341 research outputs found

    Stability of Self Similar Flows of Second Kind in the Neighbourhood of a Critical Point

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    Following method developed by Bhatnagar & Prasad, based on the investigations of Kulikovskii & Slobodkina, we study the stability of self-similar flows generated by the propagation of shock-wave in an inhomogeneous medium with density varying either exponentially or as a power of distance. Also we consider the shocks produced by impulsive load. We find that all these flows are stable in the neighbourhood of critical point, which is a saddle point of the system of differential equations governing the flow in its neighbourhood

    A technique for 3-D robot vision for space applications

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    An extension of the MIAG algorithm for recognition and motion parameter determination of general 3-D polyhedral objects based on model matching techniques and using Moment Invariants as features of object representation is discussed. Results of tests conducted on the algorithm under conditions simulating space conditions are presented

    Gen Z’s Fitness Concepts and Ways to be Fit: Insights to Strengthen Students’ Learning Experiences in Tertiary Physical Education

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    Being dubbed as digital natives born and raised in the highly industrial era, generation z students differ from previous generations. A recent study revealed an increasing number of dropped-out students in physical education classes in one of the leading State Universities in the Philippines. Several reasons have been revealed, and one of those is the current tertiary physical education curriculum content. Hence, this study aimed to determine the fitness concepts and ways to stay fit of generation Z students and utilize in enhancing the curriculum content and improve the students’ learning experiences in tertiary physical education. Using the descriptive phenomenology research design, 95 research participants took part in focus group discussions, in-depth interviews, and unobtrusive participant observations. The findings of this inquiry indicated three (3) reasons why generation Z students still perceive physical education as an essential course in schools (gadget addiction; early childhood diseases; and stress release) and six (6) ways to stay healthy (exercise and physical activities; balanced diet; enough sleep/rest; self-discipline; and use of technology to promote fitness). The findings and conclusions served as critical components in strengthening the tertiary physical education curriculum to tailor the learning experiences to generation Z students' concepts, ways, and preferences

    Intensity Nonuniformity Correction for Brain MR Images with Known Voxel Classes

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    Intensity nonuniformity in magnetic resonance (MR) images, represented by a smooth and slowly varying function, is a typical artifact that is a nuisance for many image processing methods. To eliminate the artifact, we have to estimate the nonuniformity as a smooth and slowly varying function and factor it out from the given data. We reformulate the problem as a problem of finding a unique smooth function in a particular set of piecewise smooth functions and propose a variational method for finding it. We deliver the main idea using a simple one-dimensional example first and provide a thorough analysis of the problem in a three-phase scenario in three dimensions whose application can be found in the brain MR images. Experiments with synthetic and real MR images and a comparison with a state-of-the-art method, N3, show our algorithm???s satisfactory performance in estimating the nonuniformity with and without noise. An automated procedure is also proposed for practical use.open

    Lifetime enhanced energy efficient wireless sensor networks using renewable energy

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    In this paper, we consider a remote environment with randomly deployed sensor nodes, with an initial energy of E0 (J) and a solar panel. A hierarchical clustering technique is implemented. At each round, the normal nodes send the sensed data to the nearest cluster head (CH) which is chosen on the probability value. Data after aggregation at CHs is sent to the base station (BS). CH requires more energy than normal nodes. Here, we energize only CHs if their energy is less than 5% of its initial value with the use of solar energy. We evaluate parameters like energy consumption, the lifetime of the network, and data packets sent to CH and BS. The obtained results are compared with existing techniques. The proposed protocol provides better energy efficiency and network lifetime. The results show increased stability with delayed death of the first node. The network lifetime of the proposed protocol is compared to the multi-level hybrid energy efficient distributed (MLHEED) technique and low-energy adaptive clustering hierarchy (LEACH) variants. Network lifetime is enhanced by 13.35%. Energy consumption is reduced with respect to MLHEED-4, 5, and 6 by 7.15%, 12.10%, and 14.975% respectively. The no. of packets transferred to the BS is greater than the MLHEED protocol by 39.03%

    Sondeo fenomenológico sobre las experiencias de los maestros de secundaria superior en la enseñanza de deportes de atletismo durante los años de transición de Filipinas K a 12

