275 research outputs found

    Critical properties and Bose Einstein Condensation in dimer spin systems

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    We analyze the spin relaxation time 1/T11/T_1 for a system made of weakly coupled one dimensional ladders.This system allows to probe the dimensional crossover between a Luttinger liquid and a Bose-Einstein condensateof magnons. We obtain the temperature dependence of 1/T11/T_1 in the various dimensional regimes, and discuss the experimental consequences.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX 4, 3 EPS figure

    Absence of Meissner State and Robust Ferromagnetism in the Superconducting State of UCoGe: Possible Evidence of Spontaneous Vortex State

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    We report ac magnetic susceptibility and dc magnetization measurements on the superconducting ferromagnet UCoGe (with superconducting and Curie temperatures of TSC0.5T_{{\rm SC}} \sim 0.5~K and TCurie2.5T_{{\rm Curie}} \sim 2.5~K, respectively). In the normal, ferromagnetic state (TSC<T<TCurieT_{{\rm SC}} < T < T_{{\rm Curie}}), the magnetization curve exhibits a hysteresis loop similar to that of a regular itinerant ferromagnet. Upon lowering the temperature below TSCT_{{\rm SC}}, the spontaneous magnetization is unchanged, but the hysteresis is markedly enhanced. Even deeply inside the superconducting state, ferromagnetism is not completely shielded, and there is no Meissner region, a magnetic field region of H<Hc1H < H_{\rm c1} (a lower critical field). From these results, we suggest that UCoGe is the first material in which ferromagnetism robustly survives in the superconducting state and a spontaneous vortex state without the Meissner state is realized.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, to be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Stoner gap in the superconducting ferromagnet UGe2

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    We report the temperature (TT) dependence of ferromagnetic Bragg peak intensities and dc magnetization of the superconducting ferromagnet UGe2 under pressure (PP). We have found that the low-TT behavior of the uniform magnetization can be explained by a conventional Stoner model. A functional analysis of the data produces the following results: The ferromagnetic state below a critical pressure can be understood as the perfectly polarized state, in which heavy quasiparticles occupy only majority spin bands. A Stoner gap Δ(P)\Delta(P) decreases monotonically with increasing pressure and increases linearly with magnetic field. We show that the present analysis based on the Stoner model is justified by a consistency check, i.e., comparison of density of states at the Fermi energy deduced from the analysis with observed electronic specific heat coeffieients. We also argue the influence of the ferromagnetism on the superconductivity.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Andreev reflection between a normal metal and the FFLO superconductor

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    We consider a process of the Andreev reflection between a normal metal and the s-wave superconductor in the FFLO state. It is shown that the process takes place if the energy of the incoming electron is bound within the finite interval called the Andreev window. The position of the window determines the value of the non-zero total momentum of Cooper pairs and the value of the gap

    Conventional Magnetic Superconductors: Coexistence of Singlet Superconductivity and Magnetic Order

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    The basic physics of bulk magnetic superconductors (MS) related to the problem of the coexistence of singlet superconductivity (SC) and magnetic order is reviewed. The interplay between exchange (EX) and electromagnetic (EM) interaction is discussed and argued that the singlet SC and uniform ferromagnetic (F) order practically never coexist. In case of their mutual coexistence the F order is modified into a domain-like or spiral structure depending on magnetic anisotropy. It turns out that this situation is realized in several superconductors such as ErRh4B4ErRh_{4}B_{4}, HoMo6S8HoMo_{6}S_{8}, HoMo6Se8HoMo_{6}Se_{8} with electronic and in AuIn2AuIn_{2} with nuclear magnetic order. The later problem is also discussed here. The coexistence of SC and antiferromagnetism is more favorable than with the modified F order. Very interesting physics is realized in systems with SC and weak-ferromagnetism which results in an very reach phase diagram. The properties of magnetic superconductors in magnetic field are very peculiar, especially near the (ferro)magnetic transition temperature where the upper critical field becomes smaller than the thermodynamical critical field. The extremely interesting physics of Josephson junctions based on MS with spiral magnetic order is also discussed. The existence of the triplet pairing amplitude FF_{\uparrow \uparrow} (FF_{\downarrow \downarrow}) in MS with rotating magnetization (the effect recently rediscovered in SFS junctions) gives rise to the so called π\pi -contact. Furthermore, the interplay of the superconducting and magnetic phase in such a contact renders possibilities for a new type of coupled Josephson-qubits.Comment: 28 pages, 3 figures; submitted for the Special Issue Comptes de l'Academie des Sciences: Problems of the Coexistence of Magnetism and Superconductivity, edited by A. Buzdi

