62 research outputs found

    Reflexiones del urbanismo contemporáneo de una ciudad medieval Tallinn Estonia

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    1 archivo PDF (Tipo: Presentación) : principalmente ilustraciones en color ; 32 diapositivas.Imágenes de la antigua ciudad medieval Tallinn Estonia, con sus torres y edificios. SUIOCT

    Redefinición del espacio colectivo

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    1 archivo PDF (Tipo: Presentación) : principalmente ilustraciones en color ; 216 diapositivas.Tokio es un metrópoli de 36 millones de habitantes que a pesar de su tamaño funciona muy bien basada en una eficiente organización urbana , un uso intensivo del suelo y un sofisticado sistema de transporte. En los proyectos nuevos de regeneración urbana, los conceptos tradicionales de espacio privado y público, de espacio individual y colectivo, comercial y cívico, han transitado a nuevas fases, se entremezclan en grandes áreas fragmentadas y multifuncionales dentro de la gran metrópoli. Una serie de políticas públicas y conceptos urbanísticos, como: “hacer ciudad”, “nueva cultura urbana”, “ciudades inteligentes”, ciudades de arte”, “noción de proyecto organizado”, “ciudad compacta”, “villa urbana” y “nuevo urbanismo” se están implementando en proyectos e intervenciones urbanas que marcan tendencias para la gran metrópoli del siglo XXI. SUIQUINQU

    La reestructuración arquitectónica y urbana de Porto, Portugal, por parte de la Comunidad Europea

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    1 archivo PDF (Tipo: Presentación) : principalmente ilustraciones en color ; 37 diapositivas.Esta presentación expone la relación de los proyectos de inversión, reestructuración e infraestructura como parte del desarrollo de la ciudad invicta, la ciudad de Porto, en Portugal. SUINOVE

    Tokyo city neuronal networks

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    1 archivo PDF (Tipo: Presentación) : principalmente ilustraciones en color ; 79 diapositivas. DUODECI

    Experiencia colaborativa en la enseñanza de la Arquitectura sustentable

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    Como resultado de una serie de talleres internacionales implementados a un grupo de estudiantes de arquitectura y diseño en Rusia, se llegó a la conclusión de que la educación se acelera, se logra un mayor interés y las propuestas de diseño son más abiertas cuando la dinámica educativa sale de su contexto habitual. Dentro del curso “diseño sustentable para futuros arquitectos” se implementaron talleres cortos, intensivos y en equipos rotativos con la misma temática pero descontextualizando los proyectos pidiéndoles adaptarlos a condiciones totalmente diferentes a las que se daban en el emplazamiento original. El reto más importante de este modelo se dio al evaluar los cambios implementados y establecer si el proceso de estos talleres impactaron en sus propuestas finales. Se llegó a la conclusión de que este cambio de paradigma logró darles una perspectiva más amplia, mejorando los resultados que año con año se venían dando en el curso.As a result of a series of international workshops implemented to a group of architecture and design students in Russia, it was concluded that education accelerates, a greatest interest in the topic is achieved and the design proposals are more open when the educational dynamic is outside of the usual context. Within the course on “sustainable design for future architects” short, intensive and using rotative-teams workshops were implemented with the same thematic, but decontextualizing their project and asking to adapt it to totally different conditions from the ones existing in the original location. The biggest challenge of this model was to evaluate the changes implemented and establishing whether the process of these workshops impacted the final proposal of the students. It was concluded that this paradigm shift managed to give them a broader perspective, improving the results that year after year were being given in the course.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Properties of the ionized gas in HH202. I: Results from integral field spectroscopy with PMAS

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    We present results from integral field spectroscopy with the Potsdam multi-Aperture Spectrograph of the head of the Herbig-Haro object HH 202 with a spatial sampling of 1"x1". We have obtained maps of different emission lines, physical conditions --such as electron temperature and density-- and ionic abundances from recombination and collisionally excited lines. We present the first map of the Balmer temperature and of the temperature fluctuation parameter, t^2. We have calculated the t^2 in the plane of the sky, which is substantially smaller than that determined along the line of sight. We have mapped the abundance discrepancy factor of O^{2+}, ADF(O^{2+}), finding its maximum value at the HH 202-S position. We have explored the relations between the ADF(O^{2+}) and the electron density, the Balmer and [O III] temperatures, the ionization degree as well as the t^2 parameter. We do not find clear correlations between these properties and the results seem to support that the ADF and t^2 are independent phenomena. We have found a weak negative correlation between the O^{2+} abundance determined from recombination lines and the temperature, which is the expected behaviour in an ionized nebula, hence it seems that there is not evidence for the presence of super-metal rich droplets in H II regions.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Síntesis de nanopartículas de plata preparadas con extracto de Pimpinella anisum