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    The Philippine education system is currently under transition due to the implementation of Republic Act 10533, also known as the Enhanced Basic Education Act. Since its enactment in 2013, physical education researchers have been examining the initial impact of this transition. Yet, investigations to determine teachers' challenges in the sports Track Program of the senior high school curriculum were barely sufficient. Hence, this research was conducted to probe the challenges of these teachers using a qualitative phenomenology research design. Research participants from selected schools in the Cotabato Province in the Philippines were involved in focus group discussions, in-depth interviews, and extensive field observation. Six significant concerns from the research participants transpired; these are difficulties with online learning, mismatched of students’ interests; unrealistic curriculum; inadequate facilities; overloaded teaching loads; and struggles of non-physical education graduates. The findings then served as crucial elements in drawing conclusions and recommendations to better implement the sports track program in the Philippine senior high school curriculum.El sistema educativo filipino se encuentra actualmente en transición debido a la implementación de la Ley de la República 10533, también conocida como Ley de Educación Básica Mejorada. Desde su promulgación en 2013, los investigadores de educación física han estado examinando el impacto inicial de esta transición. Sin embargo, las investigaciones para determinar los desafíos de los profesores en el Programa de Pista deportiva del plan de estudios de la escuela secundaria superior fueron escasamente suficientes. Por lo tanto, esta investigación se llevó a cabo para sondear los desafíos de estos profesores utilizando un diseño de investigación de fenomenología cualitativa. Los participantes de la investigación de escuelas seleccionadas en la provincia de Cotabato en Filipinas participaron en discusiones de grupos focales, entrevistas en profundidad y una extensa observación de campo. Transcurrieron seis preocupaciones significativas de los participantes de la investigación; estos son: dificultades con el aprendizaje en línea; desajuste de los intereses de los estudiantes; plan de estudios poco realista; instalaciones inadecuadas; cargas de enseñanza sobrecargadas; y luchas de los no graduados en educación física. Luego, los hallazgos sirvieron como elementos cruciales para sacar conclusiones y recomendaciones para implementar mejor el programa de atletismo deportivo en el plan de estudios de la escuela secundaria superior de Filipinas

    Symmetric and Transitive Registration of Image Sequences

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    This paper presents a method for constructing symmetric and transitive algorithms for registration of image sequences from image registration algorithms that do not have these two properties. The method is applicable to both rigid and nonrigid registration and it can be used with linear or periodic image sequences. The symmetry and transitivity properties are satisfied exactly (up to the machine precision), that is, they always hold regardless of the image type, quality, and the registration algorithm as long as the computed transformations are invertable. These two properties are especially important in motion tracking applications since physically incorrect deformations might be obtained if the registration algorithm is not symmetric and transitive. The method was tested on two sequences of cardiac magnetic resonance images using two different nonrigid image registration algorithms. It was demonstrated that the transitivity and symmetry errors of the symmetric and transitive modification of the algorithms could be made arbitrary small when the computed transformations are invertable, whereas the corresponding errors for the nonmodified algorithms were on the order of the pixel size. Furthermore, the symmetric and transitive modification of the algorithms had higher registration accuracy than the nonmodified algorithms for both image sequences

    Dynamics of modulationally unstable ionacoustic wave packets in plasmas with negative ions

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    In this paper we study the propagation of nonlinear ion-acoustic waves in plasmas with negative ions. The Gardner equation governing these waves in plasmas with the negative ion concentration close to critical is derived. The weakly nonlinear theory of modulational instability based on the use of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation is discussed. The investigation of the nonlinear dynamics of modulationally unstable quasi-harmonic wavepackets is carried out by the numerical solution of the Gardner equation. The results are compared with the predictions of the weakly nonlinear theory

    Descenso de interés: las razones desmotivadoras de los estudiantes de la Generación Z sobre la aversión gradual a los deportes y la recreación