    Ordered magnetic phases of the frustrated spin-dimer compound Ba3Mn2O8

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    Ba3Mn2O8 is a spin-dimer compound based on pairs of S=1, 3d^2, Mn^{5+} ions arranged on a triangular lattice. Antiferromagnetic intradimer exchange leads to a singlet ground state in zero-field. Here we present the first results of thermodynamic measurements for single crystals probing the high-field ordered states of this material associated with closing the spin gap to the excited triplet states. Specific heat, magnetocaloric effect, and torque magnetometry measurements were performed in magnetic fields up to 32 T and temperatures down to 20 mK. For fields above H_{c1} ~ 8.7 T, these measurements reveal a single magnetic phase for H parallel to c, but two distinct phases (approximately symmetric about the center of the phase diagram) for H perpendicular to c. Analysis of the simplest possible spin Hamiltonian describing this system yields candidates for these ordered states corresponding to a simple spiral structure for H parallel to c, and to two distinct modulated phases for H perpendicular to c. Both single-ion anisotropy and geometric frustration play crucial roles in defining the phase diagram.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figure

    Microscopic Coexistence of Ferromagnetism and Superconductivity in Single-Crystal UCoGe

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    Unambiguous evidence for the microscopic coexistence of ferromagnetism and superconductivity in UCoGe (TCurie2.5T_{\rm Curie} \sim 2.5 K and TSCT_{\rm SC} \sim 0.6 K) is reported from 59^{59}Co nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR). The 59^{59}Co-NQR signal below 1 K indicates ferromagnetism throughout the sample volume, while nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate 1/T11/T_1 in the ferromagnetic (FM) phase decreases below TSCT_{\rm SC} due to the opening of the superconducting(SC) gap. The SC state was found to be inhomogeneous, suggestive of a self-induced vortex state, potentially realizable in a FM superconductor. In addition, the 59^{59}Co-NQR spectrum around TCurieT_{\rm Curie} show that the FM transition in UCoGe possesses a first-order character, which is consistent with the theoretical prediction that the low-temperature FM transition in itinerant magnets is generically of first-order.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Neutron Scattering Study of Magnetic Ordering and Excitations in the Doped Spin Gap System Tl(Cu1x_{1-x}Mgx_x)Cl3_3

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    Neutron elastic and inelastic scattering measurements have been performed in order to investigate the spin structure and the magnetic excitations in the impurity-induced antiferromagnetic ordered phase of the doped spin gap system Tl(Cu1x_{1-x}Mgx_x)Cl3_3 with x=0.03x=0.03. The magnetic Bragg reflections indicative of the ordering were observed at Q=(h,0,l){\pmb Q}=(h, 0, l) with integer hh and odd ll below TN=3.45T_{\rm N}=3.45 K. It was found that the spin structure of the impurity-induced antiferromagnetic ordered phase on average in Tl(Cu1x_{1-x}Mgx_x)Cl3_3 with x=0.03x=0.03 is the same as that of the field-induced magnetic ordered phase for Hb{\pmb H} \parallel b in the parent compound TlCuCl3_3. The triplet magnetic excitation was clearly observed in the aa^*-cc^* plane and the dispersion relations of the triplet excitation were determined along four different directions. The lowest triplet excitation corresponding to the spin gap was observed at Q=(h,0,l){\pmb Q}=(h, 0, l) with integer hh and odd ll, as observed in TlCuCl3_3. It was also found that the spin gap increases steeply below TNT_{\rm N} upon decreasing temperature. This strongly indicates that the impurity-induced antiferromagnetic ordering coexists with the spin gap state in Tl(Cu1x_{1-x}Mgx_x)Cl3_3 with x=0.03x=0.03.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figures, 11 eps files, revtex style, will appear in Phys. Rev.

    Density of states of a layered S/N d-wave superconductor

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    We calculate the density of states of a layered superconductor in which there are two layers per unit cell. One of the layers contains a d-wave pairing interaction while the other is a normal metal. The goal of this article is to understand how the d-wave behaviour of the system is modified by the coupling between the layer-types. This coupling takes the form of coherent, single particle tunneling along the c-axis. We find that there are two physically different limits of behaviour, which depend on the relative locations of the Fermi surfaces of the two layer-types. We also discuss the interference between the interlayer coupling and pairing interaction and we find that this interference leads to features in the density of states.Comment: 33 pages and 11 PostScript figure