91 research outputs found

    Multiple episodes of star formation in the CN15/16/17 molecular complex

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    We have started a campaign to identify massive star clusters inside bright molecular bubbles towards the Galactic Center. The CN15/16/17 molecular complex is the first example of our study. The region is characterized by the presence of two young clusters, DB10 and DB11, visible in the NIR, an ultra-compact HII region identified in the radio, several young stellar objects visible in the MIR, a bright diffuse nebulosity at 8\mu m coming from PAHs and sub-mm continuum emission revealing the presence of cold dust. Given its position on the sky (l=0.58, b=-0.85) and its kinematic distance of ~7.5 kpc, the region was thought to be a very massive site of star formation in proximity of the CMZ. The cluster DB11 was estimated to be as massive as 10^4 M_sun. However the region's properties were known only through photometry and its kinematic distance was very uncertain given its location at the tangential point. We aimed at better characterizing the region and assess whether it could be a site of massive star formation located close to the Galactic Center. We have obtained NTT/SofI JHKs photometry and long slit K band spectroscopy of the brightest members. We have additionally collected data in the radio, sub-mm and mid infrared, resulting in a quite different picture of the region. We have confirmed the presence of massive early B type stars and have derived a spectro-photometric distance of ~1.2 kpc, much smaller than the kinematic distance. Adopting this distance we obtain clusters masses of M(DB10) ~ 170 M_sun and M(DB11) ~ 275 M_sun. This is consistent with the absence of any O star, confirmed by the excitation/ionization status of the nebula. No HeI diffuse emission is detected in our spectroscopic observations at 2.113\mu m, which would be expected if the region was hosting more massive stars. Radio continuum measurements are also consistent with the region hosting at most early B stars.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics. Fig. 1 and 3 presented in reduced resolutio

    Erratum: APOE2, E3, and E4 differentially modulate cellular homeostasis, cholesterol metabolism, and inflammatory response in isogenic iPSC-derived astrocytes

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    In the initial version of this article, there was an error in the merged image for APOE3 in Figure 1E. While all individual images for S100b and GJA1 were displayed correctly, we accidentally merged APOE3 GJA1 with APOE2 S100b (and not with the S100b image of APOE3). However, this error did not affect the figure’s meaning or conclusion. The correct merged GJA1/S100b staining for APOE3 iAstrocytes has now been included in the article online and below. No correction of the text or figure legend was necessary.ISSN:2213-671

    Фізико-хімічна геотехнологія

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    Розглянуто принципові засади геотехнологічного видобування різнома- нітних корисних копалин. Викладено питання розкриття та підготовки родовищ за допомогою свердловинної розробки, проаналізовано способи буріння і кріп- лення геотехнологічних свердловин, а такж застосоване обладнання. Розкрито сутність технологічних процесів, які виконуються при диспергуванні гірських порід, розчиненні солей, вилуговуванні металів, підземній виплавці сірки і га- зифікації вугілля, видобуванні в’язкої нафти та сланцьового газу. Навчальний посібник призначений для студентів, які навчаються за спе- ціальністю «Розробка родовищ та видобування корисних копалин», а також для студентів інших спеціальностей гірничих вузів і факультетів та інженерно- технічних працівників підприємств і проектних організацій гірничовидобувних галузей промисловості України

    Novel multiple sclerosis susceptibility loci implicated in epigenetic regulation

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    We conducted a genome-wide association study (GWAS) on multiple sclerosis (MS) susceptibility in German cohorts with 4888 cases and 10,395 controls. In addition to associations within the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) region, 15 non-MHC loci reached genome-wide significance. Four of these loci are novel MS susceptibility loci. They map to the genes L3MBTL3, MAZ, ERG, and SHMT1. The lead variant at SHMT1 was replicated in an independent Sardinian cohort. Products of the genes L3MBTL3, MAZ, and ERG play important roles in immune cell regulation. SHMT1 encodes a serine hydroxymethyltransferase catalyzing the transfer of a carbon unit to the folate cycle. This reaction is required for regulation of methylation homeostasis, which is important for establishment and maintenance of epigenetic signatures. Our GWAS approach in a defined population with limited genetic substructure detected associations not found in larger, more heterogeneous cohorts, thus providing new clues regarding MS pathogenesis