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    En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de la síntesis de nanopartículas de plata utilizando como agente reductor el extracto de Pimpinella anisum. Las nanopartículas de plata preparadas por este método fueron caracterizadas utilizando la espectroscópicas de UV-visible, técnica basada en la identificación de la presencia de la banda de absorbancia en la región visible entre los 400 nm (banda del plasmón de resonancia), característica de las nanopartículas de plata. Y del escaneo de las muestras por medio de Microscopía de Fuerza Atómica AFM (atomic force microscopy), técnica que proporcionó información acerca de la distribución, tamaño y forma de las nanopartículas de plata. Las nanopartículas preparadas mostraron una forma esférica con característica de polidispersas. Ya preparadas las nanopartículas de plata AgNPs se realizaron pruebas como antimicrobiano con empaques de frutas.In this work, the results of the synthesis of silver nanoparticles using Pimpinella anisum extract as reducing agent are presented. The silver nanoparticles prepared by this method were characterized using UV-visible spectroscopy, a technique based on the identification of the presence of the absorbance band in the visible region between 400 nm (plasmon resonance band), characteristic of the silver nanoparticles. And through the scanning of the samples by means of Atomic Force Microscopy AFM (atomic force microscopy), a technique that provided information about the distribution, size and shape of the silver nanoparticles. The prepared nanoparticles showed a spherical shape with a polydisperse characteristic. Once the AgNPs silver nanoparticles were prepared, tests were carried out as antimicrobial with fruit packaging

    Small-spatial scale variations of nebular properties and the abundance discrepancy in three Galactic HII regions

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    We present results of long-slit spectroscopy in several slit positions that cover different morphological structures of the central parts of three bright Galactic HII regions: M8, M17 and NGC7635. We study the spatial distributions of a large number of nebular parameters such as the extinction coefficient, line fluxes, physical conditions and ionic abundances at the maximum spatial resolution attainable with our instrumentation. Particularly, our goal is to study the behaviour of the abundance discrepancy factor of O^{2+}, ADF(O^{2+}), defined as the logarithmic difference of the O^{2+} abundances derived from collisionally excited and recombination lines. We find that the ADF(O^{2+}) remains fairly constant along the slit positions of M8 and M17. In the case of NGC7635, we only detect the OII recombination lines in the integrated spectrum along the whole slit, where the ADF(O^{2+}) reaches a remarkably high value of about 0.59 dex. We compare our results with previous ones obtained for the Orion Nebula. We find several evidences that suggest the presence of a candidate to Herbig-Haro object in M8.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures. Table A1 available only in the online version. Accepted for publication in MNRAS

    The interplay between ionized gas and massive stars in the HII galaxy IIZw70: integral field spectroscopy with PMAS

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    We performed an integral field spectroscopic study for the HII galaxy IIZw70 in order to investigate the interplay between its ionized interstellar medium (ISM) and the massive star formation (SF). Observations were taken in the optical spectral range (3700-6800 A) with the Potsdam Multi-Aperture Spectrophotometer (PMAS) attached to the 3.5 m telescope at CAHA. We created and analysed maps of spatially distributed emission-lines, continuum emission and properties of the ionized ISM (e.g. physical-chemical conditions, dust extinction, kinematics). We investigated the relation of these properties to the spatial distribution and evolutionary stage of the massive stars. For the first time we have detected the presence of Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars in this galaxy. The peak of the ionized gas emission coincides with the location of the WR bump. The region of the galaxy with lower dust extinction corresponds to the region that shows the lowest values of velocity dispersion and radial velocity. The overall picture suggests that the ISM of this region is being disrupted via photoionization and stellar winds, leading to a spatial decoupling between gas+stars and dust clouds. The bulk of dust appears to be located at the boundaries of the region occupied by the probable ionizing cluster. We also found that this region is associated to the nebular emission in HeII4686 and to the intensity maximum of most emission lines. This indicates that the hard ionizing radiation responsible for the HeII4686 nebular emission can be related to the youngest stars. Within \sim 0.4 x 0.3 kpc^2 in the central burst, we derived O/H using direct determinations of Te[OIII]. We found abundances in the range 12+log(O/H)=7.65-8.05, yielding an error-weighted mean of 12+log(O/H)=7.86 ±\pm0.05.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in A&A, minor changes adde

    Integral field spectroscopy of selected areas of the Bright Bar and Orion-S cloud in the Orion Nebula

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    We present integral field spectroscopy of two selected zones in the Orion Nebula obtained with the Potsdam Multi-Aperture Spectrophotometer (PMAS), covering the optical spectral range from 3500 to 7200 A and with a spatial resolution of 1". The observed zones are located on the prominent Bright Bar and on the brightest area at the northeast of the Orion South cloud, both containing remarkable ionization fronts. We obtain maps of emission line fluxes and ratios, electron density and temperatures, and chemical abundances. We study the ionization structure and morphology of both fields, which ionization fronts show different inclination angles with respect to the plane of the sky. We find that the maps of electron density, O+/H+ and O/H ratios show a rather similar structure. We interpret this as produced by the strong dependence on density of the [OII] lines used to derive the O+ abundance, and that our nominal values of electron density-derived from the [SII] line ratio-may be slightly higher than the appropriate value for the O+ zone. We measure the faint recombination lines of OII in the field at the northeast of the Orion South cloud allowing us to explore the so-called abundance discrepancy problem. We find a rather constant abundance discrepancy across the field and a mean value similar to that determined in other areas of the Orion Nebula, indicating that the particular physical conditions of this ionization front do not contribute to this discrepancy.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA