe, the durability of the pipe structure is achieved through pipe insulation. The composite material will be used as the main material, since it may have the combined characteristics of the constituents or have substantially different properties than the individual constituents. Replacing the damaged pipe with a new one will not only consume high cost but also will create a complication for product flow. As to alleviate such situations this research focusses on using the carbon fiber as the wrapping material. To identify the suitable design and optimization of laminated carbon fiber on piping systems, the defect, leakage and imperfection on pipe should be identified. The effect of different laminate optimization through Classical Laminate Theory CLT and experimental data too need to be considered as it changes the mechanical properties of the composite material. The microstructure of the composite too will be validated as an extra reference for the theoretical and experimental data on its effect in the microstructure after the loadin

    Decomposition-assisted computational technique based on surrogate modeling for real-time simulations

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    The development of complex simulation systems is extremely costly as it requires high computational capability and expensive hardware. As cost is one of the main issues in developing simulation components, achieving real-time simulation is challenging and it often leads to intensive computational burdens. Overcoming the computational burden in a multidisciplinary simulation system that has several subsystems is essential in producing inexpensive real-time simulation. In this paper, a surrogate-based computational framework was proposed to reduce the computational cost in a high-dimensional model while maintaining accurate simulation results. Several well-known metamodeling techniques were used in creating a global surrogate model. Decomposition approaches were also used to simplify the complexities of the system and to guide the surrogate modeling processes. In addition, a case study was provided to validate the proposed approach. A surrogate-based vehicle dynamic model (SBVDM) was developed to reduce computational delay in a real-time driving simulator. The results showed that the developed surrogate-based model was able to significantly reduce the computing costs, unlike the expensive computational model. The response time in surrogate-based simulation was considerably faster than the conventional model. Therefore, the proposed framework can be used in developing low-cost simulation systems while yielding high fidelity and fast computational output. © 2017 Nariman Fouladinejad et al

    EEG calmness index establishment using computational of Z-score

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    A lot of useful information can be obtained through observation of the electroencephalogram (EEG) signal such as the human psychophysiology. It has been proven that EEG is handy in human diagnosis and tools to observe the brain condition. The study aims to establish a calmness index, which can differentiate the calmness level of an individual. Alpha waves were selected as the data features and computed into asymmetry index. The data features were clustered using Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) and resulted in three clusters. Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test was applied to determine the significance of the data features clustered by FCM. The Z-score obtained successfully distinguish three level of calmness index from the lower index until the higher index. With the advancement of signal processing techniques, the feature extractions for calmness index establishment computation is achievable