    Intravenous Immunoglobulin Treatment in Multifocal Motor Neuropathy

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    # The Author(s) 2010. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com Introduction Multifocal motor neuropathy (MMN) is characterized by asymmetric weakness of limbs and the electrophysiological finding of conduction block in motor nerves. Conduction block is the inability of nerves to propagate action potentials and is probably caused b

    IL-17+ CD8+ T cell suppression by dimethyl fumarate associates with clinical response in multiple sclerosis

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    IL-17-producing CD8+ (Tc17) cells are enriched in active lesions of patients with multiple sclerosis (MS), suggesting a role in the pathogenesis of autoimmunity. Here we show that amelioration of MS by dimethyl fumarate (DMF), a mechanistically elusive drug, associates with suppression of Tc17 cells. DMF treatment results in reduced frequency of Tc17, contrary to Th17 cells, and in a decreased ratio of the regulators RORC-to-TBX21, along with a shift towards cytotoxic T lymphocyte gene expression signature in CD8+ T cells from MS patients. Mechanistically, DMF potentiates the PI3K-AKT-FOXO1-T-BET pathway, thereby limiting IL-17 and RORγt expression as well as STAT5-signaling in a glutathione-dependent manner. This results in chromatin remodeling at the Il17 locus. Consequently, T-BET-deficiency in mice or inhibition of PI3K-AKT, STAT5 or reactive oxygen species prevents DMF-mediated Tc17 suppression. Overall, our data disclose a DMF-AKT-T-BET driven immune modulation and suggest putative therapy targets in MS and beyond

    Analysis and Functional Consequences of Increased Fab-Sialylation of Intravenous Immunoglobulin (IVIG) after Lectin Fractionation

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    It has been proposed that the anti-inflammatory effects of intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) might be due to the small fraction of Fc-sialylated IgG. In this study we biochemically and functionally characterized sialic acid-enriched IgG obtained by Sambucus nigra agglutinin (SNA) lectin fractionation. Two main IgG fractions isolated by elution with lactose (E1) or acidified lactose (E2) were analyzed for total IgG, F(ab’)2 and Fc-specific sialic acid content, their pattern of specific antibodies and anti-inflammatory potential in a human in vitro inflammation system based on LPS- or PHA-stimulated whole blood. HPLC and LC-MS testing revealed an increase of sialylated IgG in E1 and more substantially in the E2 fraction. Significantly, the increased amount of sialic acid residues was primarily found in the Fab region whereas only a minor increase was observed in the Fc region. This indicates preferential binding of the Fab sialic acid to SNA. ELISA analyses of a representative range of pathogen and auto-antigens indicated a skewed antibody pattern of the sialylated IVIG fractions. Finally, the E2 fraction exerted a more profound anti-inflammatory effect compared to E1 or IVIG, evidenced by reduced CD54 expression on monocytes and reduced secretion of MCP-1 (CCL2); again these effects were Fab- but not Fc-dependent. Our results show that SNA fractionation of IVIG yields a minor fraction (approx. 10%) of highly sialylated IgG, wherein the sialic acid is mainly found in the Fab region. The tested anti-inflammatory activity was associated with Fab not Fc sialylation

    Organizational configuration of hospitals succeeding in attracting and retaining nurses