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    [Abstract] Gen Zs are different from older generations because they are the first consumers to have grown up wholly in the digital era. They're tech-savvy and mobile-first—and they have high standards for how they spend their time online. Scholars have identified a decreasing involvement of Gen Zs in sports and recreation. This problem was worsened by the huge influence of social media and other platforms, which made them get distracted and lose interest in sports and recreation. Some scholars revealed few explanations on this problem; however, there is no concrete evidence scrutinizing the reasons behind this phenomenon to the generation z students. Hence, this study was conducted primarily to investigate the demotivating reasons of generation z students' gradual dislike of sports and recreation. Using a phenomenology approach, gen zs in Southern Philippines who are identified as not interested in sports and recreation served as primary participants of this study. The triangulation of results revealed six significant concerns from research participants. These include the inadequate childhood exposure to sports and recreation, influence of technological advancements, reduced physical interaction due to the pandemic, and health difficulties. The data were then used to generate conclusions and recommendations to help generation z students boost their interests to participate in sports and recreational activities.[Resumen] Los Gen Z son diferentes de las generaciones anteriores porque son los primeros consumidores que crecieron completamente en la era digital. Son expertos en tecnología y primero en dispositivos móviles, y tienen altos estándares sobre cómo pasan su tiempo en línea. Los académicos han identificado una participación decreciente de la Generación Z en los deportes y la recreación. Este problema se vio agravado por la enorme influencia de las redes sociales y otras plataformas, que les hizo distraerse y perder interés en los deportes y la recreación. Algunos estudiosos revelaron pocas explicaciones sobre este problema; sin embargo, no existe evidencia concreta que escrute las razones detrás de este fenómeno para los estudiantes de la generación z. Por lo tanto, este estudio se realizó principalmente para investigar las razones desmotivadoras de la aversión gradual de los estudiantes de la generación z hacia los deportes y la recreación. Utilizando un enfoque fenomenológico, las personas de la generación z en el sur de Filipinas que se identificaron como no interesadas en los deportes y la recreación sirvieron como participantes principales de este estudio. La triangulación de los resultados reveló seis preocupaciones importantes de los participantes de la investigación. Estos incluyen la exposición infantil inadecuada a los deportes y la recreación, la influencia de los avances tecnológicos, la interacción física reducida debido a la pandemia y las dificultades de salud. Luego, los datos se usaron para generar conclusiones y recomendaciones para ayudar a los estudiantes de la generación z a impulsar sus intereses para participar en deportes y actividades recreativas

    Descenso de interés: las razones desmotivadoras de los estudiantes de la Generación Z sobre la aversión gradual a los deportes y la recreación

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    Gen Zs are different from older generations because they are the first consumers to have grown up wholly in the digital era. They're tech-savvy and mobile-first—and they have high standards for how they spend their time online. Scholars have identified a decreasing involvement of Gen Zs in sports and recreation. This problem was worsened by the huge influence of social media and other platforms, which made them get distracted and lose interest in sports and recreation. Some scholars revealed few explanations on this problem; however, there is no concrete evidence scrutinizing the reasons behind this phenomenon to the generation z students. Hence, this study was conducted primarily to investigate the demotivating reasons of generation z students' gradual dislike of sports and recreation. Using a phenomenology approach, gen zs in Southern Philippines who are identified as not interested in sports and recreation served as primary participants of this study. The triangulation of results revealed six significant concerns from research participants. These include the inadequate childhood exposure to sports and recreation, influence of technological advancements, reduced physical interaction due to the pandemic, and health difficulties. The data were then used to generate conclusions and recommendations to help generation z students boost their interests to participate in sports and recreational activities.Los Gen Z son diferentes de las generaciones anteriores porque son los primeros consumidores que crecieron completamente en la era digital. Son expertos en tecnología y primero en dispositivos móviles, y tienen altos estándares sobre cómo pasan su tiempo en línea. Los académicos han identificado una participación decreciente de la Generación Z en los deportes y la recreación. Este problema se vio agravado por la enorme influencia de las redes sociales y otras plataformas, que les hizo distraerse y perder interés en los deportes y la recreación. Algunos estudiosos revelaron pocas explicaciones sobre este problema; sin embargo, no existe evidencia concreta que escrute las razones detrás de este fenómeno para los estudiantes de la generación z. Por lo tanto, este estudio se realizó principalmente para investigar las razones desmotivadoras de la aversión gradual de los estudiantes de la generación z hacia los deportes y la recreación. Utilizando un enfoque fenomenológico, las personas de la generación z en el sur de Filipinas que se identificaron como no interesadas en los deportes y la recreación sirvieron como participantes principales de este estudio. La triangulación de los resultados reveló seis preocupaciones importantes de los participantes de la investigación. Estos incluyen la exposición infantil inadecuada a los deportes y la recreación, la influencia de los avances tecnológicos, la interacción física reducida debido a la pandemia y las dificultades de salud. Luego, los datos se usaron para generar conclusiones y recomendaciones para ayudar a los estudiantes de la generación z a impulsar sus intereses para participar en deportes y actividades recreativas