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    Organizational configuration of hospitals succeeding in attracting and retaining nurses. This paper contrasts structural and managerial characteristics of low- and high-turnover hospitals, and describes the organizational configuration of attractive hospitals. In countries facing nurse shortages and turnover, some hospitals succeed in recruiting and retaining nurses. In Magnet Hospitals, managerial practices and environmental characteristics increase nurses\u2019 job satisfaction and their commitment to the organization, which in turn decreases nurse turnover. Such an approach suggests that organizations are best understood as clusters of interconnected structures and practices, i.e. organizational configurations rather than entities whose components can be understood in isolation. From a sample of 12 hospitals whose nurse turnover was studied for 1 year, structural and organizational features of hospitals in the first and fourth quartiles, i.e. attractive (turnover11\uc68%) were contrasted. A questionnaire, including perceptions of health-related factors, job demands, stressors, work schedules, organizational climate, and work adjustments antecedent to turnover, was received from 401 nurses working in attractive hospitals (response rate - 53\uc68%) and 774 nurses in conventional hospitals (response rate \ubc 54\uc65%). Structural characteristics did not differentiate attractive and conventional hospitals, but employee perceptions towards the organization differed strikingly. Differences were observed for risk exposure, emotional demands, role ambiguity and conflicts, work-family conflicts, effort-reward imbalance and the meaning of work, all in favour of attractive hospitals (P < 0.01). Relationships with nursing management, work ability and satisfaction with working time, handover shifts and schedules were also better in attractive hospitals (P < 0.001). Job satisfaction and commitment were higher in attractive hospitals, whereas burnout and intention to leave were lower (P < 0.001). Organizational characteristics are key factors in nurse attraction and retention. Nurses face difficulties in their work situations, but some hospitals are perceived as healthy organizations. The concept of attractive institutions could serve as a catalyst for improvement in nurses\u2019 work environments in Europe

    Determination of nutrient salts by automatic methods both in seawater and brackish water: the phosphate blank

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    9 páginas, 2 tablas, 2 figurasThe main inconvenience in determining nutrients in seawater by automatic methods is simply solved: the preparation of a suitable blank which corrects the effect of the refractive index change on the recorded signal. Two procedures are proposed, one physical (a simple equation to estimate the effect) and the other chemical (removal of the dissolved phosphorus with ferric hydroxide).Support for this work came from CICYT (MAR88-0245 project) and Conselleria de Pesca de la Xunta de GaliciaPeer reviewe

    White matter correlates of complex processing speed performance in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis

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    Background: Natalizumab (NTZ) exerts a positive impact on cognitive functions in Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis (RRMS). Little is known about the effect of Fingolimod (FIN) on these functions. Objectives: to compare the effect on cognitive functions of 1-year treatment with FIN or NTZ. Methods: All consecutive RRMS scheduled for treatment with NTZ or FIN underwent neuropsychological evaluations using the Brief Repeatable Battery, Stroop Test, Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS) and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) at baseline and every 12 months. A test was considered failed if the corresponding z-score was 2 standard deviation (SD) below the mean Italian normative values. The Cognitive Impairment Index (CII) as a measure of global cognitive function was calculated for each patient. Patients were propensity score (PS)-matched on a 1-to-1 basis at the time of treatment start using the following covariates: sex, age, prior treatment exposure, relapses prior the treatment, school education, and BDI score. The relapse risk during the treatment was estimated through a Poisson regression model. A generalized linear mixed model for repeated measures with an autoregressive variance-covariance structure was applied to evaluate changes in CII, the mean number of cognitive tests failed and FSS score at 1 year of treatment. Results: the effect of treatment on cognitive functions was evaluated in 62 matched RRMS patients receiving NTZ(n=31) or FIN(n=31). The relapse incidence was not significant different between the treatments (FIN vs NTZ: Incidence rate ratio=0.71, p=0.6). The mean±SD number of cognitive tests failed was significantly reduced only in FIN treated patients (2.8±2.2 vs 1.7±1.8, p=0.0014). The CII significantly improved in both groups (NAT 18.5±6.1 vs 14.5±6.1, p=0.0075; FIN 14.0±7.3 vs 11.5±7.5, p&lt; 0.0001), but there was not a significant interaction between group X time. The FSS was unchanged in both groups. Conclusions: Our results indicates, for the first time, that both NAT and FIN treatments significantly ameliorate cognitive functions in RRMS. Moreover, the effect on the number of tests failed suggest that FIN could have a greater impact on cognition than NTZ. The effect on cognition of these two drugs goes in parallel with the reduction of the relapse rate. This latter finding support the hypothesis that in the short-term, NTZ and FIN, exert a positive impact on cognition likely by means of their anti-inflammatory